About Fondo BarondoClasses & Levels Fighter (Cad) 2, Bard (Varisian fortune teller) 3, Cavalier (Squad leader) 1, Battle Herald 8 [dice=Serithtial]d20 + 14 + 6 + 4 + 4 + 2 - 4[/dice]
[dice=Iterative 1]d20 + 9 + 6 + 4 + 4 + 2 - 4[/dice]
[dice=Iterative 2]d20 + 4 + 6 + 4 + 4 + 2 - 4[/dice]
Active effects Heroes feast, heroism, life bubble, stoneskin (60/110), darkvision, freedom of movement HP = 123 / 123
CMB = +18 (+22 disarm & reposition, +21 dirty trick, +19 steal)
Weapon equipped Serithtiel
To cut and paste:
[dice=Serithtial]d20 + 14 + 6 + 4 + 4 + 2 - 4[/dice] +2 bane?
[dice=Iterative 1]d20 + 9 + 6 + 4 + 4 + 2 - 4[/dice] +2 bane?
[dice=Iterative 2]d20 + 4 + 6 + 4 + 4 + 2 - 4[/dice] +2 bane?
Inspire Courage: +3 competence bonus to hit and damage, +3 morale bonus to saves v. fear and charm Sound the Charge: Allies get +4 competence bonus to attack and damage. Charging allies add 20' to their speed.. Activate Tactician: (round 1 of 8): allies within 60 feet who can see and hear Fondo have access to the following teamwork feats:
Fondo's challenge: allies have +1 circumstance bonus to hit target of challenge if Fondo threatens it, and its AC is -2.
Brov ~ brother in argot, not Varisian Jel'enedra ~ little sister Kako ~ uncle Kam ~ love, sun Kuraf'te Dija ~ wouldn't you like to know? Something to do with your mother... Poor'enedra ~ older sister Stats & Saves:
Saving Throws Fortitude = +16 (+2 con +3 fighter +2 cavalier +1 bard +5 herald +3 cloak) Reflex = +15 (+6 dex +3 bard +3 herald +3 cloak) Will = +11, +1 v. enchantment effects (+3 bard +5 herald +3 cloak) Armor Class = 35 (+7 dexterity, +9 celestial armor, +2 buckler, +2 ring +5 amulet)
CMB = +22 (+26 disarm, reposition, +25 dirty trick, +23 steal)
HP = 123 (16 fighter + 15 bard + 6 cavalier + 54 battle herald + 30 con + 2 favored) BAB = +15/+10/+5
Feats & Traits:
Charming (+1 Diplomacy, Bluff, language-dependent DCs on people attracted to devastatingly handsome men)
Missing child (Diplomacy, Sense Motive class skills) -- Weapon Proficiency: martial weapons Armor Proficiency: light armor; light and heavy shields Allied spellcaster Agile maneuvers (CMB based on Dex) Combat expertise Greater reposition Harrowed Improved dirty trick Improved disarm Improved reposition Leadership Lingering performance Power attack Quick Reposition Shake It Off Weapon finesse (use Dex bonus to hit with light and special weapons) Skills:
Available points 86/86 (18 bard + 4 fighter + 4 cavalier + 24 battle herald + 24 int + 12 human) • Acrobatics = +28 (16r + 6a + 5co + 3cl) • Appraise = +2 • Bluff = +21 (16r + 3a + 3c), +1 Charming • Climb = +6 (1r + 2a + 3c) • Diplomacy = +27 (5r) Perform (oratory) • Disguise = +8 (2r + 3a + 3c) • Escape Artist = +10 (1r + 6a + 3c) Fly = +5 • Handle animal = +7 (1r + 3a + 3c) Heal = +0 • Intimidate = +11 (5r + 3a + 3c); +3 if same language • Knowledge (Arcana) = +6 (1r + 2a + 3c) • Knowledge (Dungeoneering) = +6 (1r + 2a + 3c) • Knowledge (Geography) = +7 {2r + 2a + 3c) • Knowledge (Local) = +9 (3r + 2a + 4c) • Knowledge (Nobility) = +6 (1r + 2a + 3c) • Knowledge (Planes) = +6 (1r + 2a + 3c) • Knowledge (Religion) = +6 (1r + 2a + 3c) • Linguistics = +7 (2r + 2a + 3c) • Perception = +15 (13r + 0a + 3c) • Perform (dance) = +12 (1r + 3a + 3c + 5i) • Perform (oratory) = +27 (16r + 3a + 4c + 5i) • Profession (fortune teller) = +6 (2r + 0a + 4c) • Profession (soldier) = +5 (2r + 0a + 3c) • Ride = +10 (1r + 6a + 3c) • Sense Motive = +27 Perform (oratory) • Sleight of hand = +11 (2r + 6a + 3c) • Spellcraft = +8 (3r + 2a + 3c) • Stealth = +10 (1r + 6a + 3c) • Survival = +5 (2r + 0a + 3c) • Swim = +6 (1r + 2a + 3c) • Use Magic Device = +12 (10r + 3a + 3c) Special Abilities:
Bardic Performance 11 rounds/day Inspire courage +3 to attacks, damage, fear & charm saves Inspire Competence +2 to one ally's skill check Fascinate Distraction Countersong Inspire greatness +2 HD (d10), +2 competence to hit, +1 Fort Fortune-telling 10 minute reading —> 10 minutes of Inspire Courage or other bardic performance. Costs 4 rounds of performance/target. Fortune telling skill specialization Add 1/2 bard level to Perform (oratory), Profession (fortune-teller), Sense Motive, Knowledge (local) Dirty maneuvers +1 to CMB & CMD with dirty trick, disarm, steal Rapid tactics Use Aid Another and Tactician as a move action. Challenge 1/day (+1 damage/cavalier level, -2 AC to non-targets)
Tactician 2/day, 5 rounds, move action to activate; teamwork feat applies to all other allies within 30'. Versatile Performance Use Perform (Oratory) for Diplomacy, Sense Motive Well Versed +4 saves v. sonic, bard effects, language-dependent Improved Leadership Add Inspired Command bonus to Leadership score Voice of Authority +3 to Diplomacy & Intimidate when using same language, Perception & Sense Motive to hear/understand ally; Battle Herald and Cavalier levels stack re: Tactician Inspired Command +3, 21 rounds/day
Forced march Do forced march before tiring additional hours equal to inspired command bonus. Banner As long as Fondo's banner is clearly visible, all allies within 60 feet receive a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear and a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls made as part of a charge. When cavalier and battle herald levels equal 10th level, and every five levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by +1. The banner must be at least Small or larger and must be carried or displayed by the cavalier or his mount to function. Demanding Challenge As long as a challenged target is within the threatened area of the cavalier, it takes a –2 penalty to its AC from attacks made by anyone other than the cavalier. Persistent Commands Maintain commands while incapacitated (stunned, dazed, held, killed, etc.) up to Cha bonus. Inspire Last Stand Use Inspiring Command to grant Diehard to allies within 30 feet. Complex Commands At 10th level, a battle herald can have more than one command ability in effect at one time. Each must be begun separately and requires a separate maintenance cost. This allows the battle herald to have more than one single-target command (such as battle magic) in effect at the same time. The effects of multiple instances of the same command ability do not stack, even if the bonuses provided by that ability would normally stack (for example, if the battle herald maintains two pincer maneuver commands, her allies do not get double the bonus, even though dodge bonuses normally stack). The battle herald can also maintain one bardic performance in addition to her inspiring commands, though each must be begun separately and each requires its own maintenance cost.
0th Detect Magic, Light, Mending, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Read Magic 1st (4/day) Clarion Call, Disguise Self, Liberating Command, Timely Inspiration Equipment & Wealth:
Encumbrance 45 lb. (58/116/175) Mithral rapier +1 1 lb
Celestial armor +3 10 lb.
Head: _____
Pocketed scarf 8 gp, 0.5 lb. Scabbard of vigor 3 lb.
Handy haversack 5 lb.
*Alchemist's fire 20 gp, 1 lb.
Everything is an opportunity. The auburn haired lass over there whose nervousness marks her as an easy mark. That pretty lad there with a firm... sword arm who glanced Fondo's way just a touch too long. Fondo's missing sister...
Here's the problem. Fondo's family won't speak to him. It seems that even the Sczarni have some standards of behavior among themselves—like don't take from members of your clan, don't bed a cousin, other ridiculous conventions. So yes, there was the one cousin. And his uncle Valzej's pretty ruby-encrusted snuff box. And those goats. But what's a young Varisian bravo to do? Everything's an opportunity. The goats were. And then there's young Esmira. She was ten when they shunned Fondo. Lovely, sweet little girl.—about the only one who could talk any sense into him. Several moons ago, their cousin Boldo sought Fondo out in his new home, Korvosa (sad, uptight town, but lots of promising marks). He said Esmira'd been kidnapped, and that they'd traced her to Korvosa. Wouldn't Fondo help them? Wouldn't Puri and Puro welcome him back if they returned her alive and pure? "Speak no further, my dear cousin. Return to our family and reassure them—Fondo will make this right. I shall find Esmira, and make whomever took her pay for their mistake. I swear this as a Barondo, true to his word in all things." Boldo's look telegraphed a mix of skepticism and bemused affection—they'd been close before the incident with the goats. And with the snuff box. And with Boldo's sister Asha... Boldo'd always been one to forgive and follow. And this he did, leaving Fondo to pursue his new opportunity. Deyanira spells:
Zero (4) DC: 14
First (5+1) DC: 15
Second (5+1) DC: 16
Third (5+1) DC: 17
Fourth (4+1) DC: 18
Fifth (2+1) DC: 19
Sixth (1+1) DC: 20
Level 3:
Fighter (Cad), Level 2 +6 skill points +7 HP +1 BAB +1 Fort +1 to Dirty Trick, Disarm & Steal CMB & CMD Feat: Combat expertise Feat: Improved dirty trick +2 Diplomacy +2 Intimidate +1 Acrobatics +1 Perform (Oratory) Level 4:
Cavalier (Special), Level 1 +7 skill points +7 HP +1 BAB +2 Fort +1 Str Teamwork Feat: Spellcasting Rapid tactics: Use Aid Another and Tactician as a move action. Challenge 1/day (+1 damage/cavalier level, -2 AC to non-targets) Order of the dragon (allies have +1 circumstance to hit target of Challenge) Tactician 1/day (3 rounds) +1 Bluff +1 Diplomacy +1 Intimidate +1 Knowledge (Religion) +1 Perform (Oratory) +2 Profession (Soldier) Level 5:
Bard (Fortune teller), Level 2 +9 skill points +6 HP +1 BAB +1 Will +1 Reflex +2 rounds bardic performance/day +1 1st level spell/day Feat: Improved reposition Versatile Performance: Use Perform (Oratory) for Diplomacy, Sense Motive Well Versed: +4 saves v. sonic, bard effects, language-dependent Spells: Read magic, Clarion Call +2 Acrobatics +1 Bluff +1 Diplomacy +2 Intimidate +1 Know (Nobility) +2 Perform (Oratory) Level 6:
Battle Herald, Level 1 +7 skill points +7 HP +1 BAB +1 Will +1 Fort Inspiring command +1 (6 rounds/day; Shake It Off command) Improved leadership (+1 to Leadership score) Voice of authority (+2 to Diplomacy, Intimidate if same language; stack w/cavalier for Tactician; +2 Perception & Sense Motive to hear/understand Bluff of ally) +1 Perform (Oratory) +1 Acrobatics +1 Perception +1 Profession (Fortune teller) +1 Bluff +1 Sleight of hand +1 Swim Level 7:
Bard, Level 3 +9 skill points +6 HP +1 BAB; iterative attack +1 Fort Feat: Leadership Inspire competence Language: Draconic Spell: Disguise self Spell: Open/close +1 first level spell/day +2 round bardic performance +2 Disguise
Level 8:
Battle herald, Level 2 +7 skill points +7 HP +1 BAB +1 Reflex +1 Dex Forced march Inspire Courage +2 +1 Perform (Oratory) +1 Acrobatics +2 Perception +1 Knowledge (Local) +1 Bluff +1 Sleight of hand Level 9:
Battle herald, Level 3 +7 skill points +7 HP +1 BAB +1 Fort +1 Will Feat: Improved disarm 2nd Inspired Command: Battle Magic +1 Perform (Oratory) +1 Acrobatics +2 Perception +1 Knowledge (Planes) +1 Bluff +1 Escape artist Level 10:
Battle herald, Level 4 +7 skill points +7 HP +1 BAB Inspire Greatness Inspired Command +2 Tactician 2/day +1 Perform (Oratory) +1 Acrobatics +1 Perception +1 Linguistics +1 Handle animal +1 Bluff +1 Ride Level 11:
Battle herald, Level 5 +7 skill points +7 HP +1 BAB +1 Will +1 Reflex +1 Fort Banner Feat: Greater Reposition Inspiring command as swift action; +2 rounds/day Inspiring Command: None Shall Fall +1 Perform (Oratory) +1 Acrobatics +1 Perception +1 Perform (Dance) +1 Survival +1 Bluff +1 Know (Geography) Level 12:
Battle herald, Level 6 +7 skill points +7 HP +1 BAB Teamwork feat +1 Perform (Oratory) +1 Acrobatics +1 Perception +1 Stealth +1 Bluff +1 Survival +1 Linguistics Level 13:
Battle herald, Level 7 +8 skill points +7 HP +1 BAB +1 Fort +1 Will Inspiring Command +3
Feat: Quick Reposition +1 Perform (Oratory)
Level 14:
Battle herald, Level 8 +7 skill points +8 HP +1 BAB +1 Reflex Persistent Commands Inspire Courage +3 Inspiring Command (Wish gives +1 to effective level) +1 Perform (Oratory) +1 Acrobatics +1 Perception +1 Bluff +3 UMD Level 15:
Battle herald, Level 9 +7 skill points +8 HP +1 BAB +1 Fort +1 Will Inspiring Command: +4, immediate action (Wish) Inspire Last Stand: use Inspiring Command to grant Diehard to allies within 30 feet Inspire Greatness: 2 allies Inspiring Command: Inspire Hardiness Feat: Lingering Performance +1 Perform (Oratory) +1 Acrobatics +1 Perception +1 Bluff +3 UMD Level 16:
Battle herald, Level 10 +7 skill points +8 HP +1 BAB Complex commands +1 Perform (Oratory) +1 Acrobatics +1 Perception +1 Bluff +1 Spellcraft +2 UMD Level 17:
Bard, Level 4 +7 Skills +7 HP +1 BAB +1 Will +1 Reflex +1 Wisdom +2 2nd level spells/day, 2 2nd level spells known Ancestral Communion Heroism |