GM Euan's Mummy's Mask (Inactive)

Game Master Euan

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet
Osirion Map - Wati City Map - Tephu City Map

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Inactive; Campaign Concluded

I think you mean Nidhi? It's not nice to confuse the recently-awoken :P

Female Halfling Cavalier/16

If no one else wants, Stelle will wear the belt until we are in a place where we can sell it.

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HP 176/195/163 AC 32 TAC 15 FF 24 24 TAC 14 FF 23|CMD 26|F+19 R+13 F+17 R+10 W+21 (im. p.)|Res 20 fire, 30 elec.|WS: 4/7 HH: 10/16 FB: 9/11 L1: 5/7+2/4 L2: 2/7+1/1 L3: 1/7 L4: 2/7 L5: 1/6 L6: 3/5 L7: 3/4 L8: 1/4 Ext: 3/3 Daz: 1/3 | Ini+3 | Senses+24
Acro+19,Climb+4,Diplo+1,Fly+7,H.Animal+3,Heal+25,K.dung+17,K.geo+8,K.hist+2 ,K.local+0,K.nat+5,K.nobility+14,K.planes+17,K.relig+2,Linguist+15,P.Orator y+4,S.Motive+8,Spellcr+10,Stealth+14,Surviv+12,Swim+1
Eccentric Garundi Druid (restorer) 16 | (Completed Mummy's Mask)

That is a great item, I think we should keep it. My reasons:
- just spare me the need to lookup items to buy (it is just so much time for the resources of a high-level character)
- much interesting to say this object we took from the pharaoh than the one we bought in an undetermined shop
- 45000 gp value of treasure lost if we sell
- useful for anyone so we can easily move it around the group to "fix" treasure balance
- because if someone of us is much difficult to kill there is more chance for us to survive, and enjoy, the rest of the AP

Female Halfling Cavalier/16

I hadn't thought about the $45,000 hit for selling it. Stelle would love to share it.

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Florence - 12th Layer:

+6 HP (4 + 2 Con)
+1 BAB
+1 Fort, Reflex, Will
+1 Con
+7 Skill Points (Heal, Kn. Arcana, Kn. Nature, Kn. Religion x2, Perception, Spellcraft)
+2 Background Skill Points (Kn. History x2)
+1 5th & 6th Level Spell Casting/Day
+2 Spells Known (Cone of Cold - 6th, Befuddled Combatant - 5th; with GM permission)
+1 Spell via Familiar (Black Tentacles - 4th)
Gain Hex: Regenerative Sinew

And...I think that's everything!

*edit* Oops, add a Patron Spell: Heroism, Greater!

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

And regarding the belt and other high-ticket magic items...I feel like our friendly GM or maybe Zilchus explained it way back in the day but remind me again why it's a big worry to make sure that everyone's basically 'worth' roughly the same amount of gold in terms of gear/consumables? Genuine question, not trying to start trouble or anything! :)

Neutral Human Bard/14

Nidhi Level 12:

Dex +1 --> 16 (+2 Belt) = 18
nitiative: (Dex +3) (Belt +1 = +4
BAB: Bard 12th level +9/+4, Dex +3, Belt +1, Point-Blank Shot +1 = +14
AC: 10 (Shield bonus +0, Dex +3, Belt Dex +1) = 14
Touch: 10 (Dex +3, Belt Dex +1) = 14
Flat-footed: 10 = 10
Fort: +4 (+0 Con) (+3 Cloak of Resistance) = 7
Ref: +8 (+3 Dex) (+1 Belt of Dex) (+3 Cloak of Resistance) = 15
Will: +8 (+8 Wis) (+3 Cloak of Resistance) = 13

To hit: 1d20 +15 (Bard 12th level +9, Dex +3, Belt +1, Point-Blank Shot +1, Masterwork Weapon/Magical Bonus (doesn’t stack) +1)

Hit Points: 8 (Bard 2nd level +5, Bard 3rd level +4, Bard 4th level +5, Bard 5th level +4, Bard 6th level +5, Bard 7th level +4, Bard 8th level +5, Bard 9th level +4, Bard 10th level +5, Bard 11th level +4, Bard 12th level +5) = 58/58

Level 12: Diplomacy, Disable Device, Perception, Perform BACKGROUND, Sense Motive, Bluff x3, Profession (Tailoring) BACKGROUND

Break Enchantment (level 4 spell)

I'm with Flo, in her question. Why shouldn't the tanks have more gold since they are taking most of the damage?

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

Oh, I don't think it's a big worry, just a mild concern really. :)

It has to do with fairness. With loot, you can buy gear which lets your character shine a little brighter. And everyone deserves a chance to shine.

If one or two characters get the majority of the loot, then they're the ones being more heroic while the other characters withdraw into the background and no PC should be a second class citizen.

To put it another way, if Nidhi had more money, she might get a necklace of fireballs, do some extra area effect damage, and stop combats faster. That means the front liners will take less damage. Or perhaps she gets a circlet of persuasion, and talks her way out of the next combat entirely and no one takes any damage.

Thing is though, that's just my opinion. The party is in charge of where things go in the party, by general consensus. So if you folks want to focus your resources differently, you can totally do that. Absolutely up to you.

I'm just noticing your HP totals are a bit off. With no constitution or favored class bonus, you should have 64 hp now (8hp at first, and 5hp for each level thereafter).
- - -

I've noticed a tendency in the Healers Handbook for things to be a bit more powerful than the norm. I've a healer PC who uses a few things from that book that make the DM uneasy.

I'm uneasy about Befuddled Combatant as well. It's an extremely powerful spell for fifth level with an enormous 1h/l duration (not that that will matter with most combats). Still, I'm going to allow it for now. Let's see how it goes in use, but I may pull it later if it feels overbalanced.

- - -

Neutral Human Bard/14

Err... forgot to pick a feat back when Nidhi was level 11

Sooooo, the whole reason why I've been avoiding Nidhi's full damage potential is because I don't understand what/how feats stack with each other. I also am unsure as to how the bard stats (Bard 12th level BAB +9/+4) mesh with the feats. The Bard class clearly has a lot of utility - which is a good thing - but also why I'm unsure about things.

I want to work on damage because I'm starting to feel useless as a supporting class (and Nidhi's been slacking in damage haha.) For example, I am unable to take Greater Heroism because it is a level 5 bard spell which Nidhi doesn't get until level 13. (And I don't think Nidhi would take it anyway because doubling up of spells might not be as helpful to the party as a whole?) So will the 1st round no longer be Sing (Move) + Good Hope on Party (Standard) maybe? Instead, it will probably be Sing (Move) + Attack/Take out weapon (Standard) ...maybe? UNLESS, we still want Good Hope on Party with Greater Heroism on Stelle or Zilchus because it's a stronger stuff? (Also, I am very unsure at this point because I've never gotten this far in a game before. Not sure what is "good" or "effective." You know?)

I'm just trying to think ahead because I don't want Nidhi to be useless (but I already really enjoy the story progression she's made and her rich background so I want to keep playing her. Ahh, also it should be stated that I enjoy having "social" spells on the bard so I want to keep those - even if they are only used in a few situations like the watchmen in Wati.) Also, I think she might benefit from jewelry or a potion that prevents Mind Control (she would probably think that too. She's probably a bit traumatized from the Dominate Mind experience)

Is this Nidhi's damage potential? I'm exaggerating what I think is correct because I want a quick slash down:

1 Point-Blank Shot: 1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet
2 Precise Shot: You can shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in melee without taking the standard –4 penalty on your attack roll.
3 Rapid Shot Feat: When making a full-attack action with a ranged weapon, you can fire one additional time this round at your highest bonus. All of your attack rolls take a –2 penalty when using Rapid Shot.
4 Manyshot Feat: When making a full-attack action with a bow, your first attack fires two arrows. If the attack hits, both arrows hit. Apply precision-based damage (such as sneak attack) and critical hit damage only once for this attack. Damage bonuses from using a composite bow with a high Strength bonus apply to each arrow, as do other damage bonuses, such as a ranger's favored enemy bonus. Damage reduction and resistances apply separately to each arrow.

To hit (First Attack): 1d20 + 15 - 2 ⇒ (5) + 15 - 2 = 18
(Bard 12th level +9, Dex +3, Belt +1, Point-Blank Shot +1, Masterwork Weapon/Magical Bonus (doesn’t stack) +1) (-2 Rapid Shot)
Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
(Str +1, Masterwork Weapon +1, Magical Bonus +1, Point-Blank Shot +1 (30ft)), Critical x3, Range 100ft, Piercing, 1 ½ lbs (Darkwood)
Damage (Manyshot Feat): 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
(Str +1, Masterwork Weapon +1, Magical Bonus +1, Point-Blank Shot +1 (30ft)), Critical x3, Range 100ft, Piercing, 1 ½ lbs (Darkwood)

To hit (Second Attack aka Rapid Shot Feat): 1d20 + 15 - 2 ⇒ (16) + 15 - 2 = 29
(Bard 12th level +9, Dex +3, Belt +1, Point-Blank Shot +1, Masterwork Weapon/Magical Bonus (doesn’t stack) +1) (-2 Rapid Shot)
Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
(Str +1, Masterwork Weapon +1, Magical Bonus +1, Point-Blank Shot +1 (30ft)), Critical x3, Range 100ft, Piercing, 1 ½ lbs (Darkwood)
Damage (Manyshot Feat): 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
(Str +1, Masterwork Weapon +1, Magical Bonus +1, Point-Blank Shot +1 (30ft)), Critical x3, Range 100ft, Piercing, 1 ½ lbs (Darkwood)

Bard Ability to shoot again but at +4 BAB?: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
(Bard 12th level +4, Dex +3, Belt +1, Point-Blank Shot +1, Masterwork Weapon/Magical Bonus (doesn’t stack) +1)
Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
(Str +1, Masterwork Weapon +1, Magical Bonus +1, Point-Blank Shot +1 (30ft)), Critical x3, Range 100ft, Piercing, 1 ½ lbs (Darkwood)

With my probably very incorrect train of thought, this would mean Nidhi shooting FIVE arrows in one round. Which seems too overpowered and therefore probably wrong.

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HP 176/195/163 AC 32 TAC 15 FF 24 24 TAC 14 FF 23|CMD 26|F+19 R+13 F+17 R+10 W+21 (im. p.)|Res 20 fire, 30 elec.|WS: 4/7 HH: 10/16 FB: 9/11 L1: 5/7+2/4 L2: 2/7+1/1 L3: 1/7 L4: 2/7 L5: 1/6 L6: 3/5 L7: 3/4 L8: 1/4 Ext: 3/3 Daz: 1/3 | Ini+3 | Senses+24
Acro+19,Climb+4,Diplo+1,Fly+7,H.Animal+3,Heal+25,K.dung+17,K.geo+8,K.hist+2 ,K.local+0,K.nat+5,K.nobility+14,K.planes+17,K.relig+2,Linguist+15,P.Orator y+4,S.Motive+8,Spellcr+10,Stealth+14,Surviv+12,Swim+1
Eccentric Garundi Druid (restorer) 16 | (Completed Mummy's Mask)

Masterwork weapons do not add to damage (but I see your bow is +2 thus your numbers are correct) and the manyshot feat only applies to the first attack in your full attack. For the rest the numbers seem right to me, although you should probably consider your Inspire Courage bonus, because by this level you are probably using it most of the time :)

I think the bard archer is one of the most fun and effective builds to play at least through the mid levels.

You have things like heroism, inspire courage and haste which help you keep toe-to-toe with the full BAB classes and improves the capacity of the whole party. You have magic mirror and other defensive spells that gives you better defenses than other archers, if needed. And you still can shine and help a lot the party out of combat.

If you ever feel you need to make more damage add Arcane strike, Deadly Aim and some elemental damage improvement to the bow and you could easily become the main source of damage of your party. At higher levels, when DR matters, you need something like Clustering Shots, because DR is the main problem of arrows.

In fact my first Pathfinder character is a bard archer and she is one of the ones I had most fun playing and at the same time was a main damage contributor whenever needed (multiple people requested me to break out the numbers because they could not believe a bard could be effective in combat): Pandora Soulkeeper

GM Euan wrote:

It has to do with fairness. With loot, you can buy gear which lets your character shine a little brighter. And everyone deserves a chance to shine.

If one or two characters get the majority of the loot, then they're the ones being more heroic while the other characters withdraw into the background and no PC should be a second class citizen.

To put it another way, if Nidhi had more money, she might get a necklace of fireballs, do some extra area effect damage, and stop combats faster. That means the front liners will take less damage. Or perhaps she gets a circlet of persuasion, and talks her way out of the next combat entirely and no one takes any damage.

Thing is though, that's just my opinion. The party is in charge of where things go in the party, by general consensus. So if you folks want to focus your resources differently, you can totally do that. Absolutely up to you.

+1 to all this. It's not a big worry, but given the choices between things being somewhat balanced against being way unbalanced, I prefer that everyone have what they feel they need for the character they have at the level they are.

HP 176/195/163 AC 32 TAC 15 FF 24 24 TAC 14 FF 23|CMD 26|F+19 R+13 F+17 R+10 W+21 (im. p.)|Res 20 fire, 30 elec.|WS: 4/7 HH: 10/16 FB: 9/11 L1: 5/7+2/4 L2: 2/7+1/1 L3: 1/7 L4: 2/7 L5: 1/6 L6: 3/5 L7: 3/4 L8: 1/4 Ext: 3/3 Daz: 1/3 | Ini+3 | Senses+24
Acro+19,Climb+4,Diplo+1,Fly+7,H.Animal+3,Heal+25,K.dung+17,K.geo+8,K.hist+2 ,K.local+0,K.nat+5,K.nobility+14,K.planes+17,K.relig+2,Linguist+15,P.Orator y+4,S.Motive+8,Spellcr+10,Stealth+14,Surviv+12,Swim+1
Eccentric Garundi Druid (restorer) 16 | (Completed Mummy's Mask)

Level 12:

HP +9
Ability increment +1 Wis
Fire resistance 20
K. dungeoneering
K. planes
Background skills
K. nobility
Linguistics (Aklo)

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Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

Kosei is absolutely correct. On your first attack Nidhi, please feel free to add everything in together so I do less math (and therefor make fewer mistakes) like thus:

Manyshot: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (17) + 17 = 34
(+9 BAB, +3 Dex, +1 Belt, +1 Point-Blank Shot, +2 Magic bow, +3 Bardsong) (-2 Rapid Shot)
Damage: 2d8 + 14 ⇒ (2, 5) + 14 = 21
(+1 Str, +1 Point-Blank Shot, +2 Magic Bow, +3 Bardsong)

Rapidshot: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (15) + 17 = 32
(+9 BAB, +3 Dex, +1 Belt, +1 Point-Blank Shot, +2 Magic bow, +3 Bardsong) (-2 Rapid Shot)
Damage: 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
(+1 Str, +1 Point-Blank Shot, +2 Magic Bow, +3 Bardsong)

Iterative: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29
(+4 BAB, +3 Dex, +1 Belt, +1 Point-Blank Shot, +2 Magic bow, +3 Bardsong) (-2 Rapid Shot)
Damage: 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
(+1 Str, +1 Point-Blank Shot, +2 Magic Bow, +3 Bardsong)

Also, you do get one more attack at +10 as you initially noted. That's your iterative attack.

Neutral Human Bard/14

Ooooh, Deady Aim does seem like a good choice. But so does Clustering Shots. Ugh, I hate the math of this

Arcane strike is something Nidhi might put up at level 15 for the +3 - but is it only for one attack per combat or whenever you want to activate it? Will an Arcane bonus conflict with Masterwork Weapon/Magical bonus?

**So, just to confirm: it's 4 arrows total?**

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Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

Deadly aim will likely mean more damage than clustered shots. It just depends on what you encounter really. Deadly aim would be -3 attacks and +6 damage for you now.

Arcane strike is +3 damage for every attack in the round, but requires a swift to activate. But you should have a swift action available most rounds. It's an untyped bonus, so it stacks with everything. Also, it's +3 now, and will be +4 at 15th level.

And yes, four arrows total.

HP 176/195/163 AC 32 TAC 15 FF 24 24 TAC 14 FF 23|CMD 26|F+19 R+13 F+17 R+10 W+21 (im. p.)|Res 20 fire, 30 elec.|WS: 4/7 HH: 10/16 FB: 9/11 L1: 5/7+2/4 L2: 2/7+1/1 L3: 1/7 L4: 2/7 L5: 1/6 L6: 3/5 L7: 3/4 L8: 1/4 Ext: 3/3 Daz: 1/3 | Ini+3 | Senses+24
Acro+19,Climb+4,Diplo+1,Fly+7,H.Animal+3,Heal+25,K.dung+17,K.geo+8,K.hist+2 ,K.local+0,K.nat+5,K.nobility+14,K.planes+17,K.relig+2,Linguist+15,P.Orator y+4,S.Motive+8,Spellcr+10,Stealth+14,Surviv+12,Swim+1
Eccentric Garundi Druid (restorer) 16 | (Completed Mummy's Mask)

Good thing of Arcane Strike is you can also apply it in the event you need to use a melee weapon (but that's certainly unlikely in this group I guess) while Deadly Aim only applies to ranged attacks. Both are good options if you want to use more your bow.

Three attacks, four arrows. Four attacks, five arrows with haste. Your haste attack will be a copy of your rapid shot attack (without manyshot).

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Re: Loot Talk - Okay, that's fine. I admit that until I started playing on the forums the only loot system I ever had experience with was, 'Give it to whoever can make the best use of it'. Which, admittedly, works fine if you know everyone and people can be trusted not to hoard all the loot but I know that it's a little harder to manage online. And even though my home group switched to Pathfinder nearly 5 years ago now, I still can't get 100% used to being able to just *buy* whatever I want as long as I have the money and find a big enough city to shop in.


That's fine. I'd picked up on the fact that you seem much more wary of allowing things from the splatbooks so that's why I try to add that little 'with GM permission' notation when I opt for a spell that isn't from a hardcover title. I'm also trying to avoid spells that are basically a big 'I Win' button if the target fails their save (like the discussion we had re: Baleful Polymorph) but I have to admit that a lot of witch spells seem to be either super situational or run along lines of 'save or suck' so picking spells is challenging sometimes.

Neutral Human Bard/14

Nidhi purchased (and is currently wearing) a Belt of Incredible Dexterity (4,000g) +2 Dex. Idk how the belt slot works but if it takes 24 hours for an item to "sync" to a character, perhaps Stelle should use the 90,000g belt until we sell it? Since Nidhi is already "synced" to her +2 Dex belt? Idk... Idc either way. Stelle and Nidhi could temporarily trade but it wouldn't do much good for the day (in which I expect most of the Sphinx to be explored) :X

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

Actually, if this were F2F, we'd likely have sorted all this out prior to anyone taking the belt. So let's just say Nidhi has the +6 Dex/Con belt and Stelle has the +2 Dex belt and they are both fully synced and working. :)

Now, no swapping back without a grace period.

Female Halfling Cavalier/16

Totally -- time for you to upgrade, Nidhi.

Stelle trades Nidhi the +6 Con/Dex belt for the +2 Dex belt yesterday.

Neutral Human Bard/14

Okay XD Ty

Neutral Human Bard/14

How does the Holy damage (+2d6 damage vs evil) calculate into damage? Do you add the 2d6 to damage rolls?

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

Yes, exactly. It's 2d6 extra damage on each arrow.

Female Halfling Cavalier/16

Maybe spotting posting for the next couple of days.

On my way to a meeting in Oak Ridge.

Neutral Human Bard/14

I'm already sick up updating Nidhi's inventory on her profile every round D:

Also, Pathfinder Kingmaker is out yay. I've been playing it on Steam. This first bandit fight is hard. My spell casters keep injuring my tanks with their aoe/cone spells QQ It also doesn't help that I can't pre-position my heroes... Also, I want to play an evil character but I'm currently going with Lawful Good Pally!!! :D The undead elf lady looks and sounds so cool

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Huzzah! I want to get it but alas, funds are ever tight so probably not until Christmas.

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HP 176/195/163 AC 32 TAC 15 FF 24 24 TAC 14 FF 23|CMD 26|F+19 R+13 F+17 R+10 W+21 (im. p.)|Res 20 fire, 30 elec.|WS: 4/7 HH: 10/16 FB: 9/11 L1: 5/7+2/4 L2: 2/7+1/1 L3: 1/7 L4: 2/7 L5: 1/6 L6: 3/5 L7: 3/4 L8: 1/4 Ext: 3/3 Daz: 1/3 | Ini+3 | Senses+24
Acro+19,Climb+4,Diplo+1,Fly+7,H.Animal+3,Heal+25,K.dung+17,K.geo+8,K.hist+2 ,K.local+0,K.nat+5,K.nobility+14,K.planes+17,K.relig+2,Linguist+15,P.Orator y+4,S.Motive+8,Spellcr+10,Stealth+14,Surviv+12,Swim+1
Eccentric Garundi Druid (restorer) 16 | (Completed Mummy's Mask)

I participated in the beta but could only for a time because they did not release for Linux. It was exciting and I succeeded to finish the first book, but I loosed interest on the beginning of the second due to accumulated bugs on my saved game and lack of plot focus on that chapter.

This weekend I discovered they already released for Linux so I might give it a second try. I hope they fixed the many bugs I reported because it was a promising game, on the style of old Baldur's Gate.

It was also very difficult for me to fit into the strange semi-turn based mode Nidhi. The fighter running into the wizard's fireball... it just makes casters much less useful. In that sense I loved much more the full turn-based strategy of Temple of Elemental Evil.

Neutral Human Bard/14

Checking in. Today will be a bit crazy for me XD

Neutral Human Bard/14

Err I didn't subtract the Point Blank Shot fyi. I'm pretty sure Nidhi doesn't get it. Pathfinder counts diagonal at 10 feet, right? (Even with arrow shots)

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HP 176/195/163 AC 32 TAC 15 FF 24 24 TAC 14 FF 23|CMD 26|F+19 R+13 F+17 R+10 W+21 (im. p.)|Res 20 fire, 30 elec.|WS: 4/7 HH: 10/16 FB: 9/11 L1: 5/7+2/4 L2: 2/7+1/1 L3: 1/7 L4: 2/7 L5: 1/6 L6: 3/5 L7: 3/4 L8: 1/4 Ext: 3/3 Daz: 1/3 | Ini+3 | Senses+24
Acro+19,Climb+4,Diplo+1,Fly+7,H.Animal+3,Heal+25,K.dung+17,K.geo+8,K.hist+2 ,K.local+0,K.nat+5,K.nobility+14,K.planes+17,K.relig+2,Linguist+15,P.Orator y+4,S.Motive+8,Spellcr+10,Stealth+14,Surviv+12,Swim+1
Eccentric Garundi Druid (restorer) 16 | (Completed Mummy's Mask)

Only the second diagonal. You are just a square short, if you can 5' feet step still, you might do it and get that PB bonus :)

Neutral Human Bard/14

oooooo, I should do that. Euan, Nidhi does a five foot step like Kosei said! :<

Female Halfling Cavalier/16

Lvl 11-12 Post

Late, as in the late Dent Arthur Dent:

BAB: 12/7/2
Saves: +1 (Fort, Reflex, Will)
Hits: +7 (77)

know Religion -- +1
Perception -- +4
Sense Motive -- +2

(Lvl11 feat: Death from Below)

Demanding Challenge

Male Pharaoh Hound, Animal Companion, Lvl 16

Anubis Lvl. 12:

BAB: +7/+2
+1 Fort
+1 Reflex
+1 Skill (Climb)
Hits: 76
+1 Str/Dex Bonus
+1 Tricks (Aid)
+2 Natural Armor Bonus

Female Halfling Cavalier/16

Lvl up addendum:

DM willing, will swap out Death from Below for Barroom Brawler

'cause -- Bartender

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Neutral Human Bard/14

My in-laws are in town and we went to the state Fair yesterday. I was so tired sorry

Female Halfling Cavalier/16

I can appreciate that! Rest well!

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

Totally fine. You may swap feats.

State Fairs can take it out of you - no worries!

HP 176/195/163 AC 32 TAC 15 FF 24 24 TAC 14 FF 23|CMD 26|F+19 R+13 F+17 R+10 W+21 (im. p.)|Res 20 fire, 30 elec.|WS: 4/7 HH: 10/16 FB: 9/11 L1: 5/7+2/4 L2: 2/7+1/1 L3: 1/7 L4: 2/7 L5: 1/6 L6: 3/5 L7: 3/4 L8: 1/4 Ext: 3/3 Daz: 1/3 | Ini+3 | Senses+24
Acro+19,Climb+4,Diplo+1,Fly+7,H.Animal+3,Heal+25,K.dung+17,K.geo+8,K.hist+2 ,K.local+0,K.nat+5,K.nobility+14,K.planes+17,K.relig+2,Linguist+15,P.Orator y+4,S.Motive+8,Spellcr+10,Stealth+14,Surviv+12,Swim+1
Eccentric Garundi Druid (restorer) 16 | (Completed Mummy's Mask)

If this was Eidi here I think he will point out how smelly it is there are two similar devices in both rooms and one golem waiting for something to happen in the other one!

As a player I think this might be some sort of teleportation trap.

Neutral Human Bard/14

Checking in :) Strength isn't Nidhi's forte

Neutral Human Bard/14

Aww man, I was gone for like four or five days :S I think that's a new record!

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Welcome back Nidhi!

Totally random question but is anyone here participating in any PF2 playtest shenanigans? If so, what do you think of it so far?

Neutral Human Bard/14

I messed up in my game. I didn't buy enough weapons and I blew all my spells early. I didn't think there would be an much combat in a level one encounter. And I didn't expect some of the encounters we've faced so far.

The strangest thing are the skills. I don't feel very powerful/knowledgeable.

Actually, I think my favorite Paizo product is Starfinder. I like the Sci-fi, how skills are handled, and I feel like I'm not behind on content. Like it's new so there aren't 10 various rulebooks on the game. Just three :) Ahahaha

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

I've only dabbled in the playtest a little: some here, some over on Mythweavers, and one live session with the local lodge. Skills and checks definitely seem 'harder' now at 1st level but I'm undecided if that's a good or bad thing yet. One thing I really like about the changes to combat is the '3 actions a turn' system - I appreciate not having to keep track of whether something is a Move Action or a Standard Action or a Swift Action or whatever. It's nice to just do the things and get on with it.

As far as Starfinder goes, I've only played it once back at DieCon and it was the pregen scenario Claim to Salvation. Enjoyed it, would like to do more, but it's hard to find the time to really delve into the system and read up on the races and stuff. But I also think that even if I can find time to play it more, it'll still be a side-thing compared to my current interest in Pathfinder.

And regarding the fate of PF1/PFS1...I've still got tons of content I've yet to play or GM so I'll be doing both for as long as there's interest in it.

HP 176/195/163 AC 32 TAC 15 FF 24 24 TAC 14 FF 23|CMD 26|F+19 R+13 F+17 R+10 W+21 (im. p.)|Res 20 fire, 30 elec.|WS: 4/7 HH: 10/16 FB: 9/11 L1: 5/7+2/4 L2: 2/7+1/1 L3: 1/7 L4: 2/7 L5: 1/6 L6: 3/5 L7: 3/4 L8: 1/4 Ext: 3/3 Daz: 1/3 | Ini+3 | Senses+24
Acro+19,Climb+4,Diplo+1,Fly+7,H.Animal+3,Heal+25,K.dung+17,K.geo+8,K.hist+2 ,K.local+0,K.nat+5,K.nobility+14,K.planes+17,K.relig+2,Linguist+15,P.Orator y+4,S.Motive+8,Spellcr+10,Stealth+14,Surviv+12,Swim+1
Eccentric Garundi Druid (restorer) 16 | (Completed Mummy's Mask)

I have been reading the book, prepared a couple or three characters, and I am just starting to find people to actually try it out.

Most problems I find are ultimately related to the fact me and people around me already master PF1 rules, so games play smoothly and we ignore rules and options that we already know are problematic when trying to play a joyful game. On the playtest we are stumbling once an again with things we really have no idea how they work even after reading the rules (I look at you the dispel and counteract rules!), as well as options and rules that do not really play as well as they would seem (Quick Identification, Quick repair and many other skill timing stuff).

One thing I hope they improve is the book reading, it feels too gamy, I don't remember that feeling of reading a computer programing manual while I was reading D&D3 or Pathfinder. It felt somehow more natural.

Overall I am expectant, some ideas are interesting (class feats, downgrade of magic, skill ranks, multiclassing through dedication feats, staffs, I love how they made staffs!!!) but as Florence, there is still so much things I want to play on Pathfinder1, and it feels just so much easier to access and play to me...

Neutral Human Bard/14

I'll be in Florida starting on Sunday until Wednesday. I'm going with my husband on his work trip. It'll effect Roll20 but not posting

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Though it shouldn't affect my posting too much, my work schedule has been shifted to solely night shifts in the wake of our one dedicated night shift person quitting unexpectedly. This will probably be what I'm doing for the somewhat-foreseeable-future so you'll be less likely to see posts from me during daylight hours (say, anywhere from about 8-10am up to 5-7pm CST).

And Nidhi, have a safe trip!

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Sorry for the quiet; had some family business yesterday evening and more today. Feel free to bot and/or delay Flo and I'll catch up later this evening.

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Neutral Human Bard/14

I just got back from St. Petersburg, Florida. I expected better Wifi but it was really spotty. It also didn't help that I switched to Google Fi (BUT, that being said, I have a better internet connection when I'm on the other side of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge–Tunnel so go figure.) We were at a really nice resort (some historic hotel revamped by Marriott) but you had to create a Marriott account for "free" Wifi and a lot of the hotel amenities like the treadmills in the gym revolved around using your phone to link up your account. Ugh, super annoying. And there were different tiers of Wifi!!!

I also hadn't flown since high school and was surprised to find out the airports have another set of "quality" seats between first class and economy. And it's funny because they still use some of the older planes so there isn't even an appearance difference between economy and this middle tier of seating. There was a decent sized storm in Georgia so my two flights home were pretty bumpy but I'm alive :D I like talking to the people I sit next to, but since it was bumpy I totally touched the arm of the people sitting next to me so I felt bad. I kept apologizing profusely and explained multiple times rough turbulence scares me. Everyone took it in good stride (thank goodness.) I'd forgotten how some people are open to talk while others with blatantly ignore you because they want to read their book or play their phone game. I think the trick is to sit in a window seat. That way if they want to look out the window they have to look your way >:D

While in Florida, I went to a couple art museums - The Museum of Fine Arts and The Dali Museum - and discovered I love crepes (Thanks Wooden Rooster!) We also had bombtastic Cuban at a place called Bodega on Central. It was the only food place we went to that wasn't super touristy. (And, man, they like to jack up the prices for touristy locale.) It reminded me a lot of this place in my city called The Alamo but BBQ instead of Cuban. St Petersburg is all about the Yacht life and 2-3 day business seminars (why we went) but I had a lot of fun. As a Virginian, it's a weird feeling to be in an outdoor pool in November. It's about 60 here and 80 in Florida haha what a shock to the system What a story Mark

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Hey, glad you had a good time (air turbulence aside)! Nothing much new here except that I put in to officially go to night shift at work.

Nidhi wrote:
I'd forgotten how some people are open to talk while others with blatantly ignore you because they want to read their book or play their phone game.

Heh. I won't flat out ignore someone trying to talk to me because that's rude but to be honest, I'd usually much rather read my book or play my phone game or whatever when I'm flying. Introverts gonna introvert, I guess :P

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

Sounds like a fun trip! My folks live in Florida, near Tampa - and they do have some cool museums over there too.

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