Secrets of magic hype

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Tectorman wrote:

Among other things, I hope this book spells out (and explicitly) whether a spontaneous caster can use a higher level slot for a lower level spell (and not a signature spell, either), not for all the higher level benefits, just to fuel it.

I.e., if I have multiple levels of spell slots and I'm out of 1st level slots (for whatever reason), and I know Feather Fall as a 1st level (not-signature) spell, and I'm plummeting to my doom, do I die or not?

Me too! Me too!

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I strongly suspect this is going to be my favorite book yet. I love the treatises, the lore, the deliberate inclusion of utility spells and cantrips, and just about everything else I've heard so far.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yeah my personal thoughts are that I'm way more into this model for the Magus than I was into the class during the playtest, especially due to them using Focus Spells as a lubricant for recharging Spell Strike, and one of those being a teleport + strike option, which will likely command a lot of my attention, but the other paths seem cool too especially Starlit Span working with guns (and presumably crossbow.) It is now my most anticipated class, completely, Summoner seems really cool too ever since I read the Meet the Iconics, the action economy buff is quite welcome.

Incarnate Spells sound bomb, my favorite so far from the teases is Draconic Legion because its such an incredible fantasy. Ritual-wise Bathe in Blood is that special kind of Dark Fantasy stuff that I enjoy, it'll be interesting to see if a player ever uses it, pending everyone at the table being comfortable with it being used in the right kind of Dark Fantasy game, obviously a villain could too. I'm def thinking that I want to give a Witcher esque game another shot someday.

True Naming stuff sounds like something I want at my table, there's really no question Paizo would write it in a problematic way and I love it in Name of the Wind and such. I love that it uses the Research subsystem too since its such a fun system to use at the table. Ditto for Leylines and their accompanying rituals, I'm looking forward to adding both sub systems to our current setting.

One thing I'm unclear on, they kept referring to an "elemental spell list" that wasn't a full tradition, but is that implying there's an option to give a character a special cross-tradition spell list that nabs all these elemental spells? If so that's actually a really compelling space for archetypes to explore.

Flexible is fine for the people that [i]must[/] have neo-vancian for their casters, I appreciate that there's a real cost to it, but its still very usable (Wizards in particular are going to make good use of it.) Especially since we have so many options for adding more spells into your daily allotment, like with Magic Items, Ancestry Stuff, and so forth.

Oh yeah, and the treatises on the nature of magic are just wonderful to read, even though they probably don't apply to my homebrew world, but they should be good to think about in terms of how things work in my own world-building.

My guess is that elemental spell list only allows the pc to use spells with the water/earth/air/fire/electric/cold traits, while keeping the tradition your class has. So sort of limiting, but there's probably benefits too. Just a theory.

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Flexible prepared and wellspring sound like something I'd only really use on wizards or sorcerers respectively. Losing a third of your spells for 3 slot casters sounds like too steep an ask for me personally. I'm excited for the rest of the book, though!

Ezekieru wrote:

Flexible Preparation can only be done by full, prepared casters (so multiclassed versions and the Magus don't qualify).
Wellspring Magic can only be done by full, spontaneous casters (so multiclassed versions or the Summoner don't qualify).
Runelord Archetype is tied directly to wizards, no other class.
Elementalist has specific options for Druids and Monks. Sounds like any spellcaster can take the class archetype, otherwise. Could easily be wrong.

Elementalist working for Monk makes me curious. How would that work? But i welcome all monk stuff

Dark Archive

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Will we be able to make Gambit again? :)

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Elementalist as a class archetype doesn't work for monk I don't think, rather monk gets elemental class feats. And druid gets orders for each element, if I understand correctly.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

All this info on the Magus is literally the best news I could have gotten.

The Magus has always been my favorite class, along with the Witch (and the PF2 Witch is not bad, but kind of disappointing). The playtest Magus felt awkward and somewhat like you were fighting against your own mechanics rather than the mechanics working for you.

Making the Spellstrike much more natural feeling and very powerful but with a recharge based on something you probably already want to be doing just feels really good.

I'd like the Magus to also have access to more spells. My classic Magus from PF1 used a lot of battle control spells like Grease and Wall spells and the like. And that feels like it'll be harder to pull off with so few spells slots.

But if there are other ways of getting more spells, ala Ring of Wizardry or something similar, then I shall be a very happy camper.

Vali Nepjarson wrote:

All this info on the Magus is literally the best news I could have gotten.

The Magus has always been my favorite class, along with the Witch (and the PF2 Witch is not bad, but kind of disappointing). The playtest Magus felt awkward and somewhat like you were fighting against your own mechanics rather than the mechanics working for you.

Making the Spellstrike much more natural feeling and very powerful but with a recharge based on something you probably already want to be doing just feels really good.

I'd like the Magus to also have access to more spells. My classic Magus from PF1 used a lot of battle control spells like Grease and Wall spells and the like. And that feels like it'll be harder to pull off with so few spells slots.

But if there are other ways of getting more spells, ala Ring of Wizardry or something similar, then I shall be a very happy camper.

From what I understood, some Magus feats will give you more spell slots specialized for certain types of spells, so maybe you could have something for battlefield control magus like that.

I hope we will keep Capture Spell and some other feats from the playtest. Second Chance Strike could also be good, but maybe too good.

A small thing, but I'm gettingy wish for more druid orders. Sounds like an order for each element alongside the elementalist archetype.

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Albatoonoe wrote:
A small thing, but I'm gettingy wish for more druid orders. Sounds like an order for each element alongside the elementalist archetype.

3 more, to represent Fire, Earth and Water as the Air one is represented by Storm already.

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Anyone else excited for Soulforge Armaments? I can now become a Kamen Rider by summoning my suit after a transformation sequence.

It's the little things. Probably pairs well with Vigilante, lol.

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Remy LeBeau wrote:
Will we be able to make Gambit again? :)

You already can!

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Magus looks dope, can't wait for the book release.

Also, with construct eidolon being a thing now I can rest knowing that someday I will be able to play a mech pilot in pathfinder second edition :)

WWHsmackdown wrote:
Flexible prepared and wellspring sound like something I'd only really use on wizards or sorcerers respectively. Losing a third of your spells for 3 slot casters sounds like too steep an ask for me personally. I'm excited for the rest of the book, though!

I wouldn't use flexible on a wizard either, frankly. Wizard focus spells range from situational to bad so the extra spell is really necessary. Consider also that this eats your dedication and I just don't see it ever being worth it.

Arachnofiend wrote:
WWHsmackdown wrote:
Flexible prepared and wellspring sound like something I'd only really use on wizards or sorcerers respectively. Losing a third of your spells for 3 slot casters sounds like too steep an ask for me personally. I'm excited for the rest of the book, though!
I wouldn't use flexible on a wizard either, frankly. Wizard focus spells range from situational to bad so the extra spell is really necessary. Consider also that this eats your dedication and I just don't see it ever being worth it.

It eats your second level class feat, but not your dedication. You can take another archetype at Lv 4 if you want to.

Other than the Lv 2 feat, the actual cost is some number of cantrips at Lv 1, then that's replaced with a 1st Lv spell slot at Lv 2, then a 2nd Lv spell slot at Lv 4...and so on. In the meantime you're a spontaneous caster, but with per-day repertoire changing and all signature spells, which sounds pretty nice for maximizing what those slots can do.

I get the impression that by the time you actually feel those missing spells per day, you'll have the option of more spells via archetype or items, and it won't really sting much in comparison to the extra flexibility if you can use it well.

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Alfa/Polaris wrote:
all signature spells

Oh. If that's true then that changes my analysis of it quite a bit. I was working under the assumption that like, if your top end spells are third level, then you get two of those and just get to pick two spells that you can cast either once or twice. Which sounds really bad. If you can exploit good heightened spells then that actually does increase the variety in what you can cast in your highest slots significantly.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

They confirmed that the way its written, you could take a minimum single first level spell, and then make everything else 9th level spells if you so desired. It'd be a bad idea because that would leave you only able to cast one spell in every below 9th level slot you have, but you can do it.

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Arachnofiend wrote:
Alfa/Polaris wrote:
all signature spells
Oh. If that's true then that changes my analysis of it quite a bit. I was working under the assumption that like, if your top end spells are third level, then you get two of those and just get to pick two spells that you can cast either once or twice. Which sounds really bad. If you can exploit good heightened spells then that actually does increase the variety in what you can cast in your highest slots significantly.

No, yeah, it's straight-up 5E casting. The only stipulation is that you pick at least one 1st Lv spell so that you can use all of the slots. So you lose a fair bit, but you gain quite a bit back — obviously still easier to tank on Wizards, who have more slots and a broad spell list, but other prepared casters naturally have their own things to make up for fewer slots, of course. ~w~

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Alfa/Polaris wrote:
Arachnofiend wrote:
WWHsmackdown wrote:
Flexible prepared and wellspring sound like something I'd only really use on wizards or sorcerers respectively. Losing a third of your spells for 3 slot casters sounds like too steep an ask for me personally. I'm excited for the rest of the book, though!
I wouldn't use flexible on a wizard either, frankly. Wizard focus spells range from situational to bad so the extra spell is really necessary. Consider also that this eats your dedication and I just don't see it ever being worth it.

It eats your second level class feat, but not your dedication. You can take another archetype at Lv 4 if you want to.

Other than the Lv 2 feat, the actual cost is some number of cantrips at Lv 1, then that's replaced with a 1st Lv spell slot at Lv 2, then a 2nd Lv spell slot at Lv 4...and so on. In the meantime you're a spontaneous caster, but with per-day repertoire changing and all signature spells, which sounds pretty nice for maximizing what those slots can do.

I get the impression that by the time you actually feel those missing spells per day, you'll have the option of more spells via archetype or items, and it won't really sting much in comparison to the extra flexibility if you can use it well.

Am I reading this right, it only costs a feat and effectively 1 spell slot (highest on the even levels and second highest on the odd levels?) if so that makes it significantly better otherwise being reduced down to 2 slots per level for witches/universalists would make it awful.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Cyder wrote:
keftiu wrote:

I saw someone transcribing from today’s streams where it said the Summoner gets one free action a turn while giving the Eidolon three actions, or vise versa. Could be wrong on that.

Its more the fact that the summoner is not much more than a 'commoner' with a couple of cantrips. With 1 action you can recall knowledge/move or I suppose use one of the combat related skill checks (Demoralise/fascinating performance/bon mot) but otherwise really you will mostly just be playing the Eidolon so it won't feel all that teamwork-ish. Also with the shared health pool you won't want to be up close with the summoner (poor defence/poor saves - double damage on blast/aoe effects), so its not like you will be flanking or aiding attacks.

If it is like the playtest it will be more like 'conduit cantrip' to make the eidolon almost as good as a martial with no frills (no hunt prey etc) and then playing the Eidolon as a martial. The 1 action will feel more like a maintenance issue rather than the summoner doing much.

I suppose 4 times a day it will be worth giving the summoner 3 actions to conduit cantrip + cast a combat spell or cast a conjure spell while the eidolon moves or attacks but that is about it.

Actually kind of rethinking how I feel about this. While I would prefer a more flexible split (summoner + eidolon have 4 actions total to use between then with each having to use at least 1 action per round) this actually isn't too different to sorc/wizard in terms of play. A vast bulk of the you spam a cantrip as a caster anyway so its not that much of a difference. Instead of a few extra big spells per day you get a consistent and perhaps decent melee attack.

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Cyder wrote:

Am I reading this right, it only costs a feat and effectively 1 spell slot (highest on the even levels and second highest on the odd levels?) if so that makes it significantly better otherwise being reduced down to 2 slots per level for witches/universalists would make it awful.

As written above, it's a feat and one spell slot per spell level (you don't gain a slot on even levels), in exchange for going from Vancian casting to 5E Neo-Arcanist casting. (Also you temporarily have fewer cantrips at Lv 1.) You lose spells per day in exchange for having a way higher chance to have exactly the spells you need when you need them.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
roquepo wrote:

Magus looks dope, can't wait for the book release.

Also, with construct eidolon being a thing now I can rest knowing that someday I will be able to play a mech pilot in pathfinder second edition :)

Two different flavors, given the Inventor will be a thing this year, too.

Cyder wrote:

Its more the fact that the summoner is not much more than a 'commoner' with a couple of cantrips. With 1 action you can recall knowledge/move or I suppose use one of the combat related skill checks (Demoralise/fascinating performance/bon mot) but otherwise really you will mostly just be playing the Eidolon so it won't feel all that teamwork-ish. Also with the shared health pool you won't want to be up close with the summoner (poor defence/poor saves - double damage on blast/aoe effects), so its not like you will be flanking or aiding attacks.

If it is like the playtest it will be more like 'conduit cantrip' to make the eidolon almost as good as a martial with no frills (no hunt prey etc) and then playing the Eidolon as a martial. The 1 action will feel more like a maintenance issue rather than the summoner doing much.

I suppose 4 times a day it will be worth giving the summoner 3 actions to conduit cantrip + cast a combat spell or cast a conjure spell while the eidolon moves or attacks but that is about it.

You don't take double damage on aoe's, an extra action is something many classes work hard to get. You can full martial 2 attacks and cast a top tier nuke for the highest damage potential of any class. If you can't find some good ways to use an extra action, that's not really a problem with the class.

It's nice to hear about some improvements, but I'm still worried, the class has a lot of holes and not hearing about some basic fixes like casting proficiency and magic item sharing keep me concerned. Some extra evolution feats akin to fighters combat flexibility would be nice too, presuming we get some feats worth taking.

Grand Lodge

Remy LeBeau wrote:
Will we be able to make Gambit again? :)


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
OrochiFuror wrote:

You don't take double damage on aoe's, an extra action is something many classes work hard to get. You can full martial 2 attacks and cast a top tier nuke for the highest damage potential of any class. If you can't find some good ways to use an extra action, that's not really a problem with the class.

It's nice to hear about some improvements, but I'm still worried, the class has a lot of holes and not hearing about some basic fixes like casting proficiency and magic item sharing keep me concerned. Some extra evolution feats akin to fighters combat flexibility would be nice too, presuming we get some feats worth taking.

You can't cast a top tier nuke and 2 martial level attacks in a round. The action split appears to be always 1-3.

But as I said a few posts above I have revised my opinion. It will never feel quite like the team work double I would like it to but its still solid.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Alfa/Polaris wrote:
Cyder wrote:

Am I reading this right, it only costs a feat and effectively 1 spell slot (highest on the even levels and second highest on the odd levels?) if so that makes it significantly better otherwise being reduced down to 2 slots per level for witches/universalists would make it awful.

As written above, it's a feat and one spell slot per spell level (you don't gain a slot on even levels), in exchange for going from Vancian casting to 5E Neo-Arcanist casting. (Also you temporarily have fewer cantrips at Lv 1.) You lose spells per day in exchange for having a way higher chance to have exactly the spells you need when you need them.

Ouch then its a non starter. Losing 25% to 33% of your spells is not less slots by a hair, its a significant loss of power and flexibility. If I can only have 66% of the spells prepared than I am 33% less likely to have the spell I need anyway regardless of level. It also costs a class feat, its a poor trade.

Albatoonoe wrote:
A small thing, but I'm gettingy wish for more druid orders. Sounds like an order for each element alongside the elementalist archetype.

I just want a Blight order.

Dark Archive

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Ventnor wrote:
Remy LeBeau wrote:
Will we be able to make Gambit again? :)
You already can!

Thank you for showing me this.

Cyder wrote:

Ouch then its a non starter. Losing 25% to 33% of your spells is not less slots by a hair, its a significant loss of power and flexibility. If I can only have 66% of the spells prepared than I am 33% less likely to have the spell I need anyway regardless of level. It also costs a class feat, its a poor trade.

Does it cost a class feat? From what i understood it is different from other archetypes in that you pick it at level 1

Candlejake wrote:
Cyder wrote:

Ouch then its a non starter. Losing 25% to 33% of your spells is not less slots by a hair, its a significant loss of power and flexibility. If I can only have 66% of the spells prepared than I am 33% less likely to have the spell I need anyway regardless of level. It also costs a class feat, its a poor trade.

Does it cost a class feat? From what i understood it is different from other archetypes in that you pick it at level 1

Pick it at lvl 1 then use the lvl 2 class with the feat.

Archetypes with the class trait are a fundamental divergence from your class's specialties, but one that exists within the context of your class. You can select a class archetype only if your class meets the criteria listed in the archetype's prerequisites. Class archetypes always alter or replace some of a class's static class features, in addition to any new feats they offer. It may be possible to take a class archetype at 1st level if it alters or replaces some of the class's initial class features. In that case, you must take that archetype's dedication feat at 2nd level, and after that you proceed normally. You can never have more than one class archetype.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Perpdepog wrote:
roquepo wrote:

Magus looks dope, can't wait for the book release.

Also, with construct eidolon being a thing now I can rest knowing that someday I will be able to play a mech pilot in pathfinder second edition :)

Two different flavors, given the Inventor will be a thing this year, too.

I picture the armor Inventor wearing something more akin to an exoskeleton, but yeah, the amount of options we'll be getting at the end of the year are almost frightening.

Dark Archive

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OrochiFuror wrote:
Cyder wrote:

Its more the fact that the summoner is not much more than a 'commoner' with a couple of cantrips. With 1 action you can recall knowledge/move or I suppose use one of the combat related skill checks (Demoralise/fascinating performance/bon mot) but otherwise really you will mostly just be playing the Eidolon so it won't feel all that teamwork-ish. Also with the shared health pool you won't want to be up close with the summoner (poor defence/poor saves - double damage on blast/aoe effects), so its not like you will be flanking or aiding attacks.

If it is like the playtest it will be more like 'conduit cantrip' to make the eidolon almost as good as a martial with no frills (no hunt prey etc) and then playing the Eidolon as a martial. The 1 action will feel more like a maintenance issue rather than the summoner doing much.

I suppose 4 times a day it will be worth giving the summoner 3 actions to conduit cantrip + cast a combat spell or cast a conjure spell while the eidolon moves or attacks but that is about it.

You don't take double damage on aoe's, an extra action is something many classes work hard to get. You can full martial 2 attacks and cast a top tier nuke for the highest damage potential of any class. If you can't find some good ways to use an extra action, that's not really a problem with the class.

It's nice to hear about some improvements, but I'm still worried, the class has a lot of holes and not hearing about some basic fixes like casting proficiency and magic item sharing keep me concerned. Some extra evolution feats akin to fighters combat flexibility would be nice too, presuming we get some feats worth taking.

I asked in the discord today and got a straight answer on casting proficiency for the Summoner. It will get Expert at 9th and Master at 17th. So better than the playtest (who didn't get Expert until 11th) and means that for 6 levels of their career (7, 8, 15, 16, 19, 20) they will be worse than full casters, the other 14 they are on par.

I also asked, and apparently there are no other automatic class features (may be feats) that scale off of Charisma. So if you want to go with no save/attack spells, you can dump charisma safely.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

If I make a Anger eidolon Summoner with a Monk MCD, does that mean I can make Jotaro Kujo? Because if so... PAIZO I LOVE YOU, AND I WANT TO HUG ALL OF YOU! Also, do we have the completed Magus splash art now? Because I'm REAL interested in looking at that, and setting my pfp to it :P

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

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OrochiFuror wrote:
You can't cast a top tier nuke and 2 martial level attacks in a round. The action split appears to be always 1-3.

I don't think that's the case. They said Act Together gives you one 1-3 action thing and one 1 action thing.

So you could cast a 2 action spell with the Summoner, using Act Together to take a free attack with the Eidolon, and then use your last action to take a second attack with the Eidolon.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
nick1wasd wrote:
If I make a Anger eidolon Summoner with a Monk MCD, does that mean I can make Jotaro Kujo? Because if so... PAIZO I LOVE YOU, AND I WANT TO HUG ALL OF YOU! Also, do we have the completed Magus splash art now? Because I'm REAL interested in looking at that, and setting my pfp to it :P

Yare yare daze...

I love what I've heard of the new cantrips. Finally some cool situational damage cantrips to compete with electric arc!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I heard one of the Cantrips gives you a claw, sounds like transmutation and is exactly what I wanted for a Transmutation damage cantrip.

nick1wasd wrote:
Also, do we have the completed Magus splash art now? Because I'm REAL interested in looking at that, and setting my pfp to it :P

They did show the whole art for him I will see if I can find a link.

Dark Archive

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Nicolas Paradise wrote:
I heard one of the Cantrips gives you a claw, sounds like transmutation and is exactly what I wanted for a Transmutation damage cantrip.

They confirmed in Discord that this was in fact a transmutation cantrip spell. Yay, finally all schools are represented as cantrips!

Benchak the Nightstalker wrote:
OrochiFuror wrote:
You can't cast a top tier nuke and 2 martial level attacks in a round. The action split appears to be always 1-3.

I don't think that's the case. They said Act Together gives you one 1-3 action thing and one 1 action thing.

So you could cast a 2 action spell with the Summoner, using Act Together to take a free attack with the Eidolon, and then use your last action to take a second attack with the Eidolon.

Quoting the wrong person on that, but you have the correct answer. You spend 2 actions doing a spell and act together gives your Eidolon one action, use that to strike then your third action to have your Eidolon strike again. It's far more powerful then other casters and depending on number of targets for the spell, above what any martial can do. It actually sucks for the Dragon Eidolon as the 2 action frenzy for 3 attacks is a fairly poor ability compared to spell and 2 strikes. I made up for it by taking dirge of doom and supporting my Eidolon and group by debuffing and helping our barbarian flank while sometimes aiding to try and get those sweet barbarian crits.

Casting paralysis was a huge problem for me, with so few high level slots I always wanted to conserve until I needed it. It's nice to hear there might be options for more slots, really hope we get some Eidolon specific attacks. Would be nice to have the rules for eidolons done in a way so they can interact with the rest of the game more, gear and archetype options able to be used by eidolons. I hope some of the feat options are stronger as well. Just lots of little issues with the class that all snowball into each other and get worse at high level play, hopefully they can patch all the holes to make it feel more complete.

Sucks to hear the casting proficiency isn't likely to improve, things seem to crit succeed a lot, our group lost our battle cleric because he couldn't ever land melee or spell saves at level 13 and was too frustrated to continue, I feel that at times. Even when your on par it can be tough times. Don't know why you would want to dump charisma, my little Kobold summoner killed a full health giant with scare to death, doesn't get much better then that. Also my dragons breath keys off it, so...

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
nick1wasd wrote:
If I make a Anger eidolon Summoner with a Monk MCD, does that mean I can make Jotaro Kujo?

I thought about something like this but apparently I misremembered and the summoner has a weak weapon progression. You can still try it, but might run into some issues.

Invictus Novo wrote:
I asked in the discord today and got a straight answer on casting proficiency for the Summoner. It will get Expert at 9th and Master at 17th. So better than the playtest (who didn't get Expert until 11th) and means that for 6 levels of their career (7, 8, 15, 16, 19, 20) they will be worse than full casters, the other 14 they are on par.

Stuff like this kind of bugs me. Mismatched proficiency progressions just seem to cause issues, imo. Like what, intrinsically, is causing balance problems that require the Summoner to be behind at 7 and 8 specifically, but don't exist at 6 or 9? In a game with math as tight as Pathfinders, where monster scaling is often based around certain assumptions, it feels weird to have gaps like this.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
nick1wasd wrote:
If I make a Anger eidolon Summoner with a Monk MCD, does that mean I can make Jotaro Kujo? Because if so... PAIZO I LOVE YOU, AND I WANT TO HUG ALL OF YOU! Also, do we have the completed Magus splash art now? Because I'm REAL interested in looking at that, and setting my pfp to it :P

Not an official link but here is a picture another user here shared on Reddit of the slide from the stream with the full art of our evil boy!Magus Art

Dark Archive

Squiggit wrote:
nick1wasd wrote:
If I make a Anger eidolon Summoner with a Monk MCD, does that mean I can make Jotaro Kujo?
Invictus Novo wrote:
I asked in the discord today and got a straight answer on casting proficiency for the Summoner. It will get Expert at 9th and Master at 17th. So better than the playtest (who didn't get Expert until 11th) and means that for 6 levels of their career (7, 8, 15, 16, 19, 20) they will be worse than full casters, the other 14 they are on par.
Stuff like this kind of bugs me. Mismatched proficiency progressions just seem to cause issues, imo. Like what, intrinsically, is causing balance problems that require the Summoner to be behind at 7 and 8 specifically, but don't exist at 6 or 9? In a game with math as tight as Pathfinders, where monster scaling is often based around certain assumptions, it feels weird to have gaps like this.

Well, at least it is better than the playtest. But yeah, I tend to agree and frankly do not see why limiting the spells the way they did wasn't enough. While I'm grateful it is only 6 levels instead of 10 now, it does feel weird that they progress their spell proficiency at the same level as a monk increases their spell proficiency.

Also, I have to say this, it is VERY annoying that a Summoner will never be able to summon Kaiju via its summon spell. Nor will the Summoner ever be able to summon some of the cool incarnate spells either because they can't get to 10th level spells. I hope I'm wrong and they build in a way to get them access, but I REALLY want to be able to use the highest level summon spells. I mean that's right in the class' name for crying out loud.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Invictus Novo wrote:
Squiggit wrote:
nick1wasd wrote:
If I make a Anger eidolon Summoner with a Monk MCD, does that mean I can make Jotaro Kujo?
Invictus Novo wrote:
I asked in the discord today and got a straight answer on casting proficiency for the Summoner. It will get Expert at 9th and Master at 17th. So better than the playtest (who didn't get Expert until 11th) and means that for 6 levels of their career (7, 8, 15, 16, 19, 20) they will be worse than full casters, the other 14 they are on par.
Stuff like this kind of bugs me. Mismatched proficiency progressions just seem to cause issues, imo. Like what, intrinsically, is causing balance problems that require the Summoner to be behind at 7 and 8 specifically, but don't exist at 6 or 9? In a game with math as tight as Pathfinders, where monster scaling is often based around certain assumptions, it feels weird to have gaps like this.

Well, at least it is better than the playtest. But yeah, I tend to agree and frankly do not see why limiting the spells the way they did wasn't enough. While I'm grateful it is only 6 levels instead of 10 now, it does feel weird that they progress their spell proficiency at the same level as a monk increases their spell proficiency.

Also, I have to say this, it is VERY annoying that a Summoner will never be able to summon Kaiju via its summon spell. Nor will the Summoner ever be able to summon some of the cool incarnate spells either because they can't get to 10th level spells. I hope I'm wrong and they build in a way to get them access, but I REALLY want to be able to use the highest level summon spells. I mean that's right in the class' name for crying out loud.

Wouldn't be shocked to see class feats or features along the lines of a 10th level slot that must be used on summoning magic or something.

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I mentioned the lack of summoning, and no access to 10th level summoning on the survey, and they seemingly addressed all of my comments on the playtest, so I'm pretty confident we'll see one or two 10th level slots that must be conjuration or even only summoning/incarnate

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Incarnate screams summoner so it'd be weird if it's not there

I don't care about summoner or magus. I just want to know if the other classes are getting new feats, new spells, or new options. Has anyone heard anything related to those?

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Filthy Lucre wrote:
I don't care about summoner or magus. I just want to know if the other classes are getting new feats, new spells, or new options. Has anyone heard anything related to those?
    Feats? Not many, we know of a seldom few, but not too many
  • WHOLE BUNCHA NEW SPELLS! Over 100 spells for all 4 spell lists: cantrips, focus spells, level 1-9s, 10s, whole enchilada!
  • New options in the form of items and archetypes, as well as new TYPES of magic, like runic and emotional magic. Items that grow with you(?) like Relics except less high power. New items you can burn when casting a spell to give it extra effects (like a DoT on fireball).
It has a lot for everyone, even martials, although not too much, that's G&G's department.

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I'd love to see a set of alternative focus spells for sorcerer bloodlines, having one option each for an elementalist sorcerer feels really limiting.

I'd almost like to see regular spells with a certain trait being able to swap out for the standard.

Like a spell marked [focus][fire] being able to be taken as a focus spell for fire elemental bloodline instead of the standard ones.

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