Castamir's Flaxseed Station

Game Master Chris Marsh

GameDay XIII
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Need more players to make a table for my Outpost game of Treading Histoy's Folly. Levels 3-6. If you don't have anyone that range, you can always bring a pregen! Just don't bring Altronus! Or do!

Line 134 of the Spreadsheet
Here's the Gameplay

Line 132 actually, and with 3 people and at the higher tier, we will get out butts kicked with a level 4, 5 and 6. If we get more level 3's and 4's in there, we can bring down the average to low tier and have the level 5's and 6's kick butt for us as we have the advantage.

Grand Lodge

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Just signed up with a level 3.

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Jumping in with a 4th level pregen operative. I am willing to bow out if someone with a real PC wants in. I'll put together an alias.

Sweet, game on! With 9 days to spare!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Did you miss out on any SFS games that you really want to play but they are all full? Or they were not offered?

Fret not! We still have two experienced GMs, GM Wolfspirit and Cellion who are keen to run SFS games for Outpost II! So you've missed out on something you would like to play, let me know and I'll try to arrange something with them. Please let me know what scenario(s) you would like to see happen via this Google Form. There's space for five but if you have more requests, go ahead and submit multiple forms. Thanks!

Kuey, I just want to say that this is 100% awesome. Thanks for working on this.


Okay, after talking with GM Kuey, I am opening up a 1-01 The Commencement table for OUTPOST II.

Until Kuey can get the table added to the Outpost II spreadsheet, if you are interested, please sign up on Table 1 HERE. I look forward to running this one yet again :)

Starfinder Superscriber
GM Hmm wrote:

Welcome, Berggen! If you need any help or advice, we're always happy to give it. BTW, there are ways to abstract the junkyard race and make it run faster. Just talk to us in discussion (under spoilers) if you need ideas!


Thanks Hmm :)

I've really enjoyed the way I run that event for physical tables.

I normally...:
I normally make a physical track that's 120 squares (each 25') and move the racers along it like a board game. If Nyizin is hauling like she likes to do, it can make the neck and neck super exciting.

If you have a link to a PBP where you've taken another creative approach, I'd definitely be interested to see it.

Morvruul the Merchant wrote:

Just signed up! I'm finishing a couple of tables of this via PbP now and thought, since we played in a prior PbP game, that you might like to have a familiar-ish player at the table.

Plus, I'd enjoy the opportunity to play my "merchant" though his commencement, knowing that the Scoured Stars Incident has caused the Starfinder Society to, perhaps, lower their criteria for membership.

Thanks Morvruul :)

I've been enjoying your character. If you have any advice during the PBP, I'd be happy to hear it!

DM Bigrin wrote:

Okay, after talking with GM Kuey, I am opening up a 1-01 The Commencement table for OUTPOST II.

Until Kuey can get the table added to the Outpost II spreadsheet, if you are interested, please sign up on Table 1 HERE. I look forward to running this one yet again :)

will this be another recruitment type commencement?

'cause I've been thinking about making another character if you're still running this thing. I'll take a spot as soon as I get the other character made

Hey there. Thanks for posting up Kuey! I'm indeed trying to find a SFS table to run for Outpost. I'm up to GM anything and it should be a lot of fun.

Manifold Host

Wolfspirt and Cellion are excellent GMs. Put them to work, folks!

Berggen wrote:

Thanks Morvruul :)

I've been enjoying your character. If you have any advice during the PBP, I'd be happy to hear it!

Thank you. There seems to be a good, interesting mix at that table. Since you asked for advice (and as there is no Discussion thread attached to the aforementioned campaign in which to make this suggestion), I suggest that you create a Discussion thread to accompany your current run. It is a good place for players to discuss out-of-character matters, such as rules clarifications, scheduling issues, etc. without disrupting the in-character flow of gameplay.

I also find it is a great place to make jokes and engage in "table banter" that some may find distracting or intrusive in the gameplay thread.

Lantern Lodge

Paging Mobius Caslan and Fixit. Please report to the Nominated First Seeker at once. Your briefing will start in... less than a week.

And we still have one empty seat for a 3-6 tier character (playing low tier) who might want to go In Persuit of the Scoured Past as part of Outpost II

Dark Archive


Everyone that is GM'ing a game for OUTPOST II please check that you have in fact received your scenarios. If you have not then please send a PM to either myself, Redelia, Kuey, Elinnea or HMM so we can help get it corrected.

is there anyone going to run an adventure for Lv.1s and up?
I just got done with the commencement with my Half-elf mechanic

I have a game that is not full. It is 1-22, which s a 1-4.


GM Sasha wrote:

I have a game that is not full. It is 1-22, which s a 1-4.


thanks, I'm signing up now

DM Bigrin wrote:

Okay, after talking with GM Kuey, I am opening up a 1-01 The Commencement table for OUTPOST II.

Until Kuey can get the table added to the Outpost II spreadsheet, if you are interested, please sign up on Table 1 HERE. I look forward to running this one yet again :)

you are ok if I put 2 characters in there?

not meany people signing up.

and IDK anyone at all who might have a brand knew character to start with.

I'll help out if I can

Lantern Lodge

You can only have one character in any given game. And any given character can only be in one game.

So if you have two characters "Peter" and "Paul" they cannot both play in the scenario "A cry from Mary"

Likewise, Peter cannot play in "A cry from Mary" and "Luke's Lunch" at the same time.

GM Aerondor wrote:

You can only have one character in any given game. And any given character can only be in one game.

So if you have two characters "Peter" and "Paul" they cannot both play in the scenario "A cry from Mary"

Likewise, Peter cannot play in "A cry from Mary" and "Luke's Lunch" at the same time.

nice how you put it

thanks, I think I got the idea

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

You can, however, give your table a choice between characters you have available in-tier.

I can throw my hat in to help the game start sooner.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

That game is on hold until Outpost II gets off the ground. We seem to have reached a saturation point at the moment, as I have never seen a Commencement game take longer than 3 days to fill up ;)

Still, if you are interested in a Commencement game, please go ahead and sign up.

well, I am curious.
what is Outpost II exactly?

Dark Archive

Wasteland_Wizard wrote:

well, I am curious.

what is Outpost II exactly?

Outpost II is an online convention held across several different forums, similar to an IRL convention in terms of boons and rewards. more information can be found below.


Sign ups can be found Here

keep in mind that this started 2 days ago. You can still check as there might be a few tables open and will still have time to join in as they shouldn't have gotten too far.

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Outpost II is an online PbP convention. Lots of tables running including a PFS multi-table special.

Sign-ups can be found here

I haven't checked this morning but there are likely a few spots still open. If you have an appropriate character then put your name into an open slot and contact the GM to see if you can still join. The convention started Monday so many games may still be earlier enough that you could gain full credit if there is an open spot.

In fact, please join in and let the GMs know you're coming. There are tables that need you!


I do have a third character for SFS that I am working on.

the 3 that I have RN in progress or not are

Jeen Scott- half-elf mechanic
Professor Adrion Core- Lashuntian Technomancer
and Cashara Avion- human (this is the one still in progress)

Jeen is in a new adventure already
Adrion Core is the one I just signed up for Outpost II commencement.

if anyone would like to help me out with Cashara, and getting her running, that would be nice.

Wasteland_Wizard, I can help you take a look with Cashara. Will PM you after I've taken a look.

is anyone else running a commencement?
I can help fill a spot her soon.

I think I got Cashara up enough to start running.
anyone got a commencement spot I can fill?

DM Bigrin wrote:

Okay, after talking with GM Kuey, I am opening up a 1-01 The Commencement table for OUTPOST II.

Until Kuey can get the table added to the Outpost II spreadsheet, if you are interested, please sign up on Table 1 HERE. I look forward to running this one yet again :)

need help filling at least 2 spots for DM Bigrin


I can join you if you need another to get it going. Rin hasnt gotten credit for the Commencement yet.

one more unless DM Bigrin wants to start now?

we have 2 technomancers and an operative
we need someone to join in with more combat power XD.

oh boy, this is going to be fun.

Wasteland_Wizard wrote:
one more unless DM Bigrin wants to start now?

We need at least 4 players to have a legal table, with a maximum of 6. As usual, most scenarios are easier with more people.

Still Need 1 more for DM Bigrin's Commencement.

Added my name to the commencement list.


I've just started the whole Starfinder Society thing and would like to play the commencement please if you haven't started yet?

I've added my details to the sign up sheet and will have a character alias up shortly!


Okay folks, it looks like @Wasteland Wizard has drummed up enough interest for another round of The Commencement.

I need for the following people to check into the Discussion thread HERE

Wasteland Wizard
Virtual Tao

We have room for one more, if anyone is interested.

As usual, I run the maps through Roll20, and the posting through paizo, and you are expected to check in and post at least once a day (letting me know of any exceptions).

I look forward to another fun run!

Are you still looking for one more? I would be interested in tagging along!

Sure. Pop into the discussion thread and get your alias set up.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I know we are in the middle of outpost, but who wants to play 1-18 blackmoon survey? Scenario tags none. Many of you already played it, but don't forget, those with 2nd Seekers JA faction can replay scenarios with a certain easy to get boon. It is one of Starfinders best scenarios with good puzzles and wow, how do we get past this next part?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello. On 3/25 I'll be starting up a game of 1-04 Cries from the Drift over on Myth-Weavers boards.
***Click Here***

Peace, Love, and Soul

DoubleGold wrote:
I know we are in the middle of outpost, but who wants to play 1-18 blackmoon survey? Scenario tags none. Many of you already played it, but don't forget, those with 2nd Seekers JA faction can replay scenarios with a certain easy to get boon. It is one of Starfinders best scenarios with good puzzles and wow, how do we get past this next part?

I’ve actually never played it double gold... I was gonna in a game that was canceled close as I got to playing it... I’ve got 3 different 2nd lv. Characters any of which would love to join the expedition!

If someone is running another commencement with spots to fill
I do have another character that needs to go through it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Wasteland_Wizard wrote:

If someone is running another commencement with spots to fill

I do have another character that needs to go through it.

You don't HAVE to play the Commencement as a character's first scenario, you know.

It's cool if you want that to be part of the story for each character, but don't feel like you have to wait for one to come around to get a character involved. I have 3 characters that I've played and have never played the Commencement at all.

ok great, but where am I going to get into a 1-whatever game?
if anyone has one, I might be fine with joining it.
maybe 1-02 or 1-03 if possible for this character.

but to start, commencement just seams good.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Black Moon Survey and Cries from the Drift are both Tier 1-4. Games for those were both just announced.

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