Castamir's Flaxseed Station

Game Master Chris Marsh

Out Post VIII Announcement
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Liberty's Edge

GM Sasha wrote:

You know, I think I'd be willing to run 1-06. My GM did a great job with that one on pbp and it feels appropriate to pass it along.

Shout out to Vampbyday for great GMing!


I'll put the game together in the next few days.


What subtier would it likely be at? I've got a lvl 3 I could throw in.

Liberty's Edge

Oshari Soteria, Health & Safety wrote:
What subtier would it likely be at? I've got a lvl 3 I could throw in.

I have a level 3 as well.

Here is the recruitment thread.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Now recruiting for 6-07 Race for the Dustwarren Cup [Levels: 7-10]. You can sign up HERE.

I'll start as soon as there's a legal table.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I'm also going to post this now, because Tier 9-12 is pretty niche still. After the Race for the Dustwarren Cup, I'll be running The Death of Kortos IV. Feel free to sign up now, but know that I've got a scenario to complete first. Sign up HERE. Just scroll down to Table 2.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Recruiting for 1-06 again.
Here is the recruitment thread.

Looking for agents of levels 9 to 12 to explore a formerly restricted ruins on Pholskar! Send your application >here< if you'd like to join this exciting expedition.

Recruitment now open for SFS1 #4-09: Through Sea and Storm

1 person marked this as a favorite.


PbP Outpost VIII Event # 4,786,136
When: March 2, 2025 - May 12, 2025

Primary HQ location: Our channel on the Organized Play Discord at pbp-outpost-VIII

Greetings Pathfinders and Starfinders!
We’re all very excited to announce the upcoming PBP Outpost VIII! I will try to keep this as brief as possible so that folks can find all the information quickly. We will be having adventures of all sizes, including quests, bounties, scenarios, and even the latest multi-table specials!
We welcome Society players and GMs of all experience levels, from grizzled veterans to wide-eyed newcomers.

Important dates:
General GM game submissions open - Immediately
Specials GM submissions open- Immediately
Specials GM Deadline - January 20, 2025
Specials GM Chosen and Notified - January 27, 2025
Scenario Support Deadline - February 3, 2025
GM early player access - February 3, 2025 (limited to 1 table and 1 Special)
Player seating, general - February 6, 2025
Start of PBP Outpost VIII - March 2, 2025
End of PBP Outpost VIII - May 12, 2025

During this convention, we’ll also be offering the following specials.
- Pathfinder 1e Single Table Special #8-99D The Solstice Scar, Version D run by House GM JB Woodford
- Pathfinder 2e Special #3-98 Expedition into Pallid Peril run by House GM bigrin42
- Starfinder Special SFS #3-00 The Last Bite run by House GM Half the Sky

The Specials GM signup form is HERE

The GM signup form is HERE

For more information, including lists of recommended scenarios, read the full announcement HERE

Liberty's Edge

New gameday woot! I submitted a Season one to run.

General Seating now open!

General seating is now open for all players. While there is no limit to the number of games you can sign up for, we do ask that everyone do their best not to overcommit. We also would ask that you not sign up for tons of games at the very beginning, to give everyone the chance to find a seat at a table. Sign up for a few, then wait a day or two to give others the chance.

Remember that the 1 game per character rule still applies to PBP games, so no signing up to play in multiple games with the same character.

Outpost VII Event Listing

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