Hell's Rebels AP - Down with Thrune! (Inactive)

Game Master GM Red



Hell's Rebels Maps, Slides, and Handouts

Hell's Rebels Loot, Rumors, Locations, and more!


Almah Rovshki
Dark Archive Annilda Soncir

Fervor 4/4 | HP 19/19 | AC 16 T 11 FF 15 | Saves: 5/1/5 | CMD 15 | Perception +3 | Init +2 | Female Human (Keleshite) | Warpriest of Calistria 2 | Spells -/3 | Blessings 4/4
(176 posts)
Aspis Consortium Agent
Issil Tanessen

Issil Tanessen | | HP 73/73 | AC 22 T 14 FF 20 | Saves: 7/4/6 | CMD 19 | Perception +0 | Init +4 | Female Human (Chileax) | Oracle 8 | Spells -/7/7/5/4| Stealth Synergy +11 |
(1,270 posts)

Eric Swanson

Grand Lodge DM Eric

(2,417 posts)
Royster McCleagh
Geoffrey Piersym

HP: 75/75 l AC: 24, T 13, FF 19 l CMD 27 l F +11, R +6, W +5 l Init +6 l Senses: Perception +10
Climb +8, Diplo +12, Disg +9, Intim +13, Know (Eng) +7, Know (Geog) +6, Know (Hist) +3, Know (Nob) +6, Ride +7, Sense Motive +13, Swim +18
Male Human Fighter (Tactician archetype) 8 l Active Conditions: *Cursed
(882 posts)
Eric Swanson

GM Red

Sovereign Court GM Red

Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions | Combat Map
(6,335 posts)
Laria Longroad
Laria Longroad

(3 posts)
Rexus Victocora
The Rexus Victocora

Human aristrocrat 2 / sorcerer 3 (destined)
(30 posts)
Roboshark 2070

Robot, or SHARK?!?!?!?
(26 posts)

Lady Ladile

Pirate Bomber
Morvena Sarini

HP: 42/42 l AC: 14 (17 w/ Mage Armor), T 13, FF 12 (15 w/ Mage Armor) l CMD 16 l F +6, R +5, W +7 l Arcane Reservoir (11/11), Conjurer's Focus (8 min), Consume Spells (3/3) | L1: 5/6, L2: 5/5, L3: 5/5, L4: 3/3 l Init +2 l Senses: Perception +2 | Female Human Arcanist (Occultist) 8 l Active Conditions: Mage Armor
(1,019 posts)
Sheyln (Symbol)

HP: 21/21 l AC: 20, T 16, FF 18 l CMD 7 l F +0, R +4, W +8 l Init +2 l Senses: Perception +10, Low Light Vision
Fly +12
Female Thrush Familiar (Soulbound) 8 l Active Conditions:
(67 posts)
Summoned Sidekick

HP: 65/68 | AC: 21, T 17, FF 13 | CMD 31 | F +9, R +13, W +2 | Immune: Elemental Traits | DR: 5/- | Speed: Fly 100 ft. (Perfect) | Senses: Darkvision 60 ft. | Active Conditions: Whirlwind
(66 posts)
Lady Ladile

Lawrence Smith 2

Liberty's Edge Pádraig Henry

CG Halfling Male Bard (Argent Voice) 8 | Conditions: heroism, good hope, haste | Bardic Performance 16/22 | Spells/Day 1-5/5; 2-2/4; 3-0/3 | Speed 30 ft. | ♫Freedom!♫ HP 59/59 | AC 23/ 15 T/ 20 FF | CMD 20 | Fort +9 (+1 vs drugs or poisons), Reflex +12, Will +9 (+1 vs mind-affecting effects); +2 vs fear; +4 vs bard performance, language-dependent, & sonic | Init +8 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +21
(1,058 posts)
Shalelu Andosana
Rosebud Glistenwings

CG Female Lyrakien Azata Inquisitor (vigilant defender) 3 | HP 39/40 | AC 21 / 18 T / 16 FF | CMD 15 | Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +12 | DR 5/evil; Immune electricity, petrification; Resist cold 10, fire 10 | Speed 30ft, fly 80ft (perfect) | Perception +14, Darkvision 60ft., Low-Light Vision; detect evil, detect magic; Sense Motive +7 | Starlight Blast (1/1d4 rounds, Ref DC 12) 5ft burst, d4 holy dmg+1 for each step away from CG | Spells: 0 - 6/6; 1 - 2/4 | Elysium's Call (1 round, 6/day) | Protect the Faithful (1 ally, +1 bonus, 1/day | Judgment 0/1 | Init +11 | Conditions: freedom of movement, heroism, divine favor, haste
(131 posts)


Roger Schmitt

URogue 8 HP: 59/59 AC: 25 FF:25 (Improved Uncanny Dodge) T:17 CMB:+6 CMD: 23 F:+4 R:+11 (Evasion) W:+5|Init:+9| Perception +12, Sense Motive +15 Male Dancing Lights 3/3; Charm Person 2/2; Shocking Grasp 1/4; CLW Wand 35/50 Effects:
(1,197 posts)