
A Mite Excessive's page

129 posts. Alias of Devastation Bob.


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Mebbe Pahtra will assist Vesk against Azlanti and that might could ease the butt hurt feelings.

Skeleton Gunslinger (Able Carter), used to ride shotgun for trips through the mana wastes. Name, Slim.

Dhampir Investigator (Forensic) Corpse Stitcher. Concept of character straddling the line between life and undeath.

keftiu wrote:

Rot-on-the-Vine was, like all too many of the Ghoran people, hunted despite a Nexian ban for the delicious flesh of their fruit. Hard experience forged them into a capable killer, relentless pursuit slowly driving Vine further into the inhospitable south. Realizing that they had less to fear from undead hungers than mortal ones, Vine made for the border of Geb and gladly took up mindless work with the Carters Consortium until their controversy broke. Bitterly gifted at the hunt, Vine's once-squandered talents now thrive as a political troubleshooter, enjoying the protection it offers.

(N Ghoran / Flurry Rogue / Able Carter)

Do you mean Flurry Ranger?

A Hobgoblin Inventor with the Clockfighter background. Yells smack at opponents while his construct whales on them.

Or a Sprite Sally Guard who rides around on a Corgi. His badge doubles as his shield.

Would you allow a Beastkin (Dog) who is his own K-9 unit?

I know your pain from music class and "O where have you been Billy boy," which nobody particularly liked except the music teacher, so we sang it all the time. I was the only Billy in the grade.

James Jacobs Jason Jingleheimer-Schmitt, that's my name too!

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The Abomination (whoops) Vault AP is set there, they'd probably run rampant through the first book, but thing'd even out by the second.

Is it just me or is the font size for this AP really small?

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I think Fallen in the Line of Duty mighta been a better thread name...

Hands down the best adventure module title ever.

I would think Shelyn or Desna...

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Ten years ago at the World Wound, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum-security stockade to the Absalom underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem... if no one else can help... and if you can find them... maybe you can hire... Ye Agent Teame.

Or Police Academy.

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I liked it, detailed but not overlong. Looking forward to more.

Wish the deluxe bestiary would be a little different looking than the deluxe core book. Like faux animal hide or something...

Will we get a preview of the new Junkie Totems too?

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Phantom Blade with the Possessed Hand feat line. Cowardly Lastwall deserter possessed by the vengeful members of his company.

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The Gap is the fallout of the 2e PF Rules destroying the world of Golarion. Finally, everything coalesces into the SF rules, and things are ok again.

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Leave it, and build a town there called Thylacine Pit.

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Ravingdork wrote:
Yqatuba wrote:
What is the most powerful creature in the book please tell me?
The Living Apocalypse. It's a CR 20 civilization killer.

Is it a playable race? Asking for a friend...

Gorbacz wrote:
They could be Sorcerers wandering the shore, or Arcanists hanging around a bay...

I demand a Shorcerer archetype, as well as Beachcomber Alchemists.

Will there be a wares section for the Pixie's Kitten?

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Yeah, you couldn't swing a dead cat in ancient Thassilon without hitting an Aethusa or three...

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Does Squealy Nord make an appearance?

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Our spirits are finally broken.

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Wealthy gadabout Chilton Gaines.

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I am serving five concurrent life sentences due to a TPK.

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She got dirty toenails.

I think i'll make a Kingmaker character and just try to steer the party into anything resembling wilderness for some good mapmaking fun.

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The NPC's take all your stuff and squabble over the cooler magic items.

Commoner with the dead template.

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I like to think the original colonist's were in the process of planning a festival to welcome the new group when whatever happened happened.

Can you make an illusion invisible, to like, fool someone with see invisible?

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Watching late night re-runs of Golden Girls in your underwear while eating ice cream right out of the carton.

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Rest in peace, Totally Human Larry.

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Burn the DM's books and don't give him your wi-fi password.

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More good stuff, really enjoying your party's exploits.

That's easy for you to say...

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I'd like an AP to start with a battle and suddenly have a festival break out.

That looks like an orc holding the sword to the dude's throat. So sick of greenwashing...


Steve, Jerry, and Roscoe.

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Good stuff! I really liked the unexpected aid from the crawling hand. We had a similar out of left field assist from a summoned horse when a baddie turned invisible and the horse's scent ability came in incredibly useful.

It seemed to me like this AP has much more "wall o' text" and less art. Flipping through it, I wasn't grabbed as much as usual in other APs. Not that the art included wasn't excellent, but the ratio seemed off. Anyone else get this vibe?

Certainly seems an oversight, particularly with so much of Nirmathas's identity being the conflict with Molthune. And does Molthune want to try and retake the region from a Hobgoblin horde after ineffectually fighting the rebels for so long? They should really address it.

Punch faceless horror in the FACE!!!

It WILL be an Unspeakable Cult when you break their #$*%! jaws!!!

and always, ALWAYS remember.

"That is not dead which can eternal lie,
and with strange aeons,

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I'm the 700th poster, do I get a free copy?

James Jacobs wrote:
From the department of expectation management: There will not be a new player's guide for Curse of the Crimson Throne.

But the existing one is 3.5...

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Carrion Crown- A lich in time saves nine.