About BalonBalon was born in the worst of situations for one of his kind... inside a church of the anti-undead goddess of Death, Pharasma. His mother was the teenage daughter of one of the Pharasmin priestesses, who was unknowingly seduced and then dominated by a vampire, who would have drained her completely if her mother had not found them and sent the creature to its final death. The girl's mother couldn't bear to use the tinctures that would end the unborn half-undead child's life, as the head priestess had told her to do. So she snuck her pregnant daughter into a basement storage room of the church, bringing her food for weeks until she finally had the child. Once Balon's mother was healthy enough to leave, her mother gave her as much money as she could afford (only a few gold pieces) and had to send her away. As she was traveling on her way to Cheliax, where she knew her child would be more likely to have a decent life, when she was attacked and killed by a group of Urgathoan bandit-priests. They would have killed Balon as well, but his half-undead heritage stayed their hands, and they decided to raise Balon in their own church. Balon was always a good little ur-priest, ready to do anything his goddess required of her. He revels in the spread of "his goddess's holy gifts"... the diseases collected and spread by the church of Urgathoa. As he grew up, though, Balon found that he was not as radical as some of his fellow priests... he saw no reason to force his goddess's gifts on those who did not want them, and decided to strike out on his own, spreading positive messages about his "lovely" goddess, always asking permission before spreading a disease to anyone, telling them that his goddess's "gifts" would bring them closer to the perfection of the undead. While working for the Pathfinder Society, who saw his connections to the church of Urgathoa as useful, Balon recently experienced death during several different missions. After being resurrected, he realized that he had lost all the blessed diseases his patron goddess had bestowed upon him, and he decided that he would not like to experience true death again. More confident than ever that the road to undeath is the only road for him, Balon went to an underground Urgathoan cult hidden deep within Absalom, and was shown a new way to worship his patron goddess. Instead of channeling her fury into beams of energy, he found that he could begin to manipulate creatures' minds. He was also taught ways to draw the magical power out of items with relatively minor significance to Urgathoans, and make them much more powerful then they normally would be. Stats:
Balon (PFS # 44004-13) Male dhampir Occultist (Reliquarian) 5 N Medium humanoid (dhampir) Init +1; Senses Perception +8 DEFENSE
OFFENSE [Physical enhancment: Strength +2]
Occultist spells prepared (treated as Divine) (Concentration +7)
Occultist implements (9 points/day)
Domain spell-like abilities (Concentration +7)
Racial spell-like ability
wand, infernal healing (40 charges)
onyx gems, 25 gp each x4 MW chain mail
Temp gear:
Elixir - comprehend languages 1 hour Snake water - cure moderate wounds Chronicle boons:
Affliction immunity [PERM] - Immune to filth fever Explore, Report, Cooperate [ONCE] - Use to confirm with GM on positive or negative consequences of particular action Friend of Janira [PERM] - +1 Knowledge checks while in Grand Lodge Image of Imminent Opportunity [PERM] - Once per level of Thornkeep, +2 to single initiative or attack roll Exemplar of Falcon's Hollow [PERM] - +1 to Charisma-based skills against citizens of Andoran Hero of the Fey [ONCE] - Auto-succeed one Charisma-based check against a fey creature Mendevian Commendation [PERM] - +1 Charisma-based skill and ability checks to influence crusaders of Mendev The Favor of Cartahegn [PERM] - When in Garund, purchase mundane equipment at 10% discount Changing Circumstances [ONCE] - Replace one trait with a faction trait. New Recruits [ONCE, USED] - New PC gains extra faction trait (Gave to -31) Old Loyalties [ONCE] - Reduce prestige cost of a vanity by Fame/10 (min 0) Twin Tomes [ONCE] - Spend 1 PP to gain either Celestial or Infernal as a bonus language Niche specialist (haunts) [PERM or ONCE] - +2 on all saves, skill checks to notice, and initiative checks during surprise rounds against haunts. Cross off to reroll one of these with a +2 bonus. Sky Citadel Reclaimer (Sight of the Unseeing) [PERM or ONCE] - +1 insight bonus to AC and on saves when flat-footed or during surprise round. Cross off to add 1d6 before rolling, or to subtract 1d6 from divination percent. Pathfinder's Excellence (Magic) [TWICE] - Roll twice for a caster level check or concentration checks to cast a spell in an impeded area. Aspic suffer a -2 penalty on saves against the spell. Pathfinder's Excellence (Resilience) [TWICE] - As Swift, gain temp hit points equal to 1d8 + 2x character level. Last 10 min. While in effect, gain DR 2/- vs. Aspis. Alternately heal 1d2 ability damage. Has played:
#5-08 The Confirmation Thornkeep The Accursed Halls #55 The Infernal Vault #43 The Pallid Plague #5-22 Scars of the Third Crusade #2-01 Before the Dawn P1 The Bloodcove Disguise #5-99 The Paths We Choose #51 The City of Strangers P1 The Shadow Gambit #6-08 The Segang Expedition #3-06 Song of the Sea Witch #6-00 Legacy of the Stonelords #3-25 Storming the Diamond Gate #6-97 Siege of Serpents |