When combat begins I will roll initiative for all combatants including PC's. Actions will be resolved in order. Players are encouraged to post ahead of time (including likely options). If a player has posted before their initiative and things change before their actual turn comes up, they are free to change their action with a new post as long as it’s done in a timely manner.
Attack modifiers
PC's should modify their die rolls as appropriate for cover, shooting into melee, flanking, attacking from prone, etc. While being prone is technically an AC modifier, feel free to calculate it in. Make sure you note the modifications please - in detail so I know what modifiers you’ve applied.
Here (link) is an example of what I mean. See the basic ‘always on’ bonuses listed in the spoiler, and other ‘situational’ bonuses listed with the attacks. I want to be able to figure out your attack and damage bonuses without having to look at your character sheet and delve through all the abilities.
Format for Posts
You should post the round and your initiative in bold at the top. Please also post your current status near the top of your post. Your status should include your current/max HP, any equipped weapons, current conditions, and any other pertinent topical information (like the spells you have memorized or the arrows in your quiver). Please use spoilers for things that would scroll long (like your current status). Example (link)
Dice rolling
Dice rolling is done via the message board dice roller (see BBCode tags below the text box when you post). Feel free to roll dice for a skill, attack, etc, anytime you think it is appropriate. I appreciate it when you explain any situational modifiers that alter what the roll would be from your profile like this (link). Including at least situational modifiers keeps things like cover from being counted twice or not at all. If there are any questions, my rulings are binding so please don’t be subtle. Play By Post is complicated enough on its own, please help by clarifying what you can.
Please roll the dice in the order of the events. If you need to make a save, roll it first, before beginning your attack rolls for example. If you have an animal companion they typically go after you in the round, as they are waiting until your commands to act. I will usually not roll separate initiatives for companions.
End of turn
Once you post and your initiative passes, your turn is done. A friend of mine says, "I play the villains perfectly and I expect you to play your characters perfectly." You have one chance to be perfect, please be careful. There is no going back - things are slow enough with Play by Post, I will not slow it further by covering the same ground twice. Decisions matter and characters make mistakes - as do DMs.
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