Medieval Europe PbP campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Michael Johnson 66

Set in a version of 15th century Europe where magic, monsters, myths and legends are real....

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M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

Here's the discussion thread for Team Paris....

Female half-orc Inquisitor (preacher, witch hunter) [HP 10/10 | AC:18 | T:14 | FF:14 | CMB: +3 | CMD:16 | Fort:+6 | Ref:+6 | Will:+6 | Init:+4 | Perc: +8 (Darkvision), Sense Motive +9| Speed 30]

Hello all! This is Tevaga the redeemer, a very zealous & combat-oriented inquisitor from the east of the Holy Roman empire. As far as her backstory is concerned, I have her serving the bishop of Paris of the time, Jacques du Chastelier. She is also quite fluent in French, German & Latin (I was wondering if me having orcish should be ok (since I'm a half-orc) or if that might conflict with the recent language notes).

I've made her with a big witch-hunting focus, though that may evolve. I'm also unsure how to make her react to pagans... I think she will grudgingly accept their aid for the moment, though that may change.

In any case, let's have fun!

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

Orcish is a language in this world, and makes sense with your backstory....

this will be fun , half orc zealous catholic vs hippy half orc druid ;)

Female half-orc Inquisitor (preacher, witch hunter) [HP 10/10 | AC:18 | T:14 | FF:14 | CMB: +3 | CMD:16 | Fort:+6 | Ref:+6 | Will:+6 | Init:+4 | Perc: +8 (Darkvision), Sense Motive +9| Speed 30]

For those who are clerical and havent yet chosen a saint, the following link has a bunch of them, as well as their portfolios. A general google search (saint + theme) is also generally good. Just be careful about canonisation dates, we are in 1430.

Female Human Warpriest 1, [HP 9/9] [AC 17] [T 10] [FF 17] [Init +1] [Perception +4] [CMD 13] [Diplomacy +6] [Heal +8] [Sense Motive +8]

I think i'll go with St. Genevieve, the patron saint of France.

Viva La France!

Female half-orc Inquisitor (preacher, witch hunter) [HP 10/10 | AC:18 | T:14 | FF:14 | CMB: +3 | CMD:16 | Fort:+6 | Ref:+6 | Will:+6 | Init:+4 | Perc: +8 (Darkvision), Sense Motive +9| Speed 30]

Little question to Paddy: how "demonic" do you look? It will change my reaction to you.

Male Human Ninja 10| HP 92/92 | AC 32 (T 20 FF 23) | CMD 25| CMB 7| Saves F 5 R 15 W 5 | Init +14 | Per +13 | Ki 8/8 r 2/2

Hey everybody. Hisao won't be able to speak to you guys for a bit :| He'll try and pick up French on 2nd level though :)

Charmaine, one nice trick with these boards is you can put whatever you want in the Class/Level section of your character profile. That way you can put in basic information for easy viewing (So AC, HP, Saves, etc.)

Female half-orc Inquisitor (preacher, witch hunter) [HP 10/10 | AC:18 | T:14 | FF:14 | CMB: +3 | CMD:16 | Fort:+6 | Ref:+6 | Will:+6 | Init:+4 | Perc: +8 (Darkvision), Sense Motive +9| Speed 30]
Hisao of the Yellow Reeds wrote:

Hey everybody. Hisao won't be able to speak to you guys for a bit :| He'll try and pick up French on 2nd level though :)

Charmaine, one nice trick with these boards is you can put whatever you want in the Class/Level section of your character profile. That way you can put in basic information for easy viewing (So AC, HP, Saves, etc.)

This is going to be HILARIOUS!

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

Here is a link to the Rome campaign for those on Team Rome....

Tevaga , have you seen The 13th Warrior , when he picks up the Norse language by listening , and then amazing the others with speaking , I envisage something like that.

Female half-orc Inquisitor (preacher, witch hunter) [HP 10/10 | AC:18 | T:14 | FF:14 | CMB: +3 | CMD:16 | Fort:+6 | Ref:+6 | Will:+6 | Init:+4 | Perc: +8 (Darkvision), Sense Motive +9| Speed 30]
Ubchell Ap Ossian wrote:

Tevaga , have you seen The 13th Warrior , when he picks up the Norse language by listening , and then amazing the others with speaking , I envisage something like that.

I have not (though maybe I should). Wont stop the first level of weird hand symbols being extremely funny.

Grand Lodge

Hi all -- this is my first PBP and I'm not sure how well I'm going to be able to keep up. Apologies in advance if Iommi-Tyr Magnusson has to bow out and only return occasionally as an NPC.

But I have been waaaay stoked for this PBP since Mike proposed it a few months ago and am gonna try REALLY hard to find time to keep up.

Can we, quickly as possible, get a list of all the PCs (in Paris); it may just be me but I really like to see it all on one page (like my recent post on the Recruitment page)?

And for the record -- I'm really looking forward to gaming with all of you.

By the way -- where do posts like the Following go (my PC's post to all of you, but outside -- I think -- of actual gameplay)?

LG Viking INV: Empiricist-2 / ALC: Mindchemist-5 .... Initiative: +7 | HP: 62 /62
AC:29 (T/FF: 16/25) | Fort:+11Ref:+11Will:+20 | CMD: 20 | Move: 40

When I left England and Norway five months ago for a completely new life on the Continent it was because there seemed nothing remained for me there except memories and frustration (see my backstory). But now, with the emergence of the Leviathonific Beast from Mercury, I would love to return to London to see what help I can provide

You are my companions now -- I intuit that -- and I will follow your lead in our struggle, first against these gremlins here in Notre Dame, and on 'till we can confront Conflagratious. But should you not oppose our travelling north to England with the hopes of combating the Draconic tyranny there, that is my preference.

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

Tyr: your last post could go in Discussion, or if it's something you'd say aloud to your companions (it kinda seems like it), Gameplay.

Grand Lodge

Oh yeah -- what RL Knowledge Histories do we all know really well -- if any? It'll be cool if we know whom to ask among us -- outside of character, of course -- about some of the goings on in the real life 1430s.

THANKS, William Oak, for Tevaga's really helpful link to Catholic Saints. BIG help.

(As for me, I am a RL expert on British Feudal history, especially 1042--1685. My character was designed with this in mind, obviously.) If you have any questions about English nobility 1042-1685 that seem like Wikipedia will be too confusing (Which Henry?!?); let me know.

What I am not an expert on is tons of history outside of England -- beyond the average history-buff, that is.

Female half-orc Inquisitor (preacher, witch hunter) [HP 10/10 | AC:18 | T:14 | FF:14 | CMB: +3 | CMD:16 | Fort:+6 | Ref:+6 | Will:+6 | Init:+4 | Perc: +8 (Darkvision), Sense Motive +9| Speed 30]

I'm a history buff as well, though not really an expert in anything (though I have researched a lot of Christian history, mid-east & asia).
I also have the medieval volume of "A history of private life", a very cool historical series about how people lived. This is giving me an excuse to work through it a bit more... I've also read a lot about scientific history (I'm an engineer) so I have generally a good idea of what tech exists when & where, if that's ever useful. (Still, this is making me want to track down some old books)

I am also a native french speaker, for any of the french stuff we may need. I have a BIT of latin (As well as a "latin for dumies" book) so I may weave some latin in my stuff. I there are any germanophones here, I hope I dont bug you by my occasional instertion of german in my chars speach (Such as "sheise/s&!$").

Male Human Bard (Thundercaller) 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 18 | Touch 14 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | CMB +0 | Fort +2 | Ref +6 | Will +2 (+4 Charm and Compulsion) | Init +4 | Per +4

I just flew in from Rome and boy are my arms tired. Ba-dum-tss.

So yeah. Other game had a bard-like character so I am switching teams to keep things even. Fits a little better with my backstory anyway. He is a mute bard, native of Italy, and Latin speaking. And yes I said mute. He will be communicating through a combination of music, prestidigitation, written words and interpretive dance. All these different languages beyond the normal is going to make things difficult for or Linguist, whoever that may turn out to be.

To Tyr, you can follow our lead in posting etiquette and google paizo pbp posting guide yourself.

LG Viking INV: Empiricist-2 / ALC: Mindchemist-5 .... Initiative: +7 | HP: 62 /62
AC:29 (T/FF: 16/25) | Fort:+11Ref:+11Will:+20 | CMD: 20 | Move: 40

Please call me Iommi-Tyr -- or else my great descendant, Tony Iommi, will summon forth all the power and awe of Black Sabbath as only the true godfather of Heavy Metal can do, and with the music of the album Tyr inundating your soul, will crush you to oblivion.

Oh yeah -- and the Spirit of my ancestor King Magnus VII Eriksson of Norway will get your PC!


But, um yeah -- thanks for the Link.
Much appreciated.

Male Human Bard (Thundercaller) 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 18 | Touch 14 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | CMB +0 | Fort +2 | Ref +6 | Will +2 (+4 Charm and Compulsion) | Init +4 | Per +4

You say that like its a bad thing...Tyr.

LG Viking INV: Empiricist-2 / ALC: Mindchemist-5 .... Initiative: +7 | HP: 62 /62
AC:29 (T/FF: 16/25) | Fort:+11Ref:+11Will:+20 | CMD: 20 | Move: 40
Michael the Warsong wrote:
I just flew in from Rome and boy are my arms tired. Ba-dum-tss.


I think Paddy also has some fromage; I saw him carrying it out of La Caveau des Oubliettes as we charged to Notre Dame.

Grand Lodge

BTW, maaaad Kudos for Michael the Warsong's backstory. Too cool,... a MUTE Bard!

And the name of the girl,... "Sirena" -- well done, sir.

I'm glad you're with us in Paris!

Female half-orc Inquisitor (preacher, witch hunter) [HP 10/10 | AC:18 | T:14 | FF:14 | CMB: +3 | CMD:16 | Fort:+6 | Ref:+6 | Will:+6 | Init:+4 | Perc: +8 (Darkvision), Sense Motive +9| Speed 30]

So what's happening with the non-commenting PCs? Are ya guys following? Introducing yourselves? (I should shut up until the others have introduced themselves)

Male Human Bard (Thundercaller) 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 18 | Touch 14 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | CMB +0 | Fort +2 | Ref +6 | Will +2 (+4 Charm and Compulsion) | Init +4 | Per +4

How many of us are there anyway? Seemed like six or more.

Grand Lodge

That's why I haven't gotten into conversation with PCs leaving La Caveau des Oubliettes for Notre Dame -- figure I'll give everyone a chance to post first at the wooden table as we're leaving.

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

So far, you are all rocking my socks off with the cool back stories and RP.... I will be awarding some bonus XP for RP, for sure!

Male Human Bard (Thundercaller) 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 18 | Touch 14 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | CMB +0 | Fort +2 | Ref +6 | Will +2 (+4 Charm and Compulsion) | Init +4 | Per +4

Hisao: I knew I recognized that backstory. I saw it before in one of the recruitments, though I can't remember which. It stuck because it is based off one of my favorite manga's, Basilisk.

Male Human Ninja 10| HP 92/92 | AC 32 (T 20 FF 23) | CMD 25| CMB 7| Saves F 5 R 15 W 5 | Init +14 | Per +13 | Ki 8/8 r 2/2

Yeah I've been trying to get him into a game for a bit. I haven't read Basilisk so I'll just say great minds think alike. :)

Male Human Bard (Thundercaller) 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 18 | Touch 14 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | CMB +0 | Fort +2 | Ref +6 | Will +2 (+4 Charm and Compulsion) | Init +4 | Per +4

You should. It is gloriously dark and beautifully drawn. Its a great manga based off the two clans in your backstory. The Koga and the Iga. And I remember now. You up for consideration in the Hell-Scarred and War Torn game since we lost a player. Sorry you didn't get chosen but we needed a group face and socialite so bard fit better.

Female half-orc Inquisitor (preacher, witch hunter) [HP 10/10 | AC:18 | T:14 | FF:14 | CMB: +3 | CMD:16 | Fort:+6 | Ref:+6 | Will:+6 | Init:+4 | Perc: +8 (Darkvision), Sense Motive +9| Speed 30]

Just noticed a few mistakes in my sheet, I'll correct them tonight before we get into anything mechanical.

Male Human Ninja 10| HP 92/92 | AC 32 (T 20 FF 23) | CMD 25| CMB 7| Saves F 5 R 15 W 5 | Init +14 | Per +13 | Ki 8/8 r 2/2

Yeah no worries at all. A lot of people on these boards have amazing characters so it's always understandable when it doesn't work out. Eventually almost all of my characters have found a good campaign so I've done pretty good. I've got a WoTR warpriest that's hanging about though hah. I've decided to not make any new characters for now and that guy is the only one with nothing to do.

Grand Lodge

Mike, I'm taking a few minutes to adjust my PC sheet (weapon). Be done soon.

Also (since you aren't checking your email these days), am I coming over to your place tonight to get any Temple of Unified Evil gaming in? (And simultaneously get some PBP in)

I can be there around 6:00.

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

I'm game for some ToUE at my place....

I am finding it very hard on this older iPad to type now I have iOS 8 on , so my posting times are limited to daytime gmt , for the moment , new iPad over the weekend , so much faster.

For now Ap is admiring the she ork , and her forthrightness.

As for the others , just observing

Btw , where are you all from?

I'm from London , UK , but until Xmas I am living in luxembourg

Grand Lodge

Mike and I are at his house in South Florida where I am a DIE HARD Arsenal fan wishing hexes aplenty upon James F if he is from the wrong side of London.

Originally I am from northern Minnesota and Mike (who is DMing our Temple of Unified ("Elemental") Evil campaign) is from Indiana.

Female half-orc Inquisitor (preacher, witch hunter) [HP 10/10 | AC:18 | T:14 | FF:14 | CMB: +3 | CMD:16 | Fort:+6 | Ref:+6 | Will:+6 | Init:+4 | Perc: +8 (Darkvision), Sense Motive +9| Speed 30]

I'm in eastern canada, Quebec more specifically.

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3

Currently, Maryland, formerly Tallahassee, Florida.

It's cold. =(

Anywho, I'll have my character done soon as I can. I prefer more vague outlines than big 12 page backstories unless something really grabs me. IMO it lets me RP better since I'm not chained to what I've written down and can kinda feel out personalities until I find one that fits best.

So that half a paragraph I posted in the Recruitment thread is probably the gist of it. =)

Female Human Warpriest 1, [HP 9/9] [AC 17] [T 10] [FF 17] [Init +1] [Perception +4] [CMD 13] [Diplomacy +6] [Heal +8] [Sense Motive +8]

Adelaide, Australia here.

I'm clearly in the opposite time zone to you guys but i'm a bit of a night owl, and i'm on the forums a lot so i'll post as much as i can.

Also thanks for the tip Hisao, i was wondering about that :P

Male Human Bard (Thundercaller) 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 18 | Touch 14 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | CMB +0 | Fort +2 | Ref +6 | Will +2 (+4 Charm and Compulsion) | Init +4 | Per +4

Kentucky, USA. We are all over the place. Hope that doesn't slow gameplay too much.

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

Very international group we have here! Pretty fun!

Grand Lodge

Well -- my Barbarian-2 / Ranger-2 / Paladin-1 just leveled in Mike's Temple of Unified Evil and has 11K in gold to spend -- that puts us at a stopping point for tonight's session (I killed me a BADD-ASSS Ogre Mage) so we can post a few in the PBP!

Looks like we're from all over -- and still awaiting a couple PCs to join us; mayhaps we'll see them in the cathedral when we fight us some Gremlins!

(We could certainly use a Full BAB PC to join us -- hear that Rynjin & Endoralis?)

Female Human Warpriest 1, [HP 9/9] [AC 17] [T 10] [FF 17] [Init +1] [Perception +4] [CMD 13] [Diplomacy +6] [Heal +8] [Sense Motive +8]

I just finished my back story for anyone who want to read it, i tried not to make it too long :)

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3
W E Ray wrote:

(We could certainly use a Full BAB PC to join us -- hear that Rynjin & Endoralis?)


Still torn between a Paladin and a Cavalier. Never truly played either.

Do we have a healer?

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

Just waiting to give the rest of the PCs a chance to be Ruladined and enter posts....

Might take a few days for everyone to catch up....

Female Human Warpriest 1, [HP 9/9] [AC 17] [T 10] [FF 17] [Init +1] [Perception +4] [CMD 13] [Diplomacy +6] [Heal +8] [Sense Motive +8]

I am a warpriest but not a dedicated healer. More of back up heals. My build focuses on buffing the group and melee.

no W E Ray , I'm from the right side of London , Gooners aren having a good moment are they , considiering we are sitting in your usual place , will be nice having champions league at Upton Park next season...

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