Lynn Warhaven |

If that thing would stay in movement reach I'd do better damage. But lets see how well the chimera fares against your shots. The damage it deals with a single head are not that bad. And it gets no chance to do the rip and tear with AoOs.

Don Guy |

Ok, Mythic Level 2
Ability Score: +2 Dex
Amazing Initiative
At 2nd tier, you gain a bonus on initiative checks equal to your mythic tier. In addition, as a free action on your turn, you can expend one use of mythic power to take an additional standard action during that turn. This additional standard action can’t be used to cast a spell. You can’t gain an extra action in this way more than once per round.+2 Init
Bonus HP +5 HP
Suggestions for Path Ability?

Lynn Warhaven |

I'm making some minor changes to Lynn.
I selected mythic summons assuming that I can use the swift casting to summon monsters. As that is stated in the warpriest build guides.
But summon monster is
a) no spell that is targeted at me, so this shouldn't work to start with (don't know if that got a FAQ)
b) summons on a warpriest is lame as I'm behind spell level wise.
c) and I didn't use it a single time
So I'll save us the spamming of the battleground with 1d3+1 lantern archons per round and replace that with Faith's Reach if Raltus has no objection.
Together with Relentless Healing for tier two, this will allow me to keep the party from dying. Seems to be more helpful, as dying came up lately.
Attribute bonus goes to Strength.
Where did you get the bonus HP? Is that specific for your path?

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Mythic 2
Ability increase goes to Dex.
Gain Amazing Initiative
Path Ability: Should I take Mythic Smite? I am considering Sniper's Riposte - it eliminates AOOs from shooting.

Don Guy |

Will go with Extra Mythic Feat:Mythic Weapon Focus
Benefit: Double the bonuses on your attack rolls from Weapon Focus and Greater Weapon Focus. As a swift action, you can expend one use of mythic power to gain a bonus on attack rolls with your selected weapon equal to half your tier until the end of your turn.
So +2 instead of +1 and my mythic boost gives me another +1

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That seems a little lame for a mythic power. I saw it too and thought "meh".

Tink_ |

Tink's entire thing is that he supposed to make the rest of you better at what you do. Tell me what items you want, or what you want to be able to do, and I will make plans.
I am thinking that we need bracers of falcons aim on Azrael and Don.
I need to find out if our GM runs the old version or the new version though.
Azrael could also want better smite.
Don, gloves of deuling might be interesting.
We might be a bit broke for some of this right now. I might be able to pull off the falcons bracers now though.

Tink_ |

AC and Saves are the normal things.
Extra spell slots, best bet for you is pearls of power I think
Permanent fly is a bit more difficult to do decently.
3x5 Minute Fly
True seeing is almost the most expensive thing on the list I think.

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I did not know about the silver smite bracelet. Nice, but in effect adds 4 damage. It would not increase my to hit or AC bonus. I think I';d rather have the bracers of Falcon's Aim, especially if they still increase crit chance. Those would really help Don as well as the crossbow crits on 19-20 and so would increase to 17-20.
I am pretty sure they errataed those boots of the earth so they are not quite as good. A life oracle with those things has unlimited party healing out of combat - could heal up an entire army over night.
Cloak of Eternal Mist uses the shoulder slot so no cloak of resistance for you. And the mist mail trades miss chance for AC.
Boots of flying are great but use a standard to initiate flight. For a little more you can get a personal flying carpet and always be flying.

Lynn Warhaven |

You take on an aspect of a falcon. Your eyes become wide and raptor-like, and you grow feathers on the sides of your head. You gain a +3 competence bonus on Perception checks, a +1 competence bonus on ranged attacks, and the critical multiplier for your bows and crossbows becomes 19-20/x3.
I think you got it wrong. But it would change Don's crit multiplier from 2 to 3.

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When crafting the first enchant is 50% of the cost and each additional enchant is 75% iirc. So, still a good deal but not as good as separate items.

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So, now that we are past that encounter with our first mythic enemy can we talk about DR. I need to understand how it will be handled going forward to make a good call on my 2nd level mythic ability.
As a mythic character I think my Palandin's power that bypassed all DR should work for all DR including both mythic and Epic.
And I also think that Don's mythic ability to do so should work. Its a mythic ability after all.
I was thinking Mythic Smite might be the key to this but it is not. What it does is give me another usage of my existing smite ability And lets me bypass DR for one round the round I use Mythic Smite. It is not an adder to smite. Mostly it lets you burn points to smite more often.
I am good with whatever call you make DM Raltus, but I want to go on record as saying that after some research my belief is that by RAW bypassing "all" DR includes Epic and Mythic DR.

DM Raltus |

I have looked into it as well, Supplementary rules alter the existing rules and change them in a way that supports the new rules taking place.
I will allow now that you are taking the Mythich smite all your smites will by pass any DR and this will allow you to smite more often as needed.
Mythic is interesting in the fact that it adds in a more deadly game of rocket tag, had that chimera got a full round attack with it biting first and putting someone on only their FF AC like it did to Lynn it could have put some serious hurt on someone.
It was a "Solo" being encounter and allowed you to all focus fire, Really Don and Azrael could have shot it down before it even got close to the rest of you. Lynn flying added another dynamic that would have dropped it before it got close as well.
I fully understand the wording on Smite and am not disagreeing with the wording it is as well as DR/Epic language that is left over from 3.5 that should have been altered based on the power of the Paladin activating the smite.

Lynn Warhaven |

I wrote out my opinion about the rules earlier.
But this encounter showed something: A common understanding of the rules is important. Because if you find out mid combat that you have a different understanding of the rules, like we have here, then Rule#1 is violated.
Most people think Rule#1 is: The GM is the final judge on rules. But it is not.
Rule#1 is: This is a game and it is supposed to be fun for all involved (including the GM).
The surest way to kill the fun for players is to take something away form them. Especially if they are convinced they are entitled to it.
And I guess, having your players breath down your neck with rules quotes is also no fun for the GM.
I had some similar situations in another game, where I'm a player. Which led to the players avoiding creative characters and going back to core characters, that overcome enemies with just enough force or large numbers of magic damage dice, where there is nothing left to argue about. Which is a pity, for the loss of creativity.

DM Raltus |

Isn't Rule 0 fun?
What was the issue you were having in your game, Also I think what you said about Players feeling "entitled" because on the base sheets it says they can do one thing buy specials rules negating that say something else.
Really it only accounted to 5 less damage per hit, if it was 10 or greater I would have maybe changed mid combat.
I was going into this one fight with the previous knowledge from the Mythic book and doing so research from when I ran this in a Real Life game.
I did have a paladin in the group and the PC did argue but once we book looked at the rules he was ok with it.
By passing DR in PF has become pretty trivial with +3 weapons by passing silver/cold Iron and +5 by passing Adamantine.
I realize that DR/- cannot be over come other than by certain likes ie. smite. I feel like a creature with the aforementioned DR should always have a damage reduction. The Tarrasque is one of those creatures, I know it cannot be "killed" it just is something that shocked me a bit when getting in to PF from 3.5
@ Tink, DR/Epic is only by passed by a +6 or greater enchant on a weapon, so a Paladin who can buff past the +5 or a +4 weapon with Bane on it vs their bane creature. The Total numerical enchantment has to be over +6 which you cannot buy in Pathfinder, it is a rule set from 3.5

Tink_ |

I know that.
The rule exists in the bestiary, and in the mythic handbook.
I want to know how they are different.
A type of damage reduction, DR/epic can be overcome only by a weapon with an enhancement bonus of +6 or greater. Weapons with special abilities also count as epic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction if the total bonus value of all of their abilities (including the enhancement bonus) is +6 or greater.
I can't find this online but it is apparently on page 299?

Tink_ |

So it used to say only vulnerable to +6, now it says thence can only be overcome with a +6.
I'm sorry, but I fail to see any difference there.
If they wanted the paladin not to bypass it they had plenty of time before the release of mythic to change the wording and make it clear that is what they wanted.

DM Raltus |

I might be missing what you are saying, they basically say the same thing only the Mythic one allows you to include all bonuses not just Enhancement ones.
so a +3 with Brilliant Energy on it is a +7 and would by pass the DR/Epic.
They are want to go back and change such things I feel that is why the wording in the specials rules changes things and you don't HAVE to use them.

DM Raltus |

Smite just says it bypasses all DR, not wording on how it does so just a flat "IT does this because for Path Finder Society it makes it more simple."
The important part to me and maybe no one else is the +6 bonus, smite doesn't automatically give you a +6 bonus. TO me it is why they got rid of Smite evil in PF 2.0, I just read most of the classes and the Paladin gets a "smite evil" at 9th level and all it does is give on going damage.
I will allow smite to bypass DR now, since we are out of combat and it won't come up gain for a bit really.

Lynn Warhaven |

I'm just saying we managed together to ruin our fun. And it would be nice to avoid that in the future.
With the players not arguing mid fight for one.
Don was really cool, even though the ruling hit him too.
Like: either we stop the fight and start the argument, until it is settled, or we go with the quick and dirty ruling and discuss afterwards.
With my other game it was simply alchemist being really powerful in the campaign and getting banned after the character died, and then some houserules to nerf the crit on a magus spellstrike, again for being too powerful. After the character was in game already.

DM Raltus |

I agree, it worked out in the end but if we have a disagreement on rules again we can halt the combat and discuss till we come together or I can just go with what I rule like we did till after and discuss.
The magus and Alchemist can both be quite potent but that is if you are min/max for only pure damage

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So I guess that settles Azrael's level 2 mythic ability. I would have liked the ability to fire in melee without provoking but I think I need the Mythic smite based on DM Raltus' interpretation of the rules. And extra smites will come in handy. I'll get my alias updated tonight and try to post tomorrow night. I can no longer post during the day thanks to a new firewall at work. :(

DM Raltus |

If everyone feels that the Paladin's smite should by pass ALL DR despite in the Bestiary and Mythic stating only a certain level of weapon can I will allow it.
I am out for fun and not for competition, play your character how you want to for fun not feel pressured into taking something that you don't really want too

J4RH34D |

I have no horse in the DR race. I just want to explain my feeling on this whole thing.
Raltus, nobody wants to feel like we are bullying you changing the rule. I truly just want to know how you reach the conclusion you do.
I have been reading and rereading the section on DR. If you read through that section and change the specefic thing that bypasses the DR into a placeholder like "A" or "B", it makes things clearer.
For example:
Some monsters are vulnerable to A, B, or C damage.
Others are vulnerable to D, E, or F.
Some monsters are vulnerable to G. Any weapon with at least a H magical enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls overcomes the damage reduction of these monsters.
A few very powerful monsters are vulnerable only to I —that is, magic weapons with at least a J enhancement bonus.
I fail to see how any of those examples are functionally different from each other.
That's what is confusing me.
I want to be clear that I have ZERO issue with a houserule that says that DR/epic is not overcome by non mythic means.
However to me it is clear that this is a houserule. And like all house rules that have the potential to greatly change the way characters are built, the players of those characters should be made aware of the house rules So that they can make sure to take them into account while building their character.
Don for example, I doubt would have spent a mythic feat to bypass DR if he had been told it wasn't going to do anything against the DR a large number of our foes are going to have.
That is my issue here. The rules have been changed from the norm, and you have experienced this being a contentious issue before, in your irl game and when running this previously. I think you should have brought up how you were going to manage this rules interaction in order to manage people's expectations.
It is too late to go back and change this with regards to this DR issue, but if you have any rules that you interpret differently from the norm, or that you have had arguments about with players before, perhaps we should sort that out now before incomes up in game?
This goes to everyone, players and Raltus. If you interpret a rule differently from how most people do, let's put it on the table and figure out what's going on.
One that I know is contentious to many people is that I believe that you can maximise the dice on an eratic demiplane to guarantee a 1 round:1 day ratio.

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I believe that by RAW a Paladin's smite bypasses all DR. And I believe any other power that says it bypasses all DR will bypass all DR, including my Marshall ability to give other PCs and extra attack. That said I am fine with the house rule and taking Mythic Smite. Its nice that it grants extra smites. 2/day is just not enough. lol.
I guess we do need to clarify where we are. My best understanding is that going forward any mythic ability that says it bypasses DR will do so on all DR, including Mythic/Epic. This includes Don's power. Is this right?

Tink_ |

I think I speak for all of us when I say that we have no issue with you coming up with things to make the big baddies more durable. In fact I think that most of us appreciate it. It is no fun to kill something on the first attack.
We can try come up with some ideas to make things more durable.
My first thought would be to add some small pesky minions to solo fights like this.
Second could be to do something like add a death throws ability to some monsters, so that even if we do kill them quickly, they get to do something.
Another option would be to drastically increase HP, give them an extra point of AC, or similar.
You enjoyment is as important as the rest of ours, so I am sure we will all gladly work with you to make sure you are enjoying yourself.