Player's Guide

Return of the Runelords

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Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Howdy, how come it's one week until this AP starts shipping and there isn't yet a thread full of people losing their minds about how there's no Players' Guide out yet and how will this situation destroy their campaign which they plan to start soon?

Asking for a friend.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

They're still too busy ranting over the playtest rules.

Scarab Sages

Gorbacz wrote:
Howdy, how come it's one week until this AP starts shipping and there isn't yet a thread full of people losing their minds about how there's no Players' Guide out yet and how will this situation destroy their campaign which they plan to start soon?

See my other thread... ;o)

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I admit I'm at the point of looking for information about the next guide, if only to make sure I hadn't missed it being released, and now I know I haven't missed anything, to ensure I don't miss it when it does come out.
We just had Gencon though, so I'm not all that surprised it's not out yet. It's free, and it'll be ready when it's ready. No big fuss required.

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I'm hoping for a trait that makes a wizard proficient in one of the Runelord weapons of rule.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Our spirits are finally broken.

A Mite Excessive wrote:
Our spirits are finally broken.

This is my favorite comment of the day!

As for the book, it hasn't stopped my current gaming group from creating characters. Most have played in Rise of the Runelords so used that as a guide for the most part.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Still nobody freaking out about how they won't be able to run their campaign next week?

No calls for people getting fired for such "basic incompetence"?


3 people marked this as a favorite.
Gorbacz wrote:

Howdy, how come it's one week until this AP starts shipping and there isn't yet a thread full of people losing their minds about how there's no Players' Guide out yet and how will this situation destroy their campaign which they plan to start soon?

Asking for a friend.


Gorbacz has no friends. ;)

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'm trying to keep my cool about the player's guide's arrival, but honestly I'm super curious about this "Sihedron Heroes" / past-PCs concept in the AP. I seem to recall reading somewhere that it would be at least partially detailed in the player's guide. My group is trying to decide on what to play next, Return of the Runelords or War for the Crown; we just finished Shattered Star, so this Sihedron Heroes thingy might be the deciding factor between the two! Pretty exciting.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

13 people marked this as a favorite.
Gorbacz wrote:

Still nobody freaking out about how they won't be able to run their campaign next week?

No calls for people getting fired for such "basic incompetence"?


Tiresome bag is tiresome.

Please don't deliberately try to stir things up. It's obnoxious.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

4 people marked this as a favorite.

In more positive news, and as a peep from the Behind-the-Scenes department:

Just had a chat about how to do the Player's Guide's Table of Contents, so it's VERY close to being out of edit and still 100% on schedule to release when we planned, so folks don't need to worry about it being late. It'll come out, as have the vast majority of these supplements, just before the street date of the first volume in the Adventure Path.

As far as Players' Guides go, it's one of the smaller ones. Not really any new rules subsystems needed for this campaign. We are, however, reprinting the maps of Varisia and the four major cities of the region in here—the adventures go all over the place and assume the players and GMs are familiar enough with those locations that we don't reprint the maps in the adventures themselves in order to save space, but wanted to have them out there for folks to reference easy as needed.

And thanks for the continued patience, all!

James Jacobs wrote:

In more positive news, and as a peep from the Behind-the-Scenes department:

Just had a chat about how to do the Player's Guide's Table of Contents, so it's VERY close to being out of edit and still 100% on schedule to release when we planned, so folks don't need to worry about it being late. It'll come out, as have the vast majority of these supplements, just before the street date of the first volume in the Adventure Path.

As far as Players' Guides go, it's one of the smaller ones. Not really any new rules subsystems needed for this campaign. We are, however, reprinting the maps of Varisia and the four major cities of the region in here—the adventures go all over the place and assume the players and GMs are familiar enough with those locations that we don't reprint the maps in the adventures themselves in order to save space, but wanted to have them out there for folks to reference easy as needed.

And thanks for the continued patience, all!

Don't suppose we could talk you into putting those maps upon the site in some digital format, so those of us with access to larger size than normal printer capability (color plotter, he he he!) could print them big...

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
pad300 wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

In more positive news, and as a peep from the Behind-the-Scenes department:

Just had a chat about how to do the Player's Guide's Table of Contents, so it's VERY close to being out of edit and still 100% on schedule to release when we planned, so folks don't need to worry about it being late. It'll come out, as have the vast majority of these supplements, just before the street date of the first volume in the Adventure Path.

As far as Players' Guides go, it's one of the smaller ones. Not really any new rules subsystems needed for this campaign. We are, however, reprinting the maps of Varisia and the four major cities of the region in here—the adventures go all over the place and assume the players and GMs are familiar enough with those locations that we don't reprint the maps in the adventures themselves in order to save space, but wanted to have them out there for folks to reference easy as needed.

And thanks for the continued patience, all!

Don't suppose we could talk you into putting those maps upon the site in some digital format, so those of us with access to larger size than normal printer capability (color plotter, he he he!) could print them big...

Well... the Player's Guide, which is where we are putting these maps, is ONLY available in digital format.

And all of these maps are reprinted, and have before appeared in various map folios, so folks can buy the PDF versions of those to print out... or even less expensive overall, just buy the print version of the map folios.

AKA: we've already done this, and it doesn't make sense, financially, to undercut these products by giving them away for free any more than we are about to do so with the Player's Guide.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:

In more positive news, and as a peep from the Behind-the-Scenes department:

Just had a chat about how to do the Player's Guide's Table of Contents, so it's VERY close to being out of edit and still 100% on schedule to release when we planned, so folks don't need to worry about it being late. It'll come out, as have the vast majority of these supplements, just before the street date of the first volume in the Adventure Path.

As far as Players' Guides go, it's one of the smaller ones. Not really any new rules subsystems needed for this campaign. We are, however, reprinting the maps of Varisia and the four major cities of the region in here—the adventures go all over the place and assume the players and GMs are familiar enough with those locations that we don't reprint the maps in the adventures themselves in order to save space, but wanted to have them out there for folks to reference easy as needed.

And thanks for the continued patience, all!

What! No rules subsystem for awesomeness. Must be slippin'. LOL!

Scarab Sages

theLegend76 wrote:
What! No rules subsystem for awesomeness. Must be slippin'. LOL!

Oh, good. We've been ditching all those subsystems in past campaigns, except for Kingmaker, where we used the rules until we reached the runaway economic boom from major magic items. ;o)

I did appreciate the free flavor feats from the rebellion rules, though... any chance we'll still get something like that...? Maybe from significant NPCs rather than an organization?

Scarab Sages

Oh, one more thing: How much time has passed since the previous two adventure paths in the series? Not enough to be a descendent of one of the original crews, I suppose?

Catharsis wrote:
Oh, one more thing: How much time has passed since the previous two adventure paths in the series? Not enough to be a descendent of one of the original crews, I suppose?

I thought the Pathfinder timeline was the same as ours IRL?

The first book of Rise of the Runelords was published in 2007 (4707 AR in the Pathfinder calendar).

So... if Return of the Runelords starts in 2018 - only 11 years have passed. Not enough time for a son/daughter to be involved.

Unless they were able to get the Delorean up to 88 miles per hour? Then you'd see some serious shit!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
theLegend76 wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

In more positive news, and as a peep from the Behind-the-Scenes department:

Just had a chat about how to do the Player's Guide's Table of Contents, so it's VERY close to being out of edit and still 100% on schedule to release when we planned, so folks don't need to worry about it being late. It'll come out, as have the vast majority of these supplements, just before the street date of the first volume in the Adventure Path.

As far as Players' Guides go, it's one of the smaller ones. Not really any new rules subsystems needed for this campaign. We are, however, reprinting the maps of Varisia and the four major cities of the region in here—the adventures go all over the place and assume the players and GMs are familiar enough with those locations that we don't reprint the maps in the adventures themselves in order to save space, but wanted to have them out there for folks to reference easy as needed.

And thanks for the continued patience, all!

What! No rules subsystem for awesomeness. Must be slippin'. LOL!

Or perhaps I was trying to do a favor for the editorial team and the art team by not loading a giant complicated additional product onto backs already breaking from the added workload of pulling off the Playtest documents.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Catharsis wrote:
Oh, one more thing: How much time has passed since the previous two adventure paths in the series? Not enough to be a descendent of one of the original crews, I suppose?

The basic assumption is, yes, 11 years since Runelords.

The ACTUAL amount of time that passed depends on your table. Some groups blazed through Rise of the Runelords in a few months of game time. Some groups spent years or even decades going through it.

It only really has to happen after—how long after is very adjustable.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Gorbacz wrote:

Still nobody freaking out about how they won't be able to run their campaign next week?

No calls for people getting fired for such "basic incompetence"?


Are you pleasantly surprised or disappointed?

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

There can sometimes a certain amount of entertainment value in the more creative complaints from my onlooker's viewpoint, but I'd expect the people they're aimed at won't be disappointed by their absence.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Cat Whisperer wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:

Howdy, how come it's one week until this AP starts shipping and there isn't yet a thread full of people losing their minds about how there's no Players' Guide out yet and how will this situation destroy their campaign which they plan to start soon?

Asking for a friend.


Gorbacz has no friends. ;)

He's got me :3

James Jacobs wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:

Still nobody freaking out about how they won't be able to run their campaign next week?

No calls for people getting fired for such "basic incompetence"?


Tiresome bag is tiresome.

Please don't deliberately try to stir things up. It's obnoxious.

I vote someone cast Mage's Disjunction on the Bag.

Speaking of tiresome, how is it making this AP?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

17 people marked this as a favorite.

It's not tiresome at all. In fact, since this is the first Adventure Path I've been able to work on since Hell's Rebels, and since it's a chance for me to close out a story I've been building the foundations to over the course of the past 11 years or so, making this Adventure Path is in fact the most rewarding and enjoyable thing I've done for Paizo in YEARS.

AKA: Not tiresome whatsoever.

I for one welcome our newly woken Runelord overlords!

May their reign be fair and merciful!

Scarab Sages

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I bet the server downtime is just due to people relentlessly checking whether the Player’s Guide is finally out...

Catharsis wrote:
I bet the server downtime is just due to people relentlessly checking whether the Player’s Guide is finally out...

I'd just be excited to get my Shipping Notice email so I can download the first book and start reading.

My Order Confirmation email was 10 days ago.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The warehouse had the same problem as everyone else, hence they'll start sending out stuff on Monday. It can't be helped.

Kishmo wrote:
I'm trying to keep my cool about the player's guide's arrival, but honestly I'm super curious about this "Sihedron Heroes" / past-PCs concept in the AP. I seem to recall reading somewhere that it would be at least partially detailed in the player's guide. My group is trying to decide on what to play next, Return of the Runelords or War for the Crown; we just finished Shattered Star, so this Sihedron Heroes thingy might be the deciding factor between the two! Pretty exciting.

I'm curious too and as a member of your regular gaming group I have a vested interest in this decision! I hope this guide releases this Wednesday before Secret of Roderick's hollow ships!

A question on continuity. As far as this adventure path I'm guessing there will be some spoilers in each book as you do need to set out an overarching plot to keep the world engaging and your players guessing; The question is will each module be able to be run separately, without reading background information from the previous module? Kishmo and I just took turns as DM / player for Shattered Star and not much happened on the plot level that wasn't covered in game (although the Sorshen clone option kept coming up but sadly wasn't relevant for us). Will there be background mechanics that carry over from book to book we need to worry about or will this format continue to work for us in theory?

Thank you for your time and happy gaming.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

5 people marked this as a favorite.

There are more connections between the individual adventures of Return of the Runelords than most APs. Running each adventure separately is gonna be a lot harder to do than normal, especially sine I've taken some extra pains to NOT hide info from the GM and put more info in to let readers who are hoping to run the adventure as each installment comes out what's coming in the months ahead.

If you're able to separate player knowledge from character knowledge, though, you'll be fine!

Thanks for the reply! I'm looking forward to this campaign even if we do end up running War for the Crown first.

I just love the idea of tie in's with previous campaigns and characters playing a defined role in an ongoing story. We already tried to do that by replacing/adding ties to minor npc quest givers from the inside covers with retired pc's for our later module's to make the players invested in the sub-quests of our last modules.

I hope the release goes well this week for this campaign. Have a great day!

Scarab Sages

My DM already has the first module’s PDF, yet still no Player’s Guide. The lack of Player’s Guide is literally blocking us from playing the game now. :(

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Catharsis wrote:
My DM already has the first module’s PDF, yet still no Player’s Guide. The lack of Player’s Guide is literally blocking us from playing the game now. :(

As your DM, you know that's literally not true, right. Just be patient, it'll come when it comes. Website being down and all. And if it's not this week, it'll be the next one! :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Got my shipping notice last night, got the first installment downloaded this morning.

First cursory read? I'm stoked. This one could be a great roller-coaster ride. Looking forward to a more detailed read through later.

Hope we see the Player's Guide in the next week or two, though with the website issues being so severe, can understand if it's a bit behind.

Scarab Sages

Olwen wrote:
As your DM, you know that's literally not true, right.

It depends on how much time you need to prepare. As it stands, it is the only missing piece of the puzzle, though.

I suppose we could play with provisional characters and make changes once the PG comes out. The changes could be quite significant, though, e.g. whether or not I'll be good at Diplomacy. It could also completely change the backstory.


James Jacobs wrote:
so folks don't need to worry about it being late. It'll come out, as have the vast majority of these supplements, just before the street date of the first volume in the Adventure Path.

I guess this is not one of the vast majority, then. ;o)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

16 people marked this as a favorite.

Believe it or not, I'm probably more frustrated than anyone else here that the Player's Guide isn't up yet. If I didn't think I'd get fired for doing it, I'd email the PDF out to folks myself.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
Believe it or not, I'm probably more frustrated than anyone else here that the Player's Guide isn't up yet. If I didn't think I'd get fired for doing it, I'd email the PDF out to folks myself.

We won't tell if you don't. ;)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Catharsis wrote:
I did appreciate the free flavor feats from the rebellion rules, though...

Oooh yeah, my halfling vigilante really appreciated those, he needs all the feats he can get!

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:

Still nobody freaking out about how they won't be able to run their campaign next week?

No calls for people getting fired for such "basic incompetence"?


Tiresome bag is tiresome.

One might even call it an old windbag...

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Really for starting the campaign it is the story part of each trait that I'd love to see for character insertion into the plot.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

LONG AS OUT BY END OF book six, imgood. I like having all six books before running, so I know where and how it will go.

I choose to blame the delay on the website folding in on itself so much lately.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Believe it or not, I'm probably more frustrated than anyone else here that the Player's Guide isn't up yet. If I didn't think I'd get fired for doing it, I'd email the PDF out to folks myself.

James, thanks for the email I super appreciate it. Don't worry I won't share it around.

Thanks to you and all the Paizo staff for what you do. I love you all.


James is a rock star.

Scarab Sages

Next week, then? :\

Paizo Employee Creative Director

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Catharsis wrote:
Next week, then? :\

Hopefully. I've done everything at my end ,from the design of the guide to writing its blog announcement and description for the product page and all that.

Scarab Sages

Much appreciated! :)

Dark Archive

Why not drop it on Paizo's facebook or twitter account?

In the past when there were website issues some miniatures blogs were dropped on facebook, i think...
Just saying.

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