Geoffrey Piersym |
Okay I have Geoff's bookkeeping taken care of now. Feat spent and gold all accounted for :)
Roger Schmitt |
Iron Will for Victor
I'll deduct the 66gold, I've already added in the 2959g. Have we decided what to do with the 'gifts' yet?
As far as a lead lined box I think we have one from earlier with the little demon sprite thing in the book... Morv's little friend.
GM Red |
PH's 'Sentinel Secondary Bonuses': Need to shift 1 from Loyalty to Security.
I'd like to spend the 1000gp in materials to have Issil enchant Rosebud's blackwood longbow to +1. Can we take care of that before we resume our adventures?
Sure thing. I think this would take 1 day in game time either way, and the activities are meant to take place over a whole week.
As far as a lead lined box I think we have one from earlier with the little demon sprite thing in the book... Morv's little friend.
Good memory on this one! We sure do have that box from back in the day, when Blosodriette (the cursed imp with ties to the Sarinis) was encountered at Fair Fortune Livery. Could dump the items in there for now - just let me know when you guys want to use them.
Issil Tanessen |
A week has passed.
Day 1: I finish enchanting Pádraig's +1 Rapier.
Day 2: I finish enchanting Rosebud's +1 armor.
Day 4: I finish enchanting Rosebud's +1 longbow.
Roger Schmitt |
At some point yes but I'm currently saving up for some 'clean' dex +2 belt. I'm at 3400g at present. Partially why I was curious what we were going to decide on the 'gifts'.
GM Red |
... And for the first time since we started our adventure, we will be actually traveling outside of Kintargo!
(Not including that short stint we had at the Shrine of Saint Senex :)
Pádraig Henry |
Following Morvena's helpful link for Captain Sargaeta, I found one GM Red posted.
Sargaeta's an ally of the Silver Ravens, but he's not listed on the Rebellion worksheet. Red mentioned at the time that he'd add more details in the Discussion thread. I searched for Sargeata there, but I didn't find anything.
GM, is there more we can learn about him as our ally?
Roger Schmitt |
FYI: I'll be heading out of town and away from all things PbP from this afternoon until Sunday evening. There be friends to visit, beer to be drank, cards to be slung, and fish to be caught. I'll catch up with you all on Sunday.
All of Victor's usual attack rolls are preformatted in his character sheet near the top.
Don't be afraid to do what Victor does... so pretty much anything you want.
GM Red |
My apologies for not posting this back then, but here's what bonuses the Captain provides:
In addition to promising a number of favors to the PCs, the captain uses his crew to watch and observe patrol patterns. As a result, as long as
Cassius remains an ally, the rebellion is immune to the effects of the “Increased Patrols” event—if this event is rolled, treat it as no event and instead grant the rebellion +3d6 supporters.
Enjoy the trip Victor!
Morvena Sarini |
Have a great time!
GM Red |
I believe Geoffrey may have wanted to bring a couple of Thrune's gifts with him to bolster his abilities, and Issil was leaning the same way. Any objections to this?
Morvena Sarini |
Fine by me; made my thoughts on that known over in Gameplay as well :)
Issil Tanessen |
As of this post, we know what Thrune's gifts are.
I'm taking the Headband of Alluring Charisma, if everyone's OK with that.
Pádraig Henry |
All yours, as far as PH is concerned. Can you glamor it to cover the distinctive markings?
Geoffrey Piersym |
Geoffrey laid claim to the Belt of Physical Might and the Ring of Force Shield already but the rest is up for grabs.
Morvena Sarini |
^All of that sounds good to me. The only unclaimed 'gift' that Morv might have an interest in wearing would be the Cloak of Resistance +2 but she is more than happy to let Victor or someone else take it if it would benefit them more.
GM Red |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Getting teased on Hangouts for saying ship engines... My bad... It's clearly sails... Guess my mind thought this was Starfinder for a minute. :P
Rosebud Glistenwings |
GM, for your pre-formatted blocks, Rosebud's Initiative modifier is +11, and her Perception modifier is +11, too.
I created her icon and placed it on the map.
If there's anything else you need, let me know.
Morvena Sarini |
I'm confused, what's EDM stand for?
Pádraig Henry |
Electronic Dance Music. DJs as 'musicians'. My daughter's a big fan.
GM Red |
I.. kind of.. like EDM..
Thanks for reminding me of Rosebud and her participating in combat, I'll get the spoilers updated.
Morvena Sarini |
Now that I know what we're talking about I can say that my husband likes EDM too, or at least certain genres of it. I wouldn't call myself a fan but don't really mind it either; some of the more chill stuff makes for good ambient noise.
The bulk of what I myself listen to is either 60s & 70s rock or video game soundtracks with other random artists and songs thrown in. The game soundtracks in particular are a favorite of mine when I'm writing posts.
GM Red |
I listened to a lot of dubstep in my 20s, but really aren't a fan anymore, other than listening to some high adrenaline, bass-pumping stuff when I'm running.
I prefer more ambient lounge music or what's sometimes called "chillstep" these days. It's good to leave on while cooking or cleaning or what have you.
Oh and +1 for video game soundtracks!
Pádraig Henry |
I like a lot of different stuff, especially from singer-songwriter-musicians, who possess the start-to-finish complete creative package.
I never heard of dubstep, until I came across Lindsey Stirling, the dancing violinist. I know she's done some video game soundtracks. I like it.
I prefer to listen to sad songs in general, especially when I'm running. My current running/intervals playlists are Chris Stapleton, Alison Krauss, and Janet Devlin. I love blues music and old-school R&B, but I can't seem to run to it. I don't listen to music when I'm lifting; it's too distracting. And at my age, being distracted when pumping iron can be dangerous.
When I'm getting ready for bed or getting around to go out, I usually listen to some of my favorite intellectuals talk about something that interests me, folks like Jim Gaffigan, Bill Burr, Jordan Peterson, (some) Joe Rogan, Jocko Willink, Dave Rubin, Robert Barron, and virtually anything about Carl Jung.
Since our visit to Nashville last year, I've discovered an affinity for country music, like Little Big Town, Lady Antebellum, Sugarland, and The Band Perry. It's the storytelling that's most appealing.
Please don't judge me. ;-)
Pádraig Henry |
Friends, I'll be busy through Sunday volunteering at Dragonflight in Bellevue, Washington.
I'll try to post, but I'm not sure if I'll have the time.
If you haven't heard from me in 24 hours, just bot me. I trust your judgment.
GM Red |
Coincidentally, I'm at a small 5e con for half of today and tomorrow, so my updates will be spotty or slower than usual.
Roger Schmitt |
I'll be manning a smoker with a drink in hand for the day. Hope everyone else is enjoying themselves too!
GM Red |
Random musing I had... I have never seen anyone use the See Alignment spell in all of my D&D and Pathfinder days, yet I feel such a spell would help players understand why certain NPCs make certain choices, and also allow them to make a more informed decision on what social strategy to take on.
I suppose Detect Evil does show up, and is near automatic when you're a Paladin. See Alignment is kinda weak in that you have to specify a certain alignment before casting. Very specific spell.
Geoffrey Piersym |
I recall back in the old AD&D days Gary Gygax stated alignment was a tool, not a straitjacket. Basically such a spell would be of limited use to predict one's actions.
There was a cool alignment chart HERE of the nine alignments which I always believed was a good representation of the alignments. Basically the four polar alignments are larger in representation than the 'border' alignments. Plus there is a degree of said alignment (the closer you were to the corners of the square as opposed to being in the middle).
Just food for thought.
Issil Tanessen |
"An evil person may ask you do something that is a good idea. Sure eventually they might betray you but for now you should trust him."
GM Red |
Eh, we could debate for hours on this. I'm not suggesting that alignment is going to lock down what is or isn't possible, but by and large, it should be the moral compass by which your PC or by which an NPC makes decisions and responds to situations.
Roger Schmitt |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Nobody puts Baby Victor in a corner!
You're not my real Dad!
Chaotic Neutral is fun.
Morvena Sarini |
Not that I would expect anything less from you but just the same I want to express my appreciation of the fact that you play a very believable CN character without going the 'CE-masquerading-as-CN' or 'LOOK AT ME I'M SO GOSH DARN ZANY AND MANIC AND I'LL DISRUPT EVERY INTERACTION EVER FOR THE LOLS HYUK' routes.
Issil Tanessen |
CN is a privilege and should not be abused for LOL SO RANDOM antics.
Issil just doesn't particularly care for the battle between Good and Evil. She's too self centered for that.
Pádraig Henry |
It can be annoying when a player uses a PC's alignment to justify acting against the party's interests. Usually someone playing a CN character, but I've seen players use LG as an excuse to do similar selfish things.
For that matter, I've seen players use race (now the more politically correct 'ancestry', I guess) to justify their I'm-a-World-of-One behavior, too.
They call it roleplaying. I call it being a narcissistic jerk.
GM Red |
Sorry, Larry. I don't know if that was a little tongue-in-cheek or not, but navigating party splits can be a little challenging for a GM. I thought about creating something interesting on deck while you guys wait for me to resolve the Morvena and Victor scene, but then things might get out of sync by the time they're done, and then they're also waiting. At the end of the day, a party split always means someone ends up waiting in PbP format. At least this doesn't happen too often, but if you have any suggestions for me to make it flow better, let me know, please. Always looking to improve.
Pádraig Henry |
Totally tongue-in-cheek. No worries. Should have included a smiley face in the spoiler. ;-)
GM Red |
Options here are to do some shopping, check out the sketchy temple-lined road, or head back to the hostel area and the Seven Apples.
Geoffrey Piersym |
I'll post later this evening but Geoffrey is interested in checking out the old temples.
GM Red |
You've gone to Vyre to bolster regional support from cities outside of Kintargo. The only contact you've heard of there is Molly Mayapple, whose property deeds you found when you picked through The Lucky Bones. Captain Crunch Sargaeta told you that she runs The Seven Apples, and would likely make a valuable Ravens ally, as well as appreciate having her deeds back. But it isn't clear yet how you might convince the town to align with you.
Roger Schmitt |
Mission? Get obliterated wasn't it? Or some such thing. Maybe just drum up some $$ support for the wallets.
Morvena Sarini |
Hey folks, I've been/am fairly busy taking care of some RL business yesterday and today + I start three nights in a row at work tomorrow night so if posts are slow, that's why. Please feel free to bot Morv if needed. Thank you for your understanding!