Dreams of the Promised Age (Inactive)

Game Master CaptainMarvelous

That is not dead which can eternal lie, yet with strange aeons, even death may die.

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Male Human Cleric 4 | HP 32/32 | AC 18 (16ff 12t) | +6 fort +3 ref +7 will | +8 init +7 perc | +1 longspear +8 (1d8+7/×3) Resource Tracker

Presumably the coronation will be a mix of old (the crown, some relevant azlanti tradition) and something new (whatever Wilhelm and the rest of us want to add).

What kind of leader will Wilhelm be? Is he a man of the people or is he aloof? Does he hold regular court where he sits on judgement over who owns which cow, and whether a fence was built in the right place? (In all seriousness that's an important job for a leader).

Is the king going to be safe doing his coronation? Fantasy books are rife with plots around this kind of thing.

Scarab Sages

Drow Sorcerer(serpentine)/Summoner(master summoner) 2 - HP: 20/20, - AC: 13/17/T: 13/FF: 10/14 - Perception: +3 F: +1/R: +3/W: +4[+8] - CMB: +0 - CMD: 13, Speed: 30ft - Init +3

I think we should use the town hall for the coronation. I can assemble a posse for security, but I'd want to buy some ceremonial armor and weapons for them as well. Any chance of rounding up a few spears, matching light armor, and proficient users?

-Posted with Wayfinder

Weapons and hands to hold them you can swing, matching is pushing it. There are no stores so you have to barter with the townsfolk.

Scarab Sages

Drow Sorcerer(serpentine)/Summoner(master summoner) 2 - HP: 20/20, - AC: 13/17/T: 13/FF: 10/14 - Perception: +3 F: +1/R: +3/W: +4[+8] - CMB: +0 - CMD: 13, Speed: 30ft - Init +3

I imagine we could find some relatively matching spears, but armor is the tough part. I would settle for non-matching armor with at least nice robes to cover them. That sounds feasible, right? Maybe 1d10 or something?

Male Human Cleric 4 | HP 32/32 | AC 18 (16ff 12t) | +6 fort +3 ref +7 will | +8 init +7 perc | +1 longspear +8 (1d8+7/×3) Resource Tracker

There's no reason to say this is the last Coronation he'll have. Once we've trodden some nation underfoot and have (comparatively) vast lands, we'll be able to afford something much flashier as befits his new status.

Male Human Sorcerer 4 | Init +6 | Per +4 | AC 12 | Touch 12 | Flat 10 | HP 25/25 | F +2 | R +3 | W +4 | CMD 12

How bout we skip the pleasantries until we actually do something worthwhile of us waving crowns and titles? We can just gather the few people we have and tell them of our plans, and ask them for support on building a new realm. Pure and simple.

Male Human Cleric 4 | HP 32/32 | AC 18 (16ff 12t) | +6 fort +3 ref +7 will | +8 init +7 perc | +1 longspear +8 (1d8+7/×3) Resource Tracker
Andrezi Neiros wrote:
How bout we skip the pleasantries until we actually do something worthwhile of us waving crowns and titles? We can just gather the few people we have and tell them of our plans, and ask them for support on building a new realm. Pure and simple.

The people won't take this seriously if we don't.

I would settle for non-matching armor with at least nice robes to cover them. That sounds feasible, right? Maybe 1d10 or something?

You can scare up matching spears, vaguely similar armor, and a bunch of light colored robes that you can dye red (red dye is easy to make out of animal blood).

Also we keep blazing through downtime so if anyone has any personal projects they want to work on during off-hours let me know. Any kind of crafting, or whatever. You have buckets of time for that kind of stuff.

Male Kobold fighter HP: 16/17 | Panache 1/1
AC 21 Touch 15 FF 16 CMD 15| Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +0 | Initiative +4 | Perception +6, Darkvision

Urzan posted his personal project in the Gameplay thread.

I agree with Andrezi. The pilgrims can't cast spells. They will take us seriously if we tell them. We don't need a coronation until we're ready for an Edict for a festival. No big deal.

Scarab Sages

Drow Sorcerer(serpentine)/Summoner(master summoner) 2 - HP: 20/20, - AC: 13/17/T: 13/FF: 10/14 - Perception: +3 F: +1/R: +3/W: +4[+8] - CMB: +0 - CMD: 13, Speed: 30ft - Init +3

I'd like to start crafting some weapons in preparation for the town guard, but I have no ranks in Craft. I will either have to wait until I level up or hire some handy villagers to do the same (more expensive, faster).
I need to read up on forming a posse I suppose. I'd like a barracks soon so we don't have to guard the city and enforce laws personally, but I understand that we have other priorities at the moment.

Male Human Bard 4

Orsano thinks we need a coronation of some sort - austere but meaningful. it will give the common folk something other than Acavna to rally around, and help everyone feel like a nation. this stuff is important! most of our pilgrims are probably ill-educated and superstitious, and it will help to mark the starting point of our new nation in their minds.

it should fit our means though - i say the old crown belongs in a museum, the new one should represent our journey so far in some way, or maybe our intentions - iron and spiky for conquest, some wooden/greenery device if we intend to be peaceful farmers... ahem. in 10 years time, Wilhelm might have three or four or more different crowns, each with different connotations - some awarded, some claimed by might, another through marriage... each worn for different occasions.

sort of like the throne in GoT made from melted swords - old and ugly but full of meaning. not to mention its a great way to christen our new town hall.

we are creating history, as CM said we dont want snooty taldan scholars chortling about our choices :)

Male Kobold fighter HP: 16/17 | Panache 1/1
AC 21 Touch 15 FF 16 CMD 15| Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +0 | Initiative +4 | Perception +6, Darkvision

Capt, how much time do we have to spend per month on personal projects?

Male Human Conjurer (Teleportation) 4 (HP 30/30 | AC:12/16 w Mage Armor | T:12/16 | FF:10/14 | CMB: +1 | CMD:13/17 | Fort:+3 | Ref:+3 | Will:+4 | Init:+6 | Perc: +6 | Speed 30)

With loads of downtime and a bunch of laborers looking for stuff to do, Dexter would try to get a more permanent structure built to house his portable alchemist's lab. Basically giving himself a head start on a mage's tower in a future turn. He's got Craft (Alchemy), so if he can get materials he can make all kinds of stuff.

By himself, taking 10, he can consistently hit a 23 Craft DC. If he can find a hanger-on with ranks in the skill who can Aid Another him he can hit 25. So he can make Alchemist's Fire or most of the usual alchemical item suspects (acid, sunrods, weapon blanches, antiplague/toxin, tindertwigs) pretty easily. Does anybody have requests? If not he'll probably just stockpile antiplague and antitoxin in case of some sort of outbreak.

An interesting thing on that page above is Defoliant, which could be used to make clearing jungle hexes easier if he could churn out enough of the stuff.

Azrin wrote:

I'd like to start crafting some weapons in preparation for the town guard, but I have no ranks in Craft. I will either have to wait until I level up or hire some handy villagers to do the same (more expensive, faster).

I need to read up on forming a posse I suppose. I'd like a barracks soon so we don't have to guard the city and enforce laws personally, but I understand that we have other priorities at the moment.

Recruiting an army is part of the Edict phase. Basically at the high level the kingdom rulers are at they just say 'hey, you guys are an army now' and then you have to start paying the Consumption cost in the Upkeep phase. We'd probably be aiming for a Tiny army at this point (about 25 guys). Common sense says you'd want to have a Barracks first, but I'm not sure that's required according to the rules.

Male Human Ranger (Freebooter) Lvl. 4
HP 40/40 | AC 20 | CMD 20 | Fort +6 | Ref +7 | Will +3 | Init +5 | Perc +9

In terms of downtime and personal projects, I would voice my interest as well into knowing how much time that would realistically be. Is that just related to crafting, or can this be messing with NPC's and stuff as well?

Sorry I missed the first month, as I said earlier, I am at camp, so my log-in's will be a bit hit or miss. I like what you have done with the place.

In terms of side projects, I would like to check out the possibility of getting that river route cleared as soon as possible, meaning, I would love to deal with demon apes. Obviously, probably not equipped to do that yet, but we will at some point, so getting some intel would be a good choice as well. Does that even count as a side project?

It is late, I am off to bed, sorry for the disconnected feeling of this post.

Male Human Cleric 4 | HP 32/32 | AC 18 (16ff 12t) | +6 fort +3 ref +7 will | +8 init +7 perc | +1 longspear +8 (1d8+7/×3) Resource Tracker

Will we be using these downtime rules?


They're kind of cool but I don't know how well they mesh with kingmaker, since there's some overlap although the scale is different with these focusing on smaller things.

Male Human Conjurer (Teleportation) 4 (HP 30/30 | AC:12/16 w Mage Armor | T:12/16 | FF:10/14 | CMB: +1 | CMD:13/17 | Fort:+3 | Ref:+3 | Will:+4 | Init:+6 | Perc: +6 | Speed 30)

CM said he didn't want a new ruleset on top of everything else, so we're not using the Downtime rules. There is a little sidebar on how to mesh the KM/Ult.Campaign kingdom building rules with Downtime but we don't need to worry about it.

Kierk, you're describing exploring and clearing a hex. That wouldn't be a side project.

Male Human Warrior of the Holy Light Paladin 4 | 41/41 HP | AC 20 FF 19 Touch 11 | CMD 19 | Initiative +1 | Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +7

Sorry about lack of posting in discussion but my discussion tab was apparently not updating that there were new posts here so I will try to answer some very old questions and some very new questions as I play catch up.

1)Wilhelm is fine with putting his bonus from leadership into Loyalty
2)I also agree with our current Promotion, Taxation, and Festival
3)Party composition looks fine to me but I also agree that eventually we should each adventure with all of the members of the group.
4)I can't say much about other people's leadership positions since that is each person's individual choice.
5)It appears majority has already said on the name for the kingdom, and city but both of those names seem cool so I have no complaints there.
6)Wilhelm would style himself as a king and after the kingdom grew a bit then he would start to consider calling himself an emperor.
7) We gained some experience but what leveling track are we using?
8) I agree that the people who have come here should have some sort of celebration for themselves and the coronation could be one of the 6 festivals that we have planned for the kingdom.
9)I also like the idea of using the new crown that Orsano suggested for the same reasons that he did. We plan to conquer at some point and time and that won't be pretty.
10) Wilhelm would be spending most of his downtime trying to get to know all of his fellows better and assisting them in whatever projects they might be doing.

Male Human Cleric 4 | HP 32/32 | AC 18 (16ff 12t) | +6 fort +3 ref +7 will | +8 init +7 perc | +1 longspear +8 (1d8+7/×3) Resource Tracker

I really feel Alamander should have Max ranks in Kn:Religion (for RP reasons mostly, although the bonus to stability from every 5 skill ranks helps) and I'm wondering if going with 9 int was a mistake.

Perhaps I should drop str to 17 and bump into to 10?

If alamander is to be the link to acavna he ought to know something about her religion...

Male Kobold fighter HP: 16/17 | Panache 1/1
AC 21 Touch 15 FF 16 CMD 15| Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +0 | Initiative +4 | Perception +6, Darkvision

As a devil's advocate, zero knowledge (religion) represents ignorance in anything other than Acavna dogma.

Male Kobold fighter HP: 16/17 | Panache 1/1
AC 21 Touch 15 FF 16 CMD 15| Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +0 | Initiative +4 | Perception +6, Darkvision

Depending on time allowances per month, Urzan will start calling and training animals for the cause. Obviously, if he can recruit other trainers, it increases his throughput.

The first batch would be some pteranodons trained for riding. Each one would take 3 weeks to prepare. They would allow us to travel 40 miles per day, as opposed to x1/4 speed through trackless jungle or x3/4 speed on a jungle trail. They would allow messengers and PCs to more easily reach neighbors or markets to negotiate or place orders.

The next batch would be guard dinosaurs. They take four weeks. There are many useful ones.

Scarab Sages

Drow Sorcerer(serpentine)/Summoner(master summoner) 2 - HP: 20/20, - AC: 13/17/T: 13/FF: 10/14 - Perception: +3 F: +1/R: +3/W: +4[+8] - CMB: +0 - CMD: 13, Speed: 30ft - Init +3

I have a rank in Handle Animal, but with a +0 bonus I'm not sure how much I could help.

Male Kobold fighter HP: 16/17 | Panache 1/1
AC 21 Touch 15 FF 16 CMD 15| Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +0 | Initiative +4 | Perception +6, Darkvision
Azrin wrote:
I have a rank in Handle Animal, but with a +0 bonus I'm not sure how much I could help.

You can borrow my training glove until you buy your own for 100 gp and take 10 to train a Riding dinosaur. Urzan can train a Riding dinosaur without the glove, so we could train 2 in 3 weeks.

Also, Alamander and Urzan can create masterwork weapons and armor with the cash using the spell to "bless" them.

Male Human Bard 4

dino cavalry sounds amazing!

Male Human Conjurer (Teleportation) 4 (HP 30/30 | AC:12/16 w Mage Armor | T:12/16 | FF:10/14 | CMB: +1 | CMD:13/17 | Fort:+3 | Ref:+3 | Will:+4 | Init:+6 | Perc: +6 | Speed 30)
Urzan wrote:
Also, Alamander and Urzan can create masterwork weapons and armor with the cash using the spell to "bless" them.

I think we're confusing small scale side projects with large scale things that need to use the kingdom building rules. Per the rules, giving an army masterwork weapons requires a Smithy.

Dino mounts for the party sounds awesome, but dino cavalry for the army requires a Stable.

Male Human Bard 4

orsano would also like to suggest that the position of counciler be filled by election of a representative from the common folk

Male Human Conjurer (Teleportation) 4 (HP 30/30 | AC:12/16 w Mage Armor | T:12/16 | FF:10/14 | CMB: +1 | CMD:13/17 | Fort:+3 | Ref:+3 | Will:+4 | Init:+6 | Perc: +6 | Speed 30)
Orsano wrote:
orsano would also like to suggest that the position of counciler be filled by election of a representative from the common folk

That sounds like a good idea.

Male Human Bard 4

dexter - your thoughts on my earlier suggestion that you should be spymaster? not sure if you saw it or not.

oh, and i think we should build a quarry next. stone buildings mean our city will last down the ages and not be taken out by the first over-enthusiastic pyromancer we come across :)

Male Human Conjurer (Teleportation) 4 (HP 30/30 | AC:12/16 w Mage Armor | T:12/16 | FF:10/14 | CMB: +1 | CMD:13/17 | Fort:+3 | Ref:+3 | Will:+4 | Init:+6 | Perc: +6 | Speed 30)
Orsano wrote:
dexter - your thoughts on my earlier suggestion that you should be spymaster? not sure if you saw it or not.

Sorry, I missed it. Yeah, Dex would make a good Spymaster, mechanically. From a roleplaying perspective he would be an interesting choice. I can definitely see him being the kind of guy who'd like to be at the center of a web of information. He'd be up for it if somebody suggested he do it.

Orsano wrote:
oh, and i think we should build a quarry next. stone buildings mean our city will last down the ages and not be taken out by the first over-enthusiastic pyromancer we come across :)

I think we need access to a stone-granting resource like a mountain, first. All I see in the kingdom map is jungle and river. Roads would be good Improvements to build in our explored and claimed hexes next, after we get a hex dedicated to farming/fishing.

Scarab Sages

Drow Sorcerer(serpentine)/Summoner(master summoner) 2 - HP: 20/20, - AC: 13/17/T: 13/FF: 10/14 - Perception: +3 F: +1/R: +3/W: +4[+8] - CMB: +0 - CMD: 13, Speed: 30ft - Init +3

Stone seems important, but it also seems like a relatively low priority at this point.

Male Human Bard 4

details... im just the ideas man! haha.

course dex as spymaster means orsano is left with magister, or maybe Councillor - though that doesnt stack with the idea of having an election. i guess he could always run for election :P

Male Human Conjurer (Teleportation) 4 (HP 30/30 | AC:12/16 w Mage Armor | T:12/16 | FF:10/14 | CMB: +1 | CMD:13/17 | Fort:+3 | Ref:+3 | Will:+4 | Init:+6 | Perc: +6 | Speed 30)
Orsano wrote:

details... im just the ideas man! haha.

course dex as spymaster means orsano is left with magister, or maybe Councillor - though that doesnt stack with the idea of having an election. i guess he could always run for election :P

Orsano could be a good Councilor. It'd give him a good opportunity to meet with the common man and build a powerbase to overthrow Wilhelm. ;)

Male Human Cleric 4 | HP 32/32 | AC 18 (16ff 12t) | +6 fort +3 ref +7 will | +8 init +7 perc | +1 longspear +8 (1d8+7/×3) Resource Tracker
Urzan wrote:
As a devil's advocate, zero knowledge (religion) represents ignorance in anything other than Acavna dogma.

To be fair he's known almost nothing else, so you do have a point.

Male Human Sorcerer 4 | Init +6 | Per +4 | AC 12 | Touch 12 | Flat 10 | HP 25/25 | F +2 | R +3 | W +4 | CMD 12

I can also help with dino armies, as I have +11 in handle animal.

Was busy today, so let's do this:

The most recent post while I'm writing this is about dino armies, so clearly you have made good use of the past day.

Capt, how much time do we have to spend per month on personal projects?

A lot. Depending on how much time you're spending adventuring potentially two weeks out of every month.

Will we be using these downtime rules?

Nope. We're bogged down by enough minigame as it is.

We gained some experience but what leveling track are we using?

Fast. I'd have to be even more evil than I am (which is very) to inflict any other progression on a PBP game.

The next batch would be guard dinosaurs. They take four weeks. There are many useful ones.

Remember, you'll need to get a group of suicidally reckless buddies to go Dinosaur egg hunting, and I'll be damned if I'm letting something that cool happen off-screen. Or you could go dinosaur capturing, which is similar but requires even more suicidally reckless buddies.

Stone seems important, but it also seems like a relatively low priority at this point.

There's lot of rocks all over the place. You can import stone from not-too-far-away.

There's still a lot going on so I see no reason to push forward. If there's something anyone would like me to directly address in IC just let me know.

Male Human Ranger (Freebooter) Lvl. 4
HP 40/40 | AC 20 | CMD 20 | Fort +6 | Ref +7 | Will +3 | Init +5 | Perc +9

My handle animal is +5, but I have wild empathy as well that could help out in the process.

In terms of projects, I don't really have much. I will probably be getting to know the pilgrims, helping them get settled, trying to figure out strengths and weaknesses, as well as helping others in their projects for now.

Male Human Bard 4

we can make it a rite of passage - anyone wanting to join the elite dino-rider formation has to meet urzans standards on a dino egg hunt!

Orsano wrote:
we can make it a rite of passage - anyone wanting to join the elite dino-rider formation has to meet urzans standards on a dino egg hunt!

Any dino rider who passes the age of 14 without claiming an egg fails their passage into adulthood and shall remain a child forever.

Male Kobold fighter HP: 16/17 | Panache 1/1
AC 21 Touch 15 FF 16 CMD 15| Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +0 | Initiative +4 | Perception +6, Darkvision


Dino hunting is not much drama. Urzan uses Call Animal and Wartrain Mount and done. The Wartrain mount wears off, but by then they are in a pen with a harness getting trained.


Male Human Conjurer (Teleportation) 4 (HP 30/30 | AC:12/16 w Mage Armor | T:12/16 | FF:10/14 | CMB: +1 | CMD:13/17 | Fort:+3 | Ref:+3 | Will:+4 | Init:+6 | Perc: +6 | Speed 30)
Urzan wrote:


Dino hunting is not much drama. Urzan uses Call Animal and Wartrain Mount and done. The Wartrain mount wears off, but by then they are in a pen with a harness getting trained.


Ah, magic. Making dinosaur hunting mundane since 2002.

Male Human Cleric 4 | HP 32/32 | AC 18 (16ff 12t) | +6 fort +3 ref +7 will | +8 init +7 perc | +1 longspear +8 (1d8+7/×3) Resource Tracker

Alamander will want to encourage the worship of Acavna far and wide. I assume he'll want to gather and train up missionaries, and build more temples. Any idea for how to do this in practice? Obviously our kingdom becoming large and successful will hugely important but there's likely more to it than that.

Male Human Conjurer (Teleportation) 4 (HP 30/30 | AC:12/16 w Mage Armor | T:12/16 | FF:10/14 | CMB: +1 | CMD:13/17 | Fort:+3 | Ref:+3 | Will:+4 | Init:+6 | Perc: +6 | Speed 30)
Alamander of Acavna wrote:
Alamander will want to encourage the worship of Acavna far and wide. I assume he'll want to gather and train up missionaries, and build more temples. Any idea for how to do this in practice? Obviously our kingdom becoming large and successful will hugely important but there's likely more to it than that.

Off the top of my head that sounds like a Promotion Edict, but edicts don't really affect anything outside the kingdom. Except for Diplomatic Edicts, but I don't know if we're using the optional rules. Even then, missionaries aren't a great fit, if they're trying to promote worship of Acavna in other countries. If they're trying to boost our new country and get people to move there/trade with us, that would just be fluff for a Promotion Edict.

Scarab Sages

Drow Sorcerer(serpentine)/Summoner(master summoner) 2 - HP: 20/20, - AC: 13/17/T: 13/FF: 10/14 - Perception: +3 F: +1/R: +3/W: +4[+8] - CMB: +0 - CMD: 13, Speed: 30ft - Init +3

Maybe Ala should run a "Church of Acavna" vassal state.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dino hunting is not much drama.

If hunting dinosaurs isn't worth focus, then what is? WHAT IS, I ASK YOU? Are we so jaded as a society that we can derive no joy from hunting dinosaurs?

Seriously though, you can cast all the helpful druid spells you want. During your mandatory dinosaur hunting scene. :P If no one else it will entertain me, and I'm a player too.

Any idea for how to do this in practice? Obviously our kingdom becoming large and successful will hugely important but there's likely more to it than that.

Temples cost BP and are regular buildings.

Your best bet right now is probably to try and train up a small spellcasting priesthood, who you can then delegate a lot of missionary work to.

Male Human Conjurer (Teleportation) 4 (HP 30/30 | AC:12/16 w Mage Armor | T:12/16 | FF:10/14 | CMB: +1 | CMD:13/17 | Fort:+3 | Ref:+3 | Will:+4 | Init:+6 | Perc: +6 | Speed 30)
Azrin wrote:
Maybe Ala should run a "Church of Acavna" vassal state.

We need to conquer the intelligent apes and convert them to worship of Acavna, then turn them loose as militant ape missionaries/religious zealots.

Scarab Sages

Drow Sorcerer(serpentine)/Summoner(master summoner) 2 - HP: 20/20, - AC: 13/17/T: 13/FF: 10/14 - Perception: +3 F: +1/R: +3/W: +4[+8] - CMB: +0 - CMD: 13, Speed: 30ft - Init +3

In the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, dinosaurs hunt you!

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Human Cleric 4 | HP 32/32 | AC 18 (16ff 12t) | +6 fort +3 ref +7 will | +8 init +7 perc | +1 longspear +8 (1d8+7/×3) Resource Tracker

Is there anything in particular we need to do to train up a spellcasting priesthood? I had a look at the pfsrd rules and didn't spot anything.

Alamander of Acavna wrote:
Is there anything in particular we need to do to train up a spellcasting priesthood? I had a look at the pfsrd rules and didn't spot anything.

Nope, just some people who are bad enough dudes to take a level of cleric (or, at the very least, adept). I'd be willing to let you guys apprentice NPCs and teach them enough to become level 1 in your class (although only one at a time).

Scarab Sages

Drow Sorcerer(serpentine)/Summoner(master summoner) 2 - HP: 20/20, - AC: 13/17/T: 13/FF: 10/14 - Perception: +3 F: +1/R: +3/W: +4[+8] - CMB: +0 - CMD: 13, Speed: 30ft - Init +3

I love adepts.
Actually I just love NPC classes. So pure and simple.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Human Conjurer (Teleportation) 4 (HP 30/30 | AC:12/16 w Mage Armor | T:12/16 | FF:10/14 | CMB: +1 | CMD:13/17 | Fort:+3 | Ref:+3 | Will:+4 | Init:+6 | Perc: +6 | Speed 30)
CaptainMarvelous wrote:
I'd be willing to let you guys apprentice NPCs and teach them enough to become level 1 in your class (although only one at a time).

Yes, please. Dex will be all over forming a cabal of wizards he can tell all about his weird conspiracy theories. And if he's going to be spymaster he's going to need to start collecting rogues and bards, too.

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