Alamander of Acavna |

I'd be willing to let you guys apprentice NPCs and teach them enough to become level 1 in your class (although only one at a time).
Sounds good to me. Alamander could do with an apprentice.

Alamander of Acavna |

Progress seems to have stalled a bit. What do we need to do next to keep things moving?

Alamander of Acavna |

My thoughts: yes we should have a coronation, but it should be a relatively low key event at the town hall with a big party after. Later when we've conquered more land Wilhelm can add a new title and have a much fancier event, with foreign diplomats etc.
As far as building how about a saw mill and a fishery?

Alamander of Acavna |

Those are good too. Can we afford to build all three?

Charles Dexter Caromarc-Gammel |

At our current size, we can build 1 building and do 2 terrain improvements per turn. Over the next 2 turns I think we should claim the hexes to the city's left to get a river, and turn one of them into a fishery/farm hex.
We should think about establishing a settlement on the river in the future, since there are several buildings that can only be built adjacent to a water border. The Mill is one of these, unless CM lets us build a windmill or if we build a Millpond first.
We've got enough of a Treasury to build all that stuff right now, as well as a small surplus (assuming a 10 on a roll, our Income is around 9 and our Consumption's 5). The Mill and a fishery hex would add to Economy, so that's fine.

Alamander of Acavna |

Sounds like a plan. Let's do it?

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Those who desire a tavern and brothel would be better served by a temple and monastery. But a fishery is a more sensible option at this time.

Orsano |

haha! no doubt true. you know what they say though, you can lead a horse to water...
andrezi - i dunno if you have been following the spoilered conversation between dexter and myself in game play, but if you have - based on what our characters would have learned about andrezi in the past few months - would orsano think he might be open to a similar approach?

Alamander of Acavna |

Going back to what CM said earlier a dino hunt sounds like fun, even if its not strictly necessary.

Andrezi Neiros |

Actually i dont read the spoilered text cause i assume it's a private convo. I'll read it and get back to u on it :D
Edit:read it. Andrezi might be open to similar methods, but he has an aversion to such intrigues due to his past dealings with politics. However, he would not shy away from them, if he would think it's for the collective benefit, so long as they do not involve harming innocents.

Alamander of Acavna |

We're talking about making a fishery, so it would be one with the river going through it. Perhaps the one immediately to the left?

Urzan |

I'll take that deal.
Urzan, let me know when you're done.
Huh? I'm at a conference out of the country until late Sunday. I'll be able to post well on Monday.

Alamander of Acavna |

Fair enough, top right makes sense.

CaptainMarvelous |

Aren't we supposed to explore 2 hexes per turn? But in any case I'm with whatever you guys decide, those sea hexes make sense.
You can explore as many as you like, depending on how willing you are to split up the group, but you can only claim one per kingdom turn. Claiming a hex is different from exploring one; you can to explore a hex before it can be claimed.
So top right. I'll have a go at the map.

Alamander of Acavna |

Not sure if new teams are needed. Anyway let's explore the bridge hex and the one next to it where the river branches.

CaptainMarvelous |

Alamander posts a lot, so I'm declaring him official team decider unless and until you all get together and elect someone else. I think that's going to make things go a lot smoother.
Since Urzan's player isn't around I'm going to skip to the exploration bits now and we can do the mandatory dinosaur hunting scene after.
Which reminds me: where are you placing your barracks? Also is it a people barracks, or a dinosaur barracks because those are sort of different buildings. It would be detrimental to morale to house the town guard in the same building as the war raptors.
Did you guys ever watch that cartoon Dino Riders when you were a kid? That's pretty much what I imagine this is going to devolve into. Or rather evolve into.

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I thought we were building a fishery first. Are we building a barracks as well? If so, I assume it's a people barracks. Otherwise it would be more like stables I would think. And besides that, I'd feel a lot safer in a town with a town guard than just a bunch of roving, ostensibly trained giant flesh-eating lizards.
-Posted with Wayfinder

CaptainMarvelous |

I thought we were building a fishery first. Are we building a barracks as well? If so, I assume it's a people barracks. Otherwise it would be more like stables I would think. And besides that, I'd feel a lot safer in a town with a town guard than just a bunch of roving, ostensibly trained giant flesh-eating lizards.
-Posted with Wayfinder
I'll cool though, they were trained using magic. Good old reliable magic.
Isn't fishery a terrain improvement? I'll look it up.
Edit: It is indeed, so you can have both. Roving "trained" dinosaurs AND fish.

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My apologies. I need to improve my knowledge of the system apparently.
I still vote people barracks.
-Posted with Wayfinder

Alamander of Acavna |

I agree some barracks are a good idea, but lets make the barracks next turn? I'm hoping we'd be able to repel any serious threat in the mean time.

Kierk Tarsi |

Sorry that I have been so absent, finally made it home from the conference this week. Good times, but I should be much more available now. In terms of this game, I am adding my vote for a people barracks before the dino barracks. Now, off to read the game thread...

Alamander of Acavna |

what do you think we should build instead alamander? perhaps you missed CM mentioning the fishery is a terrain improvement so we can do a building too.
if its to be a barracks i'd agree people barracks are needed before dino barracks :)
I missed that. Yes let's build both then

Kierk Tarsi |

Capt... what would the level of overlap, especially early one be, for the general and the warden? Should Azrin and Kierk be doing basically the same thing until we are big enough to have a seperate fighting force and defending force?

Charles Dexter Caromarc-Gammel |

Fishery = farm, which is a terrain improvement. We can do 2 terrain improvements, build 1 building, and claim 1 hex every turn until we hit Size 11.
The problem with moving PCs around the council spots is that every hole gives us some penalty on our Control checks every turn. We're okay with a neutral in the Treasurer role right now because we've got a decent bonus to Economy from other positions.
That said, I think we should focus on strengthening the Economy with buildings right now- build a (wind?)Mill this turn and a Barracks next turn.

Alamander of Acavna |

I do agree with the strategy of building the economy, still barracks seem popular.
I personally don't have a strong opinion beyond noting it would be nice if we could pick the pace up a little :)
I'm at work so I'm not 100% sure of all the options we have this turn, but I think the proposal is:
Terrain improvement: build a fishery
Build: a mill
Explore: the bridge
Next turn:
Terrain improvement: ?
Build: a barracks
Claim: the bridge
Edit: Dino hunting sounds awesome. What's the plan, zap the adults and take the eggs and young?

Urzan |

What's this egg thing? Urzan will call a dinosaur. Then, hit it with Wartrain Mount. Ride it back to Azlantis, and put it into a prepared pen to train later. If things get squirrelly, he'll cast Calm Animals on any extra animals that show up.

Orsano |

i thought we wanted to get a whole mess of dinos to get things moving along, rather than have them dribble in one at a time like that. plus CM seems intent on taking dino-bite sized chunks out of us :)
then again, if we are picking up bulk dino eggs we really need the dino rider barracks or whatever to satisfy game mechanics no?
i'd only expressed a preference for people barracks if a barracks of some sort was the choice - orsano sees the need for warriors, but generally prefers bribery and diplomacy to achieve conquests - hence he also supports economy improvements. from wealth springs power!

Urzan |

We can get as many dinos as you want. But the bottleneck is trainers. 1 trainer & 1 dino = 3 weeks riding or 4 weeks for guarding. Unless the GM wants to relax that.
Having a barracks of untrained dinosaurs sounds unsafe.

CaptainMarvelous |

Ugh. I'll post more tomorrow.
Capt... what would the level of overlap, especially early one be, for the general and the warden? Should Azrin and Kierk be doing basically the same thing until we are big enough to have a seperate fighting force and defending force?
Warden is about enforcing the law and internal security, the general is about war and external security. The warden arrests/executes people and the general kills invaders.
At low levels generals do a lot of community outreach. Getting cats out of kobold infested trees, that sort of thing, since they're also a sort of local hero/champion. A warden should be building up a rudimentary legal system, whereas a general should be building up a cult of personality.
Or whatever. They're your roles, interpret them how you will.
Anyway tomorrow I'll be back with meaningful contributions.

Kierk Tarsi |

In terms of the dino's... I am still unclear on how this is going to go. Are we going to go wrangle a number of adult dino's? Or are we going to go wrangle a couple of adults and try and find some eggs? If eggs is the goal, it seems like the issue is much less difficult at least to begin with. If we are hoping for 50-100 adult dino's then I think we should probably hold off on wrangling them till we can build an animal barracks, and have some sort of military that can put them to use.
Logistically... I didn't see rolls from the first month, did we make checks, gain extra BP, etc?
So that I understand where we are at in the timeline... Our first turn, came after we had the counsel meeting to make Wilhelm king (or whatever his title will be) right? With that turn, we explored the six hexes around our hex and we found absolutely nothing. In the process, we built a town hall in one of the districts of the settlement, and issued edicts about taxes and such.
Turn ended, and our next turn begin with Wilhelm's coronation?
So we need to decide what we will be doing this turn?
Okay... So I went to once again try and digest somethings, and realized we didn't explore 6 hexes last time (which is good, i didn't think that was possible lol) So currently, we are deciding which hex to explore as well as the improvements and buildings we will be building.
Explore: Kierk will push to explore the hex to our immediate right. It isn't a river hex, but it will allow us to have no surprises once we explore the bridge. And expanding in an orderly fashion makes more sense than a chaotic one in his mind.
Terrain Improvement: Fishery at our explored hex
Terrain Improvement: I don't really want to spend the additional 4 bp for the road this go 'round.
Build: It seems like the Mill is the favorite this turn, though Kierk would push for a Barracks. Question, can we build a mill since our city isn't technically on a river. Or am I misinterpreting the rules with that one?
As you can tell, this is my first time playing with the Kingdom Building rules, so I am trying to understand as we go.
Edit: I checked the kingdom building rules on d20pfsrd.com and it mentioned that recruiting a militia/conscripts/army units is an edict. Do we have to have a barracks before we issue an edict? Or could we begin with the training of the pilgrims in their own defense just in case it is needed? Basically building up a minute men type militia that requires no housing of its own?
That would be an edict that Kierk will push whenever we get the chance.