Michael Johnson 66 |

And so, our heroes, The Lusty Fools, return triumphant to The Inn of the Cave, not far from the cathedral, to rest, enjoy a hot meal, strong drinks, and the company of comely wenches....
It is about 2:00 in the afternoon when the party arrives and picks out seats at a table near the fireplace and the stage, where a trio of colorfully garbed troubadours is playing a lively mazurka....

Wench Bettina |

Bettina smiles warmly at Paddy and his friends as she brings a tray with a carafe of red wine and a flagon of cold ale, along with a mug for each of them....
In French: Ah, bonjour, Monsieur Paddy! Bonjour, friends of Monsieur Paddy! It's good to see you again! You left rather abruptly a few nights ago, when the bell in Notre Dame crashed down.... Did you brave sirs deal with those troublesome gremlins and gargoyles? I heard this morning that all was back to normal at the cathedral.... Oh, and I have been holding a package for you, Monsieur Paddy, given to my care by a mysterious stranger who bid me give it to you on your return to The Cave.... I shall fetch it from my room.... Perhaps you'd care to join me for a moment there, Monsieur Paddy? Bettina gives Paddy a wink that seems to imply that she intends for Paddy to join her in her room for longer than just a moment, and for more than simply handing over a package....

Courier Marcell |

A young Frenchman in the livery of a courier arrives around 3:00 PM at Notre Dame cathedral's library, where Iommi-Tyr is deep in research....
In French: I beg your pardon, sir, but I have been hired by a rather mysterious lady, who would not give her name, to deliver this small parcel to a Monsieur Iommi-Tyr Magnusson. I am told that you are he, sir.... says the courier, nodding at Iommi-Tyr and handing him the pouch.... He then bows, wishes Iommi-Tyr a good day, and quickly departs the cathedral library....
Inside the pouch is an acorn-sized lump of garnet, which seems to softly glow in the candlelight....

Wench Bettina |

Bettina leads Paddy upstairs to the wenches' dormitory, which is currently unoccupied, as all four wenches are on duty in the taproom at the moment.... She bars the door, then favors Paddy with a lascivious grin before untying the top of her blouse and drawing closer to the handsome Irishman....
A half hour later.... Bettina and Paddy put their clothes back on, and the pretty wench pulls a leather satchel from under her bed, and hands it to Paddy....
In French: I resisted the urge to open it for as long as I could, as the gentleman who bid me give it to you warned me that it was for your eyes only.... But eventually, my curiosity was too great.... I beg your pardon for peeking.... It is a most unusual garment of some kind, either a cloak or a robe, I think.... Covered with a variety of different kinds of eye-like patterns.... Very strange, but I should think you would cut a dashing figure even in so odd a garment, my handsome lover! Bettina punctuates her explanation with a kiss on Paddy's lips....
Opening the satchel, Paddy removes a long tunic or robe of forest green, covered with dozens of stylized eye-like patterns--some like cat's eyes, some like bird's eyes, some like serpent's eyes, and some like human eyes....
When he dons this tunic, Paddy is amazed to find that he can "see" through the many eyes on the magical garment, giving him 360-degree vision, and that the shadowy corners of the wenches' dormitory seem to brighten as though the room were fully lit by sunlight!
It is a tunic-shaped robe of eyes.... Not as long as a normal robe, but better suited to Paddy's style and need for mobility!

Michael Johnson 66 |

With some help from Father Renaud, Iommi-Tyr discovers that the magic lump of garnet is, in fact, a luck stone
Left to wonder what mysterious benefactor has gifted him with so potent a magic item, and why, Iommi-Tyr secures the lucky stone in his belt pouch, where it immediately begins to impart its magical good luck to the young Norseman!

Michael Johnson 66 |

At around 5:30 PM, the taproom at The Cave grows busier as a crowd of locals finished with their day's labors, and travelers seeking a hot meal, strong drinks, and a warm bed for the night arrive....
A motley crowd has gathered this evening, including some who are clearly foreigners from distant lands (Moorish and Egyptian traders come to Paris to do business in her markets), a band of sullen dwarves from The Kingdom Under the Mountains (under the Bavarian Alps) come to sell the finely wrought jewelry, armor, and weapons forged in their subterranean shops and forges, and even a small group of wood elves from The Black Forest (come to behold the splendors of "The City of Lights")....

Saint Michael the Archangel |

At around 6:00, as The Lusty Fools are dining on garlic-roasted lamb, Brie cheese, crusty baguettes, and warm truffle soup, washed down with red wine or cold ale, their table is approached by a tall, extremely handsome man clad in the robe and turban of an Arab, carrying a rather magnificent-looking scythe in his hands....
He bows before Alphonse....
Shalom, Squire Alphonse! I am called Michael, and I have journeyed a long way to bring you a gift from Prester John, the greatest King in all Christendom! Give your old scythe to some farmer, sir, for you shall never have need of any other than this one I bring for you!
The tall, handsome stranger hands over his scythe to Alphonse.... It has a haft of gold-plated oak, inlaid with hundreds of precious and semi-precious gemstones that glitter in the firelight, and has a crescent blade that looks like it's forged of some unknown silvery alloy, engraved with strange arcane symbols and elaborate knot-like designs, and honed to a razor-sharp keenness!
It is named Foereaper, but you may call it whatever name pleases you, sir....
Foereaper is a +1 vorpal scythe!

Michael Johnson 66 |

Now each of The Lusty Fools has his god-given gift.... Go out and use them to do great deeds! The gp value of these gifts should not be counted when calculating how much wealth in gear each PC carries, as they obviously far exceed your current wealth-by-level limits.... These are divine gifts that it will take many levels for the PCs to "earn"....

Michael Johnson 66 |

Night falls over Paris, and The Lusty Fools soon begin to feel the rigors of the past few days of adventuring beginning to catch up with them.... The thought of warm beds becomes ever more appealing as the night grows later....
Paddy is discreetly invited to sleep in Bettina's bed that night, and the others, obviously known to the Innkeeper and patrons as the heroes who righted the wrongs at Notre Dame cathedral and brought the evil Necromancer and his minions to justice, are offered two free rooms at the inn for the next few nights, compliments of Innkeeper Jean Hostelier....

Paddy |

Ah, ma chere Bettina...I wish I could take you away and start a life together. But there is a calling, with these others...I can't explain it. It is a sense of...purpose, I suppose. For once in my life, I have a direction. But, you are my inspiration for now. ma petite fleur....
Ye gods, I suck at this stuff...lol
this robe...it was delivered here for me? How strange...I know not who could have sent it. It is rather fetching, non? I think it accentuates my eyes, n'est-ce pas? Paddy grins as he models his new robe for Bettina
Me last robe didn't fare well...a few bite marks and cuts...I fear the life or an adventurer is hard on the wardrobe...

Alphonse Veritas |

At around 6:00, as The Lusty Fools are dining on garlic-roasted lamb, Brie cheese, crusty baguettes, and warm truffle soup, washed down with red wine or cold ale, their table is approached by a tall, extremely handsome man clad in the robe and turban of an Arab, carrying a rather magnificent-looking scythe in his hands....
He bows before Alphonse....
Shalom, Squire Alphonse! I am called Michael, and I have journeyed a long way to bring you a gift from Prester John, the greatest King in all Christendom! Give your old scythe to some farmer, sir, for you shall never have need of any other than this one I bring for you!
The tall, handsome stranger hands over his scythe to Alphonse.... It has a haft of gold-plated oak, inlaid with hundreds of precious and semi-precious gemstones that glitter in the firelight, and has a crescent blade that looks like it's forged of some unknown silvery alloy, engraved with strange arcane symbols and elaborate knot-like designs, and honed to a razor-sharp keenness!
It is named Foereaper, but you may call it whatever name pleases you, sir....
Foereaper is a +1 vorpal scythe!
Alphonse takes the beautiful scythe in hand.
"It is magnificent, sir, but what have I done to earn such a lavish gift?"
"Excuse my suspicion, but given what I have recently faced, I must know. This will cause no harm to you."
Alphonse's eyes glow white and he studies Michael's aura.
Detect Evil, Move action.
Also is the "silvery alloy" just what it looks like, or is it a special material? It's unclear.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Saint Michael the Archangel wrote:At around 6:00, as The Lusty Fools are dining on garlic-roasted lamb, Brie cheese, crusty baguettes, and warm truffle soup, washed down with red wine or cold ale, their table is approached by a tall, extremely handsome man clad in the robe and turban of an Arab, carrying a rather magnificent-looking scythe in his hands....
He bows before Alphonse....
Shalom, Squire Alphonse! I am called Michael, and I have journeyed a long way to bring you a gift from Prester John, the greatest King in all Christendom! Give your old scythe to some farmer, sir, for you shall never have need of any other than this one I bring for you!
The tall, handsome stranger hands over his scythe to Alphonse.... It has a haft of gold-plated oak, inlaid with hundreds of precious and semi-precious gemstones that glitter in the firelight, and has a crescent blade that looks like it's forged of some unknown silvery alloy, engraved with strange arcane symbols and elaborate knot-like designs, and honed to a razor-sharp keenness!
It is named Foereaper, but you may call it whatever name pleases you, sir....
Foereaper is a +1 vorpal scythe!
Alphonse takes the beautiful scythe in hand.
"It is magnificent, sir, but what have I done to earn such a lavish gift?"
"Excuse my suspicion, but given what I have recently faced, I must know. This will cause no harm to you."
Alphonse's eyes glow white and he studies Michael's aura.
Detect Evil, Move action.
Also is the "silvery alloy" just what it looks like, or is it a special material? It's unclear.
It is also adamantite. Sorry for the ambiguity.

Saint Michael the Archangel |

You do the work of Our Lord, as does Prester John.... He admires your courage in the face of dangerous evils.... He sees the struggle you make against the enemies of God.... And he wishes to help you in your struggle against The Prince of Darkness, Satan.... King Prester John is fabulously wealthy, more wealthy than any of the princes and potentates of Europa and Asia.... God hath blessed him so.... Thus, he wishes to give back to God in this way.... To aid His humble crusaders in their various causes....
The handsome, turbaned messenger and deliverer of Foereaper smiles an enigmatic smile at Alphonse....
Thou shalt come to understandeth better in time yet to come, my good sir....
The man winks at Alphonse and turns to leave, striding elegantly out the main door and disappearing into the evening crowd on the streets of the Isle....

Alphonse Veritas |

Not a problem. It's awesome either way. =)
Alphonse looks puzzled, and opens his mouth to call after the man, but thinks better of it.
I get the feeling this is better left unquestioned for now.

The Witch of Eye |

Meanwhile, in a secret, bonfire-lit cavern under the Duchy of Glouster, Margary Jouredemayne, the Witch of Eye Next Westminster, nibbles upon a wax effigy-doll symbolizing the young King Henry VI of England....

Alphonse Veritas |

Alphonse will rest for the evening, indulging in a glass of wine (or two, or three) in the inn's common room with anyone who cares to join him.
Tomorrow, he will take care of necessary business and equipment purchases, and by the third day Iommi should be done with his research, and ready to head out to battle evil!

King Henry VI of England |

In his palatial bedchamber in London, young Henry tosses violently in his bed, moaning and wailing pitifully as if being tortured, much to the horror and despair of his nursemaids, who can find no succor for the poor boy King.
He cries for his mother, Catherine of Valois, but she is not present to comfort her son....

Orcking Jurraug Festering Wound |

At the same time, many leagues to the east, in the verdant hills of the Italian peninsula, Orcking Jurraug of the Festering Wound tribe leads his savage kin in attacking a little village a league from Napoli....
In Orcish: Burn it AFTER ye loot, ye stupid maggots, and ye won't catch yourselves a-fire! Do I have to tell ye how to do EVERYTHING, ye dimwits!?
The scarred and grizzled Orcking snarls and shakes his head in irritation as he watches his tribe blunder through yet another village-sacking....

Goblinking Hurrkitz Face Peeler |

Whilst elsewhere in Italia, outside the city walls of Parma, to be exact, Goblinking Hurrkitz of the Face Peeler tribe leads his stealthy Face Peeler bugbears, hobgoblins, and goblins in a night time scouting mission to assess Parma's defenses, and engage in some sabotage, if possible....
Crawling on their bellies through the high grass that grows to either side of the ancient road, they approach the city wall, unseen by the watchmen with their torches posted on the high tops of the walls....
Whispered in Goblinish to his lieutenants (who whisper it to the next goblin behind them, and so on, until the goblins in the rear receive a rather different message altogether): Shoot poisonous arrows at the watchmen.... But NOT until I give the signal....
Soon, the goblins in the rear, who got something along the lines of: "boot boys and us errors.... But SHOUT before he gives the signal!", decide instead to shoot poisonous arrows at the watchmen, while shouting!

Orcking Jurraug Festering Wound |

Some time later, after the village outside Napoli has been reduced to smoking rubble, and all the villagers have either fled, been slain, or taken captive and bound hand and foot....
In Orcish: The fire-dragon will roast the lot of us for his breakfast if we don't shape up, boys! .... Your performance out there was bloody awful! Half of ye burnt yourselves already with the bloody torches, and the other half is nearly dead from drinking too much of the pink-skins' bloody wine! .... And Luthgor, what the bloody Hell was that business with the pigs? Can't ye wait till we've done killin' everyone and have slaughtered and cooked the bloody pigs before ye start gorging your fat, ugly face!?
Luthgor looks down sadly, and spits out the raw pig haunch he had in his jaws....
We must shape up, or be burnt up, I'll garauntee ye that! ....So NO MORE STUPID S@+%!! Got it!?

Goblinking Hurrkitz Face Peeler |

Some time later, after a good portion of the Face Peeler goblins have suffered nasty burns from boiling oil spilt upon them by the watchmen of Parma, or have been pierced by the watchmens' crossbow bolts, Goblinking Hurrkitz leads his burnt and pierced tribe in a hasty retreat back towards the relative cover of a nearby grove....

Graveknight Sir Grimulf |

The dread graveknight strides with purpose through the French countryside....
He had only had to kill seven of the Parisian guards on his way out of Paris earlier that day, and hadn't had to kill any other citizens of the city, as everyone he encountered except for those seven guards had fled before him in terror....
Thinking, in German: Hmmmm.... A skeletal horse vould certainly suit me now.... I should have taken zat damned necromancer up on his offer to make me one.... All zis valking is making mein bones creak....

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

He cries for his mother, Catherine of Valois, but she is not present to comfort her son....
No surprise there, the French b!+~& wasn't much of a mother.
Prince Harry should have kept the agreement to marry my cousin, Catherine of Pomerania!

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

Goblinking Hurrkitz of the Face Peeler tribe leads his stealthy Face Peeler bugbears, hobgoblins, and goblins...
What, no Norkers?

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

And Luthgor, what the bloody Hell was that business with the pigs? Can't ye wait...?
Please tell me I wasn't the only one who thought Mike was going somewhere else with that.

Michael Johnson 66 |

The morning of June 4th dawns....
I went back and checked--The Lusty Fools began their adventures at 7:00 PM on June 1st.... After battling up through the belfry, they decided to sleep that night at The Grotto of the Siren, an inn that the lost French prophet, Jean Lamarre, had worked at, so that the cleric-types could regain their healing powers.... The morning of June 2nd, they entered the catacombs for the first time, coming back up around noon with the rescued infant before returning to hunt down the Necromancer, and spending one more night, this time at The Inn of the Cave, before returning a second time to finally deal with the Necromancer on the morning of June 3rd, also the day they freed Graveknight Sir Grimulf and the gargoyles of Notre Dame from bondage.... Having spent a second night thereafter at The Inn of the Cave, where all members of the party received their god-given gifts, it is now the morning of June 4th....
The bells of Notre Dame (even the one the gremlins cut free, having now been returned to its proper place in the belfry with the aid of a rope and pulleys) ring out the hour of morning vespers, and throughout the city of Paris, roosters on rooftops crow as the sun's rays creep over the city walls and rooftops, casting long shadows over the streets and plazas....

Michael Johnson 66 |

It occurs to all of The Lusty Fools immediately after they left the townhouse of the Necromancer that they had forgotten one unopened door down in the catacombs near the Necromancer's underground lair.... A locked brazen door, with a singular keyhole--a depression shaped like a goat's head, about the size of a walnut, in the center of the door.... A riddle engraved in the door suggested that the key would be found under water to the west, guarded by "dragon's bones", which the party deduced was the moat surrounding the Necromancer's lair.... They were on the verge of exploring underwater in the moat in search of the key, but where diverted by the skeletal black dragon that attacked them.... Now that a new day has dawned, and the heroes have rested, do they decide to return to the underground moat in search of the goat-headed key?

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

The morning of June 4th dawns....
The bells of Notre Dame ring out the hour of morning vespers
. . . . And in the early morning light, if one were to gaze up to the steeple of Notre Dame, one just may catch a glimpse of a Viking scholar, the nobleman Iommi-Tyr Magnusson, bleary-eyed from a long night of studying, ...swinging sacrilegiously from the bells as if he were drunk.
(probably because the soul running him is a bit drunk from a nice bottle of Chianti at dinner with his D&D buddies)
Rynjin |

It occurs to all of The Lusty Fools immediately after they left the townhouse of the Necromancer that they had forgotten one unopened door down in the catacombs near the Necromancer's underground lair.... A locked brazen door, with a singular keyhole--a depression shaped like a goat's head, about the size of a walnut, in the center of the door.... A riddle engraved in the door suggested that the key would be found under water to the west, guarded by "dragon's bones", which the party deduced was the moat surrounding the Necromancer's lair.... They were on the verge of exploring underwater in the moat in search of the key, but where diverted by the skeletal black dragon that attacked them.... Now that a new day has dawned, and the heroes have rested, do they decide to return to the underground moat in search of the goat-headed key?
Would Iommi be willing to interrupt his studies once more for a final foray into the catacombs?

Paddy |

Paddy rises and prepares for meeting back up with the rest of the Lusty Fools. He has breakfast with Bettina, then bids her a fond farewell.
I must go and meet with the rest of the group. I shall be back soon, ma petite fleur. Adieu!
hey, did Paddy find a place to get a cold iron light mace? masterwork if possible?

Michael Johnson 66 |

Paddy is able to find a masterwork cold iron light mace for sale among the wares brought to a nearby market by the band of dwarven traders staying at The Inn of the Cave, and Hisao can trade his +1 cold iron heavy mace for a +1 cold iron light mace at the treasury of Notre Dame cathedral....

Wench Bettina |

Paddy rises and prepares for meeting back up with the rest of the Lusty Fools. He has breakfast with Bettina, then bids her a fond farewell.
I must go and meet with the rest of the group. I shall be back soon, ma petite fleur. Adieu!
hey, did Paddy find a place to get a cold iron light mace? masterwork if possible?
Be careful, mon chere.... Don't let anything bite your pretty face!

Michael Johnson 66 |

Alphonse, Paddy and Hisao meet up in the taproom of The Cave at around 9:00 AM on June 4th, ready to continue their adventures. Nacht awaits them in the crypts below Notre Dame cathedral, and Iommi-Tyr awaits them in the cathedral library, where he has burnt the midnight oil in study and research....
The paladin, the rogue, and the ninja leave The Cave and stroll through the cobbled streets to the cathedral, where they are once more united with Iommi-Tyr, and venturing down into the darkness of the crypts, they find Nacht in his usual lair, breaking his fast on rats he has skewered on Keenstar....
The Lusty Fools are reunited! Where will their adventures take them next? Back to the flooded cistern in search of the goat-headed key? To the Roman catacombs do deal with the branch of the Satanic cult believed to be based therein? To England to deal with the evil forces plotting against the boy King Henry VI? Or elsewhere to see what adventures might be found?

Town crier |

Heard throughout the streets and markets of Paris that day:
In French: Oyez! Oyez! Yesterday around noon, in broad daylight, seven guards of the watch were murdered by a dark knight in black-and-green armour! Witnesses report the knight's eyes glowing like green fires! The dark knight was last seen heading north on foot through the countryside! All citizens and visitors to Paris are advised to remain within the safety of the city walls until further notice! .... On a brighter note, a band of young heroes known as The Lusty Fools have killed the infamous traitor of Notre Dame, Pierre the Necromancer, and have lifted his dark curse on the gargoyles of the cathedral! The heroes also purged the belfry of the Necromancer's gremlin allies, rescued an infant that was to be sacrificed to the Devil, and brought to justice three members of the Satanic cult the Necromancer was in league with! Viva La Imbeciles Lusty!!
Haha! The French translation of Lusty Fools--Imbeciles Lusty--doesn't quite have the same heroic ring to it, does it?

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

I anonymously let a young reporter know about the Necromancer's Mistress and Grenshek the Apprentice so that, within another day or so as the news spreads and people learn of the Lusty Fools, additions will be added to the tales of our exploits.

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

Who in Western Europe (or what organization/s) would be a good source of information, lore, science & history other than the corrupt, heavy-agendad, often-wrong/ never-in-doubt church?
That's where I want to in the future to make contacts / read books -- if possible.
(We got some magic-marts in the great cities, how 'bout Temples of Odin up north or libraries of Athena in Athens.)

Town crier |

Heard by dusk throughout the streets and markets of Paris:
In French: Oyez! Oyez! This just in! It has been reported that The Lusty Fools also cleared the crypts beneath Notre Dame of various undead monsters, including the Necromancer's mistress--a wight--and a pair of shadows that guarded his subterranean lair, plus an undead dragon skeleton that haunted the cistern under Isle of the City, and a skeletal snake-like construct, and several skeletal champions that guarded the Necromancer's townhouse! It is now suspected by some, however, that The Imbeciles Lusty may also be responsible for freeing the dark knight with glowing green eyes that killed seven good watchmen yesterday in broad daylight before exiting the city through the north postern gate! All else is well in Paris!

Charles VII, Dauphin of France |

In his throne room at Versailles, Charles VII of House Valois, Dauphin of France, contemplates the news going around Paris of a band of young heroes known as The Lusty Fools, who have defeated several threats to the city, including the Traitor of Notre Dame, Pierre the Necromancer, and his undead minions and subordinate Satanists....
He turns to the captain of his royal guard....
Find these Lusty Fools, and bring them to us.... We should like to have a look at them, and take measure....

Paddy |

oh fudge...that headline ain't good
Well, my friends, it appears we must choose what to do next. I am open to go wherever the fates may lead us. If there is a particular draw for one of you, so be it. I have a few things to gather first before setting off...I will be back shortly.
With that Paddy sets out for an armorsmith.
I'm looking for a mithral shirt, +1 if possible and a masterwork buckler....gotta try to live longer....and I assume the cold iron mace is cool. I'll add that to the sheet, ok?

Captain of the Royal Guard |

At once, Your Majesty!
The Captain of the Garde Royale bows before the Dauphin and hastily departs, followed by four of the dozen guardsmen in the throne room....
The captain and his four lieutenants begin their search for The Lusty Fools, mounting horses in the Royal stables and riding out of the Palace of Versailles toward Isle of the City in Paris....

Paddy |

Paddy heads back to the Church, seeking Father Renaud.
Father, a quick work if you would. first, a little donation for your church's work with the orphans. Second, I think we might require some holy water in our work. A few flasks would work. Not all our foes can be vanquished by a sword....
Paddy gives the priest 100 gp for the orphans, particularly Clementine, and just wants 4 flasks of holy water.
Paddy then thanks the priest and heads back to the inn to meet his colleagues.