Interest Check: Linear Fighters, Quadratic Hobgoblins - an all-fighter AP group


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Maybe? But take out fighter-specific "feat tax" feats and you're down to a total of like 10.

I dunno, I just tend to find fighters extremely feat-starved when I play them. A lot of the VMC options are definitely worth it, but don't get good until around level 11.

I've never run a fighter and been in a position where I've had throwaway feats.

With the advent of Armor Mastery and Weapon Mastery feats, I certainly have no issue finding places to put feats.

I would love to give it a go.

Would you be using Hero Points or VMC rules? What about the less common races like Assimar, Tiefling, or Fetchling? What about traits from other campaigns (specifically the trap finding trait)? What about multiple Eldritch Heritage bloodlines?

Silver Crusade

I'd love to roll up a dex-based two-weapon fighter...

If your still looking for interst then for sure color me interested.

For those of you considering how the heck to heal without magic:

Heal skill with Signature Skill to get the Skill Unlocks. There's a Religion trait (Battlefield Surgeon) which lets you treat deadly wounds 2/day per person instead of 1, a Tiefling race trait (Friendless) that lets you treat deadly wounds on yourself, and you can take Precise Treatment to use INT for heal.

Tack on Skill Focus (Heal). Convince the GM to let Precise Treatment use INT for the actual healing done, too, and not WIS. (Potentially convince GM to let you worship something that's not a Great Old One.) Finally, be a Lore Warden and take levels of the Student of War PRC.

With good STR, CON and INT, you can be a perfectly valid fighter that doubles as the party healer.

I'm not joining myself, but I wanted to show this setup because it's super cool.

I'm withdrawing my dot. Thanks and have fun!

Liberty's Edge

To those just joining us...

This is just an interest check, not a recruitment thread. I'm not currently taking any tally of possible players or characters. I got the answer ("apparently, very much yes") to the question I was asking ("would anyone be crazy enough to try this"), so there will be a recruitment thread, but this isn't it. Only dot if you want to know when the recruitment thread goes up.

Which, to be clear, won't be happening for awhile. The Ironfang Invasion won't start sending out until the middle of next month, and I won't create the recruitment thread until the Player's Guide releases, which will presumably happen somewhere right around when the books come out. Then you can worry about whether you need to actually want to tell me what you want to play.

Gruingar de'Morcaine wrote:
Would you be using Hero Points or VMC rules?

No Hero Points, but yes VMC.

Gruingar de'Morcaine wrote:
What about the less common races like Assimar, Tiefling, or Fetchling?

Unless I see something in the actual AP or Player's Guide to suggest otherwise, I plan to allow all of the non-goblinoid races from the ARG "Core Races" and "Featured Races," plus a bunch of the "Uncommon Races" as well. Races from other sources, like androids and the like, are possible but probably need individual vetting. (No aliens please.)

Gruingar de'Morcaine wrote:
What about traits from other campaigns (specifically the trap finding trait)?

You can only have one Campaign Trait, and I will be requiring those to come from the Ironfang PG. So no go.

Gruingar de'Morcaine wrote:
What about multiple Eldritch Heritage bloodlines?

I don't see anything in Eldritch Heritage that lets you take the feat more than once.

Dot, this sounds like a lot of fun. I'll keep an eye out for your recruitment thread...

So many cool fighter options and archetypes out there. Consider this a dot. I do love me some Fighters!

I love me a fighter too, so colour me interested.

Reading through this interest check and the AP synopsis I have grown confused. It's certainly a wartime AP but it seems the PC's will be taking their own path through all kinds of landscapes. They might not be involved in the war much at all. Either way, it seemed the purpose of this was to see if a group of "Fighters" could make it through, not a group of kind-of-fighters. If you are taking a weird archetype so your fighter can be the caster or the healer or the rogue then why not just play a caster or a healer or a rogue. Now, if it turns out that it's something more like McBugman's interpretation, then I would be willing to join. There can still be diversity (archer, sword and board, dex fighter, maneuver build) but I would like to overcome the pitfalls by mundane means.

Use a good old stick to trip traps as we walk.
Rope and grappling hook to cross a chasm rather than the wizard flying.
Swap weapons to overcome undead resistance.
Good old healing kits and rest to heal.

Liberty's Edge

Zayne Iwatani wrote:

Reading through this interest check and the AP synopsis I have grown confused. It's certainly a wartime AP but it seems the PC's will be taking their own path through all kinds of landscapes. They might not be involved in the war much at all. Either way, it seemed the purpose of this was to see if a group of "Fighters" could make it through, not a group of kind-of-fighters. If you are taking a weird archetype so your fighter can be the caster or the healer or the rogue then why not just play a caster or a healer or a rogue. Now, if it turns out that it's something more like McBugman's interpretation, then I would be willing to join. There can still be diversity (archer, sword and board, dex fighter, maneuver build) but I would like to overcome the pitfalls by mundane means.

Use a good old stick to trip traps as we walk.
Rope and grappling hook to cross a chasm rather than the wizard flying.
Swap weapons to overcome undead resistance.
Good old healing kits and rest to heal.

I understand what you're saying, but that's probably not going to be the campaign I'm running. That said, you're welcome to apply when the recruitment thread gets put up, and we'll see what happens...

Zayne Iwatani wrote:

Use a good old stick to trip traps as we walk.
Rope and grappling hook to cross a chasm rather than the wizard flying.
Swap weapons to overcome undead resistance.
Good old healing kits and rest to heal.

I'm with you on some of these, mundane solutions can be a great deal of fun, but I consider intentionally triggering traps an awful idea no matter what class I am playing. Traps can trigger alarms, or cave-ins, or teleports, or any number of problems beyond HP damage. I've never used summons to set off traps (with any character ever) for that reason. Fortunately, fighters can disarm non-magic traps, and we have identified multiple options for magic traps (Dispel Mastery, VMC, PrC, Aram Zey's Focus, or avoid them).

Resting may or may not be possible in some situations, so using magic items to heal ability damage (for example) may become a necessary course of action.

"100% mundane, no magic ever" does not seem to be the concept here -- and it isn't how I would read "Only fighters". Some fighters drink mutagens, some have angelic powers, and some have divine obediences or eldritch heritage.

Incidentally, I've submitted a character to "Wrath of Eternity," which is a campaign with no PC magic. You may want to take a look at that one.

Just double checking. We can or can not use goblinoids?

Liberty's Edge

Can not unless I get a really really really good reason why.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hi, Shisumo! Been a while!

I'll keep an eye out for your recruitment thread and will probably see what I can come up with by way of submission.

I got way too many ideas for this.

Halfling Warsling Fighter
Elven Swordswoman
Half Orc Siegebreaker
Dwarven Foehammer or crossbowmaster
Half elf knife fighter.

Gah too many choices.

Liberty's Edge

It looks like the first and second books of the AP will begin shipping around March 13 - I assume the Player's Guide will likely be out by then, so I'd expect the recruitment thread to appear around there as well.

Grand Lodge

I'm withdrawing my dot as well, due to being in too many PbPs already (and running Hell's Vengeance face to face here at home). More games would likely result in a divorce! :P


This would be pretty neat to try.
I'll bite.

Soo... The book is out! I've been keeping an eye on this thread - will the concept go ahead?

Liberty's Edge

The concept will go ahead, but I'm still waiting on the flippin' Player's Guide. Trust me, I've been hitting F5 like every three seconds waiting for the PG to make an appearance and I can open up recruitment...!

Shisumo wrote:
The concept will go ahead, but I'm still waiting on the flippin' Player's Guide. Trust me, I've been hitting F5 like every three seconds waiting for the PG to make an appearance and I can open up recruitment...!

Cool stuff! Sorry for getting impatient.

It's here!

The player's guide has arrived.

Dark Archive

*Contemplative maybe dot*

Downloading already. Thanks Cuan! Keeping an eye here since the beginning :)

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

"Gord say 'yes'. Gord hit puny magic user."


The Chess wrote:
Downloading already. Thanks Cuan! Keeping an eye here since the beginning :)


Time to fight with the passion of youth.

Sovereign Court

Looks like tomorrow I'll be putting some final touches on the fighter I made.

Will there be a list of character creation requirements?

Color me re-interested!

Silver Crusade

This could be very interesting indeed.

Ah, the time arrives. I'm certainly interested and looking forward to submission info! :)

Liberty's Edge

The recruitment thread is live!

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