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These art designs are awesome, but any chance of higher resolution versions? I can only read the design notes by leaning right forward and squinting.

"Adamantine dragons tend to use their shovel-like mouths to scoop up chunks of earth, consuming whatever rocks and unfortunate creatures are swept up in their bites. Instead of a typical dragon breath, adamantine dragons belch up all of these rocks, unleashing a veritable avalanche from within their bodies. While adamantine dragons typically don’t have the ability to cast spells, they make up for it with their hardy bodies and powerful blows."

This remind anyone else of Dodogama? Or have I just been playing too much Monster Hunter lately? :P

Or was that just a happy coincidence with the name and general position in the city's hierarchy?

I'm sure someone's asked this at some point in the last eight years but I just saw someone asking the same on the video game's Steam forums and got curious.

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So just going through it and noticed a hiccup with the map, specifically on A16. The room's description mentions some of the cages being marked to indicate their current occupants, but all of the cages on the map are blank.

EDIT: Should point out this is the PDF and I'm looking at both the map in the adventure PDF and the version in the maps PDF. Both have the cages unmarked.

pauljathome wrote:
I'd probably go Ranger myself for Gravity weapon and Hunted Shot. Or another spell casting class (likely druid)

That was actually the first use I thought of when the archetype first came out - Precision Edge Ranger with Gravity Weapon going into Eldritch Archer at 6th.

Called it the "Golarion Anti-Materiel Rifle" because it's probably the most damage-stacking I've seen on a single ranged attack, even when just using Telekinetic Projectile for the shot. That and only making one attack a round, not even able to move, feels a lot like how anti-materiel rifles tend to be used, or at least portrayed - slow rate of fire, long range, can't fire it the move.

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James Jacobs wrote:
Westworld hosts are a good example too, but they're so hard to kill and tough that it might set unreasonable expectations to players who then get disappointed that their android PC doesn't have a few extra hundred hit points... :-P

This might actually work well alongside the Alien androids and such. "Like Westworld's hosts but only about as tough as a normal human".

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keftiu wrote:
Perpdepog wrote:
You could also point out that Warforged are more like steampunk mechanical characters, while Androids are more like cyberpunk mechanical characters. One is very "big iron" while the other are obviously intended and capable of passing for living beings.
Eberron isn’t steampunk at all.

Agreed. There’s no pistons or the like in a warforged - my understanding was a livewood muscle system constructed over a metal skeleton (which is also why the idea of a warforged being able to disassemble themselves feels like a terrible idea - even if you can disconnect the muscle bundles safely, that’s gonna be hell to reconnect them all properly afterwards).

James Jacobs wrote:

The primary inspiration for me for these when I was building them orignally ages ago are the androids from Alien and Aliens, but also from Ridley Scott's more recent android-themed things like Prometheus, Alien: Covenant, and Raised by Wolves.

Replicants form Blade Runner are pretty close as well. Because that's also Ridley Scott.

I've always envisioned them as being very organic in construction, but obviously artificial.

Thanks for that. Somehow I keep forgetting about the ones from Alien.

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Anyone had a good way to describe them to keep people from automatically comparing them to warforged, at least as far as physical construction goes?

I've tried Human Cylons from Battlestar Galactica and the Replicants from Blade Runner but both strike me as being much more organic than Androids (particularly with some of the ancestry feats they got). I'm hesitant to compare them to Fallout 4's Synths because I keep thinking that they'll go straight to Nick Valentine. It's just that every time I explain the ancestry to them they keep thinking of them as being far more mechanical than they actually are and I'm trying to head this sort of miscommunication off ahead of time.

Franz Lunzer wrote:
ShadowFighter88 wrote:
... It's stored on a computer hard drive (the weapon or armour in this probably-tortured analogy) or on a USB flash drive (the runestone). Both the computer's hard drive and the flash drive both have weight of their own, but the file itself is just a collection of information with no weight of its own.
This isn't quite correct, it seems: your hdds and ssds really do weigh more when in use

I figured there would actually be a difference, but I figured it was so small it wouldn't matter for getting my point across.

Also I did suggest this as being a probably-tortured analogy. :P

My understanding was that the runes themselves don't have weight at all, because they're just a collection of shapes, lines and whatnot that have been invested with and contain a certain degree of magical energy. So the only time a rune has weight is when its on a runestone, and that's not actually the rune's weight, but the stone's (which is only serving as a kind-of storage medium).

To use a more modern comparison - the rune itself has the same weight as a digital file on a computer. It's stored on a computer hard drive (the weapon or armour in this probably-tortured analogy) or on a USB flash drive (the runestone). Both the computer's hard drive and the flash drive both have weight of their own, but the file itself is just a collection of information with no weight of its own.

I suppose one way to help out, at least the bomber, would be more ways for bombs to still do stuff on a miss. Like if the Alchemist got a bunch of class feats that rode along on miss effects (unless all those additive feats for bombs already do affect target just hit with the splash damage, in which case nevermind).

Haven't done much with the Alchemist myself, but stumbled across this video this morning related to people finding the class underpowered. Not sure how much help it'll be but might be a help anyway.

Been trying to plan out a Ki-less tiefling Monk for Fists of the Ruby Phoenix (which is certainly gonna need to be modified once we get the player's guide for it and its backgrounds - at least as far as the general/skill feats) and... the support for a Monk without ki really dries up as you go up in level.

What I've got so far is this, though I'm happy to admit that several of the General and Skill Feats were picked purely because I couldn't find anything better (I always get tripped up on those). Also only planned it out to level 11 because that's what level FotRP is starting at.

Ancestry Feats (Tiefling Human)
1. Natural Ambition (Crane Stance)
5. Skilful Tail (taken for flavour reasons)
9. Fiendish Wings (a fly speed with Incredible Movement should be interesting)

Class Feats
1. Tiger Stance
2. Stunning Fist
4. Stand Still
6. Crane Flutter
8. Mixed Manoeuvre
10. Brawling Focus

General/Skill Feats
Background: Catfall
2. Assurance (Athletics)
3. Fleet
4. Intimidating Glare
6. Titan Wrestler
7. Incredible Initiative
8. Continual Recovery
10. Steady Balance
11. Feather Step

Skills (can't remember what I increased when)
Trained in Arcana, Deception, Society, Stealth, Warfare Lore
Expert in Acrobatics, Intimidation, Medicine
Master in Athletics

Other notes: The Arcana training is more a bit of fluff, got a new trained skill from an Int increase one level and couldn't decide on what to take, so this one ties in to having been hanging out with her future brother-in-law, like she's just absorbed random bits of arcane trivia from hanging around him. Medicine was because I figured she preferred being able to patch herself up should the need arise (which is partly why the only skill feat for it she has in Continual Recovery).

Any thoughts on this or tweaks I should make here or there? Or is this a pretty solid starting point for a character who may flip between manoeuvres and direct damage? I realise I should probably swap one of those stances out for one that has attacks with a manoeuvre trait (like how Wolf Stance's attacks have trip), I think I ended up picking Tiger because I've been using Ramlethal in Guilty Gear lately and her punches look a lot like Tiger Claw attacks.

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coriolis wrote:
- Shields: Your shield doesn't add to your AC automatically; you have to spend an action to Raise a shield, and it only lasts 1 round.

I've seen people often conflate the Raise a Shield action (the one coriolis is referring to here) and the Shield Block reaction (which is a damage reduction effect that causes damage to your shield) and thinking that just raising a shield will risk damaging it. If you don't use the Shield Block reaction (which most classes don't have anyway) then your shield can only be damaged by an enemy specifically targeting it. Going by your last post in the thread, glss, I'd consider this more a "misunderstandings to look out for" thing since you said you knew the facts but not the implications.

With Heightening Spells you need to remember that disconnecting spell DCs from spell level means that your lower level save-dependent spells will still have use. Particularly with how the math's been set up, combined with the +/-10 crit system, so that a -1 penalty is still relevant no matter the target's level.

So that 1st level Fear spell is still going to be useful even when fighting a Cairn Linnorm (an 18th level creature) - if they fail their save, then that's -2 to all of the Linnorm's checks and DCs, including their AC, so you just gave the party Barbarian an extra 10% chance to land a crit, and an extra 10% chance for any more spells cast at the Linnorm to crit until the fear wears off. And even if the Linnorm succeeds on the save, well they still take a penalty, it's just smaller than the one from a failed save.

And if the last paragraph didn't make the implication clear I'll state the biggest mindset to form for PF2e here - "Teamwork is OP". More than ever; the party has to work together. If you have a choice between making another attack with a nasty Multiple Attack Penalty or doing something with a greater chance of success that inflicts some sort of penalty on the enemy, it's probably best to go for inflicting the penalty so that a teammate can get a good hit in or use the opening to inflict a nastier and/or longer-lasting debuff for the others to capitalise on.

Anyone else had some of these? I mean the sort of thing that doesn't actually exist by the raw mechanics and is purely for fluff and fun.

I'll be honest; this did come from the mad idea of having a construct companion with a built-in prototype espresso machine. Still debating whether or not to have the hand fold out a steam wand for frothing the milk. :P

Oh; and the potential of a prototype music player of some sort for those Inventor/Bard multiclass characters.

EDIT: Actually; I may have just overlooked it, but is there a way to give a construct companion a short-ranged fire attack? Because then that steam wand might have actual mechanical representation.

Old_Man_Robot wrote:
According to Wikipedia, there were "revolving three-barrelled matchlock pistols in Venice ... dated from at least 1548" making them contemporaries of the rapier. So it's not so outlandish.

Those sound like three-barrel pepperboxes which are well within the tech level that the playtest's firearms inhabit.

Like I see it as "if it used percussion caps to fire, then it's too modern for Alkenstar to have as anything more than a very early prototype". I'm not sure if anyone managed to invent a flintlock revolver but I suspect that, if they did, it came just late enough to be eclipsed by percussion cap technology. (Which is kind of what happened to a breach-loaded flintlock musket I stumbled across way back when - can't remember what it was called - but it never really got any degree of commercial success and then percussion caps rolled around.)

Rule of thumb with abilities of any sort in Pathfinder - the first sentence is nearly always flavour text that has no bearing on gameplay mechanics.

If it gave Expert Crafting it would specifically say something like "you gain Expert Proficiency in Crafting" in very clear and unambiguous language. The same way the class features that boost your save proficiencies makes it very clear that they increase your proficiency.

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CrypticSplicer wrote:
Angel Hunter D wrote:
Do they need to be 6 shots? I could see smaller cylinders if it's a balance issue.

No, I think gunslingers would get most of the benefit if they could get two shots per reload, anything more would just be gravy. It would go a long way towards fixing action economy, guaranteeing two attacks per round. The weird thing about single shot weapons is it puts you at this awkward place where you're doing 1.5 shots per round.

PossibleCabbage wrote:
I could see something like a 4-barrel pepperbox where you can spend 1 action to reload one barrel, or 3 actions to fully reload. The drawback to these, naturally, would be bulk.
I don't think we should have any system where we reward you to spend your entire turn reloading. It's not fun! How would that interact with actions like running reload? I think it should be 1 action per barrel, but gunslingers inherently can reload all barrels with a single action. That might make a 4-barrel pepperbox a bit too strong, but I'd be pretty happy with just two barrels.

I can get behind all of this. I haven't tried the playtest guns yet but I can easily see a double-barrelled pistol or musket being a martial weapon (something that's basically two guns strapped together shouldn't be complex enough to justify a jump in proficiency tier) and having reloading multi-barrelled weapons just be "one action per barrel" which has the added benefit of being similar to how 1e did reloading such weapons (whatever action it took to reload a gun in 1e, that would be enough to load one barrel of a multi-barrel weapon).

As for a discussion on the whole, I think we should toss the idea of a revolver out of the window entirely. I know there's that one piece of art showing some form of Champion (which book and the details of who the art was of escape me at the moment) with a revolver, but given that the only Golarion canon revolvers in all of 1e were the ones in Reign of Winter part 5 (and that would only be if the PCs brought them back to Golarion with them), I think we should focus on pre-revolver firearms for our expectations here. So if you can't picture it being in Pirates of the Caribbean or Sea of Thieves, I would assume it'd be an Alkenstar prototype at best (the sort of rare thing you could build a whole adventure around with the weapon serving as the MacGuffin everyone's after).

"Pick a List" casters should stick to being the ones that have an external source or origin for their magic that could be from any tradition.

Like Charon Onozuka pointed out before - Sorcerers, Witches, and Summoners all have their spells come from an "external" source (bloodline, patron, and the connection with their eidolon, respectively) but wizards and magi got their magic purely through study and practice. And the only kind of magic we've seen in either edition of Pathfinder that is learned like this has been arcane magic (with the possible exception of the Psychic but I'm pretty sure they'll end up being a purely-occult caster when/if they get ported to 2e).

Well if there's ever an Archon eidolon (so a sibling to the Angel, basically) aligned with Cayden Cailean, then in their case I'd say down the celestial pub. :P

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Yeah, those feats do feel kinda pointless, especially since you can adjust the eidolon's size upward with Evolution Surge. Makes the feats feel kinda redundant unless you're relying on some of the other aspects of Evolution Surge.

I feel like those feats are gonna be campaign-specific ones like all the ones related to mounted characters, only moreso - someone with the Cavalier archetype or a Champion with the Steed Ally can still be a decent combatant when leaving their mount behind, but the Summoner would be reliant on repeatedly manifesting and de-manifesting their eidolon based on the terrain while hoping that all the encounters happen in rooms large enough for them to fit into.

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PossibleCabbage wrote:
KrispyXIV wrote:
Eidolons can make ranged attacks via cantrips at level 2, if i recall.

I feel like "Eidolon hovers out of range shooting telekinetic projectiles at you" is fixed by "everyone can tell that the eidolon is connected to the summoner" and "harassing the summoner is a good way to get the summoner to stop that."

Since if your Eidolon casts "Electric Arc" that leaves the Summoner with at most one action.

Probably not even one if they didn't use Act Together - remember that you have to spend one action to Fly each round (even if you're flying zero feet, to represent hovering) to remain airborne.

Fly Action, p472 CRB, emphasis mine wrote:
You move through the air up to your fly Speed. Moving upward (straight up or diagonally) uses the rules for moving through difficult terrain. You can move straight down 10 feet for every 5 feet of movement you spend. If you Fly to the ground, you don’t take falling damage. You can use an action to Fly 0 feet to hover in place. If you’re airborne at the end of your turn and didn’t use a Fly action this round, you fall.

As for Evolution Surge - with how the game seems to want you to take ten minute breaks after most encounters to do stuff like refocus, heal, search the room, etc, I have to agree with Krispy and Cabbage here. Focus spells are not your "oh crap" button; they're basically per-encounter abilities.

A fight rarely lasts more than a minute so one casting of Evolution Surge will have you done for the whole fight. Then afterwards you can refocus to get that focus point back while the Cleric is patching everyone up with the Medicine skill (and relevant skill feats), the Rogue and Ranger search the room, the Champion is also refocusing to regain the focus point he spent on Lay on Hands earlier, etc. You're taking those ten minute breaks frequently anyway and can do other stuff while refocusing so there's no reason not to use at least one focus point an encounter unless the story has you on a time crunch.

Temperans wrote:
You have the "home plane" line, but all that tells you is how to treat it for conditions that care for it (like the level 20 feat).

Then how do you account for the commune-related part of that 20th level feat?

Eidolon's Avatar, final paragraph, emphasis mine wrote:
If you conduct the commune ritual to contact entities from your eidolon’s plane that are friendly to your eidolon, you don’t have to pay any cost and you automatically get a critical success.

That suggests that it's referring to specific individuals on that plane that the eidolon is friendly with. Or at least that's the impression I get.

Besides which; even if the game doesn't say the eidolon exists when not manifested, there's nothing saying the eidolon doesn't exist either. There's nothing proving or disproving either end of the argument so the GM and player can work together for whichever they prefer (and Golarion's design means that both could be canon, with some summoners calling forth an eidolon that lives on another plane, and others manifesting one that doesn't).

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KrispyXIV wrote:
-Poison- wrote:
KrispyXIV wrote:

They clearly suffer the worst result of the action.

If its a Failure, they are tripped. If its a critical failure, they are tripped and suffer 1d6 damage.

This isn't hard.

Hold on here, so let me get this straight.

You believe, that if i get a failure on tripping the Summoner (meaning nothing happens to the Summoner)

But then if i attempt to trip the Eidolon, a separate creature not occupying the same space, and get a success (meaning the Eidolon falls and is prone).

That the Summoner is now also fallen and prone?

Absolutely. When subject to the same effect, both suffer the worse result. Its the same as if you hit them with a spell that did this.

Isn't that bit referring to when both summoner and eidolon are effected by the same effect, as in "at the same time"? A trip action is two separate instances, it would have to be an AoE trip effect to cover that bit, or at least I think that's the intent going by the example they use in that part of the document.

EDIT: Flurry of Manoeuvres would be two separate trip actions, even if they're done as part of the one activity. And would only come close to triggering this clause if one trip was made on the eidolon and the other on the summoner.

Verzen wrote:
ShadowFighter88 wrote:

I get the feeling stuff like this will be what Class Archetypes are for in the future when they get introduced (since they'll function similarly to archetypes in 1e - changing class features around or swapping some out for others).

We don't have any class archetypes yet so there's no examples, but given that the un-archetype'd 1e Magus was an arcane prepared caster, I'm not surprised that they're nailing that bit down first before finagling with it beyond that.

Sorc was an arcane caster in 1e and in 2e they got every tradition.

Which was a surprise when we first saw it in the 2e core playtest, but I expect prior to it being revealed everyone was just expecting it to be a normal arcane caster. I feel like we should've approached the Magus the same way - assume we'd be getting a rendition of 1e's base Magus as an Int-based prepared arcane caster.

I get the feeling that variable tradition casters are going to be reserved for particular class themes - so far we have the sorcerer, witch, and summoner. Two of those draw their magic from external sources (the witch from their patron, the summoner via the connection to their eidolon), while the third has it burned into their blood (either from genetic heritage or notable supernatural influence). Magi have always been described as people who study magic. Wasn't until Paizo started releasing the hybrid classes that we got the Eldritch Scion archetype for it and the majority of 1e Magus archetypes still retain the studious independent-researcher theme. Making their closest parallel among the caster classes the Wizard, which is also an arcane-only class.

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I'm sure some of this is because the playtest only just came out today and there's lingering habits from the 1e Magus but I have to wonder - how much is the focus on old magus standbys like Shocking Grasp and Vampiric Touch hampering the discussions?

I may be putting too much stock in this, but I keep seeing touch spells and those two in particular being mentioned very frequently. But Striking Spell isn't restricted to touch spells (they just need to be single-target ones) and the class has full access to the Arcane spell list now, so now I'm wondering if old habits or the like aren't blinding people to new possibilities.

Agonising Despair, for instance - that targets just a single creature and is on the Arcane list, therefore is perfectly valid to be delivered via Striking Spell. Even if the target succeeds on its save, it'll still be frightened 1 and take some extra mental damage.

Slow could be delivered with it as well. Along with Blindness, Curse of Lost Time, Earthbind (though I think you'd need the Shooting Star Synthesis to use that one with Striking Spell unless you have a way of getting airborne), Paralyse, and that's just with a quick skim of the 3rd level spells.

Again; I may be over-estimating how much effect this would have on the discussion, but I want to at least highlight this possibility rather that only looking at the old standard spells from last edition.

I get the feeling stuff like this will be what Class Archetypes are for in the future when they get introduced (since they'll function similarly to archetypes in 1e - changing class features around or swapping some out for others).

We don't have any class archetypes yet so there's no examples, but given that the un-archetype'd 1e Magus was an arcane prepared caster, I'm not surprised that they're nailing that bit down first before finagling with it beyond that.

What those two said - I'm in Australia and, while I'm (reluctantly) willing to forgo the coffee, I would love that mug.

So something that seems to keep coming up in one or two discord servers I'm in - some people keep referring to the new Firebrands faction as "the gun faction" since they share a name with a Gunslinger archetype from 1e.

Now I've seen nothing about the Firebrands suggesting any notable use of firearms (at least not beyond individual personal preference). So is it just a case of "same name, no relation" here?

I know I'm a little late to the party here; but with the Absalom one, there might be a way to have at least one of the PCs be a consultant rather than a full-time cop (I'm thinking of how Sherlock Holmes works with the NYPD in Elementary).

I'm with Wumiao - I feel like the Aldori Duelist archetype is more for people who are new-ish to the Aldori Style. I suspect we'll see another archetype down the road for representing a true Swordlord. Probably end up being similar to those higher-level archetypes in the Lost Omens Character Guide, where you can't even start on them until at least level 10 or thereabouts.

BellyBeard wrote:
Teamwork makes the dream work!

Or, as it was phrased on the MechWarrior Online forums way back when; "Teamwork is OP".

In any case I do think that Impaling Finish is the sort of feat you take when you know you have reliable ways to shove guys around into position for it (either because the party has another martial character or two besides your swashbuckler, or the spellcasters have a way to reposition enemies). It still feels like a rather teamwork-requiring feat, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

While an iruxi might find acceptance elsewhere, many people react to lizardfolk in the same way that they might respond to finding a large alligator lying on their sofa and wearing their slippers. That is to say, for all you reptile fans out there who are about to claim to be delighted by such a thing, not well.

I probably shouldn't be reading this preview after having spent most of the day binging on clips from QI - I just read that quoted bit in Stephen Fry's voice.

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
ShadowFighter88 wrote:
And if you were hoping for the Psionics system that QuidEst mentioned (the point-based casting system) - I get the feeling that the guys on the design teams at Paizo aren't fans of it (otherwise they would've used it in Pathfinder instead of the Occult classes - it's open-content same as the stuff from the 3.5 core book, as I recall).

For the record I am a HUGE fan of psionics.

And a huge fan of how Dreamscarred handles them.
And very much looking forward to cracking open my Starfinder-compatible psionics book from Dreamscarred.

Don’t get me wrong - I loved 3.5’s take on Psionics and likewise DSP’s Pathfinder port (they actually made the Soulknife a useable class, for one) and I’m looking forward to their SF port as well, now that I know is happening.

I just assume there’s a reason the system was never ported over in a 1st party book.

Xenocrat wrote:
ShadowFighter88 wrote:
Been a while since I checked the spells; are there many buff spells they can use from range?
This is the biohacker forum - they shoot people (or stab if adjacent) with injections to buff them, no spells.

I was asking in comparison to a Mystic buffing people. Like if they're also restricted to getting adjacent to an ally to deliver buffs as a Biohacker would if they didn't want to have to make attack rolls for buffing.

Been a while since I checked the spells; are there many buff spells they can use from range?

A friend of mine on Discord has one big problem with the Biohacker and, to quote him directly, "I just think rolling to buff your allies is silly".

While I don't quite agree, I can see where he's coming from. The Biohacker being a medium BAB class and flat-footed not being as big an impact in SF as it can be in PF, having your main gimmick be reliant on attack rolls feels off.

Anyone have similar concerns about the class or is it not as bad as it sounds?

And if you were hoping for the Psionics system that QuidEst mentioned (the point-based casting system) - I get the feeling that the guys on the design teams at Paizo aren't fans of it (otherwise they would've used it in Pathfinder instead of the Occult classes - it's open-content same as the stuff from the 3.5 core book, as I recall).

Xin-Shalast is in the far north-east of Varisia, right near where the nation borders both the Realm of the Mammoth Lords and the Hold of Belkzan. So there's at least a whole country and a glacier between Xin-Shalast and the Crown of the World.

Voss wrote:
ShadowFighter88 wrote:
Voss wrote:
I'm a little more puzzled that there are so few full casters and they're both clerics. Octavia comes preset as rogue/wizard, which is a little annoying. (granted, arcane trickster comes at no effort, but still)

Pretty sure Regongar is a sorcerer, a draconic one at that (although I'm basing that on a recent trailer they put out where he casts some variant of Form of the Dragon so I'm just guessing that based on that spell, his personality, and that his free hand in the artwork seems to be turning into claws.

Think I also read his class in a Kickstarter update ages ago, but not sure.

He was originally going to be a sorcerer, but when the kickstarter bonus (or whatever its called) unlocked the magus, they switched him to an eldritch scion. He still has a dragon bloodline*, and dragon disciple is in the game, so... form of the dragon is quite possible for him.

*its worth noting that eldritch scions may be based on sorcerer bloodlines rather than bloodrager bloodlines (since the latter aren't in the game). That means some bonus spells and bloodline abilities are slightly different. Personally I'm intensely curious about Abyssal...

Yeah, just looked him up on a wikia someone's made for the video game and he's listed as a Magus and the trivia section mentions he was originally going to be a Sorcerer. A little disappointed by that, honestly; if they kept him as a Draconic Sorcerer then he could've been angled towards the Dragon Disciple - his personality certainly sounds very dragon-y. That and having him be a bit of a bastard makes him feel a little too much like Seltyiel.

Voss wrote:
I'm a little more puzzled that there are so few full casters and they're both clerics. Octavia comes preset as rogue/wizard, which is a little annoying. (granted, arcane trickster comes at no effort, but still)

Pretty sure Regongar is a sorcerer, a draconic one at that (although I'm basing that on a recent trailer they put out where he casts some variant of Form of the Dragon so I'm just guessing that based on that spell, his personality, and that his free hand in the artwork seems to be turning into claws.

Think I also read his class in a Kickstarter update ages ago, but not sure.

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Joe Pasini wrote:
Farlanghn wrote:
Are we going to see Tieflings in this book? I would love to see some space tieflings added to the Starfinder universe.
That would be cool...

You... you bloody tease!

Incidentally; anyone else a little annoyed that the Noble Scion feat doesn't give you a noble's outfit (and accompanying jewellery) to start? Then again; I can just go with a re-flavoured traveller's outfit.

Throwing the profile together now, but I've got a name and the start of the backstory.

Theodric Silvui d'Ontalen - youngest child of a family originally from Taldor who left the country a few centuries ago and set up in Magnimar (still deciding why but my leaning is "this country's getting way too decadent and foppish, we're peacin' out"). The d'Ontalen family's had some dealing's with Roderic's Cove since the town was formed but mostly as a waystation for wine shipments headed elsewhere, either by boat or caravan.

Theo's father probably stopped in on the town every so often over the last couple of decades, bringing Theo with him sometimes so he could get a sense of what's involved in the family's wine trade. I figure he'd have made a half-dozen visits over the years, maybe even trying to see Cariad's father a few times early on (so he and Theo could've met as kids) as part of the d'Ontalen family's arcane interests but would've given up on that side of his visits to the Cove as Cariad's father got worse and made the visits just about the wine trade.

So Theo and Cariad could be friends of a sort, even if it may have just started as a bored Theo wanting someone close to his age to talk to while on one of these boring trips.

Actually not sure how much of a presence my sorcerer (who still isn't named because I'm a lazy bastard, I'll work something out after work tomorrow) would have in Roderic's Cove before this. Maybe his family's been doing some sort of wine trade there for a while or have to stop in any time a ship carrying their goods is sunk (has that been a constant thing since 4708 or just sporadic and whenever Roderic's ghost shows up?) so he'd have met some people now and then.

He's not going to be too old, mind; probably only about 19. He'd probably at least have met Caraid on those visits. If he interacted with Nime or Calendula, it probably wouldn't have been much; I get the feeling those two are significantly older than him.

Jesse Heinig wrote:
There are a couple traits for playing nobles, and the Noble Scion feat, of course.

Yeah, was gonna take the Noble Scion feat at 1st level (oh the joys of humans having a bonus feat - been so long since I played a human in Pathfinder I'd forgotten :P ) - the bit about the family having some not-inconsiderable interest in magic being the fluff explanation for taking the Scion of Magic version of the feat.

As for noble-focused traits - not sure which ones to grab (mainly because there's so damn many of them that it's hard to find ones that fit the character I have in mind) so I was just going to be cheap and take Rich Parents (and no, the irony of me taking that as the "cheap" option is not lost on me). Although I'm open to suggestions on that front.

Trying to work out the fluff for this character - at least as much as I can before getting a look at the player's guide.

Was wanting to try making a noble for a change. Probably from Magnimar for the sake of proximity (since I somehow doubt that Riddleport has much in the way of actual nobility) and is possibly in Roderic's Cove because his family is considering expanding some business there way if things seem to be on the up-and-up enough (ie; not to the point that such business would be supporting Riddleport's pirates).

My sorcerer won't be overly diplomatic and he's not supposed to be - he's just there to get a baseline view of the place and an overall feel for it. He agrees because it helps him avoid having to deal with the actual business part of the family business. And if Roderic's Cove has trouble of the violent variety; he's one of the more capable members of the family.

As for what the family business is, I was thinking primarily wine - they own and operate a vineyard and sell the results all over the place, and maybe showing up to the odd auction of particularly rare vintages. But as a secondary part of that, they also have some pull in the arcane community - my sorcerer's older sister could be an accomplished wizard experimenting with new forms of enchanted items, for example.

Think this could work, depending on the campaign traits involved?

DM Brainiac wrote:
You can swap out mage armor when the bloodline gives it to you.

Awesome, thanks. Surprised there's nothing in the class mentioning this sort of conflict, I've seen similar notes with other classes or the like.

Jesse Heinig wrote:
If we absolutely have nobody doing healing duty I'll make a mystic theurge or something, but it does get tiresome doing the same old routine.

What about a Bard? They can serve as an emergency healer, can't they?

Or have I just been watching Campaign 1 of Critical Role too much lately and Scanlan's rubbing off on me? :P

Throwing together a Sorcerer together, one question, though. A sorcerer doesn't get to swap out existing spells until 4th level - but I'm taking Mage Armour at 1st and the Draconic Bloodline gets you it for free at 3rd.

Would I be allowed to swap out the chosen Mage Armour for another spell at 3rd anyway, or should I just take Shield at 1st level instead and avoid this whole palava?