Charmaine Da'vi |

Charmaine studies the group around her quietly, looking at the odd bunch of adventures speaking several different languages and hailing from many foreign lands.
It would seem that i am not alone in being called here by god to help fight this evil, even if we do not all worship the same powers it is clear they have called us all into action,
could i suggest we found out all we can from Father Renaud about this necromancer and then rest and regroup on the morrow at the cemetery, i believe where there is undead we will find a necromancer

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

Le nécromancien Judas exerce ses habitudes impies dans un repaire secret dans le Guyer ....
...So, I guess we should go to the guyer.
Come, let us make way to the guyer!What's a guyer?...

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

I'm not sure, master Paladin, I think the Cleric is confused and is using the wrong word. ... It's almost inconceivable. Nonetheless, let us go forth.
Alphonse, are you from London -- I hear you speak in English with a native's accent? Do you know the Boar's Head Inn by chance? I spent some time there years ago with some friends.

Paddy |

Well, what are we waitin' for? We go there, kick his arse and get back to the bleedin' tavern. The quicker we get it done, the quicker I can get back to me drinking and me ladies.

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

Mike and I are currently playing through his Temple of Unified Evil campaign and, after hearing our remarks about his "Guyer" he has told me that it IS in fact cheese and that, more interestingly, the French used the word to describe the underground, full-of-holes crypts throughout Paris.

Tevaga the redeemer |

Mike and I are currently playing through his Temple of Unified Evil campaign and, after hearing our remarks about his "Guyer" he has told me that it IS in fact cheese and that, more interestingly, the French used the word to describe the underground, full-of-holes crypts throughout Paris.
As the resident francophone, I can safely say that the word is "Gruyère" (or Gruyere in english); it is also the official name of "swiss cheese". Weird spelling makes it difficult to track down. I also decide to track down it's history, and while the cheese has existed for over 2 millenia, the term first appeared in 1655 (as reference to cheese anyway), and is tied to the name of a swiss county (also named gruyere) History .

Charmaine Da'vi |

well i dont have any blessings or spells left so i vote we rest. then go to the cemetery and kill some skellies then hopefully level up, and then go face this necromancer

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

Mike says, "Oops" -- but I'm not gonna mess with him too much right now because my PC is almost dead in our ToUE game session tonight so I don't want to push it. (Our Cleric just got Baleful Polymorphed to a bunny.)
Let's go to the catacombs!

Tevaga the redeemer |

Mike says, "Oops" -- but I'm not gonna mess with him too much right now because my PC is almost dead in our ToUE game session tonight so I don't want to push it. (Our Cleric just got Baleful Polymorphed to a bunny.)
Let's go to the catacombs!
I once saw someone baleful polymorph a lava dragon into a bunny...
Yes! To the catacombs! Though we may want to stock up on holy water first, my aspergillium is empty

Michael Johnson 66 |

[dice=Knowledge Local (w/ Inspiration)] 1d20+8 +1d6
Iommi-Tyr knows that the extensive catacombs beneath Paris can be accessed through the crypts beneath Notre Dame cathedral, among other ways.... There are also several taverns, inns, brothels, and shop basements throughout the city with access points....

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

Wait friends, our noble ally Charmaine Da'vi, the shy French villager with that fancy looking weapon, is exhausted; mayhaps we should rest and return on the morrow. It is late, afterall, and a good night's sleep will do us all well.
I can translate for everyone except Hisao of the Yellow Reeds.
Mike, what does Father Renaud say about our coming back at first light tomorrow instead of charging down there now?

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

24 Potions of Cure Light Wounds 7 of us means we each get three & the other 3 can be held by whom?...
8 tiny thieves' tools Is Paddy or Hisao (or anyone else) interested -- or should we try to sell them?
gold ring with arcane symbols engraved around it, inlaid with turquoise and amethyst Iommi-Tyr Magnusson casts Detect Magic
35 gold florins, a topaz, a garnet, an aquamarine, an onyx, an opal, and an agate Let's try to Appraise the gems and split the total gold
800 XP for each PC

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

I think it unlikely he will try to escape -- the traitor has some ill plans, I surmise, and will think himself safe in his lair. He will know we are coming, certainly, for we have struck a blow against his reign of terror -- all the better, I say, that we are fully recovered.

Jean Lamarre |

Jean is primed for healing and debuffing for another encounter. If Charmaine wants to play meatshield we can go forth and I can heal us up. I'm fresh; I just got hit by the gargoyles. Also, for future reference: Jean has the tongues curse and speaks in Celestial within its duration. Does anyone speak that?
As his fantasy and reality align, Jean becomes excited.
"Monsieurs et filles, I work as a hand at an inn three blocks yonder. My employer knows of my quest for the Seigneur, and when he sees you all by my side he will surely allow us a stay. Let us go!"
MJ I hope you don't mind that, if it doesn't suit your jive then you can play it out however you feel. Jean has his head in the clouds a fair amount of the time and could be wrong about his employer.

Father Renaud of Notre Dame |

Wait friends, our noble ally Charmaine Da'vi, the shy French villager with that fancy looking weapon, is exhausted; mayhaps we should rest and return on the morrow. It is late, afterall, and a good night's sleep will do us all well.
I can translate for everyone except Hisao of the Yellow Reeds.
Mike, what does Father Renaud say about our coming back at first light tomorrow instead of charging down there now?
Father Renaud understands that those among you who cast spells might need to wait until the next day before entering the catacombs....

Michael Johnson 66 |

Jean is primed for healing and debuffing for another encounter. If Charmaine wants to play meatshield we can go forth and I can heal us up. I'm fresh; I just got hit by the gargoyles. Also, for future reference: Jean has the tongues curse and speaks in Celestial within its duration. Does anyone speak that?
As his fantasy and reality align, Jean becomes excited.
"Monsieurs et filles, I work as a hand at an inn three blocks yonder. My employer knows of my quest for the Seigneur, and when he sees you all by my side he will surely allow us a stay. Let us go!"
MJ I hope you don't mind that, if it doesn't suit your jive then you can play it out however you feel. Jean has his head in the clouds a fair amount of the time and could be wrong about his employer.
Sounds good to me!

Michael Johnson 66 |

Deciding it would be safer to hunt the necromancer in his lair with all members of the expedition fully rested and prepared, the heroes accompany Jean Lamarre back to Grotte de la Sirene, an inn a few blocks from the cathedral, where they are given shelter through the night in the common room free of charge. Pitching bedrolls under tables or near the warmth of the fireplace, the heroes sleep undisturbed until dawn on the following day, June 2nd....

Michael Johnson 66 |

June 2nd, 1430: Into the Catacombs!
Rested and prepared for an expedition into the catacombs, the heroes return to Notre Dame cathedral, where Father Renaud and the young acolyte greet them and usher them down a stairway to the subterranean crypts beneath the cathedral. The crypts are a part of the greater catacombs, and house the mortal remains of generations of clergy....

Alphonse Veritas |

Alphonse yawns.
Edit: you know, I forgot to ask you. I took Draconic as my language known from high Int, but would I be able to take a Human language instead? It seems like Latin would fit better for a servant of God.

Father Renaud of Notre Dame |

Father Renaud utters a word: Lux! as he touches the weapons in each hero's hand, causing light to radiate like a torch from the weapons....
Méfiez-vous , les jeunes piliers , que les morts-vivants hantent les catacombes....
Father Renaud goes on to explain that the treacherous Pierre the Necromancer has stirred the dead interred in the catacombs with foul necromancy, creating undead skeletons and zombies, and has called the ghouls which have always dwelt in the deeper catacombs up to his service, unleashing them upon the sleeping city after nightfall....

Hisao of the Yellow Reeds |

In response to what anyone says to him Hisao just shrugs in an exaggerated fashion and replies with
Planning on picking up French as I think being mute is close to running its course as being amusing so if you wish to take some other language that that is fine. You can still pick up Japanese if you want for flavour reasons and would be fun.

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

Father Renaud, may we each have some of the blessed water, made Holy by your god, to aid us in giving rest to the unquiet dead?
Iommi-Tyr Magnusson will offer his share of the treasure back to the cathedral for Holy Water.

Michael Johnson 66 |

The stairs descend to a vaulted chamber, 30 ft by 40 ft with a ceiling apex of 40 ft high, some 60 feet under the nave....
The walls from floor to ceiling are lined with rows of human skulls, some forming morbidly artistic religious symbology--crucifixes, chi-ros, fish, et cetera--casting dancing shadows....
A faint charnel smell permeates the air....
Arched, 10-ft-wide by 10-ft-high corridors, walls also lined with niches filled with skulls and candles, exit the vault from the north, south, east and west walls.... This vault seems to be a crossroads of the catacombs under Notre Dame....
Perception checks, please....

Jean Lamarre |

Merci, Mon Pere. May we put an end.to this foul servant of Satan!
Jean is not using his.buckler atm, favoring his longspear. His AC is 16. He also no longer has improved initiative, and his initiative is 0. I will update him in the morning when I'm not on my phone....
perception: 1d20 ⇒ 18

Father Renaud of Notre Dame |

Father Renaud, may we each have some of the blessed water, made Holy by your god, to aid us in giving rest to the unquiet dead?
Iommi-Tyr Magnusson will offer his share of the treasure back to the cathedral for Holy Water.
Se il vous plaît , Norseman .... garder votre trésor .... vous pouvez avoir autant d'eau sainte comme vous le désirez ....

Michael Johnson 66 |

Merci, Mon Pere. May we put an end.to this foul servant of Satan!
Jean is not using his.buckler atm, favoring his longspear. His AC is 16. He also no longer has improved initiative, and his initiative is 0. I will update him in the morning when I'm not on my phone....
The French prophet's ears detect a thin musical piping.... The strains of the ancient church melody known as the dies irae (day of wrath) played on a flute somewhere to the north echoes faintly down the corridor into the vaulted chamber....

Jean Lamarre |

SO legit. Ermahgerd.
"Someone is playing music down here... I could only think of it being two sorts of people, avec this horrid smell... It is either a lost orphan from the Cathedrale, or the wizard. But orphans seldom have money for flutes."

Hisao of the Yellow Reeds |

Hisao, pretty just coming along for the ride, gets more alert as they pass into a more dangerous seeming area.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

Michael Johnson 66 |

Hisao, pretty just coming along for the ride, gets more alert as they pass into a more dangerous seeming area.
** spoiler omitted ** he mutters to himself.
The ninja's keen ears perceive the eerie flute music wafting from the northern corridor.... His keen eyes perceive rats scurrying into the shadows as the heroic band enters the vaulted chamber at the bottom of the stairs....

Michael Johnson 66 |

I can scout ahead if necessary. The darkness holds few secrets from me.
Standing in the vaulted chamber at the bottom of the stairs and looking up the north corridor, from whence Jean and Hisao hear flute music, Tevaga sees that the corridor runs straight for at least 40 feet into darkness....
Looking east, she sees another arched corridor, like the one running north, 10-ft-by-10-ft and lined with human bones and skulls resting in niches, and also extending at least 40 ft into darkness....
To the south, another arched corridor, running at least 40 ft before darkness obscures the half-orc's vision....
To the west, the same--another corridor extending into darkness....