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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber. 55 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

My watch still continues. I just have to be patient [twitches].

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I may have just been lucky before with past subscription shipments but I haven't had to wait as long before for a shipping notice. I hope my order is in the queue today!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

With the release of Tian Xia, I was looking forward to the Anito. However after reviewing the PDF, it appears that the Anito were not given a stat block or guidance on how to run in a game. Only that they are "nature spirits". Which is unfortunate as there isn't a "nature spirit" category like there is for spirit guides or house spirits. I wonder if this was missed by mistake or would be in the character guide in August?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I wonder if the NPC on the cover is an awakened Animal- Tortoise? Which would be cool. Do we know if the hardcover book "Howl of the Wild" is still slated for quarter 2 of 2024?

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Recently in the Arcadia section of the Guns & Gears book it was mentioned on page 221 that there are a "insectile race called klinkois". Perhaps we'll see these sooner rather than later?

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

There are still a few ancestries I would like to see in PF2 but some of the new ancestries that have been teased or mentioned have my interest. I would like to see more information and ancestry entries for the "rhino-headed kashrishis", the Stheno, and the insectile Klinkois.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Definitely excited for this book. I'm curious if the cut "Blood magic" concept from Secrets of Magic might find a home in this book?

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

With the concept and mechanics of "Blood Magic" being cut from Secrets of Magic, I wonder if it might be in Book of the Dead or The Dark Archives?

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

With the advent of a Hero Point deck is there advice on additional ways to gain hero points or does this use the Core method?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Among my friends group I've speculated that after the "Book of the Dead" there might be a "Book of the Wilds" which would detail fey, beasts, plant creatures, elementals, and nature spirits. The PF1 classes that come to mind are: Shaman, Kineticist, and Shifter. How these classes would appear in pf2 and if there would be new ones only Paizo devs could say.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Just hopeful speculation but with the contrasting themes in 2021 products could we see that as well in 2022? The Secrets of Magic and Guns & Gears cover the themes of Magic and Technology. What might come after Book of the Dead in 2022? Perhaps a book of Life that supports the wilds? A bestiary with more nature spirits, elementals, fey, beasts, and Arboreals along with magic plants. Perhaps the much requested Shaman and Kineticist as well?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Among the traits listed I noticed 3 of the 4 spell lists but did not see Divine. Was this broken down into alignment traits instead?

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I like the new direction of the design for the Pathfinder 2nd edition books. Gives the impression that this book is not a part of the core books and is an "expansion".

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

If I were to hazard a guess on the last four ancestry/heritages it would be: Ganzi, Aphorite, Strix, and Samsaran. I base this guess on what aligns with products that have released and those that have been announced. Along with the various teases by the paizo staff. I'm probably incorrect but thought I'd guess just the same. :)

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Oops! Misread the tweet I linked. I blame it on just waking up. >.<

Though I'm glad there was a clarification from Aaron Shanks. :)

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I noticed this tweet from paizo about the Ancestry Guide where it mentioned 6 Ancestries would be in the book. https://twitter.com/paizo/status/1345822502359064580

So what we know: Sprite, Fetchling, Android, Kitsune, and then 2 mystery ones?

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Perhaps in the future Paizo might consider having an errata sticker product? It would help updating old print run books.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

It seems from the post that there are some ideas and major testing to be done behind the scenes. I look forward to the final versions of the magus and summoner.

The teaser for the incarnate spell sounds really cool. Although it has me thinking that if incarnate spells are really short and summoning is a sustained 1 minute spell, could we see a longer summoning spell category? Perhaps a summoning spell category called Vestiges that last 10minutes to 1 hour?

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I hope the Kami appear in this Bestiary. Definitely missed not having them in the Bestiary 2.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Announcements for Paizo products have traditionally followed the format of PaizoCon delving into more details for the GenCon release book and new products for the end of the year and early the following year. GenCon typically has announcements for products for the spring and summer of the following year.

- So we've seen several products announced at PaizoCon Online 2020 for the end of this year and early next year. As well as more details on the APG for PF2.
- It is reasonable to believe that more products will be announced at GenCon Online. Most likely the book to release GenCon 2021 and any playtests that would be needed.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

There is definitely a theme of spirits with Shaman, Spiritualist, and the Medium in late PF1 development. I like some of the ideas Vorsk provided for the Spiritualist.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

PF1 had a lot of interesting classes. Many I'd like to see return in some form in PF2 or at the very least the play style.

-Magus, Inquisitor, Occultist. Each had unique mechanics and flavor but in every game I ran or played in they all were played as a "gish". Definitely a spot for that in PF2.

-Summoner & Spiritualist had similar mechanics. A Thaumateurge type of class would be nice to have in PF2.

-Gunslinger I could see returning as an archetype with guidance for GMs on adjusting rarity and proficiency.

-Communing with spirits was a theme for Shaman and Mediums in PF1. I think there is a thematic space for them in PF2 even with the revamped witch and oracle.

-A tactician style class. In PF1 the cavalier had tactician and banner abilities to boost allies. The battle herald had abilities to boost allies. It would be nice to see that play style return and better supported in PF2 as a archetype or full fledged class.

-Kineticist had a unique flavor for being a "blasting" style of character. Having a class that can shape and weave the elements would be good to have in PF2.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

From what James Jacobs listed I would totally be up for the Minotaur, Trox, and Nephilim. I'd even support "Half-Giant"/Jotun as a select heritage for certain ancestries.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Investigator: I could see the investigator having a few paths to choose from at the start. One for Alchemy, one for Occult spell casting, and then a more martial focused one.

Oracle: That I'm not to sure on. I'm hopeful on what Jason teased at the panel Saturday though. Having more ties to pantheons and the occult would be interesting. Perhaps an occult caster that gains blessings from a god? I did like the idea of taking the Oracle curse and inflicting it upon others that was mentioned in this thread.

Swashbuckler: I've wondered if and when the designers would bring in the panache/luck/Grit mechanics of pf1 into pf2, I just wasn't expecting Swashbuckler to be the class to do it. Only tease they provided was that Swashbucklers would be the most mobile martial class, which doesn't sound that interesting..

Witch: hexes might have the "saves issue" resolved by the degrees of success in pf2. Perhaps the witch is an occult caster but gains bonus spells based on their Patron? A demon lord giving some divine spells, a powerful nature spirit giving primal spells, and a patron for Arcane?

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

With PaizoCon being an exclusive platform for Paizo I would hope there is a massive amount of details on PF2. There is a lot of misinformation and confusion on what PF2 is and isn't out there and this is a great chance to reveal the details. GenCon is not a great space to reveal content as it is a crowded convention with a lot of companies releasing their new products creating a lot of "noise" in the industry. The staff really needs to take advantage of PaizoCon.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

In my circle of friends and family who all run home-brew settings and arcs some have recently started running other games systems that they've been curious as a way to pass the time between the end of their campaigns and the release of PF2. My wife still has two PF1 campaigns running and doesn't plan on switching mid-campaign to PF2 though she is excited for the next edition. Though mid-campaign I have started incorporating some concepts from PF2 into my campaign.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Well I think that with the nature of the Play test and the fluctuations with the rule set it can make it difficult to stream. Having said that Roll20 still was able to upload 27 videos of Adam Koebel running the PF2 playtest on to Youtube. Seemed like a good run.

As long as PF2 has the 3rd party support with the digital tools(Roll20, fantasy grounds, Herolab, etc) then it can help with streaming. I kinda feel like there was an uptick in 5th ed streams around the time the company Curse released D&DBeyond.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

With Streaming it is part community engagement, part marketing, and part entertainment. Though Paizo is already working with a few groups it would still be a good idea to reach out to other groups to help showcase the new edition. Channels like Geek & Sundry, ROLL20, HyperRPG, Adam Koebel are a few that instantly come to mind. I've seen several different games systems either played or reviewed on those channels.

I realize that with PaizoCon and GenCon it is an incredibly busy time for Paizo and maybe they would have to partner with someone to make it happen but I do think that streaming the announcements of new products and any seminars would be fantastic.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The Paizo staff is full of clever developers and I'm sure that each of the iconics will return in some way shape or form in PF2. That said here are my thoughts.

Witch: In PF2 I'd like to see the patrons have a stronger flavor. Perhaps the patron choice also effects the spell lists.

Oracle: Mysteries, revelations, curses. A strong class in flavor and mechanics.

Inquisitor: This class mechanically was strong but was a mix bag when it came to what media inspired it. I always saw it played as a monster hunter with inquisitions chosen over domains. Perhaps in PF2 the inquisitor design shifts more towards occult caster, inquisitions, and various techniques to deal with threats.

Cavalier: "Cavalier" made into an archetype but the mechanics of the Cavalier and Samurai rolled into a new spell-less buffing knight class.

Summoner: I could see this going the paladin route. Renamed thaumaturge with the summoner and spiritualist folded into it. Choosing a class option to summon various outsiders, fey or phantasms.

Anti-Paladin: probably the CE Champion option.

Gunslinger: "Gunslinger" made into an archetype. The grit/panache/luck mechanics of the Gunslinger and swashbuckler could be saved for a class though.

Vigilante: The basic concept of a vigilate could be a feat dedication in PF2. There were some archetypes in PF1 that were interesting like the Warlock that could be salvaged in some way.

Shifter: No real experience with this one. Seemed to have some decent ideas but would definitely need a redesign in PF2. Maybe creates masks or fetishes that is a focus for their transformations?

Hybrid Classes: Frankly while some are pretty cool in PF1, most I'd sacrifice to make the parent classes better in PF2. I expect most will return with significant redesigns though.

Magus: while the play-test showed it could functionally be built with multi-classing and a feat I think it is sticking around. Both the trope of spell slinging sword fighter and the iconic are popular.

Ninja: Having seen it in action I'd rather see what made it work be folded into the monk and rogue.

Arcanist: not enough distinction between it and the wizard/sorcerer. If it returns it will have a redesign. Maybe more focus on harvesting magic from the environment, items, creatures.

Bloodrager: the spells seemed secondary, the transformation while enraged seemed cool. Not sure if it needs to be a class though?

Brawler: Seems folded into PF2 fighter and monk.

Hunter: Just seemed like a better ranger with a better animal companion.

Investigator: I could see it being a feat in PF2. A specialization for the rogue as well.

Shaman: A lot here for a hybrid class. With a bit of redesign this could return with a stronger focus.

Skald: probably a type of muse for the bard.

Slayer: Could be wrapped into the ranger.

Swashbuckler: Combine all the grit/panache/luck mechanics under this and redesign it.

War priest: Seems to have been folded into cleric. The blessings were neat and could return in some way.

Occult Classes: Great flavor in pf1, many need a redesign with usability in mind for PF2.

Kineticist: This class is unique and popular. Will return with a redesign in PF2.

Medium: Great flavor just needs a redesign and adjustments with the spirits.

Mesmerist: With the changes to the bard in PF2 this class might be rolled into the bard class as a type of muse.

Occultist: Basic idea was interesting but was a lot of paperwork in pf1. PF2 it would need a serious redesign.

Psychic: There are some interesting mechanics here. It could see a return in PF2. It would have to feel different than a occult spell list sorcerer though.

Spiritualist: Could be folded into the summoner class, call it a thaumaturge with a different modes.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I've generally enjoyed the class previews thus far and this was no exception. Looking forward to the full reveal when the pdf drops.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Some what on topic but we were told there would be three actions and a reaction in an effort to simplify the list of actions. Several preview articles past and I'm seeing more and more action types provided. Here we are presented with "Command Activation, Focus Activation, or Operate Activation" and I can't see any of my players using this lingo. They'd simply state "I'm using X# of actions to activate the magic item" not whatever labels we were given.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

There are a few systems provided thus far in the previews that seem overtly complicated. Resonance definitely feels that way and as someone playing an occultist for the last 3 years I would not like magic items functioning like this. Don't simplify a rule system and then add tedious management to it.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

With the move to conditions and other keywords I hope the GM screen will have a handy cheat sheet for reference. Having such a quick reference will aid in learning what all the new terms for conditions, buffs, and weapon qualities do.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

With Pathfinder 2 might we see a change in how monsters are organized within a given Bestiary with sections for Monsters, familiars, animals, npcs, etc?

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Looking over the posts on monsters this week I appreciate the effort to streamline the monster stat blocks and to organize them in such a way as to be easier to run. Seeing an article on monster creation would be beneficial to understand how the story teller's job might be easier in making monsters.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

As Alchemy is an important feature in my homebrew setting I appreciate any and all Alchemy blog posts. Thus far the changes sound great.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Alchemy has a prominent role in my setting and I'm excited by the proposed revisions to it and the Alchemist. Having played several Alchemists over the years the preview for the class feels familiar and yet different. Should be fun to try out during the playtest!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

What was shown in this teaser seems about what I would expect for the Rogue class in PF2. As with any of the teasers shown thus far it sounds good but I'll wait until the playtest goes live to offer feedback.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Many of the proposed changes thus far remind me more of the Iron Kingdoms RPG and Shadow of the Demon Lord than 4th Ed. I think the designers at Paizo play many games and have seen some innovative ways to do things outside of what d&d has done. Should be interesting to see how Pathfinder 2 fits it all together.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

My concern with Resonance is that it is a method of limiting items and once that limit is reached nothing interesting happens. No method of overclocking a wand, no diminished returns on potions, no dice table of interesting outcomes, just failure. I've not encountered the wand problem mentioned by others in my games or in games I've played in(never played in PFS). Granted we all have our hacks and preferences with our games. Eternal wands and scrolls, dice tables, and other oddities have their place and use in the games I run.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Resonance as a limit to magic item abuse seems alright. My main concerns with it are resource tracking and that nothing interesting occurs once that limit is reached. With potions I'd prefer something akin to the Potion Miscibility table being used once resonance has been exhausted over the potion simply doing nothing.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Thanks for the teasers for the rules updates. I'm personally for a Pathfinder 2 but I acknowledge that my play group is different when compared to other groups.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Having read the FAQ, the blog post, and listened to the recording of the playtest with the Glass Cannon podcast I'm not worried. Pathfinder 2, seems to be a update in game terminology, a refinement of rules, and incorporating rules modules developed over the years. I've recognized a few features from Unchained, Starfinder, and other Pathfinder hardcovers with more refinement. The changes made sound like it hasn't diminished player choice at all.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The players and Gms in my friends network have been waiting for a second edition announcement. Having played back when Pathfinder released, converting material from other editions was the standard back then as there wasn't an extensive hardcover and softcover library. Even now I use systems and items from other editions of D&D and retro clones in my Pathfinder game. People who have extensive libraries of Pathfinder won't find that material to suddenly be useless with a 2nd edition. They'll be adapting and converting their favorite material for years as 2nd slowly releases books.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Reading through the document I was disappointed by the inclusions of Archetypes in Starfinder. That said I am also hopeful for them since it sounds like the Starfinder team was able to clean up a lot of mechanics when making the game. So fingers crossed.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I had read the blog posts out of order so inferred that the Envoy would have specializations as well. The rogue talent/alchemist discovery/etc format would work well with the Envoy.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The blog post on the Operative listed seven specializations that will be in the core book but I haven't noticed a listing of specializations for the Envoy. How many specializations might the Envoy have in the core book?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Probably to early for us to know yet but would it problematic to convert 9th level casters from Pathfinder to Starfinder? I assume the Conversion guide will be amazing and give tips on how to do this? :)

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

In situations like this I try to balance the party not by level adjustment but by giving the other players something. Depending on the type of game I run that might be a bonus feat like a dragonmark from Eberron, an heirloom item, or some other perk.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I've been wondering if the vigilante is to vague? For instance what sort of vigilante is Paizo going for? The pulp era style vigilante, a more modern superhero take on the vigilante, or a class that can be both depending on who is playing? The concept might be to broad as it stands and will need a bit of focus to be successful.

Personally I see pathfinder as a pulp fantasy adventure game and so I would like to see the vigilante refocused to be that style of vigilante. The vigilante could have an array of gadget or strange arcane powers (psychic?) that give it the edge against enemies. Heroes like Batman and The Shadow come to mind.

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