GM Fuzzfoot |
So, here's a hiccup. Reposition won't let you move the target into a dangerous area, which a cloudkill spell would indeed be.
Drag has no such language. Why? Someone miss something?
For that matter, why can't I reposition someone off a cliff? Seems like a perfectly good tactic to me?
Anyway, I do agree that drag in this case refers to the chain moving, and not you as the caster. Since it has 10' reach, you can have it positioned 10' away, and then use its movement to perform a drag. Likewise, that gives you the area within you can reposition, since it requires the location to be within your reach, essentially.
So I think drag is absolutely what you need here, but since that will work, it should be fine. And nice move!
Sophie Kundegard |
Sounds good to me.
By the way, the chain was summoned by Sophie. Her great grandfather is wailing on the necromancer with a Nodachi.
Niculaie Pavlencas |
I'm hoping our paladin is all right. He hasn't posted for almost two months.
I looked at a couple of the games on his Campaigns tab that he’s GMing, and his last post on them was at the end of the year and identical to the one he posted here about trying to recover from pneumonia. Hopefully he’s just still getting his strength back.
GM Fuzzfoot |
Yes, I fear it may be time to go on without the paladin.
So here is my assessment of where we are. You have finished book 3, and starting book four is a large, new adventure. The theme is different, although you are still chasing the Whispering Way. This next one looks somewhat Cthulu flavored, which may be good or bad, depending on your perspective.
My situation has not gotten better - in fact, I rarely seem to find time to get away for gaming. So, if you all would like to recruit a new GM who might be able to move things along faster, I would not be offended at all. However, if you would like to continue, and can't find a replacement, or if everyone is ok with the snail's pace I set, I will be happy to continue. I just won't promise anything speedier.
With all of that said, we should also probably take a role call here. If you are interested in staying the course, chime in! And start updating your character to level 9. We should also reconcile the loot to make sure everyone has appropriate gear. If you want to break away at this point, that's cool too - just let me know.
Sophie Kundegard |
My personal goal is to finish this campaign in honor of GM Harker.
I am fine with this pace, and I like playing with Fuzzfoot, but wouldn't mind a faster GM. My inclination would be to go with the "see if you find a good replacement, but if you don't, carry on as-is" plan. Also, for some reason I'm a little anxious the other GM might disappear; maybe that is silly to worry about since they are completely hypothetical at this point, but it is a thing that happens.
I will work on leveling up this week.
Sophie could make use of the amulet and/or the ring. She does get into melee and her AC is quite bad for this level. However, someone else may need them more.
Also, could we get chronicle sheets for this book? It was book 2, right?
GM Fuzzfoot |
Sure - I can generate chronicles. This was book 3, but I could do ones for book 2 as well.
Sophie Kundegard |
Yeah, that sounds right.
Chronicles for book 3 would be awesome. I'll just have to decide what PC to attach them to...
Niculaie Pavlencas |
Thanks, GM. I’m happy to continue with you at this pace and I’m glad everyone else is staying. Frankly, I’m busy enough at the new gig that having one game that isn’t rushing forward is a relief. I’ll level up this week as well.
Pontia Canario |
I'm in process of leveling Pontia up. For her two new spells, she's taking summon monster v (no surprises there, I'm sure) and teleport (ditto).
I'm not sure what to pick for her feat, though. What is the likelihood of having time to craft items any time soon? Also, will we be trying to get another PC?
Sophie Kundegard |
Yeah, that sounds right.
Chronicles for book 3 would be awesome. I'll just have to decide what PC to attach them to...
#137974-5 Fingalad Eldahir of the Grand Lodge is level 7 (18xp). Is that in level range for the chronicle?
Niculaie Pavlencas |
I'm in process of leveling Pontia up. For her two new spells, she's taking summon monster v (no surprises there, I'm sure) and teleport (ditto).
I'm not sure what to pick for her feat, though. What is the likelihood of having time to craft items any time soon? Also, will we be trying to get another PC?
Pontia, I’ve got two level 3 slots (finally!) for Niculaie. One will be purging finale for condition removal, and I’m leaning towards major image as the other, with the intention of taking Spell Focus (Illusion) as his level 11 feat (I’m taking Precise Shot at level 9). If you’d like to drop haste from your regular prepared spell list, though, I could take that now and major image later.
Another alternative, though, would be arcane concordance, which is only on the bard spell list and would provide a nice boost for both of us:
Arcane Concordance[/i]]
Area: 10' radius emanation centered on you
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: A shimmering, blue and gold radiance surrounds you, enhancing arcane spells cast by your allies within its area. Any arcane spell cast by a creature within the area gains a +1 enhancement bonus to the DC of any saving throws against the spell, and can be cast as if one of the following metamagic feats was applied to it (without increasing the spell level or casting time): Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Silent Spell, or Still Spell (you choose the metamagic feat when you cast arcane concordance).
Any thoughts?
Sophie Kundegard |
Speaking of level 4 spells, Oracle has some great options and I'm having trouble deciding
Air Walk, Bit of Luck, Blessing of Fervor, Dimensional Anchor, and Divine Power are all appealing
GM Fuzzfoot |
Sophie Kundegard wrote:#137974-5 Fingalad Eldahir of the Grand Lodge is level 7 (18xp). Is that in level range for the chronicle?Yeah, that sounds right.
Chronicles for book 3 would be awesome. I'll just have to decide what PC to attach them to...
Yes - this chronicle is listed for level 7-9.
GM Fuzzfoot |
How is everyone coming?
Other than Sophie, anyone know who they want their chronicle for? Looks like Book 2 went to Jivan for Pontia, Brallenera for Viv, and L'Mont for Nic. If you want the same characters fro these, should be easy to just copy from the last chronicles, but if you prefer different, just let me know.
Sophie Kundegard |
Sophie Kundegard wrote:Yes - this chronicle is listed for level 7-9.Sophie Kundegard wrote:#137974-5 Fingalad Eldahir of the Grand Lodge is level 7 (18xp). Is that in level range for the chronicle?Yeah, that sounds right.
Chronicles for book 3 would be awesome. I'll just have to decide what PC to attach them to...
Let's go with Fingalad then.
Niculaie Pavlencas |
Speaking of level 4 spells, Oracle has some great options and I'm having trouble deciding
Air Walk, Bit of Luck, Blessing of Fervor, Dimensional Anchor, and Divine Power are all appealing
Sophie, any of those spells could be useful, but I’d probably go with blessing of fervor or, given your combat style, divine power.
How is everyone coming?
Other than Sophie, anyone know who they want their chronicle for? Looks like Book 2 went to Jivan for Pontia, Brallenera for Viv, and L'Mont for Nic. If you want the same characters fro these, should be easy to just copy from the last chronicles, but if you prefer different, just let me know.
L’Mont would be good, thanks. I think he was on slow track for the last one, so let’s do the same this time just to even out his XP.
I think I’ve settled on purging finale and major image for Niculaie; one spell for the party's benefit, one that can be effective in combat or for sneaking, and illusions were part of my original idea for the character. As an added benefit, it isn’t a mind-affecting spell, so even Eldritch Horrors From Beyond Space should be affected.
Feat: Precise Shot
FCB: +1 skill rank
Skills: Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +2, Knowledge (Religion) +2, Perception +1, Perform (Keyboard) +4
Purchase: Masterwork accordion, 100gp (from cash on hand)
I admit I have lost track of the loot - maybe I'm looking at the wrong sheet, but the one I linked up top looks like none of us have updated it since February of last year. I went through the Gameplay posts since then and it looks like we haven't found much since then (just one other cache before we fought Vrood), but I may have missed something. I put it all onto a new sheet as a holding area. Please check it and add anything I missed and claim anything your PC needs/wants.
If everyone else already has an amulet of natural armor +1, Niculaie would take Vrood's, but he's also not much for melee combat, so it's fine with me if someone else takes it.
GM, we don't know the value for the two items highlighted: Vrood's spellbook and the Whispering Way amulet. I can calculate the spellbook value if you'll let us know what Vrood's prepared spells are and the levels of the random additional spells. I don't recall finding a Whispering Way amulet before - does it detect as magic? Any chance for a Spellcraft check if so?
Pontia Canario |
GM F, please assign the chronicle to Jivan again, with Slow progression.
I suspect that Pontia will take her share of the treasure in Vrood's spellbook, if we can recover it intact ("Guess what spell I prepared today?").
Nic, Pontia already has an amulet of natural armor +1. Re spells, I had an archaeologist bard who got a lot of mileage out of good hope, although in his case he needed it to boost the party--his bardic performance equivalent didn't help anyone else.
If we're not going to recruit another player, I'm thinking to take the Opposition Research arcane discovery and take evocation out of my opposition schools. However, the other option (if we're going to have any time to craft items) would be to take Forge Ring or Craft Wondrous Item. Any thoughts?
Other than that, Pontia gets:
No increase to BAB
+1 Fort save
+1 Ref save
+1 rank in:
Craft (Alchemy)
Knowledge (History)
Knowledge (Religion)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering)
Knowledge (Planes)
Knowledge (Arcana)
Knowledge (Nobility)
Linguistics (learning Undercommon)
Sophie Kundegard |
Sophie Kundegard wrote:Sophie, any of those spells could be useful, but I’d probably go with blessing of fervor or, given your combat style, divine power.Speaking of level 4 spells, Oracle has some great options and I'm having trouble deciding
Air Walk, Bit of Luck, Blessing of Fervor, Dimensional Anchor, and Divine Power are all appealing
I settled on blessing of fervor, since buffing the whole party seems better than just buffing Sophie (and she has several other decent buffs already).
Now I just have to select a feat.
I admit I have lost track of the loot - maybe I'm looking at the wrong sheet, but the one I linked up top looks like none of us have updated it since February of last year. I went through the Gameplay posts since then and it looks like we haven't found much since then (just one other cache before we fought Vrood), but I may have missed something. I put it all onto a new sheet as a holding area. Please check it and add anything I missed and claim anything your PC needs/wants.
If everyone else already has an amulet of natural armor +1, Niculaie would take Vrood's, but he's also not much for melee combat, so it's fine with me if someone else takes it.
I thought I wanted it, but it seems that a while ago I got myself a +2 amulet of natural armor and didn't update my profile with it. /facepalm
I could definitely use the ring of protection though.
Sophie Kundegard |
You can! But it won't take effect until the PC reaches the minimum level of the chronicle.
GM Fuzzfoot |
Yes, it certainly has so far. It is a chase, of course, so you may not want to dawdle too much in one place, but you can do some crafting.
GM Fuzzfoot |
Yes you did. I think it gave me instructions on what is in it, but if there is something you were hoping to find, let me know.
Pontia Canario |
I missed that the first time. Pontia would particularly like to get stoneskin and cloudkill from what we saw him cast. Purge spirit, stone shape, and telekinesis would all be good to have.
GM Fuzzfoot |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Spellbook contents:
6th—circle of death, create undead, eyebite
5th—cloudkill, telekinesis, waves of fatigue
4th—animate dead, arcane eye, enervation, greater invisibility, stone shape, stoneskin, purge spirit
3rd—dispel magic, fly, protection from energy, ray of exhaustion, stone shape, vampiric touch
2nd—acid arrow, command undead, false life, ghoul touch, glitterdust, mirror image, spectral hand
1st—alarm, chill touch, mage armor, protection from good, ray of enfeeblement, shield
0 — all
Sophie Kundegard |
Okay, I finished leveling up. Sophie will be using her Spirit Shield mystery for AC going forward, my only question is: if Sophie gets an enhancement bonus for some padded armor, would that enhancement stack with the bonus from Spirit Shield?
Vivian Deberth |
Rogue 5
Hp +5+2 Con=+7, total 66
No bonus in Attack or saves
Sneak attack 3d6
Feat: still hesitating between Skill focus (DD or Stealth) or Deadly aim
all +1: Acrobatics, Bluff, DD, Perception, Stealth, Sleight of Hand, Know Dungeon, Intimidate, Sense Motive; UMD+2
Niculaie Pavlencas |
I plugged the spellbook information into a copy of my spreadsheet for calculating spellbook values, scribing & rental costs, time required for scribing, and number of pages (link here), and updated the official loot sheet (link above the thread) with it and the items I identified in my earlier post.
One of us ought to hang onto the lesser silent metamagic rod - if nobody claims it, I’ll stick it in Nic’s handy haversack for the moment. Sophie and Pontia, there are a couple of scrolls on the list that one of you should probably take, I put your names down with a question mark next to them.
GM, the only remaining item we don't have any information about is the Whispering Way medallion. Does it detect as magic or have any interesting properties, or is it just a means for cultists to identify themselves to each other?
Vivian, Pontia - what do your characters think about Nic's suggestion that we try to turn the onyxes and wand of animate dead over to a Pharasmin church for destruction and collect the reward (assuming our GM agrees) instead of destroying them ourselves?
I’ll get Nic’s profile page and taglines updated Friday evening or Saturday.
Sophie Kundegard |
Do y'all want Sophie to use her Speak With Dead ability on the necromancer to interrogate him further?
GM Fuzzfoot |
So, a few questions here:
Spirit shield is an armor bonus, so it won't stack with armor.
The Whispering way amulet is not magical. It is probably just a way to identify each other.
And to shorten things, Sophie tries to speak with the dead, and finds there is no chance to do so.
He imbibed this:
Deathgag Elixir
Aura moderate necromancy [evil]; CL 7th
Slot none; Price 1,400 gp; Weight —
Death cults such as the Whispering Way use this elixir
to prevent their enemies from stealing their members’
secrets, even after death. Elite cultists typically imbibe
deathgag elixir as part of an elaborate initiation ritual
when they are promoted to high-ranking positions in the
cult. Thereafter, should the imbiber fall below –1 hit point,
the elixir triggers the release of a fatal poison that throws
him into wild convulsions. The victim begins foaming at
the mouth, and his eyes turn blood red. Soon after, the
victim’s entire jaw dissolves, rendering him immune to
speak with dead spells. Prior to the victim’s death, only a
limited wish, miracle, or wish spell can undo the effects of
the elixir. Individuals that have imbibed deathgag elixir are
noted as being “deathgagged” in the Defensive Abilities
section of their stat blocks.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, contagion; Cost 700 gp
Sophie Kundegard |
Yeah, I know the Spirit Shield won't stack with Armor, but I just wasn't sure if it would stack with an Armor enhancement bonus. I.e. is the armor enhancement bonus applied to other Armor effects or only to the armor itself. On reflection it seems clear that it is the latter, so there's no point in Sophie having any kind of magic armor.
Sophie Kundegard |
So if I remember correctly we're waiting on:
- Niculae to level up to level 9
- Recruiting 1-2 new players to replace Doro and Gregor (I would lean towards just one tanky type PC; this game moves slow enough to not need lots of people to wait on)
- Chronicle sheets from the GM
- GM to be ready to start the next book
Is that right?
GM Fuzzfoot |
Sounds right.
Let me know if I got anything wrong.
I will try to recruit someone today. I might reach out to a few players I have in other games first, since I know they understand the pace already.
Sophie Kundegard |
Got my chronicle, thank you!
And I am all for nepotism in game recruiting, haha.
Niculaie Pavlencas |
I apologize for the delay - my move to the new firm, combined with a schedule change (after 2 years of working almost entirely from home, I've been going to the office on Tuesdays and Wednesdays so that I can meet some of my new colleagues in person), has been taking a lot of my energy and attention, plus I changed the way I get notifications of new posts on my phone and iPad to cut down on interruptions when I'm working, but I need to get used to the new system. In any case, I will try to be a little more responsive going forward.
GM, my chronicle for book 3 looks good, thank you.
Niculaie's stats are updated (he learns a couple of 3rd level spells and can finally start a Bardic Performance as a move action!) on his profile and tagline.
Also, assuming Pontia or someone is keeping the as-yet-unclaimed wand of spider climb and we divide the proceeds from selling everything else evenly, each PC gets another 2,875.62 GP. Nic is buying a potion of lesser restoration for the next time he's affected by energy damage (immunity to the effects of energy drain is great, but damage is more common), but I'd be happy to kick in a good chunk of the rest of his share towards buying party healing supplies - maybe some diamond dust, scrolls of restoration & lesser restoration, etc., remove blindness/deafness, remove paralysis, that kind of thing. Alternatively, Vivian and Sophie didn't take much if anything from the final loot we found - if either of you have items you want to buy and need more gold to do so, I'm happy to reduce Nic's share of the sale proceeds accordingly.
Niculaie Pavlencas |
Also, Niculaie is very excited about his new accordion. Mostly because he can demoralize opponents when he plays it (Haunting Refrain), but still.
Sophie Kundegard |
Actually I'll go ahead and claim the Ring of Protection off the loot sheet.
At some point I may consider upgrading Sophie's primary weapon to be magical, since that would save her some actions from ancestral weapon.
Also, I have a +1 breastplate to sell unless anyone wants it
Niculaie Pavlencas |
Actually I'll go ahead and claim the Ring of Protection off the loot sheet.
At some point I may consider upgrading Sophie's primary weapon to be magical, since that would save her some actions from ancestral weapon.
Also, I have a +1 breastplate to sell unless anyone wants it
Loot sheet updated - the sale proceeds are now 2,625.62 GP per PC.
Pontia Canario |
The chronicle looks good. Thanks again for providing those!
Pontia can carry the wand of spider climb for use on the party, as needed. It seems like a potentially useful thing to have. She's going to get a lot more benefit copying material out of Vrood's spellbook before we remove the bad necromantic spells and sell it, though.
GM Fuzzfoot |
I have two players with some options for a front liner. It's a bit much to ask for a full character at this point, so here are their ideas, and you all decide who you would like fleshed out. Both are great players and in another game I inherited, so you can't really go wrong. (I also had a friend of a player who would be new to PbP, but I am afraid to make this his introduction to the format...)
First player:
I would be interested in submitting a tanky Occultist to the Carrion Crown campaign. I know it's not a traditional tank, but I am keen on playing an occult class given the campaign and the flavor! And I know it will work mechanically. Anyway, just throwing my hat in the ring, let me know if you and the group want me to put one together.
I have seen an occultist work as a tank fairly effectively, and would certainly fit the flavor of the group, I think.
Second player has these options in mind:
(1) Rurik
* Race: Dwarf
* Alignment: LG
* Class: Stonelord Paladin
* Basic Idea: A crusader in Angradd's name. All about searching for threats and eliminating them before they turn into problems.
* Unusual: Has a scarlet and green cabochon ioun stone and internal fortitude. Necessary for defensive stance, as it allows him to actually move in combat. Basically, ending defensive stance (ie: moving) makes him fatigued. The ioun stone turns that into sickened. He can then enter a new defensive stance, and while in it he is immune to sickened.
* Comes with an earth elemental companion. While pretty "meh", it is an extra body on the field.
(1) Aurilous
* Race: Human (?)
* Alignment: LN
* Class: Armiger Fighter (5) Hellknight (4)
* Basic Idea: Order of the Pike. Monster hunters. Joins adventuring groups with the idea of going where the law usually can't. Is all about ending monstrous threats before they can arise to the point where the authority would usually have to respond.
* A person who found meaning in the Order of the Pike. Hunts down monsters, as part of adventuring groups, as they have a tendency to find monstrous creatures that go under the radar of organized governments. Truly sees himself as making the world a better place from his monster hunting.
* Unusual: Not much, really. Fairly standard close combat. Can teleport his armor onto him, making him good-to-go if caught unaware.
(3) Galessa
* Race: Human
* Alignment: LE
* Class: Fighter (1) Slayer (6) Sanguine Angel (2+)
* Basic Idea: Once a member of the Erinyes Company. She fled after horribly failing in a sensitive mission given out by Qualins Rachmirol. Out of a well founded fear of returning, she decided to flee instead, figuring that it was her only chance of survival. She now works as a mercenary.
* She worships Mathallah for she shares the Queen's fear of death. Her end goal is to reach Sanguine Angel 10, upon which she would become an outsider and no longer have to dread Pharasma's gaze.
* Unusual: An archer! Who can also stand in the front lines when needed. Mechanically pretty simple. Fighter was for much needed feats. Slayer to get archery feats without dexterity. Sanguine Angel gives
Sophie Kundegard |
I love the tanky Occultist idea.
If we want a 6th player I think the Archer makes the most sense. If we want the second player instead of the first, the dwarf is my favorite of the 3 builds; I love me a stonelord.
Pontia Canario |
I'm with Sophie on the first choice (hey, wasn't that a Meryl Streep movie?). Pontia wouldn't be thrilled with a Chelaxian Hellknight, would also prefer to avoid an evil party member, but could deal with the stonelord.