[PFS] DM Kludde's ongoing soul harvesting: recruitment for Low-Level PFS games (Inactive)

Game Master Kludde


Continuous recruitment for PFS games. Sign up for games in the list above. Please only sign up for one game at a time, so everybody gets a go.

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Kind of depends on how well I like running it :). If the group is nice, and they enjoy it as well, I can certainly be convinced to do so.

The chronicle structure is set up such that you can do it with a PFS character, and still do all the level back to back (unlike some APs, where you have to fill in gaps).


I'm in for short or long. Just updated his sheet, should be up to date now.

#10 on the list, hopefully that's close enough to the top.

Sovereign Court

Is there anything social going on in the tower or is it all just dungeon crawling and trap disabling etc?

There is - on a technicality - one social encounter in the first level. And it's full of goblins, so expect Loongshaaaanks! and other insults. Other than that, it's a dungeon, so expect a dungeon crawl. From what I've read/prepared, the quality is pretty good, though.


I will throw my name on the list and see where it lands.

Shadow Lodge

I will throw my hat into the ring for this one too, it looks tasty. When are you planning on running it Kludde? Curretly all my characters are in games but I should have someone avaible soon.

Hmm since it will be so much dungeon crawling I will make a dual wielding slayer. They seem perfect for this.

The caster that I had in mind is extremely social and so many spells would be useless in a constant dungeon environment I fear.

Will start creating the toon and report back to you Kludde!

Depending on interest, I can start as soon as sunday/monday.

I've got
1. Kyshkumen (GM Credit)
2. Merck (#8)
3. Talathel (#9)
4. Skaarr (#10)
5. Papasteve08 (#40, contacted by PM)

So, there's still an open spot...

Sovereign Court

Can 6th spot be Jalik Daweri (1/2 elf lvl 1 Bloodrager)... Horef #4 is in another campaign..

Sure, as long as Jalik himself is not in another game.

That makes the table:
1. Kyshkumen (GM Credit)
2. Jalik (#4)
3. Merck (#8)
4. Talathel (#9)
5. Skaarr (#10)
6. Papasteve08 (#40, contacted by PM)

Seeing as how mostly everyone is high up on the recruitment list, the selection seems pretty definite. I'll put the thread up tomorrow.

Still a little undecided as I really like the versatility casters have over straight up fighters :S. Putting my thinking cap on. Might come around with a shield brawler or something :P.
Any idea what classes everyone is playing?


I will have a better idea on Sunday or Monday after I get a look at my ACG and what boon I get on Saturday.

Dark Archive

Jolly here, Ok decided to make a kitsune sylvan sorcerer with an animal companion. so I have some tankyness and spells :). Focussing on enchantments a lot for some charming suggesting fun later on.

Bah, missed the boat on this one.

I'm in the same boat Rycky, just missed it.

If there is a wait list, I would like to be on it. Should I get into the game, drop me a PM :)

Sad I missed it though :( lol

Sorry to all those who missed the call. I'll see if I can open a second table sometime soon (dungeon crawls tend to a bit easier to run that the very social scenarios). I do have to free some capacity, though.

To the players that did make the cut: please give acte de presence here:
Emerald Spire Superdungeon

Grand Lodge

I am up for a low-level game if you start a new table. Thanks!

Silver Crusade

#47 checking it. I'd be interested as well.

Grand Lodge

Dotting to keep my place in line (currently 23?)

I would really like to run this character through Confirmation if anyone is planning to run one soon.


Same here.

Any idea why my spot in line was lost? Been waiting to be called out for 2-3 months now. I was still on it last week. Today, my name is no longer on the list.

I think some people make errors when adding their information onto the list. I know a few weeks ago I went from line 27 to line 35; so I just took my name off of the list.

@gossamar4: didn't you participate in one of the Confirmation runs I did last month?

@Deane, everyone: I'm sorry to see is not quite functioning the way it should. With 50+ people editing the thing, something is bound to go wrong at some point. I care deeply, and I've been thinking about how to improve things. I've got several alternatives in mind:

- Do nothing: the cheapest in terms of effort for me, but current vulnerabilities will stay. Things have been kind of messy lately, and the waiting list is turning out to be long, which also leads to people losing interest.

- Do a Flaxseed-style sign-up list. I create a list of game that I will be (or could be) running in the near future, and people can sign up. The waiting list would effectively be replaced by a two-week-or-so planning ahead of scenarios. Other GMs are already doing this (in the aforementioned Flaxseed lodge). It would be a good way to have centralised recruitment, so for players it's still better than hunting the recruitment boards for games.

- Close the list for editing, and update everything myself: would eliminate a lot of troubles, but I would have no more time to run games :(

- Code up a fancy web app. I've been toying with this idea, but I'm not sure if it would catch on.

I'm very much attracted to option #2, so that might be where it's headed...

I was able to get into one that you ran through to get tieflings and assamars gradfathered in. it started july 2.

That was great, but I had 3 characters waiting on the list prior to that.

This is not meant to be complaining, or whining. I really like that you got an oraganized system for giving everyone a chance to play, and definately hope you keep it going. I'm sure it's a lot of work for something your doing voluntarily.

I was more concerned that since my name was on the list for so long that it somehow "timed out".

Oh its not a big deal and I'm complaining either; and I don't think anyone intentionally bumped me down the list. I just think some people aren't as familiar as others with entering data into spreadsheets.

Shadow Lodge

This is just my opinion but the main advantage of the current sistem is that it keeps a pool of players for multiple DMs to recruit from. As I have seen it happen a couple of times already.

Not sure a Flaxseed-style sign-up list would be able to keep that same functionality. But then maybe that is not really necessary.

Grand Lodge

Seems to me the real question is;

How many characters can I as a player have on the list at one time?

Am I allowed to be on the list if I have a character currently in play?

How many people on the list know the answers to these questions?

Based on what I have seen and heard; I'm not sure I know the answers.

This is just my 2 copper, but the way I assumed it worked was my name is on the list, and slowly but surely makes its way up to the top. As soon as I am recruited for a game (or get in on an open recruitment opportunity through this thread) my name gets taken back off the list. as soon as the game is over, I put my name back on the list.

And in the meantime, I actively search the recruitment threads for PFS games. The way I understood it was my name wouldn't come off the list unless I was put into a game from the list. I would assume that you go back to the end of the line if your name is called, and you shouldn't get to stay at the top until all of your characters get selected for games. Player, not character... if that makes sense.

Additionally, I would expect that if my name was called, and I was a "no call no show" my name should be taken off the list, and the only ones taking names off the list should be the GMs who are recruiting from it. (ie a GM deletes the names who joined the game, and the names who "no showed" when their name was called)

Hopefully that makes things clearer, not more muddy. That was always my understanding.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
DM Kludde wrote:

@gossamar4: didn't you participate in one of the Confirmation runs I did last month?

@Deane, everyone: I'm sorry to see is not quite functioning the way it should. With 50+ people editing the thing, something is bound to go wrong at some point. I care deeply, and I've been thinking about how to improve things. I've got several alternatives in mind:

- Do nothing: the cheapest in terms of effort for me, but current vulnerabilities will stay. Things have been kind of messy lately, and the waiting list is turning out to be long, which also leads to people losing interest.

- Do a Flaxseed-style sign-up list. I create a list of game that I will be (or could be) running in the near future, and people can sign up. The waiting list would effectively be replaced by a two-week-or-so planning ahead of scenarios. Other GMs are already doing this (in the aforementioned Flaxseed lodge). It would be a good way to have centralised recruitment, so for players it's still better than hunting the recruitment boards for games.

- Close the list for editing, and update everything myself: would eliminate a lot of troubles, but I would have no more time to run games :(

- Code up a fancy web app. I've been toying with this idea, but I'm not sure if it would catch on.

I'm very much attracted to option #2, so that might be where it's headed...

You could do a google form that people fill out. The form results go to a spreadsheet. You could then share the spread sheet for viewing only. This allows people to enter their info (through the form) and see it on the spreadsheet (but not edit it there).

Forms are very easy.

Other GMs could be given editing ability too.

What you want is a Google Form instead of a Spreadsheet. I see RyanH has already suggested this, so I'll just share a link.



The reason, gossamar4, that you are not on the list is because you played in the Confirmation game. You as a player, are on the list. When you, as a player, get into a game, you are then removed from the list. Having multiple characters does not give you multiple chances to move up the list. In other words, I believe Papasteve08 is correct.

Ah, forms. That exactly the kind of low-tech (of sorts) solution I was looking for. I'm going to play with this a bit.

Grand Lodge

@Papasteve: That's how I understood it as well.

Something I have noticed is that when games are placed in an "Open Recruitment" status, a lot of "regulars" (typically with characters in other sessions from this thread) jump on the opportunity to get a second or more characters into games. While I do not believe this is contrary to the design of the system, I do feel it violates the intent.

If you are playing a game, it would seem to me, that you should be polite and give others a few hours, perhaps a day, to submit for an open recruitment post.

Brother Bear wrote:

@Papasteve: That's how I understood it as well.

Something I have noticed is that when games are placed in an "Open Recruitment" status, a lot of "regulars" (typically with characters in other sessions from this thread) jump on the opportunity to get a second or more characters into games. While I do not believe this is contrary to the design of the system, I do feel it violates the intent.

If you are playing a game, it would seem to me, that you should be polite and give others a few hours, perhaps a day, to submit for an open recruitment post.

There is nothing in Kludde's posts indicating what his intent about having players in more than one game is. Certainly the is nothing included to punish a player for being active on the boards. Most DM's prefer to run games for players who are very active in posting...games die because people don't post. Saying someone should wait for a day before applying for an open game is counterproductive to the whole PbP environment.

Grand Lodge

@Gerald: It was not my intent to describe anyone's intentions. I was expressing an opinion based on personal observation.

@DM Kludde: this looks awesome, thanks for setting it up.

I'm a total newbie to Pathfinder and PFS (though have played and DM'd AD&D and 3.5 for many years) so have a question: I just played my first PFS scenario this week, face-to-face. Can I add this character to the recruitment list or do I need a separate character dedicated to PbP?

You can mix and match face-to-face with PbP. However, I believe you cannot use the same character in both simultaneously, so a character in a PbP game cannot be used in a face-to-face match.


I can take that one for you. Feel free to add your current character to the recruitment list. Just be prepared to show your chronicle sheet to the GM who eventually pulls your name off the list. (scanned to PDF works well, I am sure there are many other options)

Scarab Sages

Posting to express my interest. I have put myself of the list

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber

So long as DM Kludde doesn't mind, i'd like to take a group of 5 (or 6 for drop outs)

My idea is to have a long-term team of PFS characters that start together at level 1 and progress up as a group. I'd like to link the stories together with a bit of campaign-style threads rather than just random adventures.

The path would start with Master of the Fallen Fortress, then First Steps, and end Level 1 with the Confirmation. We would go from there, but the scenarios would tie together either by story or geography to makes sense.

To run MoFF, this must be the first PFS adventure for a given character. They can't have run any PFS before. If you've played the early adventures, don't have a new character, or don't want to participate, just let me know and we'll move down the list.

I'll notify the first on the list and work down until we have a suitable group of 5-6.

If I read the list correctly the initial 6 will be:
1) Mighty Beowulf
2) Pathetic Wretch
3) Horef
4) TheStrongAngel
5) Nightfiend
6) Karrion

I will send out PM's to see if these are interested.

Scarab Sages

I'd love to go, DM DoctorEvil. I have a new druid with 0 xp. This is PatheticWretch on the list.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber

You are in Wretch/Silverback. I haven't had time to contact all the others, but will do so tonight.

Perhaps looking at a mid-week (or later) start.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber

PM's sent to the others on the list. They have 24 hours to respond or I'll move on down to the next victim on the list until we fill the table with 6.

DM DoctorEvil I am interested in joining. I will work out a character tonight seeing we will be starting at level 1, 0/0. Is there any preference on character class/ race?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber
Nightfiend wrote:
DM DoctorEvil I am interested in joining. I will work out a character tonight seeing we will be starting at level 1, 0/0. Is there any preference on character class/ race?

So far only Silverback (above) has given his class preference of druid. Get in early and get your favorite...Since it's PFS, we'll just run what shows up at the table, up to you guys to optimize the party effectively.

Locked In
1. PatheticWretch - Silverback - Druid
2 Horef - unknown
3. Nightfiend - unknown

Clock Running on
1. Mighty Beowulf
2. TheStrongAngel
3. Karrion

If you somehow get to me, #46, drop me a PM :)

I put my name on the list; interested in playing a druid aspirant when there is space available.


@DM DoctorEvil Sounds fun! I'll roll up a new char of whatever class the group needs for class balance.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber

Had 4 respond and confirm spots. Will be looking for two more.

Next on the list
1) Merck
2) Jolly Roger

If you guys are interested in starting PFS characters (0 xp) then please drop me a line.

Locked in
1. PatheticWretch - Silverback - Druid
2. Horef - unknown
3. Nightfiend - Aarion Belanor - Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer)
4. Karrion - unknown

Link for ongoing campaign is here if you want to post in the Discussion tab. We will start once we have a full boat.


I think Merck and Jolly Roger are both in the Emerald Spire and Kludde forgot to take them off the list.

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