Skeletal Technician

Jones228's page

Organized Play Member. 56 posts (1,953 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 5 aliases.


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10-4, I'll just be adding jump jets. I was going to grab new armour but after this Kat will be Level 7 and will be able to get something a little better, if she can just survive with a miserable ac for now.

I went back and reviewed my Pact World Warriors game, Kat has played that and first met Zo! During 1-05 first mandate.

Her Athletics check has more than doubled since level 4 so hopefully that pays off.

Is it too late to make some purchases?

I added my witchwarper to the list for Storm.

Hello everyone.

We had discussed looking at playing #5, but for the next little while I have to much on my plate with work and family. I don't think I'll have the bandwidth to give the scenario the attention the players deserve.

If things change once we roll into winter I will post in the castamir's station recruit thread. Thanks again for taking part in my experiment, I really enjoyed going through these as a group.

I am a simple person - I see Aerondor running a special, I sign up!

I have added Kat's details. Looking forward to starting!

As Antethriss and Saratur close in on one of the Gangers, their combined blows bring their target to the ground.

They have a pretty sad EAC, and Vitellius gets the MVP of this round for bringing the targets EAC down again and making those blows connect. No problem on the delay Antethriss, I didn't want to bot anyone first round so I could do this guilt free.

Saratur wrote:
"Stay here Vanecarsys!"

Vanecarsys watches the battle erupt, and sees her opportunity.

"Sorry fellas, Shuttles leaving!" she calls as she takes off at a full sprint.

Vanecarsys has escaped into the busy casino! You survey the scene and see that security is looking sliced and bloodied, and the gang may have the upper hand on them if you leave to chase her.

Initative: bold to act
Kiikarah -2sp

Security & Gang
Saratur -4sp

Well, that settles it.

Recruitment thread here

Farol, Jhaeman, and Wolffauer - I'm saving you a seat!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Interest check - looking for a party of 1st level adventures who haven't played the bounties yet. Would like to run them all consecutively. If we start sometime in June it should take us right to the release of #4 for an even 1 XP. I had the opportunity to play the Rasheen's trio of missions with the same players and It was a great experience, looking to do something similar here (but on a slightly smaller scale).

I recieved a voucher from Outpost and would like to pay it forward to the community by GMing again. I am a newer GM, so these small missions seem like good training for both recruit starfinders and I.

Ok, great, thanks Shifty.
I guess I was confused about "weapon mounts" - I wasn't sure if the turret was considered a mount, or each weapon on the turret was a seperate mounted weapons. That's what I get for checking Reddit for rules after a quick google. I found this in the rules for starship building:

Tiny and Small starships can have only two weapon mounts per arc (and per turret). Medium and Large starships can have only three weapon mounts per arc (and per turret). Huge and larger starships can have only four weapon mounts per arc (and per turret).

So it looks like you're correct, each weapon it's it own thing. I second guessed myself because they were both listed under turret on the Drake stats.

I'm gonna roll a 4 anyway....

Question - can two gunners use turret mounted weapons? If Twila uses the Rockets can Skip fire the coilgun? Is it considered the same weapon mount or different turrets?

I'm going to have Skip act as a secondary gunner. Magic officer seems very underwhelming and not very applicable here. He may not be the best gunner but any damage he can do is a bonus, and more helpful than +2 initiative when we're moving 2 hexes at a time.

Just looking for an update, nothing's moved in a few days. Is there something we are waiting on (and more importantly, is it me?)

I also just re-discovered that the static arc rifle has the stun special effect, so that's also handy.

just a note, I've finally copy-pasted Kat's 6th level information to her profile, and did not make any purchases.

I've had a large equipment rental here for the week so I've been a little distracted - sorry if I have been slow to post in the intro.

Treyvasho wrote:
"How long before we leave? I need to get something less lethal," Treyvasho says looking at her arms.

This may interest you if you don't want to spend money on a non-lethal weapon:


Nonlethal Damage With A Weapon That Deals Lethal Damage

You can use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage instead, but you take a –4 penalty to your attack roll.

Yes thanks to GM Zoomba for running all three scenario's. Felt more like a campaign instead of just a module, it was a great experience. Thanks as well to all my fellow players, especially for the help navigating the operative class.

Quick question, do I apply this chronicle at level 8 because that's the level the pregen was, or just once I'm in the subtier range of 7-8? 7th level could be the better part of a year at pbp posting rates, would be a shame to sit on it that long if I could have used it.

Mine is there now as well.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Interesting scenario, thanks Gm Aerondor for running, and thanks to the other players as well! This brings Skip to level 2, and hopefully he's a little more useful. But, it was fun using my lack of computer skill to play an older person trying to navigate a computer they're uncomfortable with.

I would be interested in 4-02, but have nothing for the high tier game.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

10/4 GM, I'll keep watching for launch! Just letting you know I'm still here.

Player: Jones228
Character: Kat5e
Starfinder Society Character Number: 2362267-701
Current XP: 15
Day Job Check (if applicable): Prof, Mercenary: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Kat is newly level 6 and looking to mingle. I will have profile updated before we start.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mahari Jones wrote:
*I used Jones228's term, but just to clarify, what pronouns for Kat6? Presumably still female like Kat5e, yes?

That's a good question, the iconic is listed as gender neutral. I'm not sure the rules around changing details so I didn't want to modify anything, which is also why I had a little fun last night with my movie reference. I will likely go on typing "she" though just to keep it easy. I used "guy" in my post trying to be combative as well.

I was also having a little fun last night with the revelation behind Kat's name. I have usually introduced Kat as saying "You can call me Kat" or "my designation is Kat5e but most call me Kat" Something I've always had thought about, but character progression is hard in SFS when you play with different people all the time, I've never had a chance to be someone else and talk about my character behind their back. I realized that I started playing Kat on here 3 years ago in March 2019, so i guess it was an anniversary (and level 6) present.

or maybe I think to much about this!

The SFS guide lists the bonus as a "circumstance" bonus for publicist.

That's very handy, thanks!
I may even try out a new class while I am at it, I had a drone mechanic in the past. He's still floating in an escape pod somewhere out in the vast. J.D. Power, MIA.
I think I'll look into the operative, unless picking up a new class at high level makes my head spin.

That's a fantastic idea. If GM Zoomba already has someone else lined up I'm ok with that as well, I know there were a few people looking for a final scenario.

I don't have any higher level characters unfortunately, just the handful I play on these boards. I hadn't considered playing a pregen too because it's never really come up, I didn't want to miss out of playing my own characters. But if I could kinda squint and make it look like it's Kat, thats the next best thing!

Gm Zoomba, I leave it up to you!

My Gunnery is +10 as well. If it's your solar cannon, you can do the honors!

Azara, would you prefer cheif mate or gunner?

Whenever you start works with me. Didn't find a game that worked for my schedule, aka after kids bedtime.

Have we nailed down our expected start date? I have played Kat exclusively here on the paizo forums, but have been searching out a roll 20 game for that extra XP to play all three modules.

Thanks for squeaking me in GM Zoomba. I am good with crossing the last bridge when we get to it if you are. Looks like my exocortex mechanic will be playing up, but I'm up for the challenge.

Hi GM Zoomba. I have a level 5 mechanic that would only be freshly turned level 6, one XP out of what you listed for the final scenario. I would be interested in playing all three but if you find enough players who meet the criteria I understand.

Well this backfired on me, I must pull my name, as this character was selected for another table. Best of luck with this scenario!

I would love to join in.

Character Name: Kat5e
SFS Number: 2362267-701
Faction: Aquisitives
Class & Level: Exocortex Mechanic 5

I have to bring Kat to Level 5, and will roll day job with boons if that's ok.

thawizkid wrote:
Are there any play-by-post games with openings?

I get the feeling that Gameday games are still running. I wasn't able to participate in gameday due to vacation time, so I've been watching for games as well.

Player Name: Jones228
Character name: Skip Intro
Character number: 2362267-702
Faction(if chosen): Wayfinders

Great, Thanks! Will fit in when I get him mostly sorted out!

Looking to start a new character. Have never delved into magic with starfinder. Room for me still? I would be probably be building the character Friday, by Sunday at the lastest.

Rhubarbie wrote:
The Northern conveyor lets a PC move 5ft for each 10 ft moved

I think you have that backwards

GM Sasha wrote:
The southern track allows a PC to move 15 feet for every 10 feet of movement used. The northern track allows a PC to move up to 10 feet for every 5 feet of movement spent.

I read it as you double your movement, spend 5ft, move 10

Game Master S wrote:
This is an older scenario, but it checks out. The metaplot has passed this point and then some, but we'll play it intact.

I am just going to head-canon this as a mop up mission after the fact to continue learning about the scoured stars. Denial is a powerful tool!

Interested in joining a Starfinder campaign. In a against the aeon throne game, looking to try another.

Hey GM Zoomba, spotted your post.

Would be bringing my Exo Mechanic 3 for the low table if you'll have me along! (edit: if I am too late to the party I can bow out and wait for the corporate interest game)

I'd like to stick my thumb out for a level 3 game as well.

Looks like we've only got 4 on table one so far signed up. Join us!

Just waiting on a chronicle sheet to update my profile.

I have dotted for this table,

Can do science (+7) Engineering (+8) or gunnery (+2) for starship roles.

Dotting my interest, but was the 10th or so person to express interest, so I understand if there's no room for me.

Level 2 Exo Mechanic

Late to the party, but I should have a level 2 mechanic free if there's room!

Sounds great, Thanks GM Valen!

I should be ready for Tuesday, as long as everyone else is. I'm good either way. Just waiting for my chronicle sheet from gameday now to copy/paste my characters second level to my profile.

I believe my gameday scenario is just wrapping up so I would be interested joining this scenario if there is still room available.

I would, however, also be playing an exo mechanic. If that didn't work out well as far as party balancing I understand.
My mechanic would be 2nd level for the start of the scenario.

GM Blazej wrote:
Jones228 wrote:
I was hoping to get a fast game in before Gameday but unfortunately those are the only two I've played. Any chance you'd consider another?
I did consider other low level scenarios, but I also didn't want to run something that someone else was preparing for Gameday.

Worth a try! Thanks anyway.

EbonFist wrote:

If anyone is looking to fill in early adventures, I'll be recruiting for #1-02 Fugitive on the Red Planet, soon.

It's part of a scheme to get someone I met at a F2F game hooked on PbP.

This just isn't working out for me, I signed up to play this with an ol' favorite GM for Gameday.

Any other interest for literally anything else 1-04+, tier 1 to finish pre gameday?

I was hoping to get a fast game in before Gameday but unfortunately those are the only two I've played. Any chance you'd consider another?

I am just now realising that this is a gameday campaign and have signed up my character for another campaign already, so I will kindly withdraw before Kate makes any choices. Have fun everyone!

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