Pádraig Henry |
Happy Independence Day, everybody!
Pádraig Henry |
GM, is there an image of Hetamon Haace we can add to the slides?
How close are we getting to leveling up?
GM Red |
You bet. Here he is, horns and all.
We are very close to Level 7. In fact, once we wrap up the next in-game week of activities, which I intend to start after this NPC encounter, you will be level 7. That, and we will be finished Book 2!
Morvena Sarini |
That is the friendliest-looking tiefling I've ever seen. He's so smiley! :D
And woohoo for levels and the finishing of Books!
Pádraig Henry |
Pádraig Henry |
Not every PbP Gameday VIII GM has linked his or her campaigns. But I've pretty much confirmed
I'm GMing:
PFS Special #10-00 The Hao Jin Cataclysm (Subtier 5-6)
I'm playing:
GM Baerlie's #10-19 Corpses in Kalsgard (5-9), probably with aasimar "Long" Beau, Cleric of Erastil-8.
R Diaz’s #10-20 Countdown to Round Mountain (7-11), probably with tiefling Jake Spade, Inv-Swash-7.
Andrew Watson's #10-22 Passing the Torch, Part 1: Who Wears the Mask (12-18), probably with aasimar Jack, “Just Jack” Bard-13 or with half-elf Slimjim Son House Shady, Bard-9/Paladin-5.
Hope to see some of you at the same table(s)!
GM Red |
Because it might be important, I wanted to see if we can agree on what to do. Issil and Morvena suggest publicly turning Wex in alive, Victor and Geoff think he should die before being brought in, and I think Pádraig is somewhere in the middle. Need the bard to side one way or the other to tie break :)
Issil Tanessen |
As of this post, I started enchanting Pádraig's equipment.
His buckler is now a +1 Mithral Buckler. Pádraig, pick up your stuff.
I'll spend the next 2 days working on his rapier.
Pádraig Henry |
I thought the build time had passed before we resumed operations, so I'd deducted the expense and I've had the buckler and rapier equipped. In error, it seems.
Issil Tanessen |
I had to dig up the post where I agreed to what I would enchant. I think we had just begun trying to find the killer, and identified the awful smell.
Pádraig Henry |
Re Chronicles, I'd like to apply this one to the same PC as the last one.
Player Name: Larry Smith
Character Name: Uriel
PFS #: 67083-26
Faction: Silver Crusade
GM Red |
No worries if you had them already equipped. It may have not been clear how much time had passed.
Re: presenting the body, I love all of the ideas talked about so far! I can't find a clear ruling on whether the corpse becomes invisible when an invisible source picks it up, but you do have another invisibility potion you could use on it. What did you want the message to say specifically?
Roger Schmitt |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Another murdering Thrune lackey brought to Justice be your helpful neighborhood watch. Birds of a feather flock together.
The birds of a feather flock together has the nice double meaning of Thrune condones violence as well as referencing the silver ravens.
I'd be cool using both invis potions to get this done. If we had magical ant haul available then Victor would be proud to do the deed since it his Kintargo trait.
GM Red |
Should be interesting to see how this plays out. The book had assumed Thrune would know it was the Silver Ravens that brought Wex in. He may still have ways, but it'll be interesting to see how you guys approach the invitation.
For now, let's level up, and maybe take care of any bookkeeping sort of things (like selling the dagger). I need to get you chronicles as well. Can you post your chronicle information as Larry has? The valid levels are 5-7.
Roger Schmitt |
Player Name: Massee
Character Name: Lady Mae
PFS #: 202046-4
Faction: Grand Lodge
Mae is only level 4 but can't I just save the chronicle to apply when she hits level 5?
GM Red |
Yup, Mae will jump to level 6 once she hits 5 in that case.
Geoffrey Piersym |
Player Name: Eric Swanson
Character Name: Wadi Ahk'kolon
PFS #: 13977-1
Faction: Dark Archive
As you may already know Wadi is traipsing around some forsaken island, so this Chronicle will apply after he completes the Shore to Sea module and hits 7th level.
LEVEL UP to 7:
HP: 6+2+1(FCB)
+1 BAB
Armor Training 2 (wear Heavy Armor with no Move penalty)
Feat: Vanguard Ward
Skills (+1 each)
Sense Motive
Pádraig Henry |
Level 7
HP: 5+2
FCB: +1 Skill Point
Skill Points (9) 4 in UMD, 2 in Spellcraft, and 1 each in Perception, Perform (dance), Perform (sing)
Level 3 Spells: Good Hope, Haste
Level 1 Spell: Silent Image
Feat: Leadership
(There's some synergy with PH's Natural Born Leader campaign trait, and Leadership affects a couple of other aspects of play.)
It might be unclear to you why this is the case, or you might deliberately seek out such positions, knowing you can organize any group to be something greater than the sum of its parts, but your knack for managing groups has always pushed you to the front of any operation you’ve found yourself a part of.
You excel in the role of manager.
You treat your Charisma score as if it were 14 (or 2 points higher than its actual score if your actual Charisma is already 14 or higher) for the purposes of determining how many teams you can manage in the rebellion, and for the purposes of determining the bonus you add to your managed teams’ actions. In addition, you gain a +1 trait bonus to your Leadership score if you take the Leadership feat.
In addition, if you have the Leadership feat and manage a team, you grant +2 bonus to all Organization checks attempted by that team during an Activity phase.
I'd like some time to consider some options for an interesting, useful, but not game-breaking cohort, if that's okay with you, GM. I'll run the proposals by the team for input and your ultimate approval.
Issil Tanessen |
Player Name: Chadius
Character Name: Dawn Verda
PFS #: 133608-14
Faction: Concordance
This PC will hold onto the chronicle until she hits level 5.
Issil Tanessen |
New morning means I get to work more on enchanting Pádraig's rapier. It's day 1 of 2, so it should be ready by the next day's afternoon.
GM Red |
Sounds good, Larry.
Take your time with the level up. I've gotta read over Book 3 again and prep as much as I can.
Pádraig Henry |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |
So for a cohort, I've got a concept that I like. It should help but not overpower our team, while being consistent with the themes of the campaign.
Rosebud is a lyrakien azata, a level-2 inquisitor (vigilant defender) of Milani with the azata (good) domain.
She claims to have been sent from Elysium by Courage Heart, herald of Milani, to assist PH and his friends in the rebellion against the tyrannical Lord-Mayor Thrune.
Her vigilant defender inquisitor abilites, like Shared Judgments (Su) and Protect the Faithful (Ex), would provide minor but helpful short-term buffs. Her azata (good) domain ability, Call of Elysium (Su), would provide a re-roll to someone who fails a save vs an enchantment (charm or cumpulsion) spell or SLA and provides a few other helpful buffs.
She'd provide limited fire support, either from her longbow or with her starlight blasts.
As an inquisitor, she'd have a few spells of healing or buffing, nothing overpowering. She could use spell-completion or spell trigger items that could be helpful, freeing party members of that task, particularly in combat.
She'd make a great scout, able to fly and with a very good stealth skill modifier.
Always-active Truespeech (Su) makes her an excellent translator.
Commune (1/week) could be very helpful for the party, and the GM could use it to provide information that fills in details of story or background otherwise difficult to reveal.
What do you think?
Geoffrey Piersym |
I like the concept Padraig, though I do think we are light on the healing in this group. If Issil or Padraig go down...
I am also concerned we don't have another tank in the party. Is there any way we could get another melee assistant here?
Roger Schmitt |
How many tanks and healers do we need? We've got two of each more or less. Victor may not have a pile of hp but he can avoid most hits in melee. If anything we're melee heavy, not light.
That cohort sounds perfectly reasonable and helpful in my opinion. Especially if they can wield wands for buffs. Honestly though I've always looked at cohorts mostly as RP tools that hopefully can use a helpful wand on occasion.
Roger Schmitt |
Ok I think I have Victor leveled up:
+6hp yay!
+1 BA yay!
+1d6 sneak attack yay!
+11 skill points yay!
Feat: combat expertise to help with the squishy melee problem and open me up to take improved feint with a rogue talent at level 8 so I can keep things debilitated.
I pumped 3 ranks into linguistics and learned the following languages: Tengu, Draconic, Aquan. Figured if we are going underwater traveling Aquan would be a good choice. Tengu was for our fun loving feathered friends, and Draconic seems useful.
I've also decided to stick with U Rogue until level 10 where I can get an advanced talent. After that it'll be into Master Spy like my original plan.
Dispelling Attack* (Su): An opponent that is dealt sneak attack damage by a rogue with this ability is affected by a targeted dispel magic affecting the lowest-level spell effect active on the target. The caster level for this ability is equal to the rogue's level. A rogue must have the major magic rogue talent to select this advanced talent.
GM Red |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I love that cohort and how well you made her blend with the setting. Please go ahead with her.
I'll probably need a couple more days to really get a sense of Book 3 and finish your chronicles. Going to aim for this weekend to continue the game here.
Issil Tanessen |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Issil's leveled up. Now she can set herself on fire for 1 hour per day! Also she's taken Merciful Spell so she can set her fireballs... to stun.
Level 7 Oracle
HP: 5 + 2 Con (now 57)
BAB +1 (now +5)
Caster Level +1 (now 7)
Covetous Curse
Now Issil must wear 650 gp worth of jewelry at all times.
Forcibly losing jewelry more than 175 gp will also sicken her for 24 hours.
Flame Mystery
Gaze of Flames
At 7th level, you can gaze through any source of flame within 10 feet per oracle level, as if using clairvoyance.
New Revelation: Form of Flame
As a standard action, you can assume the form of a Small fire elemental, as Elemental Body I
[/url=https://aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Elemental%20Body%20I]Elemental Body I[/url]
You can use this ability once per day, but the duration is 1 hour/level.
More Spells per day: 0/1/1/1 (now 7/7/5)
New Spells known: 0/1/1/1
Level 1
Moment of Greatness
[/url=https://aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Moment%20of%20Greatness]Moment of Greatness[/url]
Level 2
Spiritual Ally
[/url=https://aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Spiritual%20Ally]Spiritual Ally[/url]
Level 3
Bestow Curse
[/url=https://aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Bestow%20Curse]Bestow Curse[/url]
New Feat:
Merciful Spell
You can alter spells that inflict damage to inflict nonlethal damage instead. Spells that inflict damage of a particular type (such as fire) inflict nonlethal damage of that same type. A merciful spell does not use up a higher-level spell slot than the spell’s actual level.
As a spontaneous caster, applying the metamagic feat turns standard action spells into full round spells.
Favored Class Bonus: +1 Skill Point
Skills: 4 Oracle + 2 Int + 1 Human Skilled + 1 FCB = 8
Appraise (now +11)
Bluff (now +10)
Diplomacy (now +11)
Knowledge (Nobility) (now +13)
Perform(Dance) (now +11)
Sense Motive (now +8)
Spellcraft (now +11)
Use Magic Device (now +15)
Pádraig, your cohort sounds awesome. RP wise it makes sense for Milani to send a lil' agent down to help. Munchkin wise she'll be able to finagle a CLW wand. She's a tiny creature so her longbow won't do much damage (unless she can apply sneak attack or precise strike damage to it or something.)
Morvena Sarini |
Apologies for the delay; I'm off work for a few days but have spent the first part largely catching up on sleep, doing not-PbP stuff, and tackling some other issues. Here's my character info for chronicles:
Player Name: Lady Ladile
Character Name: Donna Incognita
PFS #: 192133 - 17
Faction: Silver Crusade
She's currently only 2nd level so I'll apply the chronicle when she (eventually) reaches 5th. Have got to get her into active play at some point, but I digress.
I'll get Morv leveled up to 7th a bit later.
Regarding Padraig's proposed cohort, I like it! Especially since I'm terrible about remembering to have Pava help out except for occasionally scouting or acting as lookout. I'm starting to wish I'd gone in a different build direction with Morv (and Pava) altogether but oh well.
GM Red |
Let's fast forward the item purchasing and selling. It's not very fun to roleplay it anyway. If you guys can take a quick look at the loot sheet and let me know if there's anything else you'd like to sell, we can get that out of the way too. I can roll for item availability if you tell me what you want to buy.
Zachrin Vhast, High Priest of Shelyn, will purchase the evil dagger for its value of 11,708 gold pieces, in order to keep it from falling into the wrong hands.
Pádraig Henry |
Zachrin Vast! My man!
Issil Tanessen |
Cha ching!
In that case, Issil wants a Hat of Disguise.
Pádraig Henry |
Re the Loot Tracker:
Loot Tab
PH votes to sell the +1 shadow studded leather armor, the +1 buckler, and the Qadiran rug (if it has no other meaningful story device).
Can we attempt again to identify the two unidentified bottles (line 9), and the assorted unidentified vials (lines 15-17)?
Claimed Items Tab
If they weren't already sold, PH votes to sell the +1 Leather Armor (line 7) and the +2 shadow leather armor (small) (line 55)
Geoffrey Piersym |
Geoffrey will try getting the Ring of Force Shield again, failing that he will claim the +1 buckler (as many of his feats require a shield to use). He will also claim the Potions of Shield of Faith.
Also he will need to see about upgrading his armor as well to Heavy armor, but that can wait :D
Issil Tanessen |
I'll take the +1 buckler if no one else is, and sell my masterwork buckler in exchange. Feel free to sell everything else.
Can we attempt again to identify the two unidentified bottles (line 9), and the assorted unidentified vials (lines 15-17)?
Spellcraft + Guidance: 1d20 + 11 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 11 + 1 = 26
Spellcraft + Guidance: 1d20 + 11 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 11 + 1 = 16
Morvena Sarini |
+6 HP (4 + 2 Con)
+6 Skills (Kn. Arcana, Kn. Planes, Linguistics x3, Spellcraft)
Gain Languages: Abyssal, Auran, Ignan
Gain Feat: Augment Summoning
Gain: 4th Level Spells (3/day)
Gain: +1 1st Spell/Day
Gain: 3 Free Spells - Stoneskin (4th), Summon Monster IV (4th), Invisibility (2nd)
Morvena Sarini |
Still thinking about potential purchases but Morv will work on copying spells from the spellbook found here into her spellbook.
Hold Person
270 GP
Acid Arrow
Hideous Laughter
Mirror Image
120 gp
Charm Person
Corrosive Touch
Reduce Person
Total Spent: 440 gp
All of the above comes out of Morv's own pocket, before any selling of the next round of loot occurs.
GM Red |
Incidentally, the newspaper Laria brought also has a list of new magical shipments in at The Newt Market:
cloak of the manta ray
+2 haramaki
ring of rat fangs
ring of grit mastery
+2 light wooden shield
ring of wizardry (type i)
staff of revelations
Availability of Hat of Disguise > 25: 1d100 ⇒ 23
Oof, maybe next week!
I think we identified the bottles, but if not, Issil just did: they are two bottles of air.
As for the vials, they don't seem magical. I believe you would need Craft (Alchemy) to figure those out, not sure if anyone's got that?
GM Red |
So far, here's what I calculated as being sold:
Balgorrah (Bounty from Vhast) - 11708 gp
+1 shadow studded leather - 2462 gp
Qadiran throw rug - 500 gp
Leather Armor +1 - 290 gp
14,960 gp so far (to be divided by 5). Anyone claiming the slippers of spider climbing?
Pádraig Henry |
I thought Issil did, but I'm not sure.
Would be useful for anybody, but they'd seem particularly suited to someone of Victor's persuasion.
Roger Schmitt |
Sorry been a busy week, just getting to look at the loot list.
Victor would totally be up for those slippers for some extra easy recon.
The sell list looks good on my end.
GM Red |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Also wanted to mention I extended an offer to Morvena to allow her to rebuild her PC from scratch if she wants to, and I think she's going to do so. I'd have hated for her to play a PC she wasn't completely enjoying for a multiple year adventure.
Morvena Sarini |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
^I actually managed to get it done this morning before I went to bed! Just need to get the profile itself updated on Paizo but I got all the stuff changed over in HeroLab.
The main changes are going from Wizard (Spirit Binder) to Arcanist (Occultist) which still gives the same summoning/conjuration-focused flair but without the pesky drawbacks of opposition schools. She *does* drop back down to only having 3rd level spell access and not 4th but that shouldn't be a huge deal.
Nearly all of her feats, traits, spells known and skill point allocations are the same; the only thing that I did was drop Stealth Synergy (sorry) for Extra Arcanist Exploit. Pava is still a thrush but is now a Soulbound familiar instead of a Mascot. Oh and I bumped her Charisma a bit (14 to 16) for Arcanist-related shenanigans so that may or may not affect stuff for her role as Recruiter.
Pádraig Henry |
Sounds good, Morvena.
Really make this lady the PC you want her to be. Don't hold back.
Pádraig Henry |
14,960 split 5 ways is 2992gp each.
(My math may be flawed. I'm one of those folks with worthless liberal arts degrees.)
Major drawback to a tiny cohort: We're not likely to discover any loot she can use. PH will have to foot that bill.
Roger Schmitt |
Ya, tiny would be tough. At least some of us could craft them for half price (on the magic end at least).
Roger Schmitt |
PS I added in the gold that was on Wex and his deposit I duped Nurla for.
GM Red |
Sounds good! I'll likely get us started again tomorrow afternoon.