GM Euan's Mummy's Mask (Inactive)

Game Master Euan

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet
Osirion Map - Wati City Map - Tephu City Map

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Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Nidhii! You got your wish! :D

Heya DW, good to adventure with you again :)

*edit* Off to bed shortly for an early day at work tomorrow so I will catch up with you fine folks when I get home tomorrow afternoon!

Cahal ud'Din wrote:

Welcome, DrWf. It is an honor.

Neutral Human Bard/14

Just got off work! Reading and posting now.

Neutral Human Bard/14

Lol, despite Benedictus' words, he still warns the team. I love it.

Btw, I get home at 10pm EST. Also, Beauty and the Beast is out in theaters! I can't be the only Emma Watson fan here~! Plus it's a tale as old as time, kek.

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Fail, I thought I posted that I'd be working tonight and tomorrow night but apparently I didn't! Feel free to bot Florence tomorrow if her turn comes around again.

And how was the movie Nidhii?

Florence Corvina wrote:
And how was the movie Nidhi?

Yeah! Yeah! How was it? Did you see in 3D or 2D? If 3D any reason to see 3D or will 2D be fine?

Neutral Human Bard/14

I'm going tomorrow after work. Tomorrow is Chik-fil-A breakfast with the boyfriend and his son, work, then we're going to the movie together as a family. But, omg I'm SO pumped! We will probably see it in 2D. I wear black rimmed glasses with giant lenses so I dislike wearing the 3D glasses.

One of my friends showed me this today. Check it out.

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Lindsey Stirling is awesome!! And I wear glasses too so I feel your pain about 3D glasses.

Neutral Human Bard/14

Does the enemy have cover bonus? I can't tell.

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

Yeah, it's tricky. Cover (link) for ranged weapons, is...

"...choose a corner of your square. If any line from this corner to any corner of the target's square passes through a square or border that blocks line of effect or provides cover, or through a square occupied by a creature, the target has cover."

So pick the best corner, and you'll see that part of the creature is blocked by the wall. The bench does not provide cover, but Zilchus does. Zilchus can be avoided by picking either of the northern corners though, but that doesn't get you past the wall that covers half the creature.

Neutral Human Bard/14

Well I don't want to cheat by changing my Round 2 hours later so I'll plan for Nidhi to move Round 3.

And Beauty and the Beast was really nice. Some of the background CGI (of the castle) bothered me but I loved all the singing, costumes, and acting. Lots of camera spinning to span the surrounding areas and it was hard for me to focus my eyes on details on the walls and such. There was a ton of CGI but most of it was really well done (I think.)

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

Thanks Nidhi. Keep in mind, when you do move, I have quite a bit of reach (Benedictus can attest to 15' of it at least), and shooting a bow does provoke AoOs. :)

NG male human (Garundi) diviner 10 | HP: 62/62 | AC: 14 [17] (13 Tch, 11 [14] FF) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | F: +5, R: +7, W: +10 | Init: +16 | Perc: +14 (+16), SM: +1 (+3) | Speed 30 ft | Special abilities: prescience 10/10 | foretell 10/10 | Active Conditions:

I just posted, but I realized that since Ben has only 2 remaining hp, and he took 3 nonlethal points of damage from Florence before...should he be unconscious now? In that case, please disregard my post and assume Ben has collapsed to the ground, unconcious.

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

You are correct. I too forgot the heavy tax Florence leveed on you...

You are unconscious, but not bleeding as some of your damage is nonlethal.

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Beeeeen, I'm sorry Flo punched you in her panic! At least you're not going to be the only one getting an earful from the rest of the group after this fight?

Neutral Human Bard/14

What happened in round 4 with Nidhi? I missed the action!

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

Ah shoot. Sorry I grabbed the wrong version. You hit!!

Neutral Human Bard/14

My account or something is acting up. My Campaigns tab appeared blank and when I went to my profile it wasn't showing me any updates.

Nidhi Aashirya wrote:
My account or something is acting up. My Campaigns tab appeared blank and when I went to my profile it wasn't showing me any updates.

Yeah, something is borked. They are on it.

Probably another of those giant many-legga-pedes that broke it.

Neutral Human Bard/14

I just got off work. I'll post in an hour or so.

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

~Doo-dee-doo, checking in to say that I'm aware of the current forum issues with tracking new posts. Checking gameplay now!

Neutral Human Bard/14

I wish they would've fixed it by now! >:(

Neutral Human Bard/14

I'll post in about 4 hours after I get off work.

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Time for bed and no access to the map atm but feel free to move Florence out of the way if she's blocking traffic; just assume that she gets out of the way if told to do so. I'll catch up with you guys tomorrow afternoon.

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Got another early (and long) day tomorrow so feel free to bot Florence as needed for combat and I'll catch up as soon as I can after work!

Neutral Human Bard/14

Do you work in a hospital Florence?

Neutral Human Bard/14

Do you mean round 2, Euan?

Also, does being distracted and covered in cats limit Nidhi's movement to 5 feet per round?

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

Nope on both counts.

To cover the easy case first. You're distracted which means you lose your standard action. You still may move your full movement (30' I assume) no problem. Feel free to move further back if you wish in your init, because you'd know where the swarm would be at the start of your round.

Next, your initiative puts you at the end of round 1. You already posted, prior to my rat swarm going, your actions for round one. But my last post was actually prior to your action.

Does that make sense? Initiative is tricky in PbP. It may feel like you were skipped, and you were - but that was just the luck of the initiative order. My cats went in the surprise round tagging you once. Then again in round one prior to your initiative tagging you again.

Let me know if it's still unclear.

Neutral Human Bard/14

I think so?

Is it the start of Round 2 now or are we waiting on Florence for Round 1?

Also, is distraction only for one round? Or do you roll a save for each round?

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

It is both the end of round one and the start of round two. So don't, yet, post. You'll go after my swarm, if it should live that long before s-cattering.

Distraction is only the one round and you're clear. So your next post, you will no longer be distracted.

Neutral Human Bard/14

Ahh okay, I think I get it now. Thank you :)

Inactive; Campaign Concluded
Nidhi wrote:
Do you work in a hospital Florence?

I sure do! And we've been pretty busy because we're short-staffed and there's also been a lot of flu going around lately...and now possibly mono as well :\

Neutral Human Bard/14

That sucks :( I'll be sure to wash my hands extra!

I will be available to post tomorrow evening. You can also message me Euan if I get behind. I have an hour lunch tomorrow.

Neutral Human Bard/14

Wait...delayed? I'm so confused again. I thought I was supposed to wait... Or was I not? Was I supposed to post yesterday? It would help if people said "Round #"

I'm so confused, lol.

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

Yeah, I figured you were confused, and almost said something last night but I was on my phone when I checked in which makes it hard to post.

You were up, as I said in this post (link). Don't get too hung up on what round it is. That way lies madness. Often players will mistakenly put a different round up there in the header, and sometimes I'll make the same mistake.

Even when everyone gets it right, the initiative order will likely span two rounds. The end of one round and the start of another. So it might be round 3 for some folks and round 4 for others.

I am very good about saying who's up next however. So watch that space in the footer carefully. Also, if you're ever confused, feel free to ping me in chat anytime. :)

All that said, yes, please everyone note the round number and your initiative at the top of your post. It is helpful to me when I'm checking who goes in what order especially. And if it's wrong, I'll catch it in my round cleanup - assuming I don't make the same mistake!

Neutral Human Bard/14

Also, I just started my new job today so my next post will either be late tonight or early tomorrow. (I'm so tired right now.) Good news is that I'll have normal work hours on the weekdays.

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

No problem - congratulations on the new gig!

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Congrats on the new job! :D

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Working the next three nights (Sat/Sun/Mon) so my posting might be a bit more sporadic than normal until Tuesday, but I'll try to check in and keep up as much as I can!

(My kingdom for a set schedule...)

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

Heads up here as well. I'll be on a short trip Tuesday and Wednesday. So we'll be a little slow those days as I won't be posting as much as usual. Hopefully we won't be in a combat then! :)

NG male human (Garundi) diviner 10 | HP: 62/62 | AC: 14 [17] (13 Tch, 11 [14] FF) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | F: +5, R: +7, W: +10 | Init: +16 | Perc: +14 (+16), SM: +1 (+3) | Speed 30 ft | Special abilities: prescience 10/10 | foretell 10/10 | Active Conditions:

Hey GM, I've edited the tresure sheet with our recentmost findings. Can you please double-check it?

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

Pretty close! Just a couple things.

You missed the Mummified guardian. Your most valuable item! :D Always list the item, even if you don't know the value. From time to time, I'll check the sheet, and update those sorts of things for you and it's a useful placard for when you eventually ID stuff (and for a reminder that there's stuff to ID).

Don't bold the values as yet. Bolded values are the sale values, and remember even precious stones are going for less then their full weight in town just now. Also, if you save them for the auction, they might go for more. The only thing that should be bolded, for now, is actual cash and items values after the sale.

Don't flag it as a Party Divvy until it's actually distributed. The correct flag is 'To Sell' for now, as it's in your possession but not yet sold/distributed. Note that I didn't put To Sell next to the mummified guardian as the party might want to hang onto that item. I usually leave things unclassified until the group has had a chance to decide if there's something they may want - for example the potions are unflagged.

As a side note, you should remind folks there are some potions to divvy up or decide to sell. The group should really keep the cure lights and restoration - but someone needs to be carrying them so they can track it. Otherwise, I'm assuming it's on the mule/in the storeroom/otherwise not immediately available.

Great start - thanks!
- - -

NG male human (Garundi) diviner 10 | HP: 62/62 | AC: 14 [17] (13 Tch, 11 [14] FF) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | F: +5, R: +7, W: +10 | Init: +16 | Perc: +14 (+16), SM: +1 (+3) | Speed 30 ft | Special abilities: prescience 10/10 | foretell 10/10 | Active Conditions:

Very well, thanks for the heads-up GM! I'll do it better next time ;)

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

Yeah, it's a learning process. You'll get the hang of it pretty quickly. :) Thanks for doing it!!

NG male human (Garundi) diviner 10 | HP: 62/62 | AC: 14 [17] (13 Tch, 11 [14] FF) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | F: +5, R: +7, W: +10 | Init: +16 | Perc: +14 (+16), SM: +1 (+3) | Speed 30 ft | Special abilities: prescience 10/10 | foretell 10/10 | Active Conditions:

Hey everyone, sorry for the silence. My laptop is having some problems and I was forced to leave it for repair. I hope they will solve the problem as soon as possible. In the meantime, please bot me as needed.

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Hope they get your laptop fixed soon, Ben!

Also turns out I'm working tomorrow night too so posting may still be sparse through Wednesday morning >.<

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

Remember, I'm gone tomorrow and Wed so we'll be slow anyway. :)

Good luck Benedictus!

Neutral Human Bard/14

I'm a little happy that it'll be slower these next couple days. I will make a thoughtful post tomorrow. Either during lunch break or when I get off work. I'm still adjusting to my new schedule.

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Checking in! Hopefully work has worked itself out somewhat for the moment, though I'm working again Friday night. Should hopefully have some days off after that though...

(And in the meantime I've narrowed down my games some more. Getting to the point where it's getting harder to choose what to keep and what to let go...)

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