Hell's Rebels AP - Down with Thrune! (Inactive)

Game Master GM Red



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Issil Tanessen | | HP 73/73 | AC 22 T 14 FF 20 | Saves: 7/4/6 | CMD 19 | Perception +0 | Init +4 | Female Human (Chileax) | Oracle 8 | Spells -/7/7/5/4| Stealth Synergy +11 |

Issil is fine with nonlethal, but I don't think I can control the spiritual ally's swing. By RAW I guess initiative order wins here. But this ain't PFS, we do it live! (Or by the GM's will)

URogue 8 HP: 59/59 AC: 25 FF:25 (Improved Uncanny Dodge) T:17 CMB:+6 CMD: 23 F:+4 R:+11 (Evasion) W:+5|Init:+9| Perception +12, Sense Motive +15 Male Dancing Lights 3/3; Charm Person 2/2; Shocking Grasp 1/4; CLW Wand 35/50 Effects:

Both options work for Victor. Since its an AOO it likely happens at the same time, so either roll to see or use init, or both happen! If the ally would make the strike without needing control from Issil then maybe both happen regardless?

Liberty's Edge

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CG Halfling Male Bard (Argent Voice) 8 | Conditions: heroism, good hope, haste | Bardic Performance 16/22 | Spells/Day 1-5/5; 2-2/4; 3-0/3 | Speed 30 ft. | ♫Freedom!♫ HP 59/59 | AC 23/ 15 T/ 20 FF | CMD 20 | Fort +9 (+1 vs drugs or poisons), Reflex +12, Will +9 (+1 vs mind-affecting effects); +2 vs fear; +4 vs bard performance, language-dependent, & sonic | Init +8 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +21

Folks, I'm taking a few days off from gaming to consider whether or not to continue to support this company and its platform.

Paizo has poisoned the well with empty political virtue-signalling, and I'm deeply disappointed.

All lives matter, including black ones. To me that's not a banal slogan or a conviction that ought to be the sole purview of any one political ideology.

Not looking for an argument. Just... done.

HP: 42/42 l AC: 14 (17 w/ Mage Armor), T 13, FF 12 (15 w/ Mage Armor) l CMD 16 l F +6, R +5, W +7 l Arcane Reservoir (11/11), Conjurer's Focus (8 min), Consume Spells (3/3) | L1: 5/6, L2: 5/5, L3: 5/5, L4: 3/3 l Init +2 l Senses: Perception +2 | Female Human Arcanist (Occultist) 8 l Active Conditions: Mage Armor

I have no problem with deducting the 250 gold for diamond dust out of Morv's personal funds, so her action for this round will stand.

Sovereign Court

Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions | Combat Map

I just now realized that not everyone in this game is also playing in Larry's CotCT game, so I wanted to mention that he's going to be departing the community. Sad to see Padraig go! We'll keep he and Rosebud in for this combat, at least.

HP: 42/42 l AC: 14 (17 w/ Mage Armor), T 13, FF 12 (15 w/ Mage Armor) l CMD 16 l F +6, R +5, W +7 l Arcane Reservoir (11/11), Conjurer's Focus (8 min), Consume Spells (3/3) | L1: 5/6, L2: 5/5, L3: 5/5, L4: 3/3 l Init +2 l Senses: Perception +2 | Female Human Arcanist (Occultist) 8 l Active Conditions: Mage Armor

Aw man...and I was hoping they actually weren't going to do anything; now Morv looks dumb :( :( :(


Sovereign Court

Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions | Combat Map

It was the second or third time I'd had to remember what Detect Magic vs Constructs does. It doesn't detect them, but it did detect the active magical effect on their gear.

HP: 42/42 l AC: 14 (17 w/ Mage Armor), T 13, FF 12 (15 w/ Mage Armor) l CMD 16 l F +6, R +5, W +7 l Arcane Reservoir (11/11), Conjurer's Focus (8 min), Consume Spells (3/3) | L1: 5/6, L2: 5/5, L3: 5/5, L4: 3/3 l Init +2 l Senses: Perception +2 | Female Human Arcanist (Occultist) 8 l Active Conditions: Mage Armor

Happy July 4th to those of you in/from the US and Happy Saturday to those of you elsewhere or those that opt not to celebrate!

This is my weekend off (yay!) but otherwise no special plans on my end except maybe trying to enjoy the sunshine a little bit when it's not too terribly hot :)

URogue 8 HP: 59/59 AC: 25 FF:25 (Improved Uncanny Dodge) T:17 CMB:+6 CMD: 23 F:+4 R:+11 (Evasion) W:+5|Init:+9| Perception +12, Sense Motive +15 Male Dancing Lights 3/3; Charm Person 2/2; Shocking Grasp 1/4; CLW Wand 35/50 Effects:

Happily 4th or 1st, where ever you be.

Wrangling/setting up kittens and cleaning. Maybe a bit of grilling later.

Issil Tanessen | | HP 73/73 | AC 22 T 14 FF 20 | Saves: 7/4/6 | CMD 19 | Perception +0 | Init +4 | Female Human (Chileax) | Oracle 8 | Spells -/7/7/5/4| Stealth Synergy +11 |

I made a cake.

Attempted Red/White/Blue, but coconut sugar is brown, not white.

Sovereign Court

Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions | Combat Map

I'm sure it's potentially a divisive topic, but I will likely teleport you back to Kintargo from here because of a few reasons. One, that creating interesting, fun, engaging things for you to enjoy during the travel back is really pretty taxing on me... The book doesn't provide for this and I'm not sure I can crank that level of content out at a reasonable pace with a full-time job. Two, that I think the real fun to be had in PbP is the advance and experience of the story, and encounters during travel doesn't really further that.

HP: 42/42 l AC: 14 (17 w/ Mage Armor), T 13, FF 12 (15 w/ Mage Armor) l CMD 16 l F +6, R +5, W +7 l Arcane Reservoir (11/11), Conjurer's Focus (8 min), Consume Spells (3/3) | L1: 5/6, L2: 5/5, L3: 5/5, L4: 3/3 l Init +2 l Senses: Perception +2 | Female Human Arcanist (Occultist) 8 l Active Conditions: Mage Armor

Works for me, GM!

URogue 8 HP: 59/59 AC: 25 FF:25 (Improved Uncanny Dodge) T:17 CMB:+6 CMD: 23 F:+4 R:+11 (Evasion) W:+5|Init:+9| Perception +12, Sense Motive +15 Male Dancing Lights 3/3; Charm Person 2/2; Shocking Grasp 1/4; CLW Wand 35/50 Effects:

Bam! We have a relaxing and uneventful trip home! /done

Sounds good.

Issil Tanessen | | HP 73/73 | AC 22 T 14 FF 20 | Saves: 7/4/6 | CMD 19 | Perception +0 | Init +4 | Female Human (Chileax) | Oracle 8 | Spells -/7/7/5/4| Stealth Synergy +11 |

As long as we carry the monster loot back, I'm good.

Besides, how many guards would actually reach this keep if ogres and bacchae drove them insane every day?

HP: 75/75 l AC: 24, T 13, FF 19 l CMD 27 l F +11, R +6, W +5 l Init +6 l Senses: Perception +10
Climb +8, Diplo +12, Disg +9, Intim +13, Know (Eng) +7, Know (Geog) +6, Know (Hist) +3, Know (Nob) +6, Ride +7, Sense Motive +13, Swim +18
Male Human Fighter (Tactician archetype) 8 l Active Conditions: *Cursed

Also keep in mind we had Padraig, Rosebud and his two flunkies clear the way for us. I wouldn't be surprised if her recruited another group of followers for the Ravens :D

URogue 8 HP: 59/59 AC: 25 FF:25 (Improved Uncanny Dodge) T:17 CMB:+6 CMD: 23 F:+4 R:+11 (Evasion) W:+5|Init:+9| Perception +12, Sense Motive +15 Male Dancing Lights 3/3; Charm Person 2/2; Shocking Grasp 1/4; CLW Wand 35/50 Effects:

Just a reminder to everyone, now that we're back in town with a giant bag of loot we'll need to do some shopping and gear updating asap. It also doesn't make a ton of sense to carry around such wealth, nor would Victor feel super comfortable storing it all at the base with so many eyes and ears around.

Sovereign Court

Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions | Combat Map

Yup, there will be lots of time to get your shopping done ahead of anything else.

HP: 42/42 l AC: 14 (17 w/ Mage Armor), T 13, FF 12 (15 w/ Mage Armor) l CMD 16 l F +6, R +5, W +7 l Arcane Reservoir (11/11), Conjurer's Focus (8 min), Consume Spells (3/3) | L1: 5/6, L2: 5/5, L3: 5/5, L4: 3/3 l Init +2 l Senses: Perception +2 | Female Human Arcanist (Occultist) 8 l Active Conditions: Mage Armor

GM, would Identify work to determine the nature of the vials we found way back here? I only ask because I notice a distinction between needing Spellcraft for those potions but Craft: Alchemy for the vials.

Sovereign Court

Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions | Combat Map

With Eric's suggestion I checked out some of the NPC stat sheets, Korva of the tengu family does have the Craft (Alchemy) skill, so she could also roll daily until she's able to identify them.

Shopping wise, if you haven't already laid claim to items on the list, please do so and we'll sell off anything else. I'll update Gameplay today.

Issil Tanessen | | HP 73/73 | AC 22 T 14 FF 20 | Saves: 7/4/6 | CMD 19 | Perception +0 | Init +4 | Female Human (Chileax) | Oracle 8 | Spells -/7/7/5/4| Stealth Synergy +11 |

Issil will give Geoff her Dagger of Poison in exchange for his merciful dagger.

She also wants that jeweled dagger scabbard.

Issil Tanessen | | HP 73/73 | AC 22 T 14 FF 20 | Saves: 7/4/6 | CMD 19 | Perception +0 | Init +4 | Female Human (Chileax) | Oracle 8 | Spells -/7/7/5/4| Stealth Synergy +11 |

Here's how we should split Pádraig's loot:

lesser extend metamagic rod (Morv)
potion of cure moderate wounds (Party)
scroll of cure moderate wounds (Issil?)
scroll of doom
scroll of raise dead (Party)
scroll of remove fear
scroll of silence
wand of cure light wounds (12 charges) (Issil)
wand of hold person (10 charges)
air crystal (Party)
cold iron arrows (50) (Geoff?)
wand of cure light wounds (45 charges) (Issil)
2 bags of holding (Party)

HP: 75/75 l AC: 24, T 13, FF 19 l CMD 27 l F +11, R +6, W +5 l Init +6 l Senses: Perception +10
Climb +8, Diplo +12, Disg +9, Intim +13, Know (Eng) +7, Know (Geog) +6, Know (Hist) +3, Know (Nob) +6, Ride +7, Sense Motive +13, Swim +18
Male Human Fighter (Tactician archetype) 8 l Active Conditions: *Cursed

Thank you Issil, I am sure the kiss of that dagger is less dangerous than her other kisses :P

I took the liberty of updating the Loot List with the items Geoff wants to sell now. He was carrying enough weapons to push him into the Extremely Heavy Encumbered Tank class, he he. If someone needs some of the funds for the sale of the weapons, let me know!

URogue 8 HP: 59/59 AC: 25 FF:25 (Improved Uncanny Dodge) T:17 CMB:+6 CMD: 23 F:+4 R:+11 (Evasion) W:+5|Init:+9| Perception +12, Sense Motive +15 Male Dancing Lights 3/3; Charm Person 2/2; Shocking Grasp 1/4; CLW Wand 35/50 Effects:

If Issil ever wants to part with that merciful dagger let Victor know. It'll be nice to have that NL option for him as a dagger.

As far as the $$ from selling off the weapons Geoff, I tend to just put it back in the group loot for sale/redistribution if they were found and claimed items vs bought with your share of gold.

Sovereign Court

Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions | Combat Map

Giving the loot tracker one final look before I sell stuff off, I'm going to remove anything mark claimed (pleased add it to your own personal sheets). As for Padraig's items, the crossed off items can be added to your own sheets as well:

lesser extend metamagic rod (Morv)
potion of cure moderate wounds (Party)
scroll of cure moderate wounds (Issil?)
scroll of doom
scroll of raise dead (Party)
scroll of remove fear
scroll of silence
wand of cure light wounds (12 charges) (Issil)
wand of hold person (10 charges)
air crystal (Party)
cold iron arrows (50) (Geoff?)
wand of cure light wounds (45 charges) (Issil)
2 bags of holding (Party)

The above items that aren't crossed off will be added to the Loot Tracker and can still be claimed afterwards, or if not, it'll just be party loot that you can share.

HP: 42/42 l AC: 14 (17 w/ Mage Armor), T 13, FF 12 (15 w/ Mage Armor) l CMD 16 l F +6, R +5, W +7 l Arcane Reservoir (11/11), Conjurer's Focus (8 min), Consume Spells (3/3) | L1: 5/6, L2: 5/5, L3: 5/5, L4: 3/3 l Init +2 l Senses: Perception +2 | Female Human Arcanist (Occultist) 8 l Active Conditions: Mage Armor

Added the rod to Morv's character sheet~

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HP: 42/42 l AC: 14 (17 w/ Mage Armor), T 13, FF 12 (15 w/ Mage Armor) l CMD 16 l F +6, R +5, W +7 l Arcane Reservoir (11/11), Conjurer's Focus (8 min), Consume Spells (3/3) | L1: 5/6, L2: 5/5, L3: 5/5, L4: 3/3 l Init +2 l Senses: Perception +2 | Female Human Arcanist (Occultist) 8 l Active Conditions: Mage Armor

Hum...given what we know about the four noble families we could prooobably:

(1) Just go pay a visit to Baron Jhaltero. He likes big brains and he cannot lie and between Issil and myself I think we've got enough options to impress him that way.

(2) We could probably also just visit Baroness Jarvis; even without Padraig I think we've got decent enough Diplomacy chops to convince her that way.

(3) Send Victor/Disguise of the Week to bamboozle Baron Vashnarstill.

(4) Aulamaxa...a shame Padraig isn't an active party member anymore because Singing is right up his alley! Maybe we could try our other Perform skills? >.>

No real preference on the attempted order but if we had to pick just two for now I think we'd have the best chances with Jhaltero and Vashnarstill.

Sovereign Court

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Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions | Combat Map

Gameplay posts are coming up shortly, but I got the loot management out of the way. Adding up everything marked as sell, I total 11,974 gp to split between yourselves. Please add 2993 gp to your personal sheets. I've also moved everything sold and claimed to the 'Items Claimed' tab.

One other thing, earlier, Morv had identified those arrows as +3 frost arrows that I've marked as Geoffrey's.

HP: 42/42 l AC: 14 (17 w/ Mage Armor), T 13, FF 12 (15 w/ Mage Armor) l CMD 16 l F +6, R +5, W +7 l Arcane Reservoir (11/11), Conjurer's Focus (8 min), Consume Spells (3/3) | L1: 5/6, L2: 5/5, L3: 5/5, L4: 3/3 l Init +2 l Senses: Perception +2 | Female Human Arcanist (Occultist) 8 l Active Conditions: Mage Armor

^Sweet! Morv's moolah totals are updated :D

Sovereign Court

Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions | Combat Map

Oops, did I say another post coming in a bit? I meant 'tomorrow' :) I wanted to give you a chance to sort through the loot and any purchases before I pressed on, but I do intend on moving us along either this morning or after work later on today.

HP: 42/42 l AC: 14 (17 w/ Mage Armor), T 13, FF 12 (15 w/ Mage Armor) l CMD 16 l F +6, R +5, W +7 l Arcane Reservoir (11/11), Conjurer's Focus (8 min), Consume Spells (3/3) | L1: 5/6, L2: 5/5, L3: 5/5, L4: 3/3 l Init +2 l Senses: Perception +2 | Female Human Arcanist (Occultist) 8 l Active Conditions: Mage Armor

I'm actually going to hold off for a bit longer on purchasing anything for Morv; partly because I've not had the time to sit down and really look into items like I wanted and partly because the couple of things I might already have some interest in are still a bit out of my price range.

Depending on how our shenanigans with the nobles and Thrune's party go, I may just wait until after all of that business is done before I do some shopping.

HP: 75/75 l AC: 24, T 13, FF 19 l CMD 27 l F +11, R +6, W +5 l Init +6 l Senses: Perception +10
Climb +8, Diplo +12, Disg +9, Intim +13, Know (Eng) +7, Know (Geog) +6, Know (Hist) +3, Know (Nob) +6, Ride +7, Sense Motive +13, Swim +18
Male Human Fighter (Tactician archetype) 8 l Active Conditions: *Cursed

Geoff is looking to upgrade his cloak here. He would like to purchase a Cloak of Resistance +3 ideally, but he will settle for a +2 cloak. If it is not available then he will look into upgrading his armor.

Issil Tanessen | | HP 73/73 | AC 22 T 14 FF 20 | Saves: 7/4/6 | CMD 19 | Perception +0 | Init +4 | Female Human (Chileax) | Oracle 8 | Spells -/7/7/5/4| Stealth Synergy +11 |

Dagger of Venom is all yours, Geoff.

I think Issil will hold off on purchases for now.

URogue 8 HP: 59/59 AC: 25 FF:25 (Improved Uncanny Dodge) T:17 CMB:+6 CMD: 23 F:+4 R:+11 (Evasion) W:+5|Init:+9| Perception +12, Sense Motive +15 Male Dancing Lights 3/3; Charm Person 2/2; Shocking Grasp 1/4; CLW Wand 35/50 Effects:

Just the option for that glamored armor if available. I'll also probably get another potion of fly. Maybe a heroism. Not until after our meeting with the nobles.

*edit: Actually I am still interested in those glasses that increase perception +5. I think they are 2500g?

Sovereign Court

Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions | Combat Map

I'm taking a few days off PbP (as you may have noticed) since I've been working late hours for a few days and haven't felt the inspiration to post either. Usually, when I start to feel like posting is a chore vs something I enjoy, I know it's time for a break.

I do have some vacation days coming up though, so looking to update us later this week. I'll still post in games I am playing in though.

HP: 42/42 l AC: 14 (17 w/ Mage Armor), T 13, FF 12 (15 w/ Mage Armor) l CMD 16 l F +6, R +5, W +7 l Arcane Reservoir (11/11), Conjurer's Focus (8 min), Consume Spells (3/3) | L1: 5/6, L2: 5/5, L3: 5/5, L4: 3/3 l Init +2 l Senses: Perception +2 | Female Human Arcanist (Occultist) 8 l Active Conditions: Mage Armor

No worries GM and thanks for the update!

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URogue 8 HP: 59/59 AC: 25 FF:25 (Improved Uncanny Dodge) T:17 CMB:+6 CMD: 23 F:+4 R:+11 (Evasion) W:+5|Init:+9| Perception +12, Sense Motive +15 Male Dancing Lights 3/3; Charm Person 2/2; Shocking Grasp 1/4; CLW Wand 35/50 Effects:

Lars is back from hiatus. I hope to rekindle his creative juices once Frank has his restocked. No rush, just checking in.

Sovereign Court

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Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions | Combat Map

Hey guys.
I've had a solid break over the past month and it's really helped me realize how important it is to step away from even something you consider a hobby if it ever gets dull. I had not done so for so long simply because I didn't want to let anyone down, especially for a long campaign like this where we've all committed for multiple years now! I'm guilty of putting myself second in most things I do, so I'd push myself to post even when I really, really didn't want to. Some mornings, I'd wake up, and instead of thinking "I have to get to work," I'd think "I better update the boards, people are waiting!" Ridiculous? Kind of, but I hate letting people down.

I want to change that. I've been considering a return sometime soon, but updating at a much more repressed pace. A slow trickle here and there, posting as enthusiasm comes instead of on a strict schedule. The game will run a lot slower, but this is what I can offer right now. Maybe I'll post every other day, maybe I'll post once a week. Or maybe it'll be daily. I can't commit one way or another right now is all. How does that sound to you guys?

I likely won't join any more games, at least not for now, though I will keep playing as Poog in your game, Joe, whenever you decide to continue, because that's quite honestly a very low effort role to play.. something about being an insane goblin just comes so naturally. /shrug

Issil Tanessen | | HP 73/73 | AC 22 T 14 FF 20 | Saves: 7/4/6 | CMD 19 | Perception +0 | Init +4 | Female Human (Chileax) | Oracle 8 | Spells -/7/7/5/4| Stealth Synergy +11 |

Pacing yourself is extremely important. Feel free to post at whatever frequency you need to.

That being said, it's good to hear from ya.

HP: 75/75 l AC: 24, T 13, FF 19 l CMD 27 l F +11, R +6, W +5 l Init +6 l Senses: Perception +10
Climb +8, Diplo +12, Disg +9, Intim +13, Know (Eng) +7, Know (Geog) +6, Know (Hist) +3, Know (Nob) +6, Ride +7, Sense Motive +13, Swim +18
Male Human Fighter (Tactician archetype) 8 l Active Conditions: *Cursed

Feel free to post at whatever rate you need to Frank. I have enjoyed the break, to be honest, and also a couple of other games I am in are also slow so that works out well for me too.

Welcome back man.

URogue 8 HP: 59/59 AC: 25 FF:25 (Improved Uncanny Dodge) T:17 CMB:+6 CMD: 23 F:+4 R:+11 (Evasion) W:+5|Init:+9| Perception +12, Sense Motive +15 Male Dancing Lights 3/3; Charm Person 2/2; Shocking Grasp 1/4; CLW Wand 35/50 Effects:

Ya, I'm very cool with a slow pace. My gaming pace certainly has slowed lately. I apologize if I have tried to push the pace in the past. Sometimes I get too excited! (So I've been told.)

Glad to hear you're still interested in flinging boogers. I'll get that started back up in the near future, hopefully this weekend if it ends up being restful like I am planning.

HP: 42/42 l AC: 14 (17 w/ Mage Armor), T 13, FF 12 (15 w/ Mage Armor) l CMD 16 l F +6, R +5, W +7 l Arcane Reservoir (11/11), Conjurer's Focus (8 min), Consume Spells (3/3) | L1: 5/6, L2: 5/5, L3: 5/5, L4: 3/3 l Init +2 l Senses: Perception +2 | Female Human Arcanist (Occultist) 8 l Active Conditions: Mage Armor

You know I'm also good with a more sedate pace! You're welcome to come back to League when we get to our next scenario if you like (but that'll still be a few weeks off probably) but if you'd rather keep that game load down I completely understand.

Either way, it's good to hear from you. Don't be a stranger from chat! :)

Sovereign Court

Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions | Combat Map

Yeah, K, I'd prefer to keep the game load low for now, so let's keep Serge waiting. Feel free to replace Serge with another player if you wish, of course.

I've gotta read a couple pages to remember what we were doing and where we are, but I've got a four day weekend ahead of me so I'm looking to put up an update then.

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HP: 42/42 l AC: 14 (17 w/ Mage Armor), T 13, FF 12 (15 w/ Mage Armor) l CMD 16 l F +6, R +5, W +7 l Arcane Reservoir (11/11), Conjurer's Focus (8 min), Consume Spells (3/3) | L1: 5/6, L2: 5/5, L3: 5/5, L4: 3/3 l Init +2 l Senses: Perception +2 | Female Human Arcanist (Occultist) 8 l Active Conditions: Mage Armor

No worries, Frank! I'll go ahead and mark you inactive over there for the time being so it's one less campaign on your page (and maybe a little less anxiety, even though you're already sitting things out).

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