Amin Jalento

The Little King's page

Organized Play Member. 109 posts (3,477 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 7 Organized Play characters. 29 aliases.

Full Name

Ryan Brown











Special Abilities

Empower Spell, Scholar (arcana, nature), Spontaneous Healing, Trustworthy








Common, Spanish



Strength 10
Dexterity 10
Constitution 10
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 13
Charisma 16

About The Little King


Male human alchemist (chirurgeon) 2 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 26, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 18)
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +0; Senses Perception +6
AC 12, touch 10, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor)
hp 16 (2d8)
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +1; +2 bonus vs. poison
Resist poison resistance
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee dagger +1 (1d4/19-20)
Ranged +1 revolver +2 (1d8+1/×4) or
. . bomb +2 (1d6+1 Fire)
Special Attacks bomb 3/day (1d6+1 fire, DC 12)
Alchemist (Chirurgeon) Extracts Prepared (CL 2nd; concentration +3)
. . 1st—cure light wounds, keen senses[APG] (DC 12), polypurpose panacea[UM]
Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 16
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 11
Feats Brew Potion, Empower Spell, Scholar[ISWG], Throw Anything
Traits precise treatment, trustworthy
Skills Acrobatics -3 (-7 to jump), Bluff +3 (+4 to fool others), Craft (alchemy) +6 (+8 to create alchemical items), Craft (calligraphy) +3, Diplomacy +9, Heal +7, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (nature) +7, Perception +6, Use Magic Device +8
Languages Common, Custom Language
SQ alchemy (alchemy crafting +2), discovery (spontaneous healing), human alchemist, infused curative, mutagen (+4/-2, +2 natural armor, 20 minutes)
Other Gear leather armor, +1 metal cartridge (50), +1 revolver with 50 +1 metal cartridge, dagger, alchemy crafting kit, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, everburning torch, ink, black, inkpen, pot, soap, tindertwig (25), waterskin, guard dog, animal harness, feed (per day), pack saddle, 10 gp, 6 sp, 5 cp
Special Abilities
+1 Extracts in Formula Book. Add one extract formula from the alchemist formula list to the character's formula book. This formula must be at least one level below the highest formula level the alchemist can create.
Alchemy +2 (Su) +2 to Craft (Alchemy) to create alchemical items, can Id potions by touch.
Bomb 1d6+1 (3/day, DC 12) (Su) Thrown Splash Weapon deals 1d6+1 fire damage.
Empower Spell Numeric effects of a spell are increased 50%. +2 Levels.
Infused Curative At 2nd level, a chirurgeon's extracts of cure spells automatically act as infusions, and can be used by non-alchemists. When a chirurgeon prepares his extracts, he may choose to render any or all of his infused curatives inert and prepare othe
Mutagen (DC 12) (Su) Mutagen adds +4 to a physical & -2 to a mental attribute, and +2 nat. armor for 20 minutes.
Poison Resistance +2 (Ex) +2 to save vs. Poison.
Scholar (Knowledge [arcana], Knowledge [nature]) +2 bonus on two Knowledge skills
Spontaneous Healing (5 HP/day) The alchemist gains the ability to heal from wounds rapidly. As a free action once per round, he can heal 5 hit points as if he had the fast healing ability. He can heal 5 hit points per day in this manner for every 2 alchemist levels he possesses. I
Throw Anything Proficient with improvised ranged weapons. +1 to hit with thrown splash weapons.
Trustworthy +1 on Bluff checks to fool someone.



Male dog (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 87)
NG Small animal
Init +1; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +8
AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+1 Dex, +1 natural, +1 size)
hp 28 (1d8+4)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1
Speed 40 ft. (30 ft. in armor)
Melee bite +3 (1d4+1)
Str 13, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 12 (16 vs. trip)
Feats Skill Focus (Perception)
Tricks Attack, Defend, Down, Guard, Guarding, Seek, Stay
Skills Acrobatics +2 (+10 to jump), Perception +8; Racial Modifiers +4 to survival when tracking by scent
SQ guarding, seek, stay
Other Gear animal harness, feed (per day) (5), pack saddle
Special Abilities
+4 to Survival when tracking by Scent +4 to Survival when tracking by Scent.
Guarding [Trick] The animal has been trained for guard duty.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ feet by sense of smell.
Seek [Trick] The animal moves into an area and looks around for anything that is obviously alive or animate.
Stay [Trick] The animal will stay where it is.

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