Zilchus Lyghtlode |
Have you seen this? Wind Rose
Uh no, haven't heard that before. /me wipes blood from ears
That's uh, interesting. It's uhm...music-like in many ways. I didn't know you had such, uh, interesting tastes in music. :)
Also, see this to read about my misadventures at PaizoCon. I think tomorrow I get to meet GM Hmm and Woran, which will be cool.
GM Euan |
Nidhi hasn't seen anything yet. So no check.
However, when you do see it, you'll be able to make a passive knowledge check as a free action to learn something about the creature.
Also - nice tunes!
Florence Corvina |
Checking in again; going out to dinner with family later but I should be able to get a post in later tonight should we reach Florence's turn by then!
Need to start work on rebuilding all my character profiles in HeroLab...stupid me didn't have them backed up so I lost them all when my old laptop died. I did get one rebuilt just a few minutes ago since that character just got to level up today :)
Zilchus Lyghtlode |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I hope everyone has been having a great holiday weekend! I've had four days off from work and it's been fantastic :3
Just got back from PCon. It was detailed HERE.
Had good times with GM Hmm and Woran among others.
Now back to your regularly scheduled grunting and anger.
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
Sorry guys, hectic day. I'm going to post in the evening
Florence Corvina |
Huzzah! I've never kept fish before either so let us know how it goes :)
I think the best part of my day today was when the local Amish came by my workplace selling tomatoes and ears of corn. Tomatoes grown in the garden are delicious and I would probably eat my weight in them if it were possible :)
Nidhi Aashirya |
Whaaaat? You had local Amish peddling vegetables at your work? That's pretty cool :D I bet they were super fresh! Do you live in a more rural area Florence? I live in a pretty suburban area about 15 minutes (driving) from the city. My parents had their dining room table handmade by an Amish tradesman and it's pretty impressive woodwork.
Florence Corvina |
Relatively rural, yes! The town I live in has a population of about 4,000 and the town I work in has a population of only 1,500 or so (as of 2014, anyway). There's a reasonably sized city of around 32,000 or so that's just a 20 minute drive away though so there's still plenty of options for shopping and food if one is willing to drive just a bit :)
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
Sorry again, all. The last few days have been crazy, and yesterday I was away from any sort of internet access in the radius of miles. Anyway, today I'm home again, and I will post as usual.
GM Euan |
I had a very cool 50 gallon corner fish tank for many years. curved front, triangular shape so it fit in the corner of the room. Great. I did salt water for a while, but got lazy and redid the tank as a fresh water tank (less hassle keeping the water 'just so'). It was lots of fun.
No worries Benedictus, I figured you had only movement last round anyway due to the elusiveness of your quarry.
GM Euan |
Before I rant about folks posting more frequently, let me start by saying I'm headed out to my brother's wedding next week and over the weekend. So my posting rate will slow a bit from Wed-Wed. Kinda takes the wind out of my sails. :)
That aside, remember we're posting daily, even on the weekends. I know folks have had some crazy times recently, but please refocus if you can. Thanks!
Florence Corvina |
I know I've slacked a bit here and there and I apologize; I'll do better in the future.
*shuffles feet*
Speaking of real life, I'll be out of town this Thursday through Monday (8th-12th) at a convention and likely won't be posting at all during that time. Feel free to bot Florence as needed :)
*edit* I'm also out and about most of the day today; will post when I get home tonight!
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
I apologize as well. In the last few weeks, everything has become increasingly complicated for me in RL. But I'm sure things will settle down eventually. In the meantime, I will refocus as the GM says. You can expect 2 post/day in the weekdays and at least 1/day in the weekend. I'll try to improve that as soon as my life will allow me to :)
Nidhi Aashirya |
Weddings are fun! I love free food and booze!
I filled my 50 gallon tank and started the filtration process. I'm going on vacation for the last 2 weeks of June (Nags Head then Cape Charles) so I think I'm going to hold off on getting fish until I get back. I won't have a computer but I'll have my phone for posting. I wish roll20 worked on my phone's browser.
Zilchus Lyghtlode |
Evilan, do you have opinions on this? Or this?
Oh wait, you already posted there. Are you expecting a reply? How do you feel about what they have said? What level of eye roll are you doing?
GM Euan |
Yeah, and Dean mailed me as well - so I did get a personal reply.
I think it's long overdue, and am willing to give them some time to actually get it done.
Until then, we limp along and do the best we can with the platform we have. When it works, it's OK - and I'm eager to see what they have planned.
Hopefully as we get closer, they'll reveal what they're doing. Until then, I guess I'm carefully optimistic. :)
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
Wow, I was ninja'd by Cahal! Seems like her movement would allow Ben to cast his spell without having to try to cast it defensively, hence casting it while 5 feet away from the zombies. If it is possible, I'd like the GM to move Ben back before our actions resolves.
GM Euan |
No problem, but orange has some cover from your attack with you further down the hall, which made a difference as it happens. But it's still a good move so I assume you'll stick to it.
GM Euan |
Yeah, it's been pretty bad. Up now, but as they're still working on it, who knows how long it will last.
All we can do for now is strap in and ride it out. Post when you can, and we'll muddle through. :)
Florence Corvina |
Hey folks, I *am* back from my trip but between returning to work and the site being wonky it's been a challenge to get to the boards and catch up on my games. Things seem more stable now though so hopefully I'll be able to completely catch up on this game when I get home from work tomorrow evening :)
(You guys get 2nd place for 'Games with the Most Unread Posts' by the way, hehe.)
Nidhi Aashirya |
I've probably mentioned it before, but I'm going to be at the beach for 2 weeks starting this Saturday. I'll be back home on the 3rd (Monday.) During that time, I will not have a computer but I will have my phone. I will be able to post but I won't be able to access roll20. Not sure how you would like to handle the map situation.
GM Euan |
Post what you can, when you can, and I'll move you around on the map. No problem. :)
Enjoy the beach!!
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
The website is finally back! I'll post in a few hours! :)
GM Euan |
If the protagonists were visible, he might see them sure (depending on perception, etc.) but they are not. So all he knows is there is something wrong and hostility is imminent.
Your opposition is not in the room as yet.