Domitian Olavsgaard |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Woohoo! Thank you for the selection!
Dom is from Zimar, which I think is the nearest major city to Heldren. We can assume he would know some of the locals of Heldren after deciding to stay there a few days to see if he could help solve some local problems.
For quick reference, I believe our party is as follows:
Ingrit - Human Ranger (archer)
Damiano Delstrego - Human Wizard
[Deevor's as yet nameless druid] - Human Arctic Druid
Erland Frey - Human Winter Witch
Domitian Olavsgaard - Human Rondolero Swashbuckler
Which I think is the first all-human party I've ever experienced!

Domitian Olavsgaard |

Also, because I can see the confusion coming in the future, I think I want to change my character's name to something that's not so close to Damiano. Any objection to "Jacobus" as the new name? Still have 8 posts left to make that change. :)

Ingrit |

I think this may be my first all human party too. I'm in a long running game with 9 PC , none of which are human,lol.
I have to say it suits the setting though.
Erland, your icon makes me think of a viking William H Macy.
Ingrit is sort of a semi-regular face in Heldren, spending much of her time in the wilds and rolling into town every couple months, usually bringing game and wild plants and herbs and getting anythig she needs, sticking around for a bit and then heading off again.
In keeping in tune with that, I think I'll switch out Precise shot for Skill Focus Survival, and pick up Precise at level 2 as my Weapon Style feat.

Damiano Delstrego |

Also, because I can see the confusion coming in the future, I think I want to change my character's name to something that's not so close to Damiano. Any objection to "Jacobus" as the new name? Still have 8 posts left to make that change. :)
You do not need too . It might even be fun

Deevor |

Eianar Drudson ... yep that sounds a name ...
Character coming along ...
Will have some crunch and to be fair, not much of a story so far, as a protector of the wild grounds round Heldren, and a harbringer of warning of the unseasonable cold to his community, he will help gather a party and join it to rid the blight on the land.
A follower of Gozreh ..... very much a man of the North.
More and 1st pass crunch will be up tonight with luck ...
but at least there is a name ...

Damiano Delstrego |

Nearly there !
Stats , Traits , Feats , Traits and Spells done
A small problem nonetheless , I lent my player to a friend so had to do damiano using the old Beta Version
If anyone can chek for errors , I would be grateful.
Otherwise characterwise I think being from Zimar would work for Damiano so he could know Domitian

Domitian Olavsgaard |

Domitian Olavsgaard wrote:Also, because I can see the confusion coming in the future, I think I want to change my character's name to something that's not so close to Damiano. Any objection to "Jacobus" as the new name? Still have 8 posts left to make that change. :)You do not need too . It might even be fun
Well if you put it that way, I suppose we can find some entertainment value. Dom and Dam, the Dynamic Duo!

Deevor |

Just a little change for Drudsson
You know when you build your characters you find something, then have second thoughts and can't make up your mind well ....
So have 3 feats, but must choose one, so thought I'd get anyone else's thoughts.
1. Fey Foundling
2. Animal Affinity ... need to push animals ...
3. Spell Focus(Conjuration) - ready for Augmented Summoning
So any thoughts from you all appreciated...
Also assume that he knows Ingrit and worked with her previously....

Black Tom |

OK, so far I understand that Domitian and Damiano are more or less city boys from Zimar and may or may not know each other, while nature-lovers Eianar, Ingrit and Erland (gotta love those good old Scandinavian names) are a tad more reclusive and live in or near Heldren, and also may or may not know each other beforehand.
It doesn't much matter whether you know each other or not. Just want to get the introduction right (it looks like it's going to be two slightly different ones) before we get into the adventure proper.

Erland Frey |

Yeah, Erland is a mountain-walking wanderer, for the most part.
He's most likely met most of the outdoors people in the area, and comes into town from time to time for supplies and the occasional human interaction.

Ingrit |

For Einar, how much do you plan on summoning? That could help with the decision. Also casty Druid or wild shape combat Druid?

Deevor |

For Einar, how much do you plan on summoning? That could help with the decision. Also casty Druid or wild shape combat Druid?
I'm hoping he's good enough for a combat minded wild shape druid, so getting other critters involved with the punch up is very likely. I am really thinking either Fey or Animal Affinity, my bear needs to learn to flank...
At lower levels won't be summoning much as I'll be using 1 spell for endure elements, the other to give me armour, but AA will get my push animal to over 50%, and normal trick to 100%. However extra healing is always welcome when at the front. ....???...
As I see it we've got 3 capable of healing, with the witch majoring in being our healer.
We've got 2 front liners in Eianar and Domi, ranged attacks Ingrit and 2 magic guys. A pretty well balanced group.
Give the man a star for stating the bl**ding obvious!!

Deevor |

If its a casty druid, then I'll change the build and get the Ice Domain and give myself better stats for casting .... I started to prepare one at the same time, as I wasn't sure whether to go combat or casty... It's good to talk .. :)
Back to the drawing board ... will set it up at home tonight.
Won't change the background etc ...

Ingrit |

That's why I asked. Sometimes sounding it out will show you the weaknesses. Al lower levels Fey Foundling is a lifesaver, especially since there's a few people that can heal.

Domitian Olavsgaard |

Spell Focus: Conjuration to set up Augmented Summoning is pretty strong, and is my instinctive preference.
Fey Foundling is also good and this is the only chance to get it.
Pushing an animal is hard regardless (DC 25), so I'd be a bit worried about going this route. If you're going human and want to pursue this, I'd recommend Skill Focus: Handle Animal instead of Animal Affinity. Humans have the "Focused Study" alternate racial trait; instead of a Bonus Feat, they get a bonus Skill Focus feat at 1st, 8th and 16th levels. So you get some free feats in the long term. (Not sure we even get to 16th, but hopefully at least to 8th!).

Erland Frey |

For now, Erland is basically a heal bot with a spear and crossbow.
He will be able to crank out potions and alchemical goodies right quick once he gets some gold, though.
And with CLW and Mage Armor potions, that's a pretty good start for lower levels.
At later levels, will most likely be using mobility magic and SoD spells in conflict.
He's also going to be pretty good at stealth, and decent at umd, so there's a lot of versatility.

Eianar Drudsson |

OK, got me a caster druid, almost went for the 20 on wis, to get the extra 1st level spell, but it just took too much from the rest, too much of a mini/max. So hoping that this will cut the mustard.
Hoping not to get up close and personal .... but hang back and as my friends say ... leech xp ... oh and the occasional spell.

Ingrit |

I'm ready as well. Fine tuning background but good to go.

Eianar Drudsson |

It being the summer in the northern hemisphere, I just thought I'd let you know a few days when I will not be available to play.
4th-8th August ... my annual days at a music festival
1st-5th September .... off to watch MotoGP Silverstone UK
Bot as required ...

Black Tom |

Yeah, that was a bit harsh but it's also that you have only one frontliner. That wasn't even a crit btw, just two hits for maximum damage.
Regarding initiative, I aim to roll for the bad guys at the start of an encounter, which means that if you win initiative you can go ahead and take your action immediately, so I don't think that is going to slow us down much. Also I like to see who's still with us. Players in PBPs have a tendency to suddenly go silent and I like to have an early warning.

Domitian Olavsgaard |

I might have to steal that frozen Breastplate for some more AC!

Domitian Olavsgaard |

Nice! Melee witch Erland. To think that Domitian was worried about protecting you instead of himself.

Ingrit |

Sorry been a busy weekend with my FIL visiting from Kansas.

Eianar Drudsson |

I'm busy now with the music festival ... so posting will be very patchy til Tuesday ...
Masterwork Cold Iron Longsword - Domitian
Taldan Breastplate Armor - unclaimed
Lady Argentea’s signet ring and a pair of earrings worth 25 gp,
a set of pearl-inlaid bracelets worth 90 gp,
assorted gold and silver necklaces worth a total of 75 gp,
one sapphire pendant worth 50 gp.
Total 240gp

Ingrit |

We should probably just hold on to the jewelry until we know if the Lady is alive or not.

Domitian Olavsgaard |

Masterwork longsword should go to Ingrit. If nobody wants it, we can sell it instead.
I just realized that Domitian is not proficient in medium armor. That'll have to wait until Level 6 when Dom hears the call of his roots (i.e. takes the Ulfen Guard prestige class). In the meantime, someone else can take the breastplate or we can sell it. Dom will have to rely on his Panache and some better luck to hold the front line.

Ingrit |

I'll carry it. Until I have Precise shot there's times I'll be better off using a sword anyway, and we don't have access to Cold Iron arrows yet.

Ingrit |

I'm cool with the chain shirt if everyone else is fine with that. I don't plan on spending a ton of time in melee if I can help it so if someone needs the AC boost more that's fine.

Domitian Olavsgaard |

Dom will grab the rest of the bolts (17 total), and also a spear.

Eianar Drudsson |

OK, back in the game ... just got a bit of catching up to do ...
..Sorry the patchy was ... too much to do in too little time ...
... working on the festival ..late nights .. drinks ... ==> knackered..
but a great time was had by all (and me), had a chat with Tony Hadley of Spandau Ballet for those old enough to remember the 80s....
For those even older it was great to hear Lindesfarne again, Lady Eleanor, Fog on the Tyne and all that..
played sausage roulette ...

Eianar Drudsson |

Eianar would buy a couple of daggers in town, or take the dagger that was found, so he could do slashing and piercing damage.
I have added the masterwork dagger to his list, if that's OK...
He is probably more inclined to melee than a wizard, as his AC is 15 normally ...

Eianar Drudsson |

Note that snowshoes are not available in Heldren, so if you have any you must have purchased them long before getting there and held on to them for some reason.
Eianar had these things in his original build, as part of the Arctic Kit, I didn't note the source so will take look for it in my library.
I thought that the kit sort of went with the Arctic Druid ...