Lynn Warhaven |

I opened the surprise round. Raltus set the initiative next and put the pointer on me again. Which means this is round 1 and everyone who gets to act in surprise would have to add his single standard action up front in his 1st round post. If Raltus allows.
As for the saves - I attacked in melee. There are three enemies who distract which we know from the first encounter with the swarms and the knowledge Tink told about the queen. So instead of a DM call ruining my action in retrospect, I added all the rolls I'd expect beforehand. Azrael doesn't need to close in so he should be fine without.
Invisibility sphere has a diameter of 20'. With Lynn charging 50' (with haste) and 10'reach you can be 70 foot away. Or if we take the sneak in solution without charge you'd be max 25' away and still out of reach of the effect.
Sorry if I confused you, with my four rounds of actions and leading the group into battle in one post. But I like moving things in fights forward, as they take long enough as it is. I assumed it is clear that we get to prep with Tink opening that with some spells cast, so everyone would post their preparations and give a surprise-round post to start with after me.
But as the saying goes: Assumption is the mother of all screw ups.

Lynn Warhaven |

Ok. I moved Lynn, Tink and Steelgate (after asking him) in position and drew a circle that shows the Invisibility Sphere. If you did what Lynn told, you came along and are now in that circle, from where you can easily move and attack the queen of these demonic insects.
The ruling about surprise round for everyone from Raltus is still pending, but besides that you would wait for Raltus to set the <-- on your line.

DM Raltus |

theory: 2d8 + 14 + 1d6 ⇒ (8, 4) + 14 + (1) = 27
So the 2d8 comes from Enlarge person.
+17 comes from Str, PA and Weapon bonus and Bull's Str
I am trying to figure out you got all this; Attack: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (15) + 15 = 30 "4d8 + 34 + 1d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 8, 1) + 34 + (2) = 50"
I have built a rough Lynn on Hero Lab and I cannot get you up to +34 flat damage

Lynn Warhaven |

To hit: +4 BAB +4Str +1 Weapon Focus +1 Magic +
+3 extra str mod from Bulls Strength +4 and Enlarge Person +2
+1 haste
-1 large
+2 charge
= +15
2d8 weapon dice
+7*1.5 Str = 10
+6 PA
+1 Magic
+1d6 blessing.
Mythic Vital Strike doubles this into
As it doubles the dice as well as the flat bonus'

Lynn Warhaven |

It spells out in vital strike the attack action, so it would not apply [with a charge] and reduce the damage to 2d8+17+1d6 which is with taking the first two dice 24 damage.
Yes. You're right.

Lynn Warhaven |

One more thing: You can do Charge as a standard action when you're limited to a standard action like in surprise round. But it still is a charge action and no attack action, which it would have to be for vital strike to apply.

DM Raltus |

True, so since combat hasn't got to far yet, Do you want to retcon that you charge in but that puts you in a place that you are going to eat a few attacks right away. I am ok with you guys moving up and since I didn't make you roll stealth checks I cannot really ask for that and change combat that drastically.
I will allow Lynn the attack but at half the damage with moving up, so you did 25 damage, then Azrael, then who ever else.

Iko_ |

Thanks Lynn for moving the guys on the map. Now I have a better idea. Gonna try a ranged attack for my suprise turn. It's not much but every bit counts right.

SteelGate |

Fort 19: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Fort 20: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Fort 21: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Fort 22: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Fort 23: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Fort 24: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Lynn could cast stabilize first could she not?
But if we use these rolls, no, he doesn't bleed out.

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Since normal healing does not work on him I am unsure if Stabilize would work or not. I would tend to let it I think. Interesting that Tink does not have access to the spells needed to heal his creature, or does he?

DM Raltus |

There are no "Repair" spells in PF like there are in Eberron. I am willing to allow Tink to "research" them since now is a good reason why. To me the Body for SteelGate is no Inert and will need to be dragged/carried out of the hive back to surface and tended too till Tink can resummon the spirit that in habits to frame

SteelGate |

Technically normal healing does work
But its more flavourful with mending and the like
He did pass his stabilise check too.
"Fort 22: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23 "
He is at -12 of -14.
The make whole from Lynn would get him up and about.
How does heal not have a stabilise mechanic???

Lynn Warhaven |

The mass combat rules are stupid. This would be the perfect opportunity to take our mongrelmen and storm in on the ghouls together with them. But there are no rules to include characters that are not the same into an army.
I tried to figure out what stats Lynn would have as a one woman army, but as the ACR multiplies into the HP, she wouldn't have any at the moment. This would change dramatically at level 9. Then my ACR would become positive and I'd be able to fight whole armies on my own. From there onwards, it's only a few levels until the Zombie Apocalypse is only a minor nuisance, as even a gargantuan zombie army doesn't even come close to my one woman army HP then.
The whole rules only work for armies of uniform low level soldiers with at least medium size (100). For everything else they are not usable at all.

Tink_ |

DM Raltus |

A lot of people don't like them and they can be over rather quickly with good rolls.
That is why I have been doing it and just trying to make it seem massive and armish with my descriptions.
I have seen the mob/troop templates. The only issue is they like a swarm don't have to roll to hit and a PC could go down quickly if the damage becomes to much.

Tink_ |

You are looking at 5 rounds for most of the people that will be front lining.
An option would be to introduce an ac gate, perhaps players make a save against the attack, adding their AC and Dex, so a reflex save with armor and shields added on. The save is say for half damage?

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I have faced a "mob" that did a lot of automatic crossbow damage. No fun to be on receiving end of that.

DM Raltus |

Lynn Warhaven |

I moved myself to a free square, one closer to the undead, to actually be able to stab it. From there I'm not growing into the cube anyway.
On a totally unrelated topic... does someone have remove paralysis prepared? It's on the pally/cleric spell list. I could cast it with a use of a hero point, put it's a bit hard to do that on yourself, when paralyzed.

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Per the map Lynn, with a reach weapon, can reach the undead. Its 10' away from her. I am not sure I get the issue.

Lynn Warhaven |

After I moved. I stood between Tink and the cube. So I would have had to stab over Tink (which might be possible as he is small) but 10' reach allows me to stab into the second square, which was indeed too short.

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Hmm. I am sure that when I acted Lynn's figure was in range to strike. Perhaps it was moved out of turn then? If out or range of course Azrael will hold the point.

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Two smites a day. Is this the thing I need to smite? It seemed less a threat before I could not roll above a 6. lol.

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Iko, do you know that with your build Weapon Finesse would give you +3 to hit? And as you dex increases that will go up even more.