GM Euan's Mummy's Mask (Inactive)

Game Master Euan

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet
Osirion Map - Wati City Map - Tephu City Map

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Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Welcome back Nidhi! Hope all is well now.

HP 176/195/163 AC 32 TAC 15 FF 24 24 TAC 14 FF 23|CMD 26|F+19 R+13 F+17 R+10 W+21 (im. p.)|Res 20 fire, 30 elec.|WS: 4/7 HH: 10/16 FB: 9/11 L1: 5/7+2/4 L2: 2/7+1/1 L3: 1/7 L4: 2/7 L5: 1/6 L6: 3/5 L7: 3/4 L8: 1/4 Ext: 3/3 Daz: 1/3 | Ini+3 | Senses+24
Acro+19,Climb+4,Diplo+1,Fly+7,H.Animal+3,Heal+25,K.dung+17,K.geo+8,K.hist+2 ,K.local+0,K.nat+5,K.nobility+14,K.planes+17,K.relig+2,Linguist+15,P.Orator y+4,S.Motive+8,Spellcr+10,Stealth+14,Surviv+12,Swim+1
Eccentric Garundi Druid (restorer) 16 | (Completed Mummy's Mask)

Happy to see you back Nidhi!

Ok, writting down the scrolls on Kosei.

I see the ring will be of use, I am taking one!

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Neutral Human Bard/14

I added 1 Scroll of Remove Curse and 1 Scroll of Break Enchantment to Nidhi's inventory from Flo's accounting. Nidhi will purchase 30 Blunt Arrows (3gp) and 40 Cold Iron Arrows (4gp).

Nidhi has a lot of healing spell slots so I'm personally not worried about having wands. I think Nidhi will primarily be using her bow and singing.

Nidhi is interested in purchasing a of-flying but I realize they are pretty rare so I expect GM Euan will need to grant a yay or nay.

As an alternative to the flying carpet, Nidhi could pimp out her current bow further.

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Inactive; Campaign Concluded
Sopdet-Ka "Stelle" wrote:
Florence Corvina wrote:

Any suggestions on some fancy footwear for a witch?

Hah! I walked right into that one :)

Female Halfling Cavalier/16

This is how I feel right now.

HP 176/195/163 AC 32 TAC 15 FF 24 24 TAC 14 FF 23|CMD 26|F+19 R+13 F+17 R+10 W+21 (im. p.)|Res 20 fire, 30 elec.|WS: 4/7 HH: 10/16 FB: 9/11 L1: 5/7+2/4 L2: 2/7+1/1 L3: 1/7 L4: 2/7 L5: 1/6 L6: 3/5 L7: 3/4 L8: 1/4 Ext: 3/3 Daz: 1/3 | Ini+3 | Senses+24
Acro+19,Climb+4,Diplo+1,Fly+7,H.Animal+3,Heal+25,K.dung+17,K.geo+8,K.hist+2 ,K.local+0,K.nat+5,K.nobility+14,K.planes+17,K.relig+2,Linguist+15,P.Orator y+4,S.Motive+8,Spellcr+10,Stealth+14,Surviv+12,Swim+1
Eccentric Garundi Druid (restorer) 16 | (Completed Mummy's Mask)

Hi! I will be barely available during the week. Please bot Kosei as required!

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

No problem Kosei, thanks for the heads up. I'll try not to use all of your spells. :)

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Just checking to say that I'm here, just waiting to see what the rest of the group wants to do since Flo's already given her thoughts on the matter :)

Female Halfling Cavalier/16

Sorry. Lately I've been enjoying work mostly, but it's energy draining.

Female Halfling Cavalier/16

1104+29544+6000 = 36648

36648 - 36000 = Belt of Giant Strength +6

Neutral Human Bard/14

I'll be visiting my in-laws and coming back Tuesday. I'll have posting access but I'm not sure about Roll20

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Hope you have a fun and safe trip!

(Same for Zilch at PaizoCon!)

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Hey folks, I'll be heading out of town to DieCon19 and won't return until sometime late Sunday night/early Monday morning. I likely won't have a ton of free time for posting so please feel free to bot me as necessary :)

Neutral Human Bard/14

I'm alive! Sunburned, but that's expected when a fair-skinned person hangs out on the shore. I actually got a pretty decent sunburn on my knees which has never happened before.

DieCon19 sounds fun

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Inactive; Campaign Concluded

I'm back and rested and have spent the requisite time with loved ones who missed me (the weirdos) while I was away on my con adventure! Thank you for your patience :)

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Hey folks, as of about a week ago I now have some new responsibilities as pertains to PFS PbP. While I don't think it'll affect this game too much there's the possibility of occasional slowdown on my end due to VO-related-business, most likely to pop up during our online cons. If such a thing happens, your patience and understanding is appreciated :)

Congrats, Florence! I guess this means that you’re obligated to hang with me and Hmmm at next PaizoCon, right? I think that’s the rule.

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

It's funny you say that. After some urging from my meat-space VA and her SO (who both went for the first time this year) and from some other PbP friends I'm tentatively planning to attend next year. Of course a lot can happen in a year but as of right now, that's the plan :)

Neutral Human Bard/14

When I first read VA I got excited because I thought you were talking about my state, lol. Congrats! That's really exciting~!

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Thanks guys! :)

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

Yes, congratulations. Should be fun working with Hmm!

Female Halfling Cavalier/16

Indeed! Congrats!

Male Pharaoh Hound, Animal Companion, Lvl 16

Anubis bows, and wags his tail three times in salute.

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Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Happy Father's Day to all you dads, grandpas, step-dads, godfathers, and father-figures out there! Hope you have a fantabulous day today!

If you (general you) have reason to find today sad rather than joyful, I still hope you have a good day today. Hang in there, okay?

For everyone else, Happy Sunday :)

Inactive; Campaign Concluded
Anubis-Ka, "Annie" wrote:
Florence wrote:
"Not that I think anyone here is secretly a wall-licker..."

Anubis cracks a sheepish grin, wags his tail and blushes.

Not me, no. I would never."

First time I GMed on my own, I had a character decide to make a snack of the lichen on the walls of the cave system they were in. At last, I was on the other side of the 'players/characters do the weirdest stuff' equation!

(For those familiar with PFS, I was running the Confirmation.)

Neutral Human Bard/14

Nidhi is immune to fear. Does she still need to make a Will save? D: How bad is this baddie?

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

If you're immune to fear, you're all set. How are you immune to fear? Very cool. :)

Neutral Human Bard/14

Ring of the Sublime!

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

Very nice!


Neutral Human Bard/14

Is the green circle on the map representing the glitterdust spell?

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

Yes, that's the area if the green glow and glitterdust effect.

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Neutral Human Bard/14

The Midnight (link) is my new music obsession. Listening to them makes me want to take a night drive.

Neutral Human Bard/14

I'm here to check in :D

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

^Bweee :D

Neutral Human Bard/14

Sorry for not posting yesterday. My 4th of July partying started a day early if you know what I mean haha

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

*Organized Play Note*

For anyone that might be GMing for the upcoming PbP Gameday VIII don't forget that GM Courtesty Signups will be opening soon, depending on your time zone! This means that GMs will be allowed to sign up, as a player, for 1 game early before player signups open to the general public. So if there's a table that you're really eyeballing, that'll be your chance to grab a spot :)

I'll get a Gameplay post up later, almost time to go play some Starfinderrrrr~

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Inactive; Campaign Concluded


General signups for PbP Gameday VIII are now open!

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Neutral Human Bard/14

You must be a superhero. You're so on top of things! I can't imagine voluntarily taking on a responsibility like that on top of work and real life obligations. I bet you have to read each and every post too. I love writing, but not always reading :X

I'll be at the beach starting this weekend for a week. My phone can't handle Roll20 and Google Slides so moving Nidhi on the map will be spoty.

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Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Nah, it's very much a team effort from all of the Online VOs to make our conventions happen! Our more tech/spreadsheet savvy folks did a lot of work to get our application forms for games/GMs set up and inputted into all the spreadsheets and then there's the folks that act as Overseers for our multi-table specials (one for our PFS special, one for the SFS special) and then everyone helps answer questions and keep an eye on the spreadsheets, etc. etc.

In a more general, 'day to day' sense, it's doing things like fielding questions, welcoming newcomers, helping people find games, mediating any issues that come up and generally trying to help take care of a lot of smaller things so our Venture Captain (Hmm) and Venture Lieutenant (Redelia) can focus on bigger tasks :)

Anyhoo, enjoy your time at the beach! :D

I miss the beach ;_;

Male Human (Init +7 | Per +16 | Fort +16 Ref +15 Will +11* +1 enchant, +4 language & sonic | AC 32 (f25/t19) | CMD36*)

Hi old friends!

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Hello, New Friend! I don't think we've met? :)

Fondo Barondo wrote:
Hi old friends!

Yo Fondo, you are missed. Dr. Toffee too.

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

Hey Fondo! Good morning! What brings you slumming down this-a-way?

For those of you who don't know him, Fondo's player is an exceptional player, and great guy to know.

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HP 176/195/163 AC 32 TAC 15 FF 24 24 TAC 14 FF 23|CMD 26|F+19 R+13 F+17 R+10 W+21 (im. p.)|Res 20 fire, 30 elec.|WS: 4/7 HH: 10/16 FB: 9/11 L1: 5/7+2/4 L2: 2/7+1/1 L3: 1/7 L4: 2/7 L5: 1/6 L6: 3/5 L7: 3/4 L8: 1/4 Ext: 3/3 Daz: 1/3 | Ini+3 | Senses+24
Acro+19,Climb+4,Diplo+1,Fly+7,H.Animal+3,Heal+25,K.dung+17,K.geo+8,K.hist+2 ,K.local+0,K.nat+5,K.nobility+14,K.planes+17,K.relig+2,Linguist+15,P.Orator y+4,S.Motive+8,Spellcr+10,Stealth+14,Surviv+12,Swim+1
Eccentric Garundi Druid (restorer) 16 | (Completed Mummy's Mask)

Hi Fondo Barondo! Very resounding name! You really need a second surname though, as we Spaniards do not lose our mother's surname. You should definitely be called Fondo Barondo Redondo!

Female Halfling Cavalier/16

Hiya Fondo. What is happening in your neck of the paizo?

HP 176/195/163 AC 32 TAC 15 FF 24 24 TAC 14 FF 23|CMD 26|F+19 R+13 F+17 R+10 W+21 (im. p.)|Res 20 fire, 30 elec.|WS: 4/7 HH: 10/16 FB: 9/11 L1: 5/7+2/4 L2: 2/7+1/1 L3: 1/7 L4: 2/7 L5: 1/6 L6: 3/5 L7: 3/4 L8: 1/4 Ext: 3/3 Daz: 1/3 | Ini+3 | Senses+24
Acro+19,Climb+4,Diplo+1,Fly+7,H.Animal+3,Heal+25,K.dung+17,K.geo+8,K.hist+2 ,K.local+0,K.nat+5,K.nobility+14,K.planes+17,K.relig+2,Linguist+15,P.Orator y+4,S.Motive+8,Spellcr+10,Stealth+14,Surviv+12,Swim+1
Eccentric Garundi Druid (restorer) 16 | (Completed Mummy's Mask)

I cannot see the map since some days ago. Might that be some side-effect of Kosei's blind state?

Neutral Human Bard/14

(I sound like a total weenie buuuuut...) I can't see the map either but it's because I'm at the beach until Saturday evening! <3 Which is awesome but it's been so hot and humid outside that certain activities aren't as fun. Like, yesterday we went to the pool and by noon the pool water was 90F. The ocean water is a bit uncomfortably warm too. We've been sticking to the Chesapeake Bay because the water seems to be cooler than the mouth of the Bay. I've also been avoiding mixers and sticking to water just to keep hydrated which is less fun (because some of the children have been constantly cranky from not enough sleep) but my body feels better. I'm getting so much use out of my Tervis. Ugh... This Summer, I'm reminded more than ever that Virginia is a swampy soup of a state. But, I love living in Virginia tho, wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

I know in counties other than the United States AC may not be the norm, but my mother-in-law likes her house at 78F which is a bit crazy to me. It feels amazing after being 90+ and humid outside but I usually like it at 72 at home. And I feel bad now, like if it's 90+ outside, setting the thermostat at 78 is no big deal. Totally livable and probably what all homes, businesses and stores should be doing in the hot months anyway

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

Ugh... I do not like heat that hot. And no humidity for me please. I melt. :) That said, I prefer avoiding AC too when I can. It smells funny. But when it's hot out, there's no substitute.

Kosei, there's no reason you shouldn't see the map. Try clearing your cache and reloading the website from scratch. Maybe there's a stuck image in there somewhere. Let me know if that doesn't do the trick and I'll figure out what, if any, tech support they have.

Female Halfling Cavalier/16

I have been informed at the last minute that I have to give a talk in Chicago this week.

Posting might be erratic. Bot as necessary.

Neutral Human Bard/14

What are you giving a talk about?

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