[PFS] DM Kludde's ongoing soul harvesting: recruitment for Low-Level PFS games (Inactive)

Game Master Kludde


Continuous recruitment for PFS games. Sign up for games in the list above. Please only sign up for one game at a time, so everybody gets a go.

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I've updated the sheet...thx!

It seems the selection is gravitation towards veteran's vault now. That's nice, I haven't done that one yet...

I have filled in as well. I only have characters of level 1 and 2, so would prefer to play a lower tier scenario. Veteran's Vault is fine with me. I see also that none of us have played Severing Ties.

Liberty's Edge

I put 2s on all the low level scenarios that noone put a 0 on. I don't really care which one of them is picked though, I am good with any of them.

Calling out the next six for Black Waters.

Justin Harrell 615
Brox Red-Gloves

You have 24 hours to respond (preferably via PM so as not to generate too much noise in this thread) before I move down the list. If you do not want to join this game but want to stay on the list for another game, let me know that as well.

--- Table full ---
1. OnelungBL
2. PatheticWretch
3. cartmanbeck
4. The Little King
5. Crashwheeler
6. Nazard

Based on the player's selections and my own preferences, I'm going to go with Veteran's Vault (4-18). All players, please dot in the discussion thread here, and we'll start as soon as everyone is in

Scarab Sages

I just posted on the spreadsheet. Looking forward to trying Pathfinder Society PbP!

My thanks to the victims players who are joining me in a jaunt through Black Waters.

Justin Harrell 615
Brox Red-Gloves

Lantern Lodge

Was away for the weekend, I'll catch the next one.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Any new low level games starting up? I have 2 1st lvl characters that could use some adventure time!

I lost my spot (my fault) on the last round...do I need to get to the end of the line, or do I retain my place in line?

I've put you back on the list, I'll call you when the next game opens.

Thx so much...sorry for the mixup. :(

I can't vault you. couldn't resist


I have one more spot open for a game of 6-01 Trial by machine (Tier 1-2), and about three spots for 5-99 The Paths we choose. Since I need them filled somewhat quickly, they're open for the first to respond.

For 5-99, you'll need a character in the level range 3-7, and of a specific faction. I'm running two tables, and I have one spot on a Osirion/Taldor/Silver Crusade table and two spots on a Grand Lodge/Andoran/??? table. If you want to join, please note the faction(s) of your characters(s), so I can do the right kind of shuffling around.

Silver Crusade

Silver Crusade for 5-99 is here

Ok, Maeglin, you can head straight to this thread and join the fray there. We're still waiting for one more player to confirm, after which we'll kick off.

Liberty's Edge

I have an Andoran for 5-99.

Scarab Sages

lvl 7 Osirion cleric if there's still room available

Grand Lodge

I'll stick my level 2 sorcerer hand up for 6-01 if you still need someone.

I will fill the other spot for Trial by Machine if still open

@Kargen: I'll put you down for table 2, please proceed directly here to dot in.

@Hailey: You're in as well, but I need to get the final word on a reserved player what faction he wants to play (which determines the table he will be on).

More spots might open for 5-99, though I have none right now.

6-01 is full at the moment, but I'll keep the additional interest in mind for when I have more capacity.

Scarab Sages

k, I'll just wait till you tell me where to go then

Oh, and I forgot:

@Cacumattus: you'll find the discussion and gameplay threads for 6-01 here. Feel free to sign in.

Liberty's Edge

Can I get on the list for future low tier games?

Silver Crusade

If you get a drop on 06-01 I'd be keen.

Scarab Sages

I'd like to play 5-99 with this character. Lvl 7 Osirion. Preferred in high tier :).

Liberty's Edge

Any room for a level 1 new char. Wanted to run the Slayer class. Low tier game. I also have a higher level 3 available. Been playing pathfinder for a long time. Have not played official PFS games since 2011. Looking to get back into the fold. Hope to hear from you


Since one of my games in starting it's final encounter I am going to start recruitment for my next game. The following players please fill out the form here.

Guccui Flipper Coon

If you are not familiar with this check list you just need to fill in your name at the top of a blank column. Then go down the list of scenarios and put 0 for played or not interested, 1 for interested and 2 for very interested. I am only looking for five players and one spot is reserved at this point.

Edit: If you are new to this thread and you would like to get in on a game there is a link to the wait list above the top of the thread. It is also a good idea to dot the game play thread and keep an eye on the thread as there are some open recruitment spots that open up.

@Hailey: Please proceed to This table

@Tyrion: Please proceed to the same table. Right now we're at APL 4.8, so that may just get us in the high tier.

I still have one spot available for 5-99 The paths we choose. Currently we have Osirion, Andoran and Grand Lodge as factions, and we could use a PC that tips the table solidly into high tier territory.


Best I have is a level 5 Osirion monk.

Liberty's Edge

If you are trying to do one of the tables at high tier DM Kludde I think the easiest solution would be to move me and Kargen to table one and bring Rysalius and Percy to table two.

Edit: Nevermind, I have been told you are suppose to have 3 different factions on the table.


FYI, 5-99 The Paths We Choose need not be limited to 3 factions. It is possible to gain all allotted prestige even if the table has four or more factions represented.

The down side to having more than 3 factions is that there will be one or more players that do not get to witness their factions' evolution.

Kuddos to Kludde for trying to work you all into appropriate tables.

@Kyshkumen: The level 5 Osirion monk would work, that would put APL at 4.8. With six players, we'd play high tier at party-of-four rules. If you're interested, proceed to here


Moving along with recruitment.


Please check in by filling in a column on this sheet here.


Looks like we are going to do 2-11 The Penumbral Accords. Waiting on one more to confirm. If I do not get a replay by Monday morning I will put the last spot up for open recruitment.

Dark Archive

Kyshkumen wrote:
Looks like we are going to do 2-11 The Penumbral Accords. Waiting on one more to confirm. If I do not get a replay by Monday morning I will put the last spot up for open recruitment.

If you end up still needing a player, I have a newly rolled up kitsune bard I would love to test out.

Added in a brand new, shiny Bolt Ace to the list.


No word from the 5th player so I will take the next poster who would like to play 2-11 The Penumbral Accords.

Silver Crusade

Reesa would be game. 1st level sorcerer.


@Reesa I believe you are already in one of Kludde's games and I'd like to get someone that isn't currently playing right now.

Silver Crusade

Very true, K. That makes sense. Good luck with the Accords!

Dark Archive

@Kyshkumen, 1st level Bard here, ready to join if the slot is still available.


Genkuro I have sent you a link via PM. Reesa thanks for understanding and I will try to be more specific in my future requests.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Signing up to play some low-level PFS with my new brawler. Info on the list.

I'd love to try my hands at the Emerald Superdungeon, so I'll start a table for the first level.

I'm calling everybody on the list, and will give priority to the highest rankers.

DMK's Emerald Spire Superdungeon Level I: The tower ruins (Tier 1-2)

Sovereign Court

Jolly Roger here

Will you be going up the entire superdungeon?

I can transform this guy into a PFS character to fill the arcane spot :).

Otherwise I got a paladin archer still available.



Skaarr is ready for a super dungeon.

This is a great idea, thanks for setting it up and thanks to all the GMs who are making it happen.
Adding my name to the list.
Happy gaming.

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