DM Rich's Carrion Crown

Game Master Briccone

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Party Inventory

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NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

I have everyone's rankings except for Niculaie. Once I get that (there is currently a tie for the 2nd choice!), I'll PM the choices to everyone.

I am on Discord, so if you send me an invite to Nic's server I can hop on that as well...

female Human Rogue/Inquisitor (5/4)-AC 21 T 16 FF 17 HP 55/66 -Ini+6-BaB+6 (+9 ranged) CMB +6 CMD 20- Fort +8 Ref+11 Will+8 -Per+13 Move 30

Will be gone a short week (Sunday 18 to Sunday 25) for a well-needed vacation.

NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

@Nic: Are you still here? I am waiting for your rankings so I can invite our new players to the game...

Male Half Orc Ranger/Rogue 6/3 (AC: 25 [T: 16 FF: 20, +1 vs light blades] | HP: 79/79(0NL) | F+8*, R+14, W+4) | Init: +8* |Perc: +13*, dark vision)

Glad to be here!

Male Aasimar Cleric 9 | AC 23 T 13 FF 21| HP 66/66 | F +10 R +7 W +12 | Init +2 | Perc +6

Thank you for the invitation. Glad to join in. Maybe this time I will finish this AP.

Male Half Orc Ranger/Rogue 6/3 (AC: 25 [T: 16 FF: 20, +1 vs light blades] | HP: 79/79(0NL) | F+8*, R+14, W+4) | Init: +8* |Perc: +13*, dark vision)

@GM - can you clean up the Players and PCs lists for the game please?

Female Dhampir Paladin (Undead Scourge) 9

Thanks for having me along as well!

NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

Ok! We got our recruits, let's do this!

So when we last left our intrepid adventurers, they were exploring the Order of the Indomitable Sea - the local temple because the mayor thinks it has something to do with the local disappearances.

The party so far has taken out some acolytes, but have yet to find the temple's secrets. do you want to do this? Should we RP the old PC's exiting and the new PC's entering, or should we handwave and continue on in the temple?

I am good either way so it is up to you all...

Male Half Orc Ranger/Rogue 6/3 (AC: 25 [T: 16 FF: 20, +1 vs light blades] | HP: 79/79(0NL) | F+8*, R+14, W+4) | Init: +8* |Perc: +13*, dark vision)

If we hand wave, is there any knowledge we need to be useful and alert for the right things? I know zilch about this AP, so I don’t want to be making social mistakes, or missing obvious clues, etc.

Female Dhampir Paladin (Undead Scourge) 9

I'm fine with either option - I would prefer we RP things out, but considering the party was already inside the temple, I can see how it might be a bit harder to manage, and handwaving it all would let us get back on track more quickly.

Female Human Wiz/9 | AC 18* T 17* FF 17* | HP 46/46 | F +5 R +5 W +8 | Init +7| Perc +1|Sense Motive +1

How about handwaving that we split the party before the current group entered the temple--the three new PCs were following another lead that didn't pan out, and have rejoined Pontia and Vivian.

Male Aasimar Cleric 9 | AC 23 T 13 FF 21| HP 66/66 | F +10 R +7 W +12 | Init +2 | Perc +6
Pontia Canario wrote:
How about handwaving that we split the party before the current group entered the temple--the three new PCs were following another lead that didn't pan out, and have rejoined Pontia and Vivian.

That works for me.

Male Half Orc Ranger/Rogue 6/3 (AC: 25 [T: 16 FF: 20, +1 vs light blades] | HP: 79/79(0NL) | F+8*, R+14, W+4) | Init: +8* |Perc: +13*, dark vision)

Are there any "plot important" items/MacGuffins that previous PCs had when they left?

NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

OK so what I am hearing is that the former PC's have departed before entering the temple and everything done to this point has been with everyone? Works for me.

So basically from the start of this AP (which is where I came in), here is the story so far:

On the trail of the Dark Riders from Feldgrau, the PCs arrive in the town of Thrushmoor. After dealing with a Whispering Way assassin left behind to halt any pursuit, the PCs track one of the riders to the tiny fishing village of Illmarsh. The rider has left few clues in Illmarsh, but a meeting with the town’s mayor sends the PCs to Illmarsh’s temple, the Hall of the Recondite Order of the Indomitable Sea, in search of missing villagers. Exploring the temple, the PCs begin to glean some hints of the dark secrets hidden behind Illmarsh’s innocent facade.

Sabola wrote:
Are there any "plot important" items/MacGuffins that previous PCs had when they left?

Not that I am aware of. Nothing they got from me anyways.

Sound good? Any questions?

Male Aasimar Cleric 9 | AC 23 T 13 FF 21| HP 66/66 | F +10 R +7 W +12 | Init +2 | Perc +6

No questions.

Good to go here.

female Human Rogue/Inquisitor (5/4)-AC 21 T 16 FF 17 HP 55/66 -Ini+6-BaB+6 (+9 ranged) CMB +6 CMD 20- Fort +8 Ref+11 Will+8 -Per+13 Move 30

We got the Seasage effigy, a little statue linked to that town's temple, if my memory serves well, but we have no idea of the nature of the link ,the eventual powers of the statuette, or what its importance and symbolism might be..

The statuette was previously stolen in a museum in Lepidstadt

a few infos

Male Half Orc Ranger/Rogue 6/3 (AC: 25 [T: 16 FF: 20, +1 vs light blades] | HP: 79/79(0NL) | F+8*, R+14, W+4) | Init: +8* |Perc: +13*, dark vision)

Roger! I'm to keep my eyes peeled for a green statuette!

NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

This Saturday I will be leaving to visit family for two weeks. I hope to still post, but I can't make any promises.

Male Half Orc Ranger/Rogue 6/3 (AC: 25 [T: 16 FF: 20, +1 vs light blades] | HP: 79/79(0NL) | F+8*, R+14, W+4) | Init: +8* |Perc: +13*, dark vision)

Well bot you as necessary.

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