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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber. 194 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.


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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Evan Tarlton wrote:
Any interesting developments with the Empyreal Lords?

Skimming through the book I don't see anything on Tanagaar, not even listed in the Empyreal Lords at the end. So I'm assuming he just was overlooked.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Just downloaded my copy and am perusing the adventure summary, ohhh man!

That f###in' Norgerber, he's just going to be trouble in this new age!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Looks like the download gremlins have been exorcised. This file is clean.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

LOL, first time I've ever gotten my physical copy before my digital copy.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Eldritch Yodel wrote:

I'm not a fan of making Arazni the setting's goddess of undeath. I feel she works a lot better in her almost punk-ish "Undead who don't want to be undead, hate necromancers, and are (comparatively) not very evil" doesn't really work unless there's also a more prominent deity of "evil deity of being an undead and necromancy" for them to be opposed to. Like, it'd be a cool moment but I feel in the long run it'd be really damaging to both the character of Arazni and the setting as a whole (as it'd also notably shift how undead and necromancers would seem to be by default to people unfamiliar to the setting, and even to those more familiar to it make the "balance of power" between the "good guys" and necromancers seem very different).

Like, you could make her core, but it'd have to be replacing some other core deity (probably one of the neuteral or good ones--whilst she's technically evil in-setting, she's against other evil groups enough that it makes more sense to narritively take the place of a good one than an evil without making the set of core deities feeling unbalanced)

(Also, I feel if Arazni were put in charge of Baphy's Soul Cage, her first reaction would be to immediately destroy it tbh, she very much wants him destroyed)

Yeah you're probably right on that, but it still would be kind of fun to watch. What if she gifted the mantle of "evil deity of being an undead and necromancy" to Norgerber, another of the ascendant court. Just to taunt ole boney. And she would probably destroy his soul cage first chance she got.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I would kind of love for it to be Urgathoa, only to have her portfolio be absorbed by Arazni(at least the undead domains). That way its a kick in the balls to the Whispering Tyrant. He's tried so hard to become a god and now he's been passed over by both of Arodon's heralds and his patron goddess is dead. LOL!
(Bonus points if it puts Arazni in charge of his phylactory)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Angie Lina wrote:
Tea4Goblins wrote:
Leon Aquilla wrote:
Would love a Collectors Edition
Especially if it came with a Harrow Mat and/or carrying case.
I also think it would be amazing to have a full color larger size more in depth book guide of the Harrow cards that comes separate from the deck (Or you can sell as a Collector's Set). The book I am thinking of would be just like the tarot guide books that come with sets of tarot cards that are full of wonderful art and other ways to lay out or use the cards. That would be really awesome!!

That would be awesome!! Especially if it was able to include like lore regarding each card. I just got my deck this week, they are beautiful!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
FallenDabus wrote:

Facinating tidbit got dropped in another thread.

James Jacobs wrote:
Kobold Catgirl wrote:
Actually, it sounds like Season Of Ghosts is set in the past, which is cool, and I didn't know it at the time. I think it's probably about as far as they're going to go into that concept.

Season of Ghosts begins on the first day of summer in the year 7108 IC (which converts to 4608 AR), so 2 years or so after the Age of Lost Omens begins.

This is sort of an experiment in that regard to see how folks react to something like this, but also, the entire adventure path is pretty tightly constrained to a small region in Willowshore. There's not going to be a chance for your PCs to swoop around the world and take part in historical events in other words.

We'll see if we want to do something like that again in the future after these tentative first steps.

I wonder if this AP then is tied somehow to the death of Aroden? Kind of like how Tyrant's Grasp tied into his earthly shenanigans and then when he died it messed things up. He seems to have liked to stick his fingers into many different pies.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
My favorite character I ever played in my 18 years of gaming was a drow. My second character ever was a drow. The character I played at highest level was a drow. My first campaign I ever ran centered...

And that leaves the wonderful world of Pathfinder Infinite open as our sandbox

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'm saddened by the lost of Drow as is, so to speak, but I completely understand Paizo's issue with a lot of the denizens of the Darklands (especially with the quagmire that is the OGL). However as long as I continue to get glimpses into the Darklands, especially Nemret Nokturia (Tanagaar's Talons, cough, cough) I am all in!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
logic_poet wrote:
My subscriptions got added to my downloads, but I couldn't get the personalizer to work on them. Also, this volume did not have two entries with one for single file and one for By CHapter, so they be having technical problems.

Mine either. Looks like they are having technical difficulties on that end. As it's listed as "Single File" but it's actually one file per chapter.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Peff wrote:
Anyone in Wa state get theirs yet? I think this is the longest I've ever not gotten a shipping notice before :(

Just got mine delivered today. I had Blood Lords 5of6 and Impossible Lands. Eastside of WA

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

My AP this month has gotten side-carted(that damn goblin, is more gremlin). Sent CS an e-mail, hopefully it all works itself out.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Austin Phillips wrote:
Our warehouse team has informed us that August Subs have been completed. If you have not received shipping confirmation for your august order please send a support ticket to customer.service@paizo.com with the Subject EX: August subscription issue along with your order # and associated email for your Paizo account. We are currently working through a larger than normal backlog so please allow some time for us to resolve these issues. Thank you.

Thanks for the heads-up Austin!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Austin Phillips wrote:

Shipping update- all domestic sub labels are printed and should ship today 8/22

International orders will print next and go out.

300-400 combo orders with subs/sidecart to ship and should be done by the end of the week.

As Mr. Burns would say, "Excellent!"

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Ed Reppert wrote:

Just got my shipping notice for August. July is still pending. :-(

So I now have Graveclaw, Bloodlords 2 of 6, but I don't have the first one yet, because that's in the July shipment. Good thing I wasn't planning to start this AP anytime soon. :-(

Did you order anything different with your July order, or just subscriptions? I got my authorization e-mail for August, but I ordered that damn plushy Goblin(which is back-ordered), I've got my fingers crossed it doesn't FUBAR this month's shipping. LOL

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Got my order auth e-mail! But it looks like the plushy goblin got delayed again.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Sajan, looks like he's tenderizing dinner there!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
theLegend76 wrote:
I would also love to get a gazetteer of Nemret Noktoria while we're at it! Going begging. LOL
From the offices of Expectation Management, while I did put some fun Kortash Khain stuff in here (for example—he thinks of himself as too good to "breathe" surface air, so when he must speak, he does so via a ghoul head/torso he carries around to telepathically command it to talk for him, and calls this thing his "Voice"), the entire adventure is set in/under Mechitar. It doesn't go to Nemret Noktoria, and no significant Nemret Noktoria info is included. Maybe in some far future adventure though, if folks are interested!

Oooooo Suweet! Expectations exceeded. That is awesome, and what a narcissist! LOL I'll take every little tidbit you throw me. Nock me a Tanagaar's Arrow!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I would also love to get a gazetteer of Nemret Noktoria while we're at it! Going begging. LOL

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
keftiu wrote:
Evan Tarlton wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Pretty sure it's THE underground ghoul nation, given the mention of priest-king.
Has Nemret Noktoria even been mentioned in 2E yet?
Extinction Curse mentioned a cult of ghouls sworn to the empyreal lord Tanagaar who are fighting against it; it was in the backmatter on cults.

Here's hoping we learn more about Tanagaar's Arrows!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Got my pre-auth e-mail! It's so sad, only one item. LOL Of course next month could break me.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

That was a surprise of an update! LOL

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Hi Erik,
I don't know if anybody else has pointed this out, but in the print edition the "District Summary" sidebar on page 107 for "The Coins" is actually the description for "The Precipice" on page 191. Just to let you know. Thanks, Great book!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Woo Hoo, got my Auth e-mail! Too bad about the AP's but my wallet feels better. I think we've got some container gremlins we need to eradicate. LOL

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Sara Marie wrote:
kcunning wrote:
Is anyone else not getting any tracking with their tracking numbers? The tracking number (USPSMI) was generated on Aug 18, but there's still no info.
Tracking has been really hit or miss lately. We're still seeing the packages arrive from what customer's have been reporting, but the tracking and delivery confirmation is either inaccurate, slow, or missing all together.

That's shipping companies for you. LOL!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
GGSigmar wrote:
I only hope there won't be any delays for Secrets of Magic :(

Also GenCon is in August, even though it's probably a virtual-con again this year. Paizo always has it's hands full around convention time.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
The Painted Oryx wrote:
I'm in Vancouver, only an hourish from Redmond and I haven't been charged! I shall endure!

I feel you. I'm in Kennewick on the eastside and still no luck. But I'm anxiously waiting. LOL

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Diego Valdez wrote:

Just as an update. It is currently 11:15am and is 99 degrees. The forecast is that we will hit 113 degrees in a few hours.

I am from New Mexico and am accustomed to this kind of heat (although it is more humid here which I can't deal with). But in NM we have plenty of ways to deal with that heat, ranging from AC/swamp coolers, to buildings made of adobe and stucco that insulate really well (keep the place nice and cool in the summer and nice and warm in the winter), and to a number of DIY things we can do. But all of that relies on a very dry climate and doesn't really work here.

Up until this past weekend it had only hit triple digits here 3 times in the last hundred years. Today will be the third day in a row to do so. When I moved here the summer was upper 80's and everyone talked about it like that was a new thing (I understand that summers in the upper 70's were the norm at that time). I was also horrified to see that apartments just don't have ACs or anything like that. Heat is just something this region has not had to deal with until recently, and the entire area is tremendously unequipped for it. As it is that warehouse is an oven, and it is just going to get hotter throughout the day.


You guys stay cool! It's baking over on this side of the mountains too, but at least we're used to the dry heat.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Thanks for all the updates Sara Marie. Those damn gremlins have taken over the docks! Corvus, do you get both SF and PF AP books? The good news about that is there's only one extra one next month, so hopefully that shouldn't make freight too much more. Hopefully. LOL

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Hello dear Paizo CS;

Can I get this order changed to sidecart with my January subscriptions? Thank you so much.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Has anybody watched the Netflix series La Revolution? Love the opening scene of the first episode, that has a very Galtan feel to it. Blood and snow. Very cool! Don't know how the rest of the story would fit into an AP idea, but just that scene had me saying Galt. LOL

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I got to listen to bits and pieces of the panel. From what I heard, sounds awesome. Is it going to be put up on the Paizo's Twitch channel later for us to listen to it in full or again. LOL!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

LOL! That feeling you have when you get your order authorization e-mail on the 1st day, then the feeling you have as you see the end of shipping window creeping up and you continue to check for your shipping e-mail. LOL!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber


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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Ahh, there's another Vancaskerkin here. What is it with this family. LOL!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
kevin bienhoff wrote:
I'am thinking upset River Drake or upset Cockatrice on the cover? Can not wait for the Players Guide of this to come out! Will try to run it one of these days!

Hopefully that makes it to us by the end of this week. Unless some gremlins got loose and stole the master file. Lil bastards! LOL!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Kevin Mack wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
Cyfer wrote:
Is the Lost Omens Ancestry slated for January or March? What happened the Lost Omens Absalom book and the big city map?

Both products are currently delayed. I messed up and didn't assign enough pages to the Absalom book to do it right, so I'm holding it back until it's as awesome as we can make it. James Jacobs and I have added about 20 additional locations to the manuscript (the city now has a temple for every core god, for example). We've also been working on an NPC appendix that has short summaries of more than 300 inhabitants of the city. So when you go to a shop, you can cross reference the shopkeeper in an NPC appendix and find out who she is friends with, who she is plotting against, and how all of it might play out into an adventure hook to lure the PCs into adventure.

We're hoping the book will be out by the end of the year. If not, it will be very shortly thereafter. The map folio will come out at the same time as the hardcover.

What does this mean in regard to the dead gods hand release schedule?

Listening to the Adventure Panel, looks like they're shooting for an end of 2020 release of Lost Omens Absalom book and then an early 2021 release for Dead Gods Hand. Eric said he had like 70000 of 80000 words done on it. And something about how the writer was notoriously unreliable. LOL! The rest of the spoilers on it, make it sound awesome!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Ron Lundeen wrote:
Whoo boy, am I excited to share this with you all!
I'll be lurking!

Me too!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

So far just the APG and the Beginner Box. There is another announcement coming Friday during the APG panel.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I second this sentiment! You folks rock!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'm pretty sure they are. I'm also thinking they're trying to process all the overseas orders first, domestic second. Just to get them out before any kind of disruption to shipping internationally happens. I would not really be worried about it until after the street date this month.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'm on the other side of the mountains from them. I've got priority mail too and they usually get to me a couple of days after my shipping e-mail.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Sara Marie wrote:

I have been talking with the warehouse and with our tech team. In addition to the issue with the Bestiary Battle Cards, it seems there is another issue where the warehouse can see they have a number of packages ready to put into the shipping queue, but when they click the button to generate the packing list, only a very small fraction kick out.

We've found a way around this while the tech team determines why this is occurring and can repair it. However, given this and the Bestiary Battle Box issues, shipping will extend over the weekend. I'm setting the end of the shipping window to be the release date for now, and will update the thread with the status as soon as possible.


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Sara Marie wrote:

I'm looking up some data on where we're at with fulfillment. When I looked at Pawn boxes yesterday, I was much more confident about how much we had fulfilled overall than I am after looking at the Gods & Magic book fulfillment rate.

In addition to inventory in early January, a couple of the products getting tied up in customs longer than expected, the snow outages where the offices were open but several of the CS and warehouse folks were stuck at home, we also had a postal holiday on Monday for Martin Luther King Jr Day, and some internal meetings and such that tied up some resources.

I just had a chat with Will and they're hustling as fast as they can to get packages out the door. They'll be printing more of the bulk labels tomorrow afternoon/evening for some overtime shipping on the weekend. When the labels are printed those orders are being processed for shipping and the PDFs will be added where applicable. If you happen to fall into this category, please keep in mind that packages processed for shipping on a Friday evening wouldn't be picked up by our mail carriers until Monday afternoon.

I did let Will know how there's lots of folks waiting in particular for God's & Magic, and while the warehouse isn't going to prioritize those at the cost of overall efficiency, they'll see what they can do to get those orders processed for shipping so folks can get the PDF.

Thanks for the notice, Sarah! You guys & gals are smoking it up over there.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Did they? That is awesome. Where can I see that?

Go to the Paizo Blog and find their Twitch page, its from Friday. It's towards the end of the chat, but you'll find lots of fun stuff to see before that, unless you don't want spoilers.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Or maybe Mesmero from the XMEN :)

LOL! Jason Tondro & Ron Lundeen totally referenced him in their Dev chat on Friday.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
See, it was the Ringmaster of Crime!

That damn Norgorber strikes again!

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