About Hisao of the Yellow ReedsDEFENSE Spoiler:
AC 32 (10+3 armor + 5 ench armor + 1 shield + 2 ench shield + 1 ench nat + 8 dex + 1 Luck + 1 dodge) touch 20 (AC - 3 - 5 -1 -2 -1) flat-footed 23 (AC - 7 - 1) hp 92 (8 (first die) + 6 X 9 (level up die) + 1 x 10 (FCB) + 2 x 10 (Con)) Fort 5 (3 Base + 2 Con) ,Ref 15 (7 base + 8 dex) ,Will 5 (3 base + 2 feat) CMD 25 (10 +6 BAB + 8 DEX + 1 STR) OFFENSE Spoiler:
Speed 30 ft +1 keen holy corrosive wakizsahi 17 (7 bab+8dex+1enchant+1focus) (1d6+1str+1ench/15-20/x2) 1d20+17 second attack 1d20+11 Damage: 1d6+2+1d6+2d6+5d6 Mace, light 15 (7bab+8dex) (1d6+1str/x2) 1d20+15;1d6+2+5d6 +1 cold iron light mace 16 (7 bab+8dex+1enchant) (1d6+1str+1ench/x2) 1d20+13;1d6+2 Range Shuriken 15 (7bab+8dex) (1d2+1str/x2) 1d20+15;1d2+1 Alchemists Fire 15 (7bab+8dex) (1d6/x2) (2) 1d20+15;1d6 Sneak attack +5d6
STR 12 DEX 26 CON 14 INT 11 WIS 10 CHA 16 Traits:
Reactionary, Fast Talker
Weapon Finesse, Dodge, Iron Will, Improved Initiative, Piranha Strike,Defiant Luck Skills:
Acrobatics +18, Appraise +4, Bluff +15, Climb +1, Diplomacy +13, Disable Device +21, Disguise +10, Escape Artist +14, Fly +9, Intimidate +3, Kn:Dungeoneering 7, Linguistics 5, Perception +13, Ride +8, Sense Motive 5, Sleight of Hand +17, Spellcraft +1, Stealth +21, Survival +0, Swim +5, Use Magic Device +13 Languages:
Japanese, French, English Gear:
Headband headband of ki focus
Other Weapons
Other Items
631GP Class Abilities:
Poison Use: Cannot accidentally poison oneself Sneak Attack: 6d6 Ki Pool and Ninja Tricks (See Ki section) No Trace: +3 DC to track, +3 insight bonus on Disguise Skill Uncanny Dodge: Cannot be caught flat footed, does not lose Dex to AC if attacker invisible Light Steps: Full round action move up to twice speed ignoring difficult terrain on any surface incl water, lava, thin three branches. Must end move on normal surface. Improved Uncanny Dodge: Cannot be sneak attacked unless by 12th level rogue/ninja Ki 8/8 2/2 in ring:
As long as she has at least 1 point in her ki pool, she treats any Acrobatics skill check made to jump as if she had a running start. By spending 1 point from her ki pool, a ninja can make one additional attack at her highest attack bonus, but she can do so only when making a full attack.
Finally, a ninja can spend 1 point from her ki pool to give herself a +4 insight bonus on Stealth checks for 1 round. Each of these powers is activated as a swift action. Vanishing Trick (Su): As a swift action, the ninja can disappear for 1 round per level. This ability functions as invisibility. Using this ability uses up 1 ki point. Combat Trick: Weapon Focus Wazikashi Fast Stealth: Can move full speed with no penalty to Stealth Rogue Talent: Offensive Defense, on successful sneak attack gain +sneak attack die dodge bonus Advanced Ninja Trick: Evasion
With pronounced Japanese features Hisao looks exotic though this is mitigated by the dark nondescript clothes and dark bandana he habitually wears across his face.. He is tall and lithe with nimble movements, light hair, and quick brown eyes Background:
“Near the Chuyokai forest in the province of Chu Ye in the far away land of Japan there lie two villages of ninja lying in close proximity to each other. Theirs is an ancient enmity that stretches back for generations of bloody feud for no peace is possible between the Iga Clan, also known as the Clan of the Yellow Reeds and the Koga, otherwise known as the Clan of the Broken Rock and for countless years they threw themselves at each other with violence and murder in their hearts.
In a rare period of sanity, in which two far sighted elders of each clan saw that both villages would fall into extinction, if matters remained in this state, sought each other to find some way to ensure their mutual survival. They did not speak of peace for they did not waste their time with the impossible. Instead they struck a grand bargain. Their blood feud would no longer be conducted via raid and death but a once per decade contest between a young champion of each village. The loser of each contest would not only die, for this contest would be a fight to the death of course, but, worse, would bring shame and dishonour to his or her village for the ten long years until the next clash. The proof of this humiliation was not only in the death of a promising young man or woman of the village, who otherwise might be destined for great deeds and even leadership, but also in a surrender of a priceless treasure held hostage by the victor until the time of the next deadly fight. In this way the death of many dozens was reduced to the death of one and both villages recovered and prospered as only ninja can. The drive to succeed and claim dominance over the hated enemy in deadly combat, the drive to be chosen to carry the banner of the village, sharpened and honed the skills of each village’s youth and word of the awesome abilities of the Yellow Reeds and Broken Rocks spread throughout the land. Their skills as assassins, saboteurs, and thieves were much prized, honoured, and, more importantly, well paid for. In time it came to pass that a young boy was born to the Yellow Reeds. A boy with light brown hair and dark eyes of much natural talent and skill. Every art of the ninja that he was tutored in he excelled at with seemingly no trouble. His fingers were cunning, his lithe body possessed much natural talent and grace, and his mind was sharp. The ease with which he trumped his peers in every contest they were set earned him many admirers from among them; and many enemies too for what kind of disciplined, hardworking, and dedicated student would not feel anger at being defeated by some golden child who triumphed with seemingly no effort, a lazy smile, and an arrogant quirk of the brow? For this is Hisao and for the elders of The Yellow Reeds it was a foregone conclusion that he would be the one to represent the village in the twenty fifth contest between them and the hated Broken Rock. Two Hundred and Forty Nine years had passed since the first legendary match between the two communities. Each one of those contests memorialised in song, and saga, and silk print. Each one remembered with fierce joy, or fierce sadness, as the priceless treasure of one village and then the other made the humiliating journey to be placed as a trophy in the village of the other. The treasure of the Broken Rock was kept in a lacquered box of exquisite wood polished to a deadly sheen and adorned with calligraphy in vivid silver that spoke of the clan’s might. The treasure of the Yellow Reeds was in a small and delicately made case of bamboo, cunningly tinted light grey and adorned with the most beautiful murals in gold displaying the clan’s glory. So it was that on the dawn of the Two Hundred and Fiftieth year since the blood tinged truce of the two villages began that all the villagers who could walk or crawl made the trek to the sacred clearing in the forest where forty eight young men and women had come together and twenty four had fallen; sacrifices to the prosperity and glory of The Yellow Reed and the Broken Rock. As the champion of the Broken Rock stood in the middle, nervous despite herself for news of the prowess of the champion of the Yellow Reeds had been impossible to ignore, a very large hue and cry rose from the Broken Rock guardians who had been charged with protecting the treasures. They were both gone! And Hisao was nowhere to be found!.....” The bartender narrowed his eyes at the slumped figure “You stole them.” He finally said flatly
Still chortling the bartender picked up Hisao’s empty mug “Well that was certainly a story worth hearing.” he said filling it up with a long pull off a keg set a bit further back from the regular swill.
“Where you off to now?” the bartender wanted to know. It wasn’t a question he ever asked his customers, rough lot that they were, but he had a feeling that he would never see the young man again and anyway it would be a hell of a shame to not know how the story ended. Hisao drained the last mug (by the gods it was strong!) in one chug and slurred “Well, you wouldn’t know anybody who wants anything stolen, sabotaged, or killed, would you?” Because stories never really end after all. There’s always something else. And who would know better than Hisao (formerly) of the Yellow Reed Iga that life is a thing that just keeps happening to you or by you. But mostly to you.
His deity (Sun WuKong the Monkey King known in Japan as Son Gyoja) gives a large clue as to his personality. He just didn't care for the ancient tradition of his village, felt stifled by them really, and stealing the treasures was an impulsive act that had uh, major consequences for his life. Before he was an arrogant sort confident in his skills and prestige. Now he's much more humble and jumpy as he expects to be jumped by the people pursuing him at any time. Adding this to the profile. |