DM Raltus Demon Slaying (Inactive)

Game Master Raltus

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Haha I guess it depends, your Shelyn? I will look at her tonight in the Gods book and see what she is like. Mind you her Brother is now a Twisted abomination

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

Yes, there is that.

An alignment shift by one wouldn't hurt. But Shelyn might be displeased by doing an evil deed. Which raises the question: Would it be evil?

a) the creature was indeed evil and I guessed right
b) the creature was not and I guessed wrong

Silver Crusade

Male Aasimar - Azata Blooded Paladin (Divine Hunter) 7/Marshall 2 of Erastil and Iomedae HP:91/91, AC 22, Touch 16 flat-footed 16: CMD 24, Perception +11 w/Darkvision: Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +8 (Immune to Disease and Fear, Resist Acid, Cold and Electricity 5)

Stabbing a sentient creature to death, if it not attacking you might not might not be considered evil by the GM but Azrael is certainly gonna consider it evil. Best case is he is gonna have a heavy chat with you.

To the GM it would be based on your God but yes the Army of Paladin's would have something to say about it as well.

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

What I'm talking about is for example that Iomedae impersonator. Found behind the enemy lines, acting suspicious as f%+% and doesn't detect as good.

We're in a war that started by deception and betrayal where Kenabres fell, because people told they were good while serving demons.

How much of this are you willing to take? There is the point where Lynn tells: Sorry, being neutral (alignment wise) is no option in this war. Not sure where that will lead Lynn, therefore I ask about the mechanical consequences.

The role play I expect to be interesting of course.

Silver Crusade

Male Aasimar - Azata Blooded Paladin (Divine Hunter) 7/Marshall 2 of Erastil and Iomedae HP:91/91, AC 22, Touch 16 flat-footed 16: CMD 24, Perception +11 w/Darkvision: Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +8 (Immune to Disease and Fear, Resist Acid, Cold and Electricity 5)

You are a wisdom based character. Max out Sense Motive.

Perception is a good one to max as well. The Demons all have HUGE buffs to their deception scores. Any Incubus or other demons who work on subterfuge will have those maxed and could even have skill focus in it.

I have already showed with Nurah that you guys will get duped easily since you were playing the the Damage out put game. I know that Lynn could close to 1 round a regular demon but she gets duped quickly after that.

If it not the whole idea behind this AP then I think they may have missed the mark on the subterfuge and deception aspect of it.

Ratfolk Crafter 6 (HP 63)

Maxing sense motive is not quite enough, when you are looking at people with +18 Bluff at level 7...

With max ranks and a wis score of 18 and class skill bonus:
Even skill focus only takes that to +17.
You would need to spend a very significant portion of resources to a very specific task to have any more than a 50% chance of success.

True, it is an investment. I will say that the next book doesn't have a lot of deception in it more of a sandbox really

Silver Crusade

Male Aasimar - Azata Blooded Paladin (Divine Hunter) 7/Marshall 2 of Erastil and Iomedae HP:91/91, AC 22, Touch 16 flat-footed 16: CMD 24, Perception +11 w/Darkvision: Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +8 (Immune to Disease and Fear, Resist Acid, Cold and Electricity 5)

But from a RP point of view it seems like something Lynn would/should do since its bothering her so. And that's mechanics aside.

which is fine she can vent her rage, she is a War Priest after all

Ratfolk Crafter 6 (HP 63)

As per Lynns post before the new day:

"Minimum precautions are all from the group in one tent with the banner and pallies around the tent for guarding.
Can we have a new day please?"

Also, SteelGate does not take part in this fight. He takes 10 minutes to set up.

Ok, this fight is still at night, you guys kicked the hornets nest and they won't allow you rest until they have back their Banner. SO no new day no new spells

Ratfolk Crafter 6 (HP 63)

Im not on about the resting. I am on about the party being grouped together.

Ahh, I gave people lots of chances to say yes or no and no one responded. Azrael said he was talking to his Charge and they share a tent, I wrote that Balthazar was taken to a different tent with his own guards.

Silver Crusade

Male Aasimar - Azata Blooded Paladin (Divine Hunter) 7/Marshall 2 of Erastil and Iomedae HP:91/91, AC 22, Touch 16 flat-footed 16: CMD 24, Perception +11 w/Darkvision: Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +8 (Immune to Disease and Fear, Resist Acid, Cold and Electricity 5)

Sorry for slow posting. Started traveling for Thannksgiving early and got busy with family stuff. Happy Thanksgiving all.

So to address your question, You asked if Azrael would be sleeping I would think so since it is late at night.

So you take a -10 penalty to your perception because you're asleep. To hear a "Battle" you get a +10 cancelling each other out.

Your distance is -5 you rolled a 14, I don't see anything about a Typical DC can you direct me to that?

Ratfolk Crafter 6 (HP 63)


The DC to hear combat is -10. That's not the modifier. That is the actual DC.

There is a table of modifiers on that page.
The ones in play here:
Character making the check is asleep +10
Distance to Source +1/10ft
Possibly could say unfavourable conditions as there are multiple tents in the way which would muffle noise and other camp noise going on, for +5.

Total DC to hear sound of combat for 50ft away while asleep in unfavourable circumstances:
-10 (base) +10+1*5+5=10

I can set the DC to 45 if I wanted, if there is a battle going on it drops the DC by 10 to 35.

I have never had someone state the rules in such a way, even in other games on the Boards and in RL. That is fine with me that Azrael wakes he is still a while out.

It does say guidelines. I am fine with Azrael waking up, next time I will just set a DC and that will be it after all the mods that can be added/Subtracted.

Silver Crusade

Male Aasimar - Azata Blooded Paladin (Divine Hunter) 7/Marshall 2 of Erastil and Iomedae HP:91/91, AC 22, Touch 16 flat-footed 16: CMD 24, Perception +11 w/Darkvision: Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +8 (Immune to Disease and Fear, Resist Acid, Cold and Electricity 5)

I did not mean to be argumentative, only to understand. Of course you can set the DC to anything you want. But we all mean to be reasonable I hope. I only wanted to know if I was awake. You were telling me to act without my being sure I was awake. I felt it incumbent to not assume I was awake. So based on your statement Azrael is awake. But I would rather make whatever the DC is than for you to be fine with me being awake.

@ Tink - Can you tell me your bonuses to stealth? (Stealth: 1d20 + 20 + 3 + 4 + 20 ⇒ (2) + 20 + 3 + 4 + 20 = 49)

@ Azrael, you waking is fine with me, I wish to move this along instead of getting hung up.

Ratfolk Crafter 6 (HP 63)

+3 dex
+4 size
+20 invisibility spell
+20 to pinpoint an invisible creature

I have never seen the +20 to pin point an invisible creature but then again I never play rogues that much or Casters.

Also were these spells you still had left over since you didn't get to rest?

Ratfolk Crafter 6 (HP 63)

I cast invisibility sphere earlier.
A greater invis too.
But not a normal invis.

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

From the CRB. The two tables.
First one is Perception DCs for typical things you'd encounter in game. Given in absolute values, noticeable, when looking at the values that are not negative as they got no + sign. Also the column is labeled as Perception DC.

The second table is the modifiers table which modifies the given value from the first table by the +/- value given in the column DC Modifier.

Of course you can set the DC for hearing a battle to 45 as you're the GM, but then we're no longer playing Pathfinder, but Calvinball. ;)

This game is fun too, but then I want to come up with rules of my own too.

Detail / Perception DC
Hear the sound of battle –10
Notice the stench of rotting garbage –10
Detect the smell of smoke 0
Hear the details of a conversation 0
Notice a visible creature 0
Determine if food is spoiled 5
Hear the sound of a creature walking 10
Hear the details of a whispered conversation 15
Find the average concealed door 15
Hear the sound of a key being turned in a lock 20
Find the average secret door 20
Hear a bow being drawn 25
Sense a burrowing creature underneath you 25
Notice a pickpocket Opposed by
Sleight of Hand
Notice a creature using Stealth Opposed by Stealth
Find a hidden trap Varies by trap
Identify the powers of a potion 15 + the potion’s
through taste caster level

Perception Modifiers / DC Modifier
Distance to the source, object, +1/10 feet
or creature
Through a closed door +5
Through a wall +10/foot of
Favorable conditions –2
Unfavorable conditions +2
Terrible conditions +5
Creature making the check is distracted +5
Creature making the check is asleep +10
Creature or object is invisible +20

Common Uses
Notice Someone/Something

Perception has a number of uses, the most common of which is an opposed check versus an opponent’s Stealth check to notice the opponent and avoid being surprised. If you are successful, you notice the opponent and can react accordingly. If you fail, your opponent can take a variety of actions, including sneaking past you and attacking you.

Perception is also used to notice fine details in the environment. The DC to notice such details varies depending upon distance, the environment, and how noticeable the detail is. The following table gives a number of guidelines.

Emphasis mine, I am not arguing just saying that even Paizo employees have said that the Rule book is to be taken not as absolutes because it will cause some issues. Only on PFS do rules become non negotiable.

Regardless Azrael is awake and we shall press on, who wants to Bot Balthazar in the next tent over

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

I don't say the -10 is set in stone. Number of combatants, weapons and armors used, or whatever other things may have an effect. And fiddling with the numbers for added drama is a basic GM tool. I just got the impression, that you interpret the tables completely different and therefore wanted to point that out.

And I couldn't resist to make fun of the DC of 45. ;)

Ya 45 was a bit much it was the first numbers my fingers went too.

I was just saying they are guide lines, off the top of my head I would put the DC at 20 for Azrael because of distance and other factors.

Balthazar would be about 12 or so

Silver Crusade

Male Aasimar - Azata Blooded Paladin (Divine Hunter) 7/Marshall 2 of Erastil and Iomedae HP:91/91, AC 22, Touch 16 flat-footed 16: CMD 24, Perception +11 w/Darkvision: Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +8 (Immune to Disease and Fear, Resist Acid, Cold and Electricity 5)

Since we are still talking about it I will note that since the thing we are protecting is an artifact of his goddess Azrael would never have been 5 tents away. Likely in the same tent unless Lynn kicked him out and then maybe sleeping right outside. I mean its an artifact of the Ppaladin's goddess and were were sorta expecting something like this.

True, Ok you can be a tent away then lets say?

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13
DM Raltus wrote:

I suggest to close this game. As it looks now, no one brings up the enthusiasm to post on a regular basis here anymore.

For me, part of that is, that I have a hard time to understand what is going on, which makes it hard to come up with a reaction. Combined with misunderstandings about my intentions in game, which leads to the feeling, it doesn't matter what I come up with. In addition we have regular discussions about rules that take up more space than the actual game.

This mythic stuff is fun, as it allows to really build OP characters. But in the way the game is at the moment I'm not really interested to continue with it. Don left us already, Balthazar's player disappeared from all games, Which leaves Tink, Azrael and Lynn.

If you think this could somehow be fixed, I'll be around to hear you out. But I don't have high hopes here.

That is fair and I was thinking the same thing.

Mythic is pretty broken, trying to play it on PbP makes it harder as there is lots of different things going on and reactions to things taking time really slow things down.

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