Tyrannosaurus Rex

GlennH's page

155 posts. Alias of GHembree.


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Things you can do.

1) Take a vacation or slow boat trip for a week.

2) Visit a outer plane where time flows faster.

3) Take a week to visit your mother, you don't call, you don't write...

4) Use Mystic Armor spell for a week.

5) Travel a week into the past and take the slow way back to the current present work on your knitting while you wait.

So Three characters with the identical feats would take a different amount of time to retrain a feat still ending up identical in the end? Just because of the order they where built???

A. Allow them to reorganize the character sheet remining legit then retrain.

What is important is they have:
one feat level x or lower
one feat level x+2 or lower
one feat level x+4 or lower

The level slot build method is just an easy way to enforce the above requirement.

I have a 9th-level character not seeing much play.

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For fun, you should put a couple dozen Rai stones coins in a treasure pile.

Apologies, I fixed the link.

Android Operative {link}

Followed by posting with the character Fiver-05

I have a few questions about features in my build.

Networked Heritage feat allows computer checks to hack systems and thievery checks to disable a device or pick lock on technological devices at a range of 30 ft.
Does it still require having a Hacking Toolkit or Infiltrator’s Toolkit when using the Network feat?

I've taken the Phreaker skill that allows you to use computers to disable a device or hack a system using any computer, comm unit, or terminal instead of a hacking kit. Assuming Network requires a hacking toolkit, would Phreak's skill work with Network?

Sabotage an Operative ability allows taking an action to disrupt a single enemy tech within 15 ft. Does it require a Hacking kit, if so will Phreaker work in place of a kit?

While in SF2 that have many ways to give tech items & creatures the Glitching condition. They only list crit-save on glitching roll and Percussive Maintenance feat as ways to remove the Glitching condition. Under Radiation hazard, they say glitching tech can be repaired, but there are no rules on what to roll.
In SF they list 10min repair action vs DC15 to repair a spaceship glitch. Would that work for SF2 until there is an official rule?

I've put together an Android Operative (infiltrator) I'm interested in trying.

edit added link to character
Android Operative {link}

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Aeon Stone (Dusty Rose Prism)

OceanshieldwolPF 2.5 wrote:
We-ell, I just remembered that there is a non-zero chance someone might want to play a skittermander or a ysoki, and as they are SF’s version of gnomes and halflings, I’ll back away quickly…

Skittermanders are just cosplaying gnomes?

I'm Interested in learning SF2!

Leshy Glide wrote:

Using your own leaves, you can control your descent. You glide slowly toward the ground, 5 feet down and up to 25 feet forward through the air. As long as you spend at least 1 action gliding each round and have not yet reached the ground, you remain in the air at the end of your turn.

I don't see the problem. The Glide and fly rules modify how the falling rule works.

The way I interpret Glide is if one finds themselves in the air during their turn they don't fall until the end of their turn and only if they didn't take a glide action (same with flying). They can control their descent.

As a side note: I would also infer that leaf leshy would fall at a slower rate since they already fall "like a leaf tumbling from a tree taking no damage".

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Aid would be a "No" since an illusory creature doesn't have a reaction.

A good source for all things Pathfinder is the Pathfinderwiki.com

Sandpoint Inhabitants in the Pathfinder Wiki

SuperParkourio wrote:
Finoan wrote:
Other people use 'houserule' to mean 'something that changes the rules'. And often means 'if you are using houserules, then your logic doesn't apply here on the rules forum'.

That is a big concern. The Strike action specifically lets you target one creature within reach or range but doesn't give the option to target one unattended object. There are rules saying you can attack unattended objects, but seemingly none that state that you can Strike unattended objects, and an inability to Strike unattended objects would severely limit what options there are to do so.

Stating that the Strike action does let you target one unattended object is literally a house rule that changes the rules. But we have to allow it or else a lot of other rules just break. And changing the rules tends to complicate rules discussions, as the default assumption in a rules discussion is that there are no such house rules.

Ugh, I just wish the developers would add "or unattended object" to the description of Strike. But it's been four printings and one remaster and this annoying discrepancy is still here.

Solution, allow the unattended object to be an active part of the story which makes it fall within the creature definition.

Other issues:
Does the spell wall of stone create a creature? It has an AC and hit points. Is it any different than a non-magical wall of stone?

Is a chair a creature? It is if it's an animated object, even if it never moves.

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The GM Core has the following Glossary entry for Creature (p328):


creature An active participant in the story and world. This

includes monsters and nonplayer characters (played by the Game Master) and player characters (played by the other players).

creature is whatever the GM's story considers an active participant. It can be an animate or inanimate. The example definition describes a sub-set of creatures "monsters, NPC, and PC" included as creatures, but not all things. A door blocking your path forward or any other object that is actively part of the story can be a creature.

think of creatures as being the important things in the story vs the background things that PCs don't interact with.

2/5 *

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One simple thing I try to do for every game I play is to thank the GM for running and tell them you enjoyed the game.

When you depend on volunteers to GM is easy for players and/or V.O. to demotivate them with complaints or arguing rules. A "Thank you" or "Good game" goes a long way to help motivate volunteers.

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I like the following rule the thread has come up with:

level 1-9 max modifier is +4
Level 10-19 max modifier is +5 and costs 2 boosts to go from +4 to +5.
Level 20 max modifier is +6 costing 2 boosts to go from +5 to +6.

It gets rid of the useless Partial stat tracking and keeps the same math balance for total stats.

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bugleyman wrote:
GlennH wrote:

Is Pathfinder 2e even dependent on the OGL from 3.0 or 3.5?

Yes, at least in its current state. How hard it would be to remedy, however, I don't pretend to know. I'm not sure anyone really knows unless/until it winds up in court.

As to whether WotC can "revoke" older versions of the OGL: IANAL, but from what I've seen it isn't settled law, so they might try to throw money at the problem until everyone has to cave.

It turns out the usefulness of OGL1.0(a) in 2e was discussed 10 months back on Reddit about how it was kept to make things easier for 3pp publishers.

riddit- pathfinder2e - 3rd party products

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Is Pathfinder 2e even dependent on the OGL from 3.0 or 3.5?

Paizo has rewritten just about everything, renamed and redesigned monsters, spells, items, classes, and abilities that are not in the public domain.

2/5 *

I suspected that is how the boon works.

The question is should the GM allow the boon to be purchased and used in a game that is currently in progress?

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Gortle wrote:

Class Feats: Level 1:Nimble Dodge, Trap Finder Level 6: Gang Up, Level 8: Opportune Backstab, Sidestep (retrain out Nimble Dodge), Level 10: Precise Debilitation, Level 12: Preparation, Level 14: Leave an Opening

It looks you are trying to swap Nimble Dodge (level 1) for Sidestep (level 8).

Retraining - When retraining, you generally can’t make choices you couldn’t make when you selected the original option. For instance, you can’t exchange a 2nd-level skill feat for a 4th-level one, or for one that requires prerequisites you didn’t meet at the time you took the original feat.

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Build a book golem.

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The journey is more important than the destination.

Once you enter the square with a wall of fire you are passing through the fire doesn't matter where you end up or if you stop there.

Another option is to have the attacking creature's death faked by falling into a deep pit, cliff, fire, lava, or even into thick bushes where a convenient body is hidden for the party to find.

If the adventure is long enough, then the PCs should also retain any XP they earn through overcoming traps/monster... possibly leveling up and being able to defeat an encounter that they were too weak to defeat before.

Yes, thanks for taking over as GM. I hope Redelia is doing better.

I'm fine with Zephyr the sylph druid.

I have a an 11 level neutral good halfling bard that loves to interrogate using puppets and performe comedy +29 that doubles as intemidate skill.

I was trying to decode the math behind table 10-2.

The Easy column is pretty much (level + 7). Which would be equal to what a PC rolling a 12 in an untrained skill with a -1 stat adjustmet would need for an easy task of equal level.

The Medium column follows what a PC rolling a 12, who is trained in a skill with a +1 stat boot every 5 levels would need to succeed.

The hard column follows what a PC rolling a 10 would get for a skill where they have maxed the stat and skill training for their level.

The Incredible column seemed to track about 10% more than hard.

The Ultimate column seemed to track about 20% more than hard.

Thanks, GM Batpony for letting me join.

Of the pregens remaining, I'll choose MERISIEL.

2/5 *

I like replay option 1, but it is conditioned on the number of yearly replays offered.

Given that Paizo has produced about 30 PFS scenarios a year, I would be surprised if they offered more replays a year than that.

Anything less than 6 replays a year would be "why bother".

In my mind, a modest number of yearly replays would be about 12-24.

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The issue with bow’s and strength made we think about another game where the strength limited what weapons one could use. Why not have damage dice of bows tied to the user’s strength?

Str 8 = max 1d4
Str 10 = max 1d6
Str 12 = max 1d6
Str 14 = max 1d8
Str 16 = max 1d8
Str 18 = max 1d10
Str 20 = max 1d10
Str 22 = max 1d12

Note the bow would have to be crafted for the higher streanth score. So if you have a Str 16 bow a higher score would not help you.

Could extend the rule to melee weapons as well. That way a 10 Str character would not be using a great sword.

These type rules are not new, but I do find them intuitive and simple to use.

Also, I believe bonus damage dice from magic should be a fixed size such as a d6. A potency rune on a great sword is the same as one as you find on a dagger, and both cost the same.

Add d6 damage dice based on proficiency.
Untrained - none
Trained - +1d6
expert - +2d6
master - +3d6
Legendary - +4d6

Weapon Quality added to hit bonus
poor: -2
normal: +0
expert: +1
master: +2
legendary: +3

weapon Magic Bonus adds damage to each dice.

Examples before adding stat and level adjustments.

Normal dagger in untrained hands would be -4 1d4+0

Normal dagger in trained hands +0 1d4+1d6

Master dagger in expert hands +3 1d4+2d6

+2 Master dagger in expert hands +3 1d4+2d6+6

+2 Master dagger in legendary hands +4 1d4+4d6+10

+5 Legendary dagger in Legendary hands +6 1d4+4d6+25

Normal dagger in Legendary hands would be +3 1d4+4d6

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The cost of consumable healing dosn’t really matter.

If it cost too much then PCs will just take more full rest and parties will have to have a healer.

If it cost too little then expect every encounter for the PCs to be at full health.

PCs will always gravatate to using the lowest cost healing method. You could declare healing is based on the cost of the item or charge consumed. 5sp = 1 hp for all level of items. then PCs would use what ever item was most convenient.

Why not just have a hitpoints jug of healing which you can drink as much as you need to top off your hitpoints. (Sounds a bit like the CLW wand.)

As for the Yugo vs Lamborghini, both are made to get you from point A to point B. Is it ethical that one cost more for the same result? I do understand that a Lamborghini does have other attributes that make it desirable, but I willing to bet the cost per mile driven in the Lamborghini is a lot higher than the Yugo.

Would it be more ethical for healing potions if the cheep potion is bitter, and the most expensive one taste like a fine wine?

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I like the idea someone else suggested:

1) Make all consumable healing treated as temporary hitpoints until a full rest, at which point it converts to normal hitpoints.
2) Temporary hitpoints don’t stack. Temporary hitpoints plus normal hitpoints can’t exceed the PC’s max hitpoints.
3) Remove Resonance cost of consumables.

4) Heals cast from a PC’s spells or spells or spell points are treated as normal hitpoints, with no effect on temporary hitpoints.

Note there may be other sources of temporary hitpoints that can exceeded a PC’s max hitpoints, but they still don’t stack with temporary hitpoints and they usual expire without converting to normal hitpoints after a full rest. (Example: False life spell)

If you want to keep Resonance, then treat any consumable healing boosted by resonance as normal hitpoints instead of temporary.

(This would effectively limit a PC to have only a single consumable healing in effect at once time.)

Mine arrived today via US mail small town in north Alabama. In fair condition with a dent on the top edge of the back page, The box was loosely sealed, but not dented.

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Is it my imagination or do only Fighters, Paladins, and archetype fighters gain the Attack of Opportunity reaction???

true, but between the two charts cost & hardness one has Expert quality and one doesn't, which is inconsistent with the other special material.

In the Playtest rule book the special material Darkwood chart (pg 355) for hardness has an Expert column , but there is no Expert row in the cost chart. All the other special materials have matching rows and columns between the cost and hardness charts.

Missing cost for Expert Darkwood special material.

FYI, my inspiration for magic is alive theory of Resonance was from Discworld color of magic where the spells had their own addenda, from Harry Potter where wands have a preference for who uses them, and from Xanth Source of Magic where the demon’s presence is a source of magic. These and other literary sources suggest the idea that magic is a collection of living things.

graystone wrote:
GlennH wrote:
Magic is actually an exotic life form that occupies several dimension some of which overlap with ours. Let's call them Essence elementals.

So what you're saying is pathfinder blatantly rips of star wars?

"Midi-chlorians were microscopic, intelligent life forms that originated from the foundation of life in the center of the galaxy, and ultimately resided within the cells of all living organisms, thereby forming a symbiotic relationship with their hosts. The Force spoke through the midi-chlorians, allowing certain beings to use the Force if they were sensitive enough to its powers."

Use the force, barbarian!

While I can see the confusion at first glance, they are not similar in the least. Essences are not microscopic and don’t resided within the cells of all living organisms. Also, I would describe the relationship more as exploitive being more that they gain social standing within there own kind, and do not rely on the relationship for continued existence. I think of them more like very minor genies like whisp of energy in a different dimension.

Mathmuse wrote:
In this thread, I am trying to interpret the resonance rules ...

I agree that it would greatly help the with the acceptance of Resonace rules and have been following this thread and appreciate the ideas.

Let me share a fun off the wall interpretation:

Explaining Resonance and why Resonance is Chr based:

Magic is actually an exotic life form that occupies several dimension some of which overlap with ours. Let's call them Essence elementals. Essences are difficult to communicate with, but they have learned to create magic effects in response to patterns, gestures, words, runes, mixtures, and thoughts in our world. These Essences have a complicated value system in their world where they earn a token which functions like baseball cards. They earn a Token every time they interact with a creature by performing magic in our world in response to a pattern. A token from a more renowned and charismatic creature in our world is in higher demand in their economy. As a creature in our world call upon more of these Essences via patterns within a single day they dilute the market for their Tokens. With too much supply for the demand the Essences may refuse to trade magic effects or may stop trading for the tokens completely. Lucky the Essences token market resets every day.

In our world we call these Tokens Resonance.

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Mathmuse wrote:
9) Resonance as vital encumbrance....

While the example of potion resonating in the life force digestive system is reasonable, My mind cries out “but why doesn't the same spell cast from a PC, scroll or other source not bother the target’s resonating encumbrance?”

For scrolls and spells, it could be reasoned that the resonating encumbrance is carried by the caster, and that they have some quantum entanglement with he target maintains the magical vibration. Of course, spells cast by PCs have their resonance built in. My mind: ”But what happens to ongoing magic when the resonance life force of the caster is snuffed out?”

The tortured reasoning we have to build to maintain our suspension of disbelief.

Which reminds me what about the other type of potions, oils that are used on non living objects? Does the one who applies it pay the resonance?

Yolande d'Bar wrote:

I sort of feel that if we just increased the price of wands by a factor of 5 or 10, and potions by a factor of 5, there's no problem.

And the wand of cure light wounds wasn't a Pathfinder thing; it's been in the game, at the same stupid low price, since 3.0 came out in 2000.

I dusted off my old books to double check, but you are correct the CLW wand was from DnD 3.0.

I believe, they chose to reduce the cost of healing potions to about 1gp to 2gp per point of healing for minor, lesser, moderate, and greater types of healing potions. The top two Major and True healing potions come out at 5gp and 17gp per point of healing. I'm not sure about the cost of CLW wands, but the level 3 staff of healing cost works out to about 2gp per hp and that is without recharging it. The point is that the healing items previewed are in the same ballpark as far as healing cost, so PCs will use a mixture of items.

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Pre-Pathfinder the issue was 15 minute adventuring day. First few encounters result in Casters using most of their spells in the battle or on healing characters, causing the party to call it day after 15 minutes of game time.

Pathfinder introduced cheap healing via Wand of Cure Light Wounds. Now the issue is after every fight the PC top off their hit points, resulting in the need to make every encounter that matters to be deadly enough to wipe out all the characters hit points.

Pathfinder 2.0 is introducing resonance which effectively turns item use into a daily resource on par with spell casting. Its as if everyone is given a spell-like ability called “Activate Item”. Useable once per level + Chr Bonus per day. Resonance covers most all permanent items and consumables thereby doing dual service of limiting daily consumables and number of permanent magic items used & worn. Limiting consumables limits out of combat healing which hopefully reduced the full hitpoint for every encounter syndrome.

Using Resonance to limit permanent items and to activate item powers that would otherwise be X daily use, seems to be reasonable, but for consumables such as wand/staffs with charges, Potions, and Scrolls the use of Resonance seems to break the suspension of disbelief revealing itself as a rule mechanism to limit daily item use.

If the real problem is unlimited cheap healing then the fix should target that issue. Healing needs to have a daily limit mechanism. Resonance does that, but with an overly broad fix.

For a more focused fix, look at Magical healing, it forces the body to heal quickly. It’s easy to imagine the process of forced healing causing stress to the body and that repeated forced healings within a day could have a negative effect.

A more narrowly targeted mechanism at limiting healing could work by allowing a character to be healed a number of times per day equal to their Fortitude without penalty. The source (spell, potion, scroll …) or level of the healing doesn’t matter. Once they exceed their Fortitude value the PC would take the Fatigue condition equal to the overage until they get an overnight rest. If an element of luck is preferred, the overage mechanic from Resonance could be applied to healing overage to determine if you get fatigued (flat DC10 roll, with the DC modified by the overage.). In any case, healing would still work regardless of the roll.

Resonance mechanic would still be used for permanent item limits and activate item powers, replacing the item slot mechanism and daily uses for individual item powers. Consumables would work without Resonance.

2/5 *

Tusk the Half-Orc wrote:
GlennH wrote:

In the shattered Star Player’s guide one of the PFS options for spending prestige is:

Fame 5, 1 PP: Become familiar with an uncommon or rare spell (at the GM's discretion) from a Pathfinder lodge library, allowing a bard, sorcerer, or similar spellcaster to select it as a spell known at the next available opportunity (this benefit allows the character to gain access to bard or sorcerer spells from sources other than the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook without having to do spell research or find a copy of the spell while adventuring)

A little expensive on a per spell base, but maybe access to a spell book of some previous Pathfinder. Simular idea for access to feats. Or market contacts for items.

I wonder if items that are rare or uncommon In one setting would cost more than a setting where they were common?

I had not caught that, GlennH. Is the general rule that a spontaneous caster can’t take non-Core spells without doing spell research or finding them somewhere? Do you (or does anyone else) happen to know where that rule is? Heck, I’m playing a level 1 oracle in a Shattered Star PbP campaign right now and have already violated it if that is a rule.

Tusk, that is one of several prestige options in the Shattared Star Player’s Guide. While most of the Shattared Star is PFS legal , the Shattared star Player’s Guide is not listed as a PFS legal source, so it dosn’t apply to PFS play. As far as I can tell there is no restriction on the legal PFS source of spell lists other than owning a copy of the source.

For Non-PFS games it would be up to you GM.

2/5 *

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In the shattered Star Player’s guide one of the PFS options for spending prestige is:

Fame 5, 1 PP: Become familiar with an uncommon or rare spell (at the GM's discretion) from a Pathfinder lodge library, allowing a bard, sorcerer, or similar spellcaster to select it as a spell known at the next available opportunity (this benefit allows the character to gain access to bard or sorcerer spells from sources other than the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook without having to do spell research or find a copy of the spell while adventuring)

A little expensive on a per spell base, but maybe access to a spell book of some previous Pathfinder. Simular idea for access to feats. Or market contacts for items.

I wonder if items that are rare or uncommon In one setting would cost more than a setting where they were common?

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Some thoughts on Resonance mechanic I’ve been collecting.

With Resonance item use is now equal to spell resources:

Resonance is a way to put magic item use on par with spell casting. You only have X number of spell to cast each day, and with Resonance you only can activate X number of magic items a day.

Think of Resonance as a spell like ability “Activate Item” that everyone has. It requires a magic item as a material component. Useable once per level + Chr Bonus.

The main difference between spell slots and Resonance is that spell slots generally become more powerful the higher level the character is, where a Resonance point is just as powerful at first level as it is at 20th.

Wealth is the primary determination in how powerful a point of Resonance is. For example a suit of +5 Armor is much more powerful and costly than +1 Armor, but both only take one Resonance point to activate.

Since magic spells and/or items are the primary way to alter the fabric of the alternate-reality in the game world, by putting a daily limit on both the adventures day will effectively end when they start to run low on one or both resources. What low means will vary based on the risk tolerance of the player, it could be at half a tank, a quarter, or empty.

Because Resonance is item power agnostic, the most effective use will be for items that give the biggest bonus, effect, and/or duration. Players will favor expensive more effective expendables. Players will be looking at more expensive expendables, and it now becomes a choice of similar priced Permanent items or limited use expendables.

I kinda like the idea of resonance for powering permanent magic items and their powers, but not for consumables.

I've been kicking around an optional idea since out of combat healing is the root concern.

Heal vs rest only Hitpoints option:

Take the Hitpoint pool and split it into two. One pool can be healed by magic, the other pool can only be healed by rest.

Normal damage is applied to the healable HP pool first.

Critical damage is applied to the Non-healable HP pool first.

Any overflow is then applied to the other HP pool and only when both pools are at zero is when the character takes on the dying condition.

Consumable items scrolls, potions, and spell charges on wands and staffs no longer require resonance.

Resonance for other items and powers works as planned.

The reasoning behind this idea is that it gives away for earlier encounters to wear down the adventures before reaching the boss. Depending on how the combats go, a character could be reduced to half hitpoints by the end of the day. Remember that Hitpoints are an abstraction of wounds, stamina, luck, and will force not all of which should be healable via magic.

2/5 *

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nosig wrote:
GlennH wrote:

Boy this thread got really quite when then the adults announce they were watching

Since I already posted my good ideas, I’ll post my really bad idea:

Each month randomly select four scenarios to be be evergreen for one month, then permanently retire them! Guaranteed that everyone has something to play every month and it puts a sunset period (~ 6 years) on PFS 1st edition.

Why do you want to "put a sunset period" on the campaign?

Should we start the new PFS2e with the understanding that we'll only have a fixed period of availability? Say 10 years?

If it's FUN, why quit? (this is related to the statement, "If it's not fun, don't do it. Life is to short for Bad Games.")

Your asking me to defend my Bad Idea? I’ll give it a try.

First, give too many choices makes it difficult to make a choice, therefor having only a choice between four scenarios makes it much easier to choice what to run, and being evergreen insures everyone can play it. (My be issues with tiers).

Second As for the Sunset period, having it available for a limited duriation makes it a rare resource, If you don’t play these scenarios this month then they are gone forever! You can put off the beach trip with your significant other for another five years while you choose to play Pathfinder.

Third, Paizo will make 2.0 fun to play too!

Fourth, If you absolutely have to continue playing 1.0 then you join the shadow lodge that is the unofficial PFS where you have different set of characters using all the scenarios. Handing out their own chronical for play/GMing just without all that pesky reporting. Note Shadow PFS characters are not compatable with offical PFS.

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