Michael Johnson 66 |

oh fudge...that headline ain't good
Well, my friends, it appears we must choose what to do next. I am open to go wherever the fates may lead us. If there is a particular draw for one of you, so be it. I have a few things to gather first before setting off...I will be back shortly.
With that Paddy sets out for an armorsmith.
I'm looking for a mithral shirt, +1 if possible and a masterwork buckler....gotta try to live longer....and I assume the cold iron mace is cool. I'll add that to the sheet, ok?
Yes to all of Paddy's purchase requests....
The morning of the 4th of June, Paddy heads to L'arsenal de Haute Qualite, an armory recommended to him by the dwarven traders staying at The Cave as a place where the finest armor and weapons can be bought and sold in Paris.... It is owned and operated by a master dwarven armorer-weaponsmith named Balfour Greathammer, originally from The Kingdom Under The Mountains.... Here, he is able to purchase the items he seeks at the normal prices....

Father Renaud of Notre Dame |

Paddy heads back to the Church, seeking Father Renaud.
Father, a quick work if you would. first, a little donation for your church's work with the orphans. Second, I think we might require some holy water in our work. A few flasks would work. Not all our foes can be vanquished by a sword....
Paddy gives the priest 100 gp for the orphans, particularly Clementine, and just wants 4 flasks of holy water.
Paddy then thanks the priest and heads back to the inn to meet his colleagues.
In French: May God the Father bless you and keep you safe from all harm, Monsieur Paddy!
Father Renaud casts guidance on Paddy, granting him a +1 bonus on the next saving throw he has to make....
The aged priest happily puts the 100 gp donation in a strongbox secured in the cathedral treasury, and fills four vials with holy water for Paddy....

Michael Johnson 66 |

Who in Western Europe (or what organization/s) would be a good source of information, lore, science & history other than the corrupt, heavy-agendad, often-wrong/ never-in-doubt church?
That's where I want to in the future to make contacts / read books -- if possible.
(We got some magic-marts in the great cities, how 'bout Temples of Odin up north or libraries of Athena in Athens.)
See Father Renaud's recommendation to sell your jewelry and other objects de art to Nicolas Flammel....

Father Renaud of Notre Dame |

In French: There is a very wealthy man who has lived in this city for as long as I have, and yet.... He seems to grow no older.... His name is Nicolas Flammel, and he lives in a fine house on Rue Channoneisse.... The red-and-blue house with gold leaf roof.... He might be interested in buying some of these treasures at a fair price.... He is a peculiar fellow, worth visiting if for no other reason than for the experience of his company.... An alchemist he was before he retired.... Some say he discovered the philosopher's stone.... And the Elixer of Immortality.... But there are many tall tales to be heard, and far few to be believed, my friends....

Alphonse Veritas |

Alphonse will seek out Flamel to sell off the treasures, and then parcel the money out equally.
2587 gp per person.
Once those negotiations are completed, he will go with Paddy to the church and donate some of his earnings as well (they've come from the church's catacombs after all), then to L'arsenal de Haute Qualite, and purchase some Masterwork Full Plate and sell off his worn old Scale Mail.
-100 gp to the Church for medical supplies, -1800 gp for Full Plate, +25 gp for Scale Mail.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Alphonse will seek out Flamel to sell off the treasures, and then parcel the money out equally.
2587 gp per person.
Once those negotiations are completed, he will go with Paddy to the church and donate some of his earnings as well (they've come from the church's catacombs after all), then to L'arsenal de Haute Qualite, and purchase some Masterwork Full Plate and sell off his worn old Scale Mail.
-100 gp to the Church for medical supplies, -1800 gp for Full Plate, +25 gp for Scale Mail.
Now Alphonse looks "the knight in shining armor", albeit with a pretty Grim Reaper scythe in his gauntletted hands! LOL!

Michael Johnson 66 |

True, being a paladin and all.... Actually, we can figure out something way cooler, I'm sure, when he's ready to call his mount, if that's the route you go.... A unicorn might be too effeminate for Alphonse's tastes lol.... But a dragonhorse or griffon or something might be pretty dank....

Michael Johnson 66 |

The Lusty Fools return to the cistern, and find that the wall sealing the passage has returned back into its housing, and the water level returned to its lower level to form a moat around the island where the Necromancer's dome-shaped stronghold stands....
The drawbridge remains lowered, as the party left it....

Alphonse Veritas |

"I'm going in. Wish me luck..."
Alphonse turns into a Gillman and dives in.
Lessee. -4 ACP, +5 Str, +8 Racial gives me a +9 Swim, and I can Take 10 at any time. So I should be fine.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Alphonse gropes about in the murky darkness of the underground moat in search of an object the size of a small dagger in an underwater space the size of an auditorium....
With the aid of a light spell cast on a pebble by Father Renaud, the intrepid diver eventually finds the goat-headed key, after several hours of swimming around....
Elated that they have finally found it, and glad they weren't following a red herring, the Lusty Fools are no doubt eager to use the goat-headed key to unlock the brazen door....

Charles VII, Dauphin of France |

Upon inserting the goat-headed key into the brass door in the catacombs and turning it, there is an audible clicking of tumblers as the door is unlocked....
Opening it reveals a secret treasury....and apparently, prison....for none other than the true Dauphin of France, Charles the Wise!
He stands when the door is opened, and casts aside the magic spoon and decanter that have provided him with food and water during his long secret imprisonment!
In French: Praise God! My prayers are finally answered!! I am saved, at last, by the glory of God, and thanks to these brave heroes who have rescued me! Alleluia!!
The Dauphin breaks down in tears and runs to embrace his saviors....
The truth.... Is terrible, my friends.... Terrible, indeed!.... These evil bastards have replaced me with a monster that looks exactly like me!.... They would have gotten away with it, probably, if not for you stalwart souls! Oh, praise God you came!

Michael Johnson 66 |

In addition to the true and rightful King of France, whom nobody knew had been abducted and imprisoned in this subterranean treasury, the Lusty Fools find the following treasure:
A sustaining spoon
A decanter of endless water
A handy haversack
A hat of disguise
A +1 keen rapier that glows with green light equal to torchlight when drawn from its jeweled scabbard, engraved with the name Greenthorn in Elvish on the blade....
A +1 corrosive wakizashi that does not glow and has the name Venomfang etched in the blade
A ring of protection +1
4,000 gp

Alphonse Veritas |

So that's how you spell Dauphin. Been watching The Musketeers and it's been maddening trying to figure it out.
Alphonse looks on in horror. He goes down on one knee and looks to the floor.
"Forgive us, you Majesty. It was merely simple curiosity that brought us to you. We defeated the Necromancer and his minions yesterday and only remembered there was a final room left unopened this morning. We almost left you down here, not knowing you had ben replaced. I am truly sorry."

Charles VII, Dauphin of France |

Charles nods in humble acceptance of his salvation, and makes the sign of the cross before becoming overwhelmed momentarily and weeping with relief, while also laughing with exhilaration, mixed with righteous wrath....
When he recovers his composure, remembering that he is a King, he straightens himself up and smiles at each of the Lusty Fools....
In French: Today, sirs, you have made a great friend. We shall see that you are properly rewarded for your valor in rescuing Our Majesty, and that you shall hereafter be regarded as heroes and ambassadors of the Kingdom of France, with all entitlements normally associated with such status....
Then his face grows stern for a moment....
But first, we must remove that monster from the throne, and take the heads of those that put it there....

Paddy |

Aye, Hisao makes a good point. We don't know who is involved in this conspiracy, but I am willing to bet that Father Renaud is not one. Your Grace, is there anything you can tell us about your...situation? Any aspersions or suspicions about who might have done this to you?

Charles VII, Dauphin of France |

In French: Alas, the situation is dire.... We know not who we can trust.... Certainly Father Pierre was involved.... He is in league with the Devil.... There was an Englishwoman, Margary Jourdamayne.... The Witch of Eye, she is called by her countrymen.... She is also involved in the conspiracy.... And Philip of Burgundy! That dog.... He would sell his own mother into slavery if it would further his agenda.... They captured the Maid of Orleans.... Does she yet live? Or have they burnt her at the stake as a witch yet? .... Such a pity that the true messengers of Our Lord should be so ill treated....
Joan of Arc has, in fact, already been burnt as a witch, but it must have happened after the true Dauphin was replaced by a doppelgänger and tossed into this underground prison vault to rot....

Alphonse Veritas |

Operating under the assumption that Iommi is translating.
"We have killed Pierre the Necromancer. We are in his lair right now, in fact. Joan of Arc as well has indeed been burned."
"Our plan had already involved going after The Witch of Eye for other reasons. It is disturbing to know that her machinations extend across another country rather than just my native England. Philip's relevance was unknown to us."
"I admit I know not who to trust either, save that I agree with Paddy. Father Renaud has proven himself a trustworthy friend, and was invaluable in defeating Pierre. Were he involved in the conspiracy, I doubt that he would have aided us at all, much less to the extent he did. If nothing else Father Renaud may be able to house and hide you until such a time as we can route out the conspirators."
"But, the planning of that may need to be left to someone else smarter than I. I am out of my depth with conspiracies such as this."

Charles VII, Dauphin of France |

Charles VII contemplates his situation quietly a moment, then sighs, and speaks....
Though we are loathe to delay one more second in bringing our enemies to the headsman's block, we must admit your advice to proceed with caution seems wise.... And we agree to take sanctuary at Notre Dame for the briefest time possible.... But Justice must prevail before it becomes too late! So let us delay as little as possible. We must see the good Father Renaud at once! Gather what treasures from this vault as you wish, but do so quickly, trusting that Our Majesty shall reward you far more handsomely when we are back in our rightful place on the throne!
He then looks for a moment at Alphonse, Paddy, and Iommi-Tyr, and grins....
It pleases us to know that not all Englishmen are self-serving barbarian pig-dogs.... You who are loyal to the English crown....doubly have our gratitude....for not taking advantage of Our Majesty and taking our life or holding us for ransom, as I fear most of your countrymen would do in your position....
Charles next regards Hisao, nodding with a smile....
You, sir, seem to be a long way from home.... You may now consider yourself a true Frenchman, with all the honors and rights thereof whenever you are in France.... I shall see that official documents are written up for you, if it please you....
Regarding Nacht warily, His Majesty seems at a loss for words momentarily.... Finally, he speaks again....
What in God's creation is this....creature....that travels with you? Is this a man? Or some manner of giant insect? You must pardon our utter ignorance of whatever this thing may be, of course.... Can it speak?
The Dauphin's eyes briefly widen....
Mon Dieu! You are this Beetle Man the townsfolk have been babbling about!?
Charles VII begins to laugh, hard.... When he regains composure again....
You must forgive us.... It is ironic that my rescue comes not from a band of brave French Knights, but from a band of Englishmen, an Asian, and The Beetle Man! It would be....inconceivable! HAHAHAHAHA!!

Alphonse Veritas |

Alphonse's left eye twitches at the Dauphin's remarks about England, but he holds his tongue.
Likewise, he eyes Hisao as he introduces himself.
I will have to ask him about that later.
"Yes, lets us quickly gather these treasures. Are you ready to depart, your Majesty?"

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

You who are loyal to the English crown....doubly have our gratitude....for not taking advantage of Our Majesty and taking our life or holding us for ransom, as I fear most of your countrymen would do in your position....
Yeah, that's really what I'm thinking. Now to figure out how to convince my new friends that this would be a really good idea -- both the "Lawful Good," "Chaotic Good," and "Neutral Good" thing to do.

Paddy |

Well, one good thing about being housed in the church....the gargoyles will protect you....
this next part depends on if Paddy knows what the hat can do
Paddy looks around, then grabs the hat.
Put this on Highness....it can change your appearance. Might be handy trying to keep you alive. And until we get to the church, your name is Gerard, ok? Just in case...

Set, Jackal-Headed God of Evil |

In the Land of the Dead, Set, jackal-headed god of evil, stands before Anubis, god of the underworld and judge of the dead, who sits enthroned before the mighty scale on which he weighed the hearts of the recently departed against a feather....
In Infernal: I come to offer thee one last chance to throw in thy lot with mine, old friend.... This upstart is a threat to us both.... How many mortal hearts hast thine scale weighed this day? Or yesterday? Three? Four?

Set, Jackal-Headed God of Evil |

And now many go to the Heaven of the Jew god and his demigod son, while even more go to the Nine Hells of the upstart fallen seraph they have elevated to near godhood.... This thief has stolen most of my rightful worship, and much of yours, as well.... Even my beloved serpents are now associated more with this insane Lucifer, and now he has even appropriated my title as the Satan.... No more do mortals fear the evils of Set, or the judgement of Anubis, my brother.... Now they fear the evils of Lucifer, THE Devil, as if he were the first and only such fiend! Now mortals fear the judgments only of the Jew god and his narcissistic, masochistic, demigod incarnation of himself, this Christ-god, who allowed a mob of filthy Jews and Romans to torture him to death....to....appease himself!?? Who does that!?

Set, Jackal-Headed God of Evil |

It was a cheap trick, Anubis! Becoming one of these puny mortals so they could relate more to him, and he to them.... And then letting them sacrifice him to himself.... 'Tis....cheap sensationalism, I tell you! Maudlin, heartstring-plucking, emotion-manipulating sensationalism! And it worked.... We must take back what is rightfully ours before it be too late, brother! Can you not see what shall happen if Ein Sof, or Yahweh, or Allah, or whatever he calls himself these days gets his way!? His Armaggedon is nigh! If all goes as his prophets have predicted, the entire Prime Material Plane will become part of his Heaven! It shall then be too late to act. Never again shall Set and Anubis have their rightful worship and fear from mortals, when his "Kingdom of Heaven" extends to annex the Material Plane! We must do as the others have begun to do.... If we are forbidden to act directly, our mortal pawns are under no such restriction.... Soon, I shall choose a fitting pawn of mine own to cast upon the Board.... I suggest you do the same, brother.... Our combined efforts can achieve far more than I can hope to accomplish alone....

Father Renaud of Notre Dame |

The Lusty Fools collect up the treasures in the vault and then make their way back through the catacombs to the cathedral of Notre Dame, escorting the Dauphin, to the awaiting Father Renaud....
Seeing his King emerge from the crypts looking haggard and pale from a long imprisonment underground, Father Renaud gasps and falls to one knee, bowing his gray head....
Sacre Couer! Majestie!

Charles VII, Dauphin of France |

In French: Rise, good Father Renaud.... We shall explain our presence and appearance.... We were abducted from our bed one night several months ago by masked men in black robes and cloaks.... With zese men were an Englishwoman named Margary Jourdemayne, Zee Witch of Eye! And zee English Lord, Humphrey of Gloucester! And Phillip III of Burgundy, sorely misnamed Zee Fair.... We were blindfolded and brought to zis vault, evidently down in zee catacombs beneath Notre Dame.... Zey showed to us zee monster zat would replace us....a doppelgänger, zey called it.... It looked exactly like Our Majesty! And it read our mind, so it would know of our friends and family.... We were imprisoned zese past several months while a shapechanging monster sits on our throne! If not for zese five brave heroes, we would still remain a prisoner!