DM Raltus |

Ok that makes sense, You can roll all 3 and you have to be specific
If you lag, discuss the answers, or go off to do anything else, the spell ends. Once you have used this spell to gain information on a specific topic or event, you cannot use it for Knowledge checks regarding that topic or event again until you have gained a caster level.
Like any other big asking spell you have to be ready, but you do have 7 minutes to ask a question and get the answers it gives.

DM Raltus |

I will not disswade your from your choice of what you want to do. I don't know how you plan to get to the final boss when your characters don't know where he is.
The repository showed you where the Sword of Valor was because of how you asked. so it show you it being moved but ALL of how it was moved.
Unless I didn't understand the spell

Tink_ |

You showed me a vision of that dark room, and told whatever was in the darkness that it was the guard. Presumably the dark room houses the sword, and the final boss.
Because I saw a vision of the dark room, I can visualize it.
Because I can visualize it, I can cast dimension door while within 400+9*40=760ft of the room, and visualizing it, to be transported to the room, along with Azrael, Lynn, and Balthazar.
Dimension Door:
"You instantly transfer yourself from your current location to any other spot within range. You always arrive at exactly the spot desired – whether by simply visualizing the area or by stating direction."

Lynn Warhaven |

You know as a GM how the APs are written. No matter what you do, the outcome is always the same. We're trying to have fun to screw up the beaten path and go backwards.
There are more players involved, who might beg to differ here. So it would be nice to hear from Azrael and Balthazar what they think.

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I'd actually prefer to go through the rift in the wall, fight level appropriate challenges, gain exp and loot and have fun. Boring, I know.

Lynn Warhaven |

Heroes nowadays... (shakes head) :P
I can understand you. Following two crazies into the BBEGs lair where there is a fair chance half the party is killed... and in the end, it won't be the crazies that die.
We know that much from life. :D

Tink_ |

Not boring at all Azrael.
I have never played a character with the ability to actually do things differently to the way that the game expects. I am finding it quite fun to utilize these bizarre spells that let me do ridiculous stuff.
The main goal of this whole exercise for me, is to see if I can do it. To see if it is possible for me to cut through the room after room slog of killing, and get in, achieve our objective, and get out.
People have fun approaching the game in different ways.
I have enjoyed my fair share of dungeon crawls, and I am now enjoying the ability to divert from the expected path of the game.
So as I said, going through the game as expected is not boring at all, and is great fun most of the time. I do hope however the reason that Lynn and I are excited about being able to jump off the rails.
I would like to try find a way for us all to be happy here.
Azrael, I want to say that even if we retrieve the sword of valor and defeat the final baddy of the citadel, it doesn't mean that we won't do the dungeon crawl.
We are just screwing with the order, a lot.
So instead of going start -> A -> B -> End we are going End ->B ->Start ->C type of thing.
We will still get to fight everything and gain all the XP and loot all of the loot.
There are two objectives to be achieved in the citadel. Retrieve the Sword of Valor, and clear the citadel of evil so it can be used as a citadel for the crusade again.
Going in for the sword first makes the most sense to me, especially considering we know about it's magical properties which will make taking the citadel much easier.
I am rambling.
I want us all to have fun here.
Azrael, do you think you won't have fun if we go strait to the end, get the relic and then fight our way out?
You also mentioned concern over fighting level appropriate enemies.
Perhaps Raltus can tell us if we are supposed to level up again before that room? I know it is a bit metagamey to ask, but I want to tackle as many of your concerns as possible.

DM Raltus |

Looking it over you would gain 2 levels before you face the Final boss of the Book.
I am ok with you going off the tracks, now here is some OOC info.
As All the maps that you have seen show Drezen as a single floor, the Sword of Valor is underground in a basement level that was never there before the Citadel was taken.
None of the NPCs have any idea that it is there and if asked will tell you so. If you try to describe this area to anyone they are just going to assume you are going to be going to a different plane or some where else.
So what I described to you in minimal detail was 2 rooms of an underground complex

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Maybe we are up again for a while?
I am going to be away this weekend, back Monday-Wednesday, and then away again Thursday-Monday for Dragon con.

Tink_ |

So I whatsapped Balthazar, as we have met IRL before.
This is what he has to say about the game:
"Sorry guys, seem's like the boards have been preventing me from posting. So hopefully this one will go through.
I am all for taking the fight to the big bad directly. Just let me know when that happens so I can be online for the whole fight.
Balthazar doesn't like going through all minor fights, he wants his slice of revenge as soon as possible.
SO I'd say lets go kick his ass and then destroy everything on the way back out. Hopefully Azrael will have some fun with it too. Since I think him and Lynn will be the main butt kickers of the fight anyways."

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Just worried that we are two levels and a lot of gear behind where we need to be for the big fight. We are not easily handling smaller fights. I honestly believe we will loose.

Lynn Warhaven |

There is also the option of only Tink, Lynn and Balthazar going in. I don't know about your builds. But with this one level up and the 2nd mythic tier I can shred through monsters like a sword through paper.
And going in, all buffed up for a monster living in darkness, with all my daily abilities still there. That is the best conditions for this fight I'll get.
You've seen that you can use a mythic power to get another standard action per round? That means casting one more spell for Balthazar for example. Or Tink. I don't know how much you can get out of this for an Archer. At least one attack. Or a casted litany?
Lynn gets another attack. With Vital strike. And my weapon has it's own Legendary power points to use for surge.
Whatever that thing is. If we win initiative, it's dead before it acts. Just my 2c worth.

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No, that is not an option I would support. If the party goes there is no way Azrael would sit out, even if he was sure he would not come back.
But there are a few issues we need to overcome.
I do not think Tink can dimension door us all, all at once. Can he? The normal spell would let him carry only 2 other travelers at his level.
Be warned Lynn, your saves are not that great. If you are dominated then you turn your "shred" on the party.
There are lots of ways do defeat dimensional travel. I doubt the artifact will be as easy as popping in, grabbing the item and popping out. If you do not bring Azrael then a simple lock could defeat the attempt.
You cannot cast a second spell with that extra standard action. You are wrong there.
Has your weapon crafting been completed? I have not heard back on the list of items that are much simpler that Azrael requested.
to summarize, I vote we do this the linear way and enjoy the fights alone the way. Azrael will go along with what the party wants. But he does not want to be left behind.

Lynn Warhaven |

My weapon is only crafted roleplay wise. Rules wise it's simply the chosen Mythic Path ability of Tink.
As for the casting. Meh, you're right.
Tink, do you have wands or something you can create out of thin air, that would help to overcome this issue?
The Dimdoor for three passengers is done through Mythic casting which gives him +2CL for 9.
As for Lynn being dominated. Besides Protection from Evil - a 1st level spell that flat out prevents that - Lynn would fall out of her deities grace for being commanded by an evil creature and turning on her good allies. She'd still be powerful, but not as powerful as against the evil.

Lynn Warhaven |

As for the buffing.
Protection from Evil.
Bull's strength.
Bear's Endurance from the scroll if no one else wants.
Haste would be nice for the +1 to hit and the extra speed if someone would offer.
I'd throw in a protection from evil communal for all.
We have potions of darkvision, mostly for Balthazar I guess.
Magic items we have to cast are mostly scrolls. Not sure if that counts as casting a spell, or activating a magic item. Or if that depends if you use it with UMD or not.

Tink_ |

Last post here.
I don't think there is any reason not to try.
If there is something stopping teleportation we won't make it in.
Lynn can bring people back to life.
If we start losing I can run us all away.
I do understand the concern about not wanting to take a fight underleveled.
I just feel we have enough safety nets. And the fact that we can expend all our daily resources on this one fight means we have a really really strong Nova.
I am heading out now. Will do rolls to get you the bracers and see h9w much time it takes and what else I can squeeze out.

Tink_ |

Current wealth by level is 23500
So Azrael Wanted:
The simple stuff:
Enchant Buckler to +1 (1K)
Efficient Quiver (1.8K)
Amulet of natural Armor +1 (2K)
Ring of Protection +1 (2K)
Eyes of the Eagle (2.5K)
Cloak upgrade to +2 (3K)
Armor upgrade to +2 (3K)
Stat Boost Item for Dex (4K)
Bracers of Falcon's Aim (4K)
I need to know what your current wealth is so I can boost you to 23k.