Which Adventure Path should I run next?


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As the title states. With my Curse of the Crimson Throne up and running I'm looking to start another AP and I'm going to let you, the community, to decide which one. I've attached a link to a survey below in which you can vote for the ones you would like to see run (although there is no limit to the number you can vote for, please have mercy on a poor GM and try to limit your choices to your top three).

Which Adventure Path should I run next?

I'll let the survey run until June 25th at which time I will open a recruitment thread for the winning AP ( I might stagger out recruitment for the remaining top two as time progresses). The winning AP will kick off in early July (sometime after the July 4th holiday).

Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor.

Dark Archive

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Please note: Should the winner be the perennial favorite, Kingmaker, I will be delaying that until after the 10th anniversary content is released and will go with the first runner up before launching KM.
(So it's a dirty way to get me to run two AP's).

Dotting for interest.

Keeping an eye on this, too!

Voted and dotted

The Exchange

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber


Voted and keeping an eye on this one as well.


However it goes, I'm curious which Aps will get top spots:)

dotty mcdotface


[wears his 'I voted' sticker on his t-shirt]

Voted! Going to keep an eye on this.

voted, and noted

Voted and dotted.

Voted, expressing interest.

Voted and.... well you know the rest.

Liberty's Edge

voted. and watching for interest

Scarab Sages

Man, 3 hrs in and already so many votes!

Voted! Wonder what will win

My votes (also went to the survey):
- Ironfang Invasion
- Hell's Rebels
- Council of Thieves

Dark Archive

Can everybody see the results so far or is that something only I can see since I set up the poll?

Right now we have War for the Crown in the lead (11), with Ironfang Invasion (9) and Hell's Rebels (8) close behind. Absolutely no love for Shattered Star (0) yet.

Shattered Star is alot of dungeon crawling, which some people are not down for.

Voting and dotting!

Marik Whiterose wrote:

Can everybody see the results so far or is that something only I can see since I set up the poll?

Right now we have War for the Crown in the lead (11), with Ironfang Invasion (9) and Hell's Rebels (8) close behind. Absolutely no love for Shattered Star (0) yet.

Thanks for the update. To answer your question, just for myself, no I can't see the results.

Have you thought about what sort of CharGen rules you might like to use for whichever AP is picked?

Voted. I'm playing your Curse game, and liking it.

Dark Archive

Dragoncat wrote:
Have you thought about what sort of CharGen rules you might like to use for whichever AP is picked?

I'm going to hew as close to the intended rules as possible (i.e. 4 characters, 15 point buy, etc...) with a few exceptions (Unchained classes, background skills) thrown in. If you look at my CotCT recruitment it will pretty much be the same format.

Definitely dotting on this.

Return of the Runelords
Reign of Winter

Edit: Oh, had to click on the link, well I guess people know my votes.

Voted and now waiting patiently...

Voted for Mummy's mask on first choice, Strange Aeons second choice... But in fact I'd love to play most of them (maybe not Iron God)

Dotting and voted :)

Shattered Star (never played), Kingmaker (simple awesome) and War for the Crown (never played) got my vote(s).

Voted for Skull & Shackles, Iron Gods and War for the Crown


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Voted! and Dotted.

Voted! Kingmaker would be my first pick since I have an unfulfilled PC from a previous game. I'm also offering a GM trade to to run any AP for whomever runs a KM game for my Seraphina. Just in case you do decide to go for that 10th anniversary edition... =D

Scarab Sages

Voted: Return of the Runelords, Hell's Rebels, Kingmaker.

And watching!

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

With day #2 coming to a close (at least for me) we still have War for the Crown in first place (22), Hell's Rebels has moved up to second (18) and Skull & Shackles surged into third (16) and finally, thanks to Black Dow, some love for Shattered Star (1).

Thanks everyone who's voted so far and keep 'em coming.

Any idea on Character Creation Rules

As most GMs on the boards tend to use 20PB, and a number include max and min caps.
I know I tend allow a cap max of 18 post-racial, and min 10 pre-racial.
In fact it could be interesting if we all had to work with a 20PB array or choice of 4 arrays (since some classes/playstyles are SAD or MAD)

Sample of Possible arrays:

A1 : 14,14,13,13,12,12
A2 : 14,14,14,14,10,10
A3 : 16,12,12,12,12,12
A4 : 16,14,14,10,10,10
A5 : 15,14,12,12,12,12

I tend to use the first array for every character, though have use A5 for some SAD classes

The GM already mentioned he’s probably using 15 point buy, like his other games, and recommended looking at its rules for an idea of what this will be.

Voted and watching.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Count me interested.

Dark Archive

Closing in on 100 responses and counting. No change to the leader board to announce War for the Crown is still in first place, followed by Hell's Rebels and Skull & Shackles respectively.

I know I asked for the top three choices from each of you and it looks like some of you got a little carried away. Four or five, okay you got a little overenthusiastic. But, to those of you selecting eight or nine (and especially to the one of you voted for 14) seriously?

I voted War for the Crown, Hell’s Rebels, and Hells Vengeance - I made a character for War of the Crown once but the game died in the very first scene. What I’ve heard about it makes it seems well suited to PBP.

Holding out hope for Skull and Shackles. Got through the first book with a murderous GM and I've wanted to finish it ever since.


If I recall correctly, I voted for War for the Crown, Mummy's Mask and Tyrant's Grasp.

War for the Crown is by far my favorite AP, I've played it multiple times and am running it for a table of my friends over Discord while we're in quarantine.

Voted & Dotting

What, you can't do all 14 AP in the same time? (me neither! ^^)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Voted and have been interested in S&S for a long time!

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