Michael Johnson 66 |
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The kingdoms of Europe suffer under the tyrannical yoke of a new overlord: a great red wyrm named Conflagratius has flown to Earth from the fiery planet Mercury to make a new lair in the caldera of Mt Vesuvius, and demands annual tributes of treasure and maidens from every realm in Europe....
The Holy Roman Empire, the Italian city-states, the kingdoms of England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Transylvania, Poland, Hungary.... All must bow before the mighty dragon or face it's fiery wrath!

Michael Johnson 66 |

A new King of France, Charles VII, has been crowned in Rheimes, eight years after the death of his father, King Charles VI "The Mad", who had descended into insanity....
The Hundred Years War between England and France has been raging for several decades, with French cities falling to the English, only to be recaptured by the valiant Joan of Arc and her allies....
Recently, Joan of Arc was captured by the Burgundians under Phillip the Fair, and has been burnt alive at the stake....
And now, the mortal travails of Christendom have been interrupted by a new and terrible calamity: the great red wyrm Conflagratius, destroyer of towns, burner of fields, devourer of men and beasts, has flown from the fiery planet Mercury to make a new lair in the smoking caldera of Mt Vesuvius on the Italian peninsula, and has demanded immediate and annual tribute of gold, jewels, and maidens from every nation of Europe and the British Isles!
Powerless to stand against so mighty an oppressor, the princes and potentates of the land must kneel before Conflagratius, and though it bring them great sorrow and woe to their subjects, have submitted to the great fire dragon. From the city of Paris, a caravan bearing a hundred pounds of gold, tens of thousands of gold pieces worth of jewels, and a young maiden chosen by lot, has departed for Mt Vesuvius to appease the draconic tyrant....

Michael Johnson 66 |
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Besides the threat posed by Conflagratius, other, more immediate problems bedevil the people of Paris, for gremlins infest the great cathedral of Notre Dame, and the unquiet dead have begun to stir down in the catacombs beneath the city streets, awakened by dark necromancy....
The cause of these plagues is uncertain, but many suspect evil witchcraft and devil worship within the city walls....

Michael Johnson 66 |
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The mischievous gremlins of Notre Dame have somehow struck a deal with the ancient gargoyle guardians of the cathedral to leave them unhindered in their pranks on the clergy and devout parishioners.... Some fear the gargoyles might even aid the gremlins in their vile mischief!
As for the undead haunting the catacombs, recent rumors also suggest that the cemeteries of Paris, connected via secret passageways in ancient mausoleums to the catacombs, are also unsafe after nightfall.... Many fear that it is only a matter of time before the ghouls and other hungry undead begin to prey on citizens in the streets, or even snatch them from their homes at night!

Michael Johnson 66 |
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Elsewhere in the realms of Europe....
Witches and devil worshipping sorcerers have long plagued the good folk of the Holy Roman Empire, from a hidden stronghold on Brocken Peak, also known as the Blocksberg, in the Harz Mountains of Saxony. German King, Louis III, Count Palatine of the Rhine, seeks brave adventurers willing to combat the evils wrought by these enemies of Christendom....
Merchants and other travelers from the Italian city-states report that bands of wild humanoids--orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears--have begun to emerge from their cavernous lairs in the Alps and the foothills to flock to the service of the dreadful new overlord of Europe, the red wyrm Conflagratius, decorating their shields and vile banners with the flaming volcano symbol of their evil master in Mt Vesuvius....
In the Portuguese Empire, Prince Henry the Navigator is granting charters to bands of adventurers to explore the coast of Africa and other new frontiers....

Michael Johnson 66 |

The Cemetery of the Holy Innocents in Paris is the site of nightly hauntings of ghouls, ghasts, and other undead, animated through dark necromancy.... Who or what is responsible for these blasphemies is unknown at the nonce....

Michael Johnson 66 |

In Wallachia, King Dan II, grandfather of Dracula, fights for the Christian church against the Ottoman Turks....

Michael Johnson 66 |

Our tale begins in the grand city of Paris in the Kingdom of France, on the evening (about 7:00 PM) of June 1st, in the Year of Our Lord, 1430.
The cobbled streets of Paris are beginning to host a different sort of traffic as street vendors, laborers, and common folk going finishing their day's duties give way to evening strollers, thieves, gendarmes and lamplighters.
In a lamp lit tavern called La Caveau des Oubliettes, on the isle in the River Seine where Notre Dame cathedral towers above all the other buildings, a crowd of travelers mingles with locals, enjoying supper, drinks, tavern tales, jests, and the music of a lute and pipes played by a pair of halfling troubadours. Many are talking about the fearful rumors of gremlins bedeviling the good priests and acolytes of Notre Dame, undead feeding on the flesh and bones of the recently interred at the Cemetery of the Holy Innocents, or crawling forth by night from the catacombs to spirit away victims dragged from their beds or off the streets, and of course, the dire news of the caravan of gold, jewels, and the poor maiden Yvette Constance, chosen by lot to be a sacrifice to the evil fire dragon, Conflagratius, in the distant Italian volcano, Mt Vesuvius....
Several travelers, adventurers new to Paris, or longtime residents, have gathered by chance at a long wooden table near the hearth fire to share supper time conversation....

Paddy |

A slight man sits at the end of the table, holding a flagon of ale. His eyes dart this way and that, scanning the room at a fast pace. He then shakes his head and laughs. He looks at the rest of those gathered at the table.
Well, if this isn't an odd lot. I suppose a proper greeting is in order. I am Padraig O'Bhaoil, but you can call me Paddy. I am sure as the sun will shine tomorrow that you will likely call me something else over time...everyone does.
He lets out a loud laugh after that comment.
What brings you here? I was led here. Destiny is calling me, for what I know not....but the call was there. Like the siren's song that draws sailors to their doom. Can't resist....
His eyes glaze over for a second, as though pondering something profound.
Well, I need another drink. Another ale, S'il vous plait, mademoiselle. Avec fromage, merci. Did anyone else want anything?

Charmaine Da'vi |

Water for me please good sir
A young a seemingly timid girl answers, Her long brown hair covers her face , her traveling cloak thick with dust from days on the road hides her thick armor. her hand resting on the hilt of her long sword.
My name is Charmaine she blurts out almost as an after thought
I too was called here from powers i do not yet understand, other than to know and trust that it is our lord and savoir, and that he has need of me here
It is troubling, these rumors about of the dead coming back to life, what do you all make of this?
She touches the cross hanging around her neck and says a small prayer in her head for the souls of the dead. as she waits to see what the other strangers around the table have to say

Paddy |

Well, there could be many reasons for the dead coming back. But then again, who can say they were really dead? Perhaps they were in a .....transformative stage, much like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly...a stage they had to go through.
Paddy takes a long swig of his ale...then gets serious.
Or it could be some crazy spell caster making minions for some nefarious deed. Who knows....we should check into that. Maybe tomorrow....
Paddy then glances around the room, his head tilting every once in a while as he watches his surroundings.

Ubchell Ap Ossian |

From his room overlooking the street , Ub'Chell Ap Ossian , last pupil of The Druid Talesin , proud son of Cymreig saw the Dragon sign , shuddered as he saw the emblem of his country defiled by this blight infecting the world.
Normally he would feel uncomfortable in such surroundings , a city isn't his native environment , but he had made the vow to aid anyone who could stop this Dragon.
Maybe he could find allies here , so as such he wore very different clothing to his normal garb , he struck out downstairs , in search of ale and food.
in that order , he was a half orc after all...

Tevaga the redeemer |

La caveau? "LA" caveau? Do these peasants even know how to conjugate their own language Thinks Tevaga as she approaches the tavern. Well, this is the meeting place . She enters, goes to the center of the room, and boldly shouts:
Where are those who fight for Christendom, and help the church defend the holy Cathedral of the mother ?!!

Charmaine Da'vi |

lord give me courage, who is this orc women calling for people to fight for christ and defend the holy Cathedral? Is this the reason i am here? well i guess there is only one way to find out...
Charmaine stands and turns to face the female half orc, I do her voice is all but drowned out but the constant drone of the busy tavern.
do not be affraid she thinks as she clears her throat and shouts I Do!

Tevaga the redeemer |

Welcome companion! She say as she offers her hand to the young human. You now enter the service of his Excellency, Jacques du Chastelier, bishop of Paris!

Charmaine Da'vi |

Well Met as she extends one of her gauntleted hands to greet the half orc as the other hand still rests on the hilt of her longsword.
I am Charmaine, and I will answer the call to defend our lord and his holy Cathedral,
Would you join us at our table? there is another that may be interested in aiding our cause. she gestures to the teifling half way through a deep draw of his ale.

Wench Bettina |

A pretty young wench dodges the groping hands of drunken and lecherous patrons as she brings a tray laden with a flagon of ale, a jug of water, a round of guyer cheese, and several mugs to the long table by the fire. With a quick curtsy and a smile at Paddy, she sets the ale and cheese before the Irish tiefling and the jug of water before Charmaine, and sets mugs on the table for all.
Enjoy, my lords and ladies....
She deftly spins away from the embrace of a stumbling gendarme clad in studded leather and a tunic bearing the Paris coat of arms and hurries off to procure the orders of other patrons....

Michael Johnson 66 |
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A sudden peal of the bells of Notre Dame, quite unexpected at this hour, persists for a long moment before a final, resounding boom, mingled with a sonorous bell-tone, as if one of the great bells had broke free and plummeted to the bell tower floor, ends the cacophony!
The halfling troubadours falter briefly in their duet, and the tavern patrons gasp and murmur in puzzled wonder as they glance northward toward the cathedral....
The gremlins! shout several patrons....

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

I could not help but overhear your conversation. An obvious Viking, thin and pale and with reddish-yellow hair, yet with a sparkle in his dark eye, approaches as the troubadours resume their own music. He wears peasants' rags under homemade leather armor and has a cheap, obviously peasant-made short bow -- oddly, you saw him putting down a book and some scrolls during the cacophony before approaching your table in earnest.
Allow me to come with you to Notre Dame. I am not a fighter -- nor a Christian -- but what I have is knowledge -- in abundance. I will fight this new threat to Notre Dame because I don't think it is separate from the recent Dragon's arrival to Europe. It is all connected somehow and the more we learn the better we can oppose it.
Come, we are too far from Italy to give immediate help but gremlins stand before us here.
Let us see who else is willing to go forth, and immediately leave.
Despite the rags on his back and the sandals on his feet this Viking-born man seems somehow educated, as if he's spent his 26 years studying at royal colleges or at the church. An education at the church is unlikely, you surmise, because he admits to not being Christian -- but could he really have had a Lord's education?

Tevaga the redeemer |

Sheise! This is too soon. Who else is willing to come and fight!
She strikes her fist in her hand as she says the words.

Paddy |

Yes everything is connected...do a certain degree. We should see what these gremlins are about.
Paddy takes a drink of his ale, then a bite from his cheese.
After we finish our drinks of course.....no sense meeting our destinies on an empty stomach, right? he muses.

Paris gendarme |

A bleary-eyed pair of gendarmes rise unsteadily from their nearby table, crossing themselves, and urged on to their duty by several other patrons.
Overhearing the apparent intent of adventurous sorts at the long fireside board to investigate at the cathedral, they sit heavily back in their seats!
Non! Non! There is no reason for haste or alarm.... These fools over there are seeing to it, anyway.... They are obviously agents of the Church.... Better suited to dealing with the minions of The Devil.... Again, they cross themselves, as do several other patrons at mention of The Devil.... Our job is to deal with mundane criminals, not gremlins in bell towers!

Wench Bettina |

Seeing the obvious cowardice of the two drunken gendarmes, the pretty wench clucks her tongue at them and shakes her head.
Pfffft! Cowards! At least these ladies and gentlemen are brave enough to do what our not-so-brave gendarmes have not the courage for!
She favors Paddy, Magnusson, Trevaga and Charmaine with a pretty smile and winks.

Tevaga the redeemer |

After seeing the exchange, Tevaga says:
To the polis (city), the temporal, to the clergy, the spiritual. It is our duty to watch and beware the agents of the Adversary and we shall fulfill it .
She then says to her companions:
Prepare your steel and sharpen your minds, for we shall be chalenged tonight!
She points to Hisao, in strange dress:
And you mute one, so brave as to not make a sound! Follow us, to strive to bring good to the world!
As she says that, she moves her hands towards herself, as if inviting him to follow.

Paddy |

Well, if we must.....then let's get on with it.
Paddy drains the last of his ale, then pockets the rest of the cheese.
Well, I ain't bloody wasting it. For your troubles, mademoiselle.... as he tosses a few coins on the table for Bettina.
Until next we meet, ma petite chere...

Michael the Warsong |

Unknown and unnoticed by the others Michael sat near the Halflings providing entertainment. He watched with a patrons delight but listened with a musicians ear. They were good. Not distracting but setting a light mood for the conversations around the tavern. They too noticed his instrument and welcomed him to play. He smoothly joined their duet to make a trio of merry musicians, taking lead from the two halflings. But when their sonorous sound was disrupted by the bells falling only he remained unfazed. His journey here to France had taught him much about how to maintain rhythm and composure in battle...and about loss. His music subtly shifted to a haunting melody but picked up soon after. After the display with the guards and the wench he excused himself from the trio.
Still playing he walked by the guards and, with a few well timed notes empowered by magic, shifted one mans drink to fall in his lap. Dancing around the sodden man he approaches the adventurers seeking to remove the gremlin menace. He gives a flourish on his guitar and another with his rapier, trying to show a little of his skill. And with one final note on his guitar a thin material weaves its way above his head and reads Michael. Obviously this is his name though it is strange he doesn't speak it.

Hisao of the Yellow Reeds |

Hisao will follow them out of the tavern after a pause to see what's going on

Wench Bettina |

The pretty wench snatches the coins tossed on the table by the Irishman tiefling and stuffs them into a pocket of her apron, then curtsies again, favoring Paddy with a radiant smile....
Au revoir, Monsiuer Irishman! Bon chance! I hope to see you again soon at our humble Cave of Oubliettes.... And your brave companions, too!

Paddy |

Paddy heads out to the streets, looking for any sign of which way to go.
I don't know which way to go....any of you know which way? I only know the inns and such....
He starts humming a merry sounding tune, as he scans the streets.

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

I know the fastest way to get there, fellows; I spent several days in its libraries when I first arrived in Paris a month ago.
Free Action: Attempts Knowledge: Local to see if I know any shortcuts from here to there to cut off a few rounds of movement:
Knowledge: Local (w/ Inspiration): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 231d6 ⇒ 2
Iommi-Tyr Magnusson draws his worn-out Hand Crossbow that looks like he scavenged it from a corpse at an old battlefield and joins the pace with these new heroic people he intuits will soon become his friends.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Tyr Magnusson knows that the most direct and quickest route to the cathedral of Notre Dame from the riverside tavern will be along the quay of the Seine, passing two bridges along the way....
Moving hastily along the west side of the isle in the River Seine, the newly assembled band of adventurers makes their way toward the looming facade of Notre Dame cathedral....

Tevaga the redeemer |

Ahead we strive!
Tevaga walks at Tyr's side, keeping her eyes busy in the dark night, looking out for potential threats, ambushes or loose cobbles.
perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

Hisao of the Yellow Reeds |

Truth be told Hisao had gotten bored over the last few months as he had lain low in this strange, crowded, and bustling city. Maybe he had run far enough and hard enough that his pursuers would never catch up to him or maybe not (Hisao harboured the hope that his hunters would get bogged down in combing through the vast Ottoman Empire) but he had to get on with living and that meant finding some sort of well paying work. Petty stealing wasn't beneath him of course, but it didn't pay well at all, and got incredibly dull after a few months of it.
The group ahead of him was armed to the teeth and dressed in a hodgepodge of widely differing styles. Hisao judged them to be some weird sort of mercenary company. Mercenary companies, he reasoned, got paid. And getting paid sounded good. Still he hung back and trailed after them to see what they were actually up to.
There, I think I satisfied myself as to Hisao's motivation :)

Michael the Warsong |

And that is how you decide marching order. Based on Character motivation not mechanical aspects. Tevaga seems head strong and Iommi has the knowledge of the city which is why they are in front. If we went mechanically then Hisao should be in the front most likely, for trap finding. But we haven't even gotten to the cathedral yet and so shouldn't really worry about such things. The reason I stay on pbp boards is because it is easier to stay in character and I have time to think about what my character would say, something I am not that great at as an introvert.
Michael has been following the group close to Paddy. He picked up the rogues whistled tune and added some harmony with his guitar. When they reached the Cathedral, he couldn't help but whistle in awe at the grandeur of the massive church.
Any outside damage from the sound earlier and anyone preventing us from getting in?

Michael Johnson 66 |

The motley band of adventurers arrives before the southern facade of Notre Dame, the towering edifice blotting out the stars....
There appears to be no visible damage to the exterior....
Perception checks, please!