Guess the next rulebook and classes

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Rude. How dare they spam one of my hype threads.

Liberty's Edge

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What amazes me is that they are actually hitting appropriate tropes and themes for the RPG with their spam and they even went through with assigning a profile picture.

They're evolving!

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AnimatedPaper wrote:
Rude. How [anger word] they spam one of my hype threads.

I flag'd 1 ADs spam from thread, and 11 ADs spams from same user via user profile. Thanks staff for cleaning!

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I imagine these are the last hours where we can get our thoughts in before an announcement at PaizoCon (I imagine it'd be at the keynote, I believe that's how it was last year).

My biggest thoughts are on a Warfare themed book. A lot of people have wanted a Warlord class or something along those lines. It could fit various subsystems, weapons, archetypes and even spells. Though, Kingdom Building is something Kingmaker is handling, so I don't know what would happen between these two.

That said, I don't think that one would be early next year. I'm imagining an occult one first cause y'all coming from 1e seem to love that stuff! This would probably have one or two Occult classes merging ideas from all the ones from before, or splitting them into Archetypes. What I'm not sure of is what else would go in the book, though I'm sure there's a lot!

Hmm... Could be we get a merged themed Bestiary + player options book. First blind guess there would be Undead, but I'm not familiar enough with the bestiaries to see anything missing. A planar book would be perfect, but not this soon into the game I'd imagine, since they seem to be focusing heavily on Golarion.

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I don’t know what the book will be, but it’ll have Kineticist.

God I hope so! Kineticist would be amazing.

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Steelbro300 wrote:

Hmm... Could be we get a merged themed Bestiary + player options book. First blind guess there would be Undead, but I'm not familiar enough with the bestiaries to see anything missing.

Well guessed!

My own guess was apparently wrong RE: new playtest

Very very excited for undead PC options.

AnimatedPaper wrote:
Steelbro300 wrote:

Hmm... Could be we get a merged themed Bestiary + player options book. First blind guess there would be Undead, but I'm not familiar enough with the bestiaries to see anything missing.

Well guessed!

My own guess was apparently wrong RE: new playtest

Granted, this is the equivalent to a themed-Bestiary, so maybe GenCon will have the next rulebook with classes in it. There's still hope yet!

Wait, was an undead bestiary/player book announced?

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Called “Book of the Dead” yes.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Perpdepog wrote:
Wait, was an undead bestiary/player book announced?

Here you go

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I love the revealed covers for SoM and GaG, and Book of the Dead I think creates a great supplement forumla with themed playable options coupled with new monsters to use as antagonists.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Just hopeful speculation but with the contrasting themes in 2021 products could we see that as well in 2022? The Secrets of Magic and Guns & Gears cover the themes of Magic and Technology. What might come after Book of the Dead in 2022? Perhaps a book of Life that supports the wilds? A bestiary with more nature spirits, elementals, fey, beasts, and Arboreals along with magic plants. Perhaps the much requested Shaman and Kineticist as well?

dirtypool wrote:
I love the revealed covers for SoM and GaG, and Book of the Dead I think creates a great supplement forumla with themed playable options coupled with new monsters to use as antagonists.

Yes! Easy to imagine further ones; elementals, fey, fiends… hell, I’d be /all over/ the aberrations one.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
keftiu wrote:
dirtypool wrote:
I love the revealed covers for SoM and GaG, and Book of the Dead I think creates a great supplement forumla with themed playable options coupled with new monsters to use as antagonists.
Yes! Easy to imagine further ones; elementals, fey, fiends… hell, I’d be /all over/ the aberrations one.

A First World book would also be very cool and thematically opposite (at least in my opinion) to the Book of the Dead

Scarab Sages Designer

24 people marked this as a favorite.
dirtypool wrote:
I love the revealed covers for SoM and GaG, and Book of the Dead I think creates a great supplement forumla with themed playable options coupled with new monsters to use as antagonists.

I cannot emphasize this enough: it's G&G, not GaG. I made a big deal about that ampersand and played out some of my social capital at the company to make sure the book was G&G and not GaG. Help me help you not be the person asking to play an option from the involuntary pre-vomit reflex book, lol!

Michael Sayre wrote:
dirtypool wrote:
I love the revealed covers for SoM and GaG, and Book of the Dead I think creates a great supplement forumla with themed playable options coupled with new monsters to use as antagonists.
I cannot emphasize this enough: it's G&G, not GaG. I made a big deal about that ampersand and played out some of my social capital at the company to make sure the book was G&G and not GaG. Help me help you not be the person asking to play an option from the involuntary pre-vomit reflex book, lol!

Agreed that that particular shortening is a bit...not good. Is GnG acceptable as well however?

Scarab Sages Designer

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Alyran wrote:
Michael Sayre wrote:
dirtypool wrote:
I love the revealed covers for SoM and GaG, and Book of the Dead I think creates a great supplement forumla with themed playable options coupled with new monsters to use as antagonists.
I cannot emphasize this enough: it's G&G, not GaG. I made a big deal about that ampersand and played out some of my social capital at the company to make sure the book was G&G and not GaG. Help me help you not be the person asking to play an option from the involuntary pre-vomit reflex book, lol!
Agreed that that particular shortening is a bit...not good. Is GnG acceptable as well however?

That's legit.

I will be very happy if Book of the Dead gives us playable zombies. Really looking forward to some love for the non-vampire undead monsters.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Michael Sayre wrote:
dirtypool wrote:
I love the revealed covers for SoM and GaG, and Book of the Dead I think creates a great supplement forumla with themed playable options coupled with new monsters to use as antagonists.
I cannot emphasize this enough: it's G&G, not GaG. I made a big deal about that ampersand and played out some of my social capital at the company to make sure the book was G&G and not GaG. Help me help you not be the person asking to play an option from the involuntary pre-vomit reflex book, lol!

Absolutely fair

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AnimatedPaper wrote:
Called “Book of the Dead” yes.

I wonder if it will be related to the Book of the Dead that canonically exists on Golarion. The panel mentioned the book is annotated by Geb, and the wiki says Geb is often mistaken for its author because he collected it and added a section of his own. If so, maybe some other in-setting books will get supplements based off of them.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
AnimatedPaper wrote:
Called “Book of the Dead” yes.

Then I sure hope somebody picks up that phone, because I do believe I called it!

Also, on the subject of in-universe books becoming, erm, books, I'd love to see "Withered Footsteps of the Dire Shepherd" become a book, or at least be referenced again outside a small blerb about how it's good for summoning daemons in I wanna say Ultimate Magic? I always loved the title.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Michael Sayre wrote:
I cannot emphasize this enough: it's G&G, not GaG. I made a big deal about that ampersand and played out some of my social capital at the company to make sure the book was G&G and not GaG. Help me help you not be the person asking to play an option from the involuntary pre-vomit reflex book, lol!

Heh, makes me remember the good old days when TSR released a book called Player's Options: Spells & Magic, which of course got abbreviated to S&M in online discourse...

AnimatedPaper wrote:
Called “Book of the Dead” yes.

I found it somewhat ironic that after a moderately long talk about how Paizo didn't want to just repeat the same old books for PF2 as had been done before, they announce a book focused on undead with a mix of GM and player options, and even give it nearly the same name as the 3e book "Libris Mortis" except in English.

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Staffan Johansson wrote:
AnimatedPaper wrote:
Called “Book of the Dead” yes.
I found it somewhat ironic that after a moderately long talk about how Paizo didn't want to just repeat the same old books for PF2 as had been done before, they announce a book focused on undead with a mix of GM and player options, and even give it nearly the same name as the 3e book "Libris Mortis" except in English.

I think the Egyptian Book of the Dead predates 3.5 by just a few years :p

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Alright, I just want to quickly put out the theory that we'll be getting a martial arts themed book. I am almost certain this is wrong, but I have a slight logic to it:

They first announced Secrets of Magic what links into Nex.
Then you move south and they announce Guns & Gears for Alkenstar
Now you move south again and you get the Book of the Dead & Geb.

Following this logic, they'd go and finish up by popping on east over to Jalamery. Again, I highly doubt this is actually what they'd do, but just an interesting observation with the different nations' connections to books.

Can we get the big martial book soon? I want a polearm user archetype.

A martial book besides G&G you mean?

Any guesses for next year's gencon release?

AnimatedPaper wrote:
A martial book besides G&G you mean?

The inventor is more of a "skilled martial" thematically isn't it? It's at least the "tech based martial" book and we could thus differentiate it from the "training and discipline" kind of martials.

Like the Gunslinger/Inventor are both such that if you take away their gun/invention then they're going to be in a lot of trouble compared to the Fighter/Barbarian/Monk denied their weapon of choice.

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I'm imagining another one of the themed rulebooks will be announced at this year's gencon for the next year, and I bet it will have classes again as I don't think they're gonna stop completely on putting those out yet! I got a lucky guess on calling Undead cause it's probably the most open theme for a bestiary, but for a rulebook, I totally expect to be surprised and be totally off base on my occult (which would fit blood magic) or martial warfare book guesses.

I think we can all safely guess that the AP after Frozen Flame will be a Nex/Geb one though! After that, an Arcadia or Tian Xia Lost Omens book would make sense to me considering where we're at right now, but it could also be tied to a rulebook like G&G is tied with Alkenstar.

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PossibleCabbage wrote:
AnimatedPaper wrote:
A martial book besides G&G you mean?

The inventor is more of a "skilled martial" thematically isn't it? It's at least the "tech based martial" book and we could thus differentiate it from the "training and discipline" kind of martials.

Like the Gunslinger/Inventor are both such that if you take away their gun/invention then they're going to be in a lot of trouble compared to the Fighter/Barbarian/Monk denied their weapon of choice.

Not my read or play experience of either class.

Also, a skilled martial is still a martial. And I don’t have to separate anything in any sense. I know you dislike the very idea of the book and classes, but it is still a big martial book to me.

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AnimatedPaper wrote:
Also, a skilled martial is still a martial. And I don’t have to separate anything in any sense. I know you dislike the very idea of the book and classes, but it is still a big martial book to me.

Guns & Gears is a book whose main purpose is to introduce gunslingers and inventors, and provide a bunch of "moderate-tech" options. It might be a book that has lots of martial stuff, but it's very narrow martial stuff. This is different from Secrets of Magic, which (ironically) takes a more shotgun approach to various magical concepts with different casting options, lots of new spells, and so on. While it does have Magonnaise and Summoners in it, and they're certainly one of the big selling points of the book, they are not central to it the way gunslingers and inventors are to G&G.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I think an “art of war” book that featured rules about mass combat, but also teamwork like martial feats and lots of lore about famous generals and armies could be really cool. It would be neat for it to include treatises from some generals in unexpected/little visited regions as well, also with room for expanding mounted combat.

Look, I just want an official Polearm User archetype. I don't care what book it's from, I don't care how we get there, I just want one that dedicated to polearms with Lunge and Lunge Stance and Attack of Opportunity and other goodies.

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HyperMissingno wrote:
Look, I just want an official Polearm User archetype. I don't care what book it's from, I don't care how we get there, I just want one that dedicated to polearms with Lunge and Lunge Stance and Attack of Opportunity and other goodies.

So, why not play a fighter with the Staff Acrobat archetype?

An idea that just hit me for a good partial bestiary. Mythos/Lovecraftian. It is rife for interesting player options but also can lead into a good chunky bestiary section.

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Perpdepog wrote:
HyperMissingno wrote:
Look, I just want an official Polearm User archetype. I don't care what book it's from, I don't care how we get there, I just want one that dedicated to polearms with Lunge and Lunge Stance and Attack of Opportunity and other goodies.
So, why not play a fighter with the Staff Acrobat archetype?

That would hit all the right notes for what he's asking, but that brings up an additional question. Given the constraint of future books having "themes", what would be a book that features additional weapon styles look like?

Personally, given they sort of hit the major highlights already, I think another book of combat styles might be better in the LO line. Something like "Lost Omens: Grandmasters" featuring 20 or so masters of fighting styles, each with at least 1 page or so of either class feats, an archetype, or maybe even class archetypes. Like, say, a class archetype that is more or less the warpriest cleric doctrine that can be taken by any caster with no armor proficiency (just one idea; I'd prefer something stronger or with fewer drawbacks, but then that would pretty much destroy the warpriest doctrine).

WWHsmackdown wrote:
Any guesses for next year's gencon release?

I so strongly want something that features kineticists in some capacity that it is eliminating my prognostic ability. Don't care if its a book featuring the planes, spirits, elementals specifically, occultism, or if it a 300 page treatise on cantrips, I just want the paizo's version of the kineticist.

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AnimatedPaper wrote:

I so strongly want something that features kineticists in some capacity that it is eliminating my prognostic ability. Don't care if its a book featuring the planes, spirits, elementals specifically, occultism, or if it a 300 page treatise on cantrips, I just want the paizo's version of the kineticist.

Preach!! Covers so many niches and themes people are looking for. It's got to be the most wanted class after the announced classes are released.

I'm going to guess we'll get a book on the forces of nature. We're exploring the countries and the technology and the magic of Golarion, and bestiaries absolutely abound, but a book actually focused on Golarion's nature and ecosystem. Its forests, its plants, its animals, its various climates. Perhaps even more emphasis on the Fey and the role they play in the world at large.

For the two classes in the book? Shifter and Kineticist. Shifters tap into the power of the animal kingdom for enhanced martial prowess and have a lot of potential when it comes to their theme, and it wouldn't at all surprise me if Paizo wanted to take a crack at redeeming the class after its.... problematic debut in 1e. Kineticists channel the elements of the world- fire, earth, wing, but also even things like aether and gravity itself- through their bodies. It would be an opportunity to explore how one can channel these powers in ways beyond casting spells from a book or drawing upon one's heritage.

The third and newest class? Perhaps something that channels the otherworldly power of the Fey. Illusions and portals and manipulations in ways that go beyond what casters are capable of. Redirecting attacks, altering the positions of allies, turning enemies on one another. Someone who causes a lot of mischief on the battlefield.

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I feel like the fandom is going to combust if we don’t see Kineticist come back soon; a book that gives us that and Inquisitor would be my dream come true, but also has no coherent thematic glue.

I’m thinking we might get Kineticist and another Occult caster in some kind of spooky stuff-scary monsters-horror optional rules book, one that could play nice with Book of the Dead and likely alongside a horror AP, since 2e needs one.

Inquisitive Tiefling wrote:

I'm going to guess we'll get a book on the forces of nature. We're exploring the countries and the technology and the magic of Golarion, and bestiaries absolutely abound, but a book actually focused on Golarion's nature and ecosystem. Its forests, its plants, its animals, its various climates. Perhaps even more emphasis on the Fey and the role they play in the world at large.

For the two classes in the book? Shifter and Kineticist. Shifters tap into the power of the animal kingdom for enhanced martial prowess and have a lot of potential when it comes to their theme, and it wouldn't at all surprise me if Paizo wanted to take a crack at redeeming the class after its.... problematic debut in 1e. Kineticists channel the elements of the world- fire, earth, wing, but also even things like aether and gravity itself- through their bodies. It would be an opportunity to explore how one can channel these powers in ways beyond casting spells from a book or drawing upon one's heritage.

The third and newest class? Perhaps something that channels the otherworldly power of the Fey. Illusions and portals and manipulations in ways that go beyond what casters are capable of. Redirecting attacks, altering the positions of allies, turning enemies on one another. Someone who causes a lot of mischief on the battlefield.

I'm sure I've mentioned it around here before, but I strongly hope any shifter style class we get is not explicitly primal. Between spells and wild order druids, changing into animal shapes is pretty easy. Add in monks and animal barbarians and it's actually a pretty noisy corner.

But you want to turn into--or partially assume some of the form of--some twisty aberration or a fiend, and you've got really thin options.

Sporkedup wrote:
Inquisitive Tiefling wrote:

I'm going to guess we'll get a book on the forces of nature. We're exploring the countries and the technology and the magic of Golarion, and bestiaries absolutely abound, but a book actually focused on Golarion's nature and ecosystem. Its forests, its plants, its animals, its various climates. Perhaps even more emphasis on the Fey and the role they play in the world at large.

For the two classes in the book? Shifter and Kineticist. Shifters tap into the power of the animal kingdom for enhanced martial prowess and have a lot of potential when it comes to their theme, and it wouldn't at all surprise me if Paizo wanted to take a crack at redeeming the class after its.... problematic debut in 1e. Kineticists channel the elements of the world- fire, earth, wing, but also even things like aether and gravity itself- through their bodies. It would be an opportunity to explore how one can channel these powers in ways beyond casting spells from a book or drawing upon one's heritage.

The third and newest class? Perhaps something that channels the otherworldly power of the Fey. Illusions and portals and manipulations in ways that go beyond what casters are capable of. Redirecting attacks, altering the positions of allies, turning enemies on one another. Someone who causes a lot of mischief on the battlefield.

I'm sure I've mentioned it around here before, but I strongly hope any shifter style class we get is not explicitly primal. Between spells and wild order druids, changing into animal shapes is pretty easy. Add in monks and animal barbarians and it's actually a pretty noisy corner.

But you want to turn into--or partially assume some of the form of--some twisty aberration or a fiend, and you've got really thin options.

Does the eventual Synthesist Summoner not scratch this itch?

Does the synthesis summoner have the opportunity to change into different forms or partially alter their own?

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I want mythic rules for 2e so we can get stuff like the 4 horsemen & whispering tyrant for 2e! & I want a first world & fey book

Dark Archive

What's the LEAST covered part of Golarion? What part never had a sourcebook or adventure path in PF1?

If there's something that fits that bill, that's my bet for the next book like Mwangi Expanse.

TiwazBlackhand wrote:

What's the LEAST covered part of Golarion? What part never had a sourcebook or adventure path in PF1?

If there's something that fits that bill, that's my bet for the next book like Mwangi Expanse.

The least covered part of Golarian is Sarusan, but that's by design. They're not going to cover it because it's the designated "if you need something, anything, you can put it here" spot on the map. If they told us anything about it besides "none of the explorers who set out for here ever return" it would be harder to put your spaceport, or Rovagug's summer home, or a portal to the Paizo offices, or whatever in your own campaign.

The overwhelming number of adventures in PF1 were in the Inner Sea area, which is by design because that's the intentional focus of the metaplot. We've not seen much of southern Garund, Casmaron, or Arcadia. Northern Garund and Tian Xia are the normal "if you're leaving Avistan..." places.

Of the various Inner Sea subregions denoted by the 2e World Guide, the one we've spent the least time in is the Impossible Lands, with a number of strong contenders for 2nd place.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

That is why I think a martial art of war book that talks about Casmaron and had stuff about horse nomads (mounted combat) and armies, as well as a bunch of fighting style archetypes, feats, ect. could work really well if they want to do more martial classes, but it probably wouldn't be the best book for introducing the Kineticist. It could potentially fit an inquisitor class though.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Maybe a secrets and spies book that included an inquisitor as well as a new social class (Mesmerist?) and it could include a bunch of new skill feats for intrigue type campaigns and information about the spy networks of Vidrian, Cheliax, Jalmeray, and perhaps some nations in Casmaron and Tian Xia.

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