2nd Edition Guide to the Guides!


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Lycar wrote:
SuperBidi wrote:
Lycar wrote:

Double Slice Fighter comes together at lv. 1 though.

(Start with a shield as your off-hand weapon and take it from there.)

Double Slice doesn't work with a shield for a Fighter. You need to use the same weapon types in both hands if you want to benefit from the Fighter proficiency.

What do you mean 'it does not work'? It does work, just not at full attack bonus.

1st strike shield bash is at -2, 2nd strike with your agile Fighter weapon (short sword for example) is at full attack bonus.

And what if you Double Slice with a non-agile main weapon? Then you are either at -2/-2 or +0/-4 for your attacks. Gee, looks a lot like a normal 2-strike routine with an agile weapon, doesn't it.

Yeah, it works regardless the fact the character may be proficient or less ( Full attack with its main agile weapon and -2 with the shield ).

and -2 is = to any other combatant, so it's not a huge deal ( it's sensible, until you realize you are trading it for +2 AC, shield block, and eventually, reflexive shield, meant to give a rare circ bonus on reflex ).

Anyway, by lvl 10 you can get the same sword proficiency with the swordmaster archetype and the Martial Exercise feat:

You've become comfortable in using weapons that you might not have picked up before training with the Swords. Choose one weapon group, such as hammer or sword. Whenever your proficiency rank in any weapon increases to expert or beyond, you also gain that new proficiency rank with both simple and martial weapons of your chosen weapon group.

So you'll be "slightly" behind from during 1-9 ( the first 2 books of any AP, resulting into 2/6 of the time during a full one ). Not a big deal at all, especially if you make a good use of your shield.

SuperBidi wrote:
By doesn't work, I mean that you should not grab Double Slice if you intend to use a shield (before level 19). You'll deal similar damage by grabbing a d8 one handed weapon and just Strike twice with it. So you should just don't bother taking a useless feat.

Taking a shield as an off-hand weapon is about trading damage for the AC boost and damage mitigation via Shield Block. It's a trade-off. Because Twin Parry doesn't happen before lv. 4. Fighter weapon proficiency only advancing one weapon type does not happen before level 5, and retraining is a thing.

Besides, if the damage is comparable, you do not exactly lose out there, now do you.

Yes, there are other feats intended for shield users, but hey are incompatible with dual-wielding. So either you go with the sword being a pure defensive weapon, or you go for dual-wielding. And if you do go for dual-wielding, Double Slice is the feat for it, and a shield as your off-hand weapon is decent until you unlock other defensive options.

So calling something slightly less-then-optimal 'it does not work' is utterly disingenuous.

Just take Shields as your weapon group with improved proficiency, grab a bastard sword as your main weapon and get Mauler Dedication at level 2 or 4.

Sword and Shield with full fighter proficiency on both at all levels.

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I'd like to submit the Magus guide I just published to this collection.

Martial Magicks: A Thesis on the Blending of Arcane and Martial Prowess

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Submitting my skill feat guide, Talent Show: A PF2e Skill Feat Guide.

blammit wrote:
Submitting my skill feat guide, Talent Show: A PF2e Skill Feat Guide.

I just attempted following the link, I got a "file does not exist" error. Is sharing turned on?

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Nintendogeek01 wrote:
blammit wrote:
Submitting my skill feat guide, Talent Show: A PF2e Skill Feat Guide.
I just attempted following the link, I got a "file does not exist" error. Is sharing turned on?

I'm having the same issue with that link. Try this link that blammit posted in another thread.

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While you are at it

Sample Builds for Every Class is mostly ready to go.

It is 90% ready and will be done in a week or so. Sorcerer and Witch are all that's pending.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Nintendogeek01 wrote:

I just attempted following the link, I got a "file does not exist" error. Is sharing turned on?

Should be working now. Weirdly, I just copy-pasted the link from the other thread... oh well. It's fixed. I think.

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I originally had posted this here, but it then got buried in a discussion about double slice, so I'll repost

Pathfinder 2e settlement attribute compendium

Do any of the above 4 guides have associated discussion threads yet?

Gortle wrote:

While you are at it

Sample Builds for Every Class is mostly ready to go.

It is 90% ready and will be done in a week or so. Sorcerer and Witch are all that's pending.

I've been loving those threads. I can't wait to see the whole collection.

UnArcaneElection wrote:

Do any of the above 4 guides have associated discussion threads yet?

Mine is in the general discussions sections and in homebrew (I have written very few homebrew in the compendium, considering removing it to make it more official,)

UnArcaneElection wrote:

Do any of the above 4 guides have associated discussion threads yet?

Yep. The Magus guide's discussion thread is in the advice forum as well.

AlastarOG wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:

Do any of the above 4 guides have associated discussion threads yet?

Mine is in the general discussions sections and in homebrew (I have written very few homebrew in the compendium, considering removing it to make it more official,)

Searching for "settlement attribute compendium" in 2nd Edition General or Homebrew and House Rules says "Your search didn't match any items."

Nintendogeek01 wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:

Do any of the above 4 guides have associated discussion threads yet?

Yep. The Magus guide's discussion thread is in the advice forum as well.

Posting link here for convenience.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
UnArcaneElection wrote:
AlastarOG wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:

Do any of the above 4 guides have associated discussion threads yet?

Mine is in the general discussions sections and in homebrew (I have written very few homebrew in the compendium, considering removing it to make it more official,)

Searching for "settlement attribute compendium" in 2nd Edition General or Homebrew and House Rules says "Your search didn't match any items."

Nintendogeek01 wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:

Do any of the above 4 guides have associated discussion threads yet?

Yep. The Magus guide's discussion thread is in the advice forum as well.

Posting link here for convenience.

Here you go

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
UnArcaneElection wrote:

Do any of the above 4 guides have associated discussion threads yet?


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks. Now just need the link for the discussion thread for Sample Builds for Every Class In Pathfinder 2e.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
UnArcaneElection wrote:

Thanks. Now just need the link for the discussion thread for Sample Builds for Every Class In Pathfinder 2e.

Here it is

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Submitting my psychic guide, Free Your Mind: A Guide to the PF2e Psychic. Discussion thread is here.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I have posted my Definitive Inventor Build Guide. The discussion thread is here.

GazeboMimic wrote:

I have posted a new inventor guide



Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
VestOfHolding wrote:
VestOfHolding wrote:

A few of the dates need to be updated. Some may not be the absolute most recent date, but they're at least that based on the newer content they have in their guides:

* Exocists's Guide -- Jul 2021
* RPGBOT -- Sep 2020
* PubAlchem -- Apr 2021

* Gortle's -- Mar 2021
* RPGBOT -- Sep 2020

* Definitive -- Dec 2020

* Gortle's -- Mar 2021

* Tarondor's Guide -- Sep 2020
* RPGBOT -- Nov 2020

* Filling in the gaps -- Apr 2021

* RPGBOT -- Nov 2020

* Tarondor's Guide -- Oct 2020

* Gortle's -- Mar 2021

* Tarondor's Guide -- Apr 2021
* Principia Arcana -- Oct 2020
* RPGBOT -- May 2021

It's also worth noting that in general RPGBOT has updated quite extensively. More ancestries and all classes now: https://rpgbot.net/p2/characters/

I see that the Support Cleric guide was added, but these dates still aren't updated.

A year later and I'm sure many of these have further updated, but I'm not checking without some sign that updates are actually happening.

The dates are important since it can tell users at a glance what books, and therefore players options, the guide likely includes.

Sorry but I don't date stamp and version my guides. I update them whenever I want to. Every one of them has been updated in the last month.

Scarab Sages

I see you’ve got my thaumaturge guide, I also have:
A psychic guide

And a Guide to making DBZ-style characters in PF2

VestOfHolding wrote:

A year later and I'm sure many of these have further updated, but I'm not checking without some sign that updates are actually happening.

The dates are important since it can tell users at a glance what books, and therefore players options, the guide likely includes.

PubAlchem is routinely updated almost every month, or at least a few days after AoN's releases.

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I've never even thought of putting these up because they're not exactly guides in the classic sense of the idea, but someone mentioned I should, so... Here's a few outliers. Up to you to see if they're worth adding:

1) The Miniature Compass is an interactive database collecting, organising and classifying talismans, fulus, gadgets, spellhearts, and catalysts. In short, all those consumables which tend to fly under the radar because they're hard to read through.

2) Featbending, a Kineticist feat tool built on a similar concept. It helped playtesters select, group and filter the feats to compare and examine them better, and it can do so again - I am likely to expand it to the final version of the class once it hits.

3) Alchemist Made Up to the Mark, an errata-style alteration to alchemist to make it more newbie-friendly and patch up a couple early level issues. This I'm kinda iffy about.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
Gortle wrote:
Sorry but I don't date stamp and version my guides. I update them whenever I want to. Every one of them has been updated in the last month.

That's fair. For what it's worth, the exact date isn't needed. I think just the month and year to tell the users what scope of books has likely been taken into account for the guides.

EDIT: Whoops, I see I made almost the exact same point in my last post. Time is an illusion, lol.

Shadow Lodge

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Time is an illusion!

And, with that in mind, I've updated the Guide to the Guides with everything in this thread, as well as the dates VestOfHolding listed above.

Thanks folks!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Hey Zenith, now that I know you're looking at this again and updating dates, I've gone ahead and done the best audit I can of all the guides and when they've been updated:

* Exocist's guide (Nov 2021)
* RPGBOT (June 2021)
* PubAlchem (Aug 2022)

* A Decent Enough Guide (May 2022)
* Support Bard Guide (Sep 2021)

* RPGBOT (Apr 2022)

* Definitive Champion Build Guide (Jun 2022)
* RPGBOT (Mar 2022)

* Support Cleric Guide (Jan 2022)

* Gortle's Guide (Sep 2021)

* RPGBOT (Mar 2022)

* RPGBOT (Have it labeled just as "Pathfinder 2e" for some reason) (Jul 2022)

* Quite Elementary Indeed (Feb 2021)
* Definitive Invetigator Build Guide (Apr 2022)

* Spell and Steel (Jul 2022)
* Martial Magicks (Sep 2022)

* RPGBOT (Mar 2022)
* Monk: Stanced Up (Jun 2022)

* Divine Gift (Sep 2022)

* A Decent Enough Guide (Oct 2021)
* The Edgy Hunter's Edge (Sep 2021)

* Gortle's (Sep 2021)
* Bloodline Bonanza (Aug 2022)

* Guide by King's Gambit Dice (Apr 2022)

* Tarondor's (Dec 2021)
* RPBGOT (Jun 2022)

Ancestries & Feats
* Gortles (Apr 2022)

* Kicking Ass with Spells & Staves (Feb 2021)
* Gisher's Guide (Oct 2021)
* Exorcist's Guide to Summoning (Oct 2021)

* PF2 Crafting Guide (May 2022)

Animal Companions
* RPGBOT's Animal Companion Handbook (Mar 2022)
* RPGBOT's Familiar Guide (Mar 2022)

* Teneb's (Mar 2020)
* Not Good, Still Awesome (Jan 2022)
* Builds for Every Class (Aug 2022)

* Gisher's Guide (Oct 2021)
* Fantastic Snares (Jan 2022)

* Gisher's Guide (Aug 2022)


I can't keep spelling out all the missing RPGBOT guides and their newest update dates. Please just look through the rest. A bunch of them are missing entirely:

* RPGBOT class guides
* RPGBOT ancestry and heritage guides
* Other RPGBOT guides


Ancestries & Feats
* Basic Ancestry Guide

* Feat Dependencies

Gortle wrote:
Sorry but I don't date stamp and version my guides. I update them whenever I want to. Every one of them has been updated in the last month.

Sorry, Gortle. I only included a couple of them in my list because for the most part I didn't see any updates that I could trace to new books, such as newer class feats.

VestOfHolding wrote:
newer class feats

Thank for the reminder. Surprisingly there are class feats for Druids and Sorcerers in Dark Archive and Last Wall. They are tricky to find though. Nothing worth calling out.

There aren't any new general feats. There are some new skill feats. I'll get to those eventually.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
Gortle wrote:
VestOfHolding wrote:
newer class feats

Thank for the reminder. Surprisingly there are class feats for Druids and Sorcerers in Dark Archive and Last Wall. They are tricky to find though. Nothing worth calling out.

There aren't any new general feats. There are some new skill feats. I'll get to those eventually.

I was able to quickly figure out which feats to try and look for by going to the respective Nethys class pages, and using their tables to filter the source. Give that a shot to quickly find new feats in newer books.

Shadow Lodge

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Thanks @VestOfHolding! Epic work on pulling all of that data. I've updated the dates and added more RPGBOT work.

(Also, permanent shoutout to @UnArcaneElection for sending me so many guides!)

Thanks folks!

Guide to the Guides

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Gortle's guides can all be updated to Sep 2022.

I also have my own guide now!

Guide to Writing and Formatting Guides

Discussion thread, though the Reddit thread has been more active.

Shadow Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Awesome! A vest after my own heart! I've updated those dates and added to the Guide to the Guides.

One small suggestion - you could add where people should post to get their guide out there! This thread, my blog, reddit, the paizo forum, etc... Up to you!

Guide to the Guides

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Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

What is this Reddit thing? :-)

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
Broken Zenith wrote:

Awesome! A vest after my own heart! I've updated those dates and added to the Guide to the Guides.

One small suggestion - you could add where people should post to get their guide out there! This thread, my blog, reddit, the paizo forum, etc... Up to you!

Guide to the Guides

Done! Also fleshed out a couple more sections. And might as well use the Reddit thread as the discussion link, since my guide got zero love here, lol.

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Not mine but posting so the list keepers can keep track of them.
Thanks to HeartOfBattle

Fantastic Snares and Where to Place Them: The Comprehensive Guide to Snares in Pathfinder 2e and Discussion Thread

Polyarmoury: The Comprehensive Guide to Weapon Selection in Pathfinder 2e and Discussion Thread

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I finished updating the Decent enough guide to Bards and the Decent enough guide to Ranger. They should both be up to date now.

I also made some upgrades following some tips from VestOfHolding formatting guide. It was really useful.

Scarab Sages

Guide to choosing your class in PF2e

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Haven't done the announcement yet, I'll probably refine a couple things and put it up early in the weekend, but...

The Sceptical Chymist is the most updated Alchemist guide out there. And you're the first to see it (after peer review from other Alchemist veterans).

I'll have a discussion thread for it soon.

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Discussion thread for the Sceptical Chymist is on.

Also, I found Fantastic Snares and Where to Place Them as well as Polyarmoury, a guide to snares and one to weapons, both by Wealthbeyondmeasure (discord). I don't think they have a discussion thread, but they are pretty good (and arguably the first could be a niche ranger guide).

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My guide on Converting D&D5 Characters and Races is ready.

Primarily is is full of this is the closet Pathfinder thing to that Dungeons and Dragons thing. The mechanics are different enough that actual conversion will be hard in a lot of cases. But this just gives people the right names and places to look.

Feedback is welcome.
Discussion thread here in this forum or here on Reddit

2 people marked this as a favorite.

A resource that provides a brief summary of what each spell does and divides them into lists of "Damage," "Buff," "Debuff," and "Misc."

Argent Spell Codex, 1.1e

Feedback is welcome. Information on the process of creating it is available here and the Changelog for the 1.1 Edition is available here.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Gortle wrote:

My guide on Converting D&D5 Characters and Races is ready.

Primarily is is full of this is the closet Pathfinder thing to that Dungeons and Dragons thing. The mechanics are different enough that actual conversion will be hard in a lot of cases. But this just gives people the right names and places to look.

Feedback is welcome.
Discussion thread here in this forum or here on Reddit

I think Reflection should also be considered for a changeling, especially ones with the Unyielding Disguise ancestry feat.

argentb wrote:
Reflection should also be considered for a changeling, especially ones with the Unyielding Disguise ancestry feat.

Agreed, but please keep the discussion in the other threads. This guide BTW has a lot more detail than it did two weeks ago, thanks to feedback.

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I've put together a high level Strategy Guide

The discussion thread is here

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Blaster Caster: the Discerning Archmage's Guide to Small Ball

Grand Lodge

Pin to top.

Vigilant Seal

Are all these guides and stuff still updated?

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