CaptainMarvelous |

Now that I think of it, I like that you guys are planning a turn ahead in terms of what you want to build. If we tried to stay 2-3 turns ahead of where we are we wouldn't be constantly bogging the game down every time we needed to do a new Kingdom turn, because I'd already know what choices you were making. It would also let you talk it out at length without grinding the game to a halt to do so.
Logistically... I didn't see rolls from the first month, did we make checks, gain extra BP, etc?
I didn't post the rolls because I made them with physical dice (I like to do rolls where I wouldn't show the PCs the results in an IRL game that way) but I did list the results of your checks in one of my discussion posts.
The campaign info tab has your Kingdom sheet, which I keep up-to-date, so you can check out your treasury there.

CaptainMarvelous |

How attached are you all to Golarion canon? Because I thought of something cool (that I don't want to spoil) that fits the game but directly contradicts a few minor established facts about the region.
I won't violate canon without the PCs being on board, though.
So that I understand where we are at in the timeline... Our first turn, came after we had the counsel meeting to make Wilhelm king (or whatever his title will be) right? With that turn, we explored the six hexes around our hex and we found absolutely nothing. In the process, we built a town hall in one of the districts of the settlement, and issued edicts about taxes and such.
It goes:
Exploration of Six Hexes/First Kingdom Turn
Now (Second Kingdom Turn) which will involve exploring two hexes (not done yet) and building some buildings.
Turn ended, and our next turn begin with Wilhelm's coronation?
Kingdom turns are supposed to happen in the background all month, so the next turn will be concurrent with the coronation.
So we need to decide what we will be doing this turn?
Nope, but planning ahead is a very good idea.
Okay... So I went to once again try and digest somethings, and realized we didn't explore 6 hexes last time (which is good, i didn't think that was possible lol) So currently, we are deciding which hex to explore as well as the improvements and buildings we will be building.
Nope, you did. You just managed to roll 0 encounters, which was a bit of a fluke but not outside the realm of possibility with a random encounter based exploration module. Because of this the exploration came off super anti-climactic and I can see how you'd miss it.
Edit: I checked the kingdom building rules on d20pfsrd.com and it mentioned that recruiting a militia/conscripts/army units is an edict. Do we have to have a barracks before we issue an edict? Or could we begin with the training of the pilgrims in their own defense just in case it is needed? Basically building up a minute men type militia that requires no housing of its own?
That would be an edict that Kierk will push whenever we get the chance.
Well there are already machinations to start building a dinosaur army as we speak. We're very unclear as to where these dinosaurs will be living, but theoretically they could just roam the city. Same with soldiers; they can just live where they live. They just don't give you the stability bonus that they do when you house them in proper barrackses where they can leap into action quicker.

Alamander of Acavna |

Can't speak for the others, but I'm fine with deviating from canon if you've got a good idea.

Urzan |

No problems with canon deviation.
Would appreciate a bit more structure/transparency/simplification to the kingdom building. I'm a bit lost right now. Meaning, a short post to propose what we plan to do next month. We discuss over a set period of RL time, say 24 hours. Then consensus acts. Finishing with a short post summary of the turn results.
But if it's too much work or not valuable to others, I'm ok staying lost. Urzan wouldn't care too much anyway.

Kierk Tarsi |

I don't know canon well enough to care about it either so feel free deviating!
I wouldn't mind having some kind of structure as Urzan mentioned for kingdom building as well. As one who hasn't done it before, it is easy to get a bit lost.

Kierk Tarsi |

Realistically, how many animals can be trained at once? It will take 6 weeks to train these dino's for combat, by then, we would hope to have some basic militia who might join in, or who could possibly even ride along as well. I am thinking like dog breeders, or someone who does training for a living, they can train more than one animal at once right? Could 1 handler train 5 dino's? That way, if we had say 6 trainers (out of 2000 ish people, its possible right?) we could train up 30 dino's for combat riding in 6 weeks.
Too much? Just curious as to the specifics here.
Azrin, when we get back from this adventure, would you like to join me in the endeavor of training a militia?
Also Capt... what do we know about demon ape city? Anything at all? Is it on the water? Do we know its location?

CaptainMarvelous |

What's the idea?
It involves changing some details about the demon ape city, I'll leave it at that. If you haven't played the SS AP (which I just got solely to use the Usaro information) then you wouldn't even notice. If you played the SS AP and didn't take notes you probably wouldn't notice either.
Realistically, how many animals can be trained at once?
You can rear up to three animals of the same kind at once, so that seems like a reasonable limit for training. I'll say that Rangers and Druids can train twice that amount because reasons.
That's what you guys should really try for: a hatchery so you can imprint dinosaurs on people and rear them from infancy. A properly socialized dinosaur won't have to be trained not to eat people, because it won't see them as prey.
BTW "never eat humans" is a trick. It's not a requirement but without it they may take it upon themselves to hunt people if left to their own devices around strangers. It's also, obviously, only necessary for carnivores large enough to consider humans prey. Reared dinosaurs won't need this trick.
Also Capt... what do we know about demon ape city? Anything at all? Is it on the water? Do we know its location?
Pull up the region map on the campaign info tab; the city is called Usaro. It's a bit north of the YOU ARE HERE dot. That, and the fact that unfriendly monkeys who attack river boats live there, is all you know.
Would appreciate a bit more structure/transparency/simplification to the kingdom building.
Yeah, it turns out the reasons that people don't recommend running Kingmaker online weren't the reasons I thought. If we sit down and come up with a long-term plan that can be edited as needed but will normally stand would make it a lot easier on everyone, I think.

Alamander of Acavna |

I think the long term plan seems like a great idea. Would a google docs spreadsheet be good for planning this? We could fill out 3-4 turns ahead and deal with the consequencs in the gameplay thread. Perhaps RPing important edicts too (I mean that in the regular sense as well as the rules. I.e. if we declare something really significant gets built.)

Orsano |

i think a long term plan would be good in any case - i happen to live in a city that was planned in a pretty haphazard fashion, and its got its fair share of issues :P
as i see it -
i think everyone is in support of our dino cavalry, so doing whats needed for that should certainly be in the plan. flying scouts seems amazing as well, much love for urzan.
other than that we want control of that bridge, and ultimately in the longer term to secure a safe passage to our nearest trade route either by river or land.
orsano still maintains we should be building in stone as much/as soon as possible, not sure what the others think of this. i guess its much more difficult to modify or replace stone buildings when population increases so it takes more planning and probably up front expense, but thats his point of view anyway.

Alamander of Acavna |

Dino cavelry is winning on style in my book! Hopefully later on we can get some velociraptors. Because ... Well I don't really need to explain why do I ;)

Alamander of Acavna |

Hmm velociraptors are only CR2 in pathfinder... Did they not see Jurassic park? /pout

CaptainMarvelous |

It's more like Jurassic Park didn't see a science book.
But I agree, when it comes to something like Pathfinder, Jurassic Park should be the authority over reality. In real life humans didn't live at the same time as dinosaurs and thereby piss off the god of serpents, so I don't know why we're suddenly using scientific names and weights now.

Alamander of Acavna |

Hey CM if you're listening, I hope you're feeling better and we can get back on track! If not could you please let us know too...

CaptainMarvelous |

I'm sorry everyone, I was sick for a stretch there and got just absurdly behind on my games. I kept telling myself I was going to get caught up and get back in gear, but circumstances in my life have been conspiring against that.
I think it's time for me to just admit defeat. I'm really sorry to everyone who invested time and energy into this game. I didn't mean to waste anyone's time like I did.
Again, I apologize.

Alamander of Acavna |

:( Shame, the campaign premise was awesome.