
argentb's page

2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Gortle wrote:

My guide on Converting D&D5 Characters and Races is ready.

Primarily is is full of this is the closet Pathfinder thing to that Dungeons and Dragons thing. The mechanics are different enough that actual conversion will be hard in a lot of cases. But this just gives people the right names and places to look.

Feedback is welcome.
Discussion thread here in this forum or here on Reddit

I think Reflection should also be considered for a changeling, especially ones with the Unyielding Disguise ancestry feat.

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A resource that provides a brief summary of what each spell does and divides them into lists of "Damage," "Buff," "Debuff," and "Misc."

Argent Spell Codex, 1.1e

Feedback is welcome. Information on the process of creating it is available here and the Changelog for the 1.1 Edition is available here.