Dwarf Fighter

Xazil's page

Goblin Squad Member. **** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 60 posts (1,591 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 40 Organized Play characters. 15 aliases.


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Grand Lodge

vagrant-poet wrote:

I thought it looked like 3 arcs,

1-2 students in Nantambu
3-4 doing good works across the expanse
5-6 major threat from the "place" and it's origins and resolution.

Actually I think this is more accurate.

Grand Lodge

From the looks of descriptions Strength of Thousands seems to have two clear arcs separated by modules 1-3 then 4-6. Has there been any news regarding if this is a possibility baked into them?

Grand Lodge 3/5

The boon text suggests that it is awarded if certain things happen. But there is no actual text in the scenario suggesting the boon should or shouldn't be awarded according to outcomes.

So we follow the boon text logic then?

Grand Lodge

Actually if you have purchased RotR PDF then Smiteworks and Paizo have an agreement that you will get the cost of the PDF discounted from the Fantasy Grounds price. There is still a cost but then you are getting all the maps extracted out, encounters setup on the maps, walls setup up for FG Unity etc. So there is a lot of work already done. You can do this with all modules offered from Smiteworks including the Bestiary.

You can set up the sync from here.

Grand Lodge

This is an order that shows $5 but nothing else. I think it is supposed to be my Game Mastery Guide order for this month. This is normal or something went wrong?

Grand Lodge

Anecdotal of course. I GM a face to face and 2 Fantasy Grounds (FG), and play two other Fantasy Grounds. I mention the FG because it automates the PF1 bonus 'bloat' making it a lot more manageable.

Face to Face has moved from DnD5E to PF2, I wouldnt GM PF1 higher levels because of the GM work levels. But 5E seems too simple and played out as we played from their play test onwards. PF2 has been well accepted. I ran Kingmaker 4 in PF2 playtest and consider the released rules much better than playtest.

FG Return of the Runelords. Currently in Book5 and planning on continuing to finish it on PF1.

FG Age of Ashes. Just finished book 1 and planning to continue onwards.

Playing FG PF1 Frog God campaign, about to finish and GM planning on running his next game as a converted to PF2 Frog God Northlands campaign.

Playing FG PF2 Frog God Rappun Athuk campaign by same GM as above also coverted.

So the summary is that my groups as a whole are now moved to PF2 as more complex than DnD5E and simpler/better than PF1.

Grand Lodge

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I am more on the balance side of things also.

Part of the problem of course is more where in earlier rule systems making a caster using a two handed weapon was actually easier than one using one-handed and shield. Having bows as a 1+ handed doesn't help the case when they can do the cast and shoot in the same combat round.

Grand Lodge

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This seems to be the Rubicon of verisimilitude to my PF1 / 5E players. It was something disliked in the PF2 Playtest.

Removing it gives more actions to doing things and less juggling gear around when your hands are full at the start of the round.

An alternative would be giving them one free Interact action per round.

Grand Lodge

Nice, my group just voted to go for PF2E for our KM game, we are just starting Book4 and I have been converting on the fly so far.

Grand Lodge

Dot. Thinking about a Pahmet dwarf involutionist spiritualist named Padrym with a splinter of his soul named Padmyr. Sound like it may fit as a concept?

Grand Lodge

Dotting for interest. Concept: Vargas Blackrock. Stone Dwarf Seeker Oracle of Shadow. His family delved too deep and the darkness beneath has tainted their line and reputation. Vargas seeks more acceptance than power. Brings some healing and trap disable to the party.

Grand Lodge

Session Three - Here be goblins and things go sideways:
As I was worried about the three main goblin foes in the lair I was continuing to drop some hints of danger with a foreboding tunnel but the dwarves were to be rescued.
Taking on the guards with alchemists fire was going well with most of them going down before the Chief came out. The goblin snake I had been keeping back hoping the party would retreat after the Chief.

The Chief's fireball was rolled high dropping half the party in unconsciousness even with saves. The fight was intense with crits upon him but he prevailed against the invaders.

So I added three of the party (magus, vigilante, and bard) to the dwarves now mining. The magus refused to be a captive causing Crumble to reveal some of how nasty she is and he died vowing to never be a slave.

Meanwhile, the remaining two (shaman and kineticist) retreated back to town upon their mounts. Upon returning to they contacted people they could to get help. Recruiting the guard lieutenant, her dog, 3 guards (they bought back the gear of the three lost guards as proof). Audrahni helped with getting a Pharasman acolyte to come along to join a rescue. The dwarves helped with some gear and gold for consumables. Lullaby continued to be mistrusted by the shaman and remains in jail.

Now joined by a new warpriest of Milani (the magus' player) they have returned to the goblin cave where next session will find if their preparations are enough.

Grand Lodge

Session Two - Lullaby:
As they had visited most every building in the town of interest they had found the various rumors of goings on in the Churlwood of the Roadwardens and the missing dwarves.
Deciding that the missing dwarves were more time-critical they went off the other way from the Wreck.
Met Lullaby, and after an amusing encounter, she was knocked unconscious that included a critical so she woke up on the way back to town. Although she was bound an unable to escape before being spotted.
She enchanted the bard with her words, but the shaman was very much against such tricks. They found further information as Lullaby tried to wheedle her way out of being delivered to the guard: The trail haunt, Roadwarden camp, and the goblins.
Dropping her off to the Guard Captain they sought to return the next day.
While continuing to explore town Audrahni encountered them and tried to nudge them back towards the Wreck.
Returning over the river, they fought the trail haunt despite being warned by Lullaby about them due to the glittering amulet. They burned the tree and all the remains to stop any return of other haunts. They randomly encountered a pack of goblins drawn by the fire which were easily defeated.
Following Lullaby's information, they found the goblin lair and in a large fight defeated the upper area. Although the magus using enlarge person was upset with the lowering roof and the dog was considered a clutch purchase.
Party advances to level 2.

Grand Lodge

Session One - Introduction to the Cove and visiting the Wreck:

The party met up at the inn, watching the market. They spotted the gang's but did not intervene, missing extra clues on the gangs.
Afterward, Audrahni talked to them, inviting them to investigate why Roderic would be upset and asking them to meet with her on the morrow where she could give some aid for an exploration of Roderics Wreck.
An investigation around town let me drop clues about Mister Retch and some of the groups in town but they missed any clues about Kynae.
Were harrassed by fleshdregs near evening near the inn.
The next day they traveled to Roderic's Wreck, went in backdoor but retreated after reefclaws, haunt and swarm.
This means they missed most of the clues to be found there.
Returning to town to rest, sell some of the items recovered and further talking to townsfolk.

Grand Lodge

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We play weekly on Fantasy Grounds on Friday evenings US time for 4-6 hours normally.

Due to Roderic's Cove being a mini sandbox we lept into playing on the 31st.

Human, Shoanti heavens shaman
Human arcane duelist Bard
Human avenger vigilante
Tiefling bladebound magus
Wayang void kineticist.

With five players at 20 point buy and with mostly experienced players I have left encounter numbers alone while giving HP a buff (generally to maximum).

This is written with the assumption of knowledge of the module and mostly references choice points the party has made.

Grand Lodge

I'd also love some hints on the Swords of Sin. One of my players is a blade-bound magus and I am planning of having his swords special purpose to be an opponent of the swords and their users.

Grand Lodge

Would once per adventure abilities be expected to be used only once per module with the normal definition, or once per adventure area?

Grand Lodge

Really for starting the campaign it is the story part of each trait that I'd love to see for character insertion into the plot.

Grand Lodge

If it helps Reckless I got my Return of the RL shipping notification (and PDF availability) about 7pm PST so obviously they are working overtime to get things out now that they can.

Grand Lodge

Any links to the Gen-Con spoilers available for those of us waiting on the other side of the planet?

Grand Lodge

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That rule seems to be inconsistently applied in the playtest bestiary. Fire, Frost and Rune giants all follow normal magic weapon damage. Stone and Hill do not. Ogres do follow it and Ogre Mages don't etc.

I would guess a similar situation to Starfinders build rules, monsters of certain levels should be doing certain damage rather following player rules.

Grand Lodge

Dot. Thinking a hunter from the Mammoth Lords as emissary.

Grand Lodge

We can't even move backwards 5' either from the map. I'm guessing we can only swim upwards back into the other wreck?

Grand Lodge

A single scroll will be a lot cheaper than potions.

One scroll is 10 hours for half the cost of the potions and can give you each 3 hours for 375 total. Harlis can cast the scroll for no fail. You could split the cost for 125gp each.

250gp gives an elixir of swimming for an hour of +10 swim skill for us other than Vassago and his swim speed.

Grand Lodge

I haven't found house rules for this really needed. Albeit you have to pick through things somewhat, but then a kitsune isn't the greatest medium martial either normally.

Aasimar and tieflings can be small and still have a STR bonus. Wayangs have no STR penalty. A small STR race is only -1 damage for +1 to hit and +1 AC.

Halflings are surprisingly melee proficient with 30' speed and right racial abilities and feats.

Often a mounted character can be only viable in a dungeon/city delving game if small with a medium mount.

If you are playing at low levels then a balance tweak change might be in order if martial race disparity is a worry.

But if you are playing up to mid levels and beyond the penalties tend to be lost in the sea of bonuses.

Grand Lodge

Actually PFS play works well. Generally people make their characters on thier copy of FG and import them straight into the scenario. The GMs also tend to have a stash of the pre-gens made up too for people trying it out.

Paizo was nice enough to allow copy of the prep work so when someone runs a scenario they can then send the files on to others running it later (after showing a proof of purchase).

I would have about 50 PFS credits from my FG runs.

Grand Lodge

I stopped using Realm Works myself and use the Dulux-Oz community package to basically have a campaign system built into my game system.

The purchased packages of APs is definitely a cash instead of time thing. You can manually build an AP you already own inside of FG (people have been doing this for years before Smiteworks started releasing the packages), this just gives an option for those with some more cash than time to do it the other way.

Grand Lodge

Complexity depends. Most of the work is actually done for normal Bestiary or spells etc. in community modules or the more recent professional ones. So you don't even really need to do it.

Most Pathfinder status effects you can put on as a simple keyword like "fatigued" or "grappled". Most monster keywords also work such as DR automatically reducing damage.

But to do need something complex like a if your main weapon is bane you can put an effect on yourself of "Dragon Bane; IFT:type(dragon); ATK:2; DMG:2d6+2" If you aren't using your main weapon you can turn the effect off when not using that weapon. Again most of the time you aren't do this, but pulling out pre-done work.

I'm not a programmer, but am in IT and find me way around it easy enough when learned. Also they can be made generally available or copied from character to character easily enough.

Roll20 can do most things Fantasy Grounds can, but it always seems more work or more limited. I am out of date on Roll20 albeit.

Grand Lodge

I am a previous ROll20 user (and subscriber) and now I only play and run Pathfinder on FG. To be honest I wouldn't actually play or run any games 10+ without Fantasy Grounds now. The built in automation just makes it that much easier. That which isn't built in the purchased product to start with you can make by hand.

Grand Lodge

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If you don't mind 3rd party, the Zeitgeist AP is broken into arcs. The first arc of 5 modules takes the party to 8-9th and contains tips on playing it as self contained campaign.

Grand Lodge

I'd prefer to bring my own character but if not Altronus looks interesting.

Grand Lodge

Im interested as well.

Grand Lodge

Hmm wrote:
Even if she'll have to stay a GM baby until I can somehow trade for a Pathfinder Legacy boon.

Any ideas on how to acquire said boon if you don't have a LFGS? (Something Thurston hinted at). I play almost completely online for PFS and hopefully SFS.

Grand Lodge

While being a squire does amuse I'll have a look at what my other option would be:

1d100 ⇒ 99

Starting SS
2d10 + 3 ⇒ (5, 6) + 3 = 14

Found the PDF character sheet at https://grimandperilous.com/play-aids/

Looks like Watchman which will fit a barrier dwarf well and gives him a lower beginning on his quest forth.

Grand Lodge

Okay, so following only able to pick race here should be a set of character rolls.

Combat...........3d10 + 25 ⇒ (10, 6, 10) + 25 = 51
Brawn............3d10 + 25 ⇒ (10, 3, 8) + 25 = 46
Agility..........3d10 + 25 ⇒ (4, 1, 9) + 25 = 39
Perception.......3d10 + 25 ⇒ (8, 6, 4) + 25 = 43
Intelligence.....3d10 + 25 ⇒ (3, 7, 1) + 25 = 36
Willpower........3d10 + 25 ⇒ (7, 8, 2) + 25 = 42
Fellowship.......3d10 + 25 ⇒ (2, 7, 2) + 25 = 36

Gender...........1d100 ⇒ 81
Race ability.....1d100 ⇒ 55
Archetype........1d100 ⇒ 90
Profession.......1d100 ⇒ 92

Season of Birth.1d100 ⇒ 64
Doom............1d100 ⇒ 7

Age Group.......1d100 ⇒ 48

Adult Mark.......1d100 ⇒ 45
Middle Aged Mark.1d100 ⇒ 71
Elderly Mark.....1d100 ⇒ 21

Build type......1d100 ⇒ 81
Height..........1d100 ⇒ 10
Hair and Eye ...1d100 ⇒ 51

Upbringing......1d100 ⇒ 87
Social Class....1d100 ⇒ 69

Alignment.......1d100 ⇒ 17

Which gives:
Gender........... Male
Race ability..... Oathkeeper
Archetype........ Warrior
Profession....... Squire

Season of Birth. Autumn Born
Doom............ Thy Skin shall darken as if soaked in ink

Age Group....... Adult

Adult Mark....... Humpbacked

Build type...... Corpulent
Height.......... 4'5" 222lbs
Hair and Eye ... Grey Hair and Light Brown eyes

Upbringing...... Reverent (Willpower)
Social Class.... Burgher

Alignment....... Compassion / Melancholy

Grand Lodge

Sounds good, that can be a large part of the fun. Low beginnings with a goal to a greater path.

Grand Lodge

I'd put forth some interest here. Played more familiar with WH than Zweihander although. Probably interested in something like a dwarf runesmith on journeyman quest to recover lost lore that has been pillaged in times past from fallen dwarf holds. (Assuming on race availability in a custom world)

Grand Lodge

Yeah, that mechanic preview has a dwarf mechanic bouncing around in my head. :)

Grand Lodge

I've played some PbP but not a ton. I have some SFS concepts in mind but happy to work with the party to bring in something to help with party balance if needed.

Grand Lodge

I'm also interested.

Grand Lodge

Same issue. Multiple ISPs can't get through to paizo.com in Australia. Not without using an international VPN anyway.

Grand Lodge

Agelaus wrote:
Was so hoping for Paizo to hook up with HeroLab and produce a VTT within RealmWorks.

On the organization side there are a series mods made by community member "Delux-Oz" for Fantasy Grounds called DOE:Locations and DOE:Organistions.

They bring Fantasy Grounds up to Realms Works levels of campaign management. I own RealmWorks, but have basically moved over to those instead.

Grand Lodge

Will this impact upon the current arrangement for PFS Scenarios with the ability to share the engine constructed versions when you exchange proof of ownership?

One of the perks I've used is tossing people Confirmation/Wounded Wisp etc. when they express interest in running a game (and show the purchase).

Grand Lodge 3/5

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It is determined that the life shaman's goat familiar shall be the tank...

Grand Lodge 3/5

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One comment I'll toss in is when I ran Skykey Solution 1-2 is that fate of the scenario was pretty much out of their hands but on failure I ended with 4 permanent deaths due to the recovery cost (even the reduced one).

Grand Lodge

Would a varisian pilgrim cleric with some further harrow influences work? (I have a harrow deck)

Grand Lodge

I have an idea for a tank character that I can adapt into a pretty cool kobold. Build forthcoming.

Grand Lodge

Mostly a big round of nerfing of popular items, there are quite a few threads on them. The one started by John Compton has how PFS is handling the different changes, mostly allowing to sell, but allowing whole character rebuilds in some cases.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Per the thread on http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2t984&page=1?Recording-Purchases-on-Chronic le-Sheets

Some clarity on the Page 22 "All transactions must be recorded on the scenario’s Chronicle sheet and reflected on your character’s Inventory Tracking Sheet." seems to more imply the chronicle is the primary location instead of a summary box given allows.

Also per the thread, if there are rules that the majority of the GMs are ignoring, then maybe they shouldn't be rules. As an online GM most of mine are similar to Braink2112's level of work to produce.

Grand Lodge 3/5

CorvusMask wrote:
Ah. All games I'm interested have gms with only full license, which means I couldn't play anyway as my trial ended already .-.

As mentioned above a $4 payment gets you FG for a month to connect to one of the Full License GMs. Although most of us offering PFS games do have an Ultimate license.

Laclale♪ has not participated in any online campaigns.