Danton Trallius is a cardinal cleric of Abadar who was sent on this caravan trade mission by a jealous Abadaran brother who did not like his quick rise up, hoping to have him detained or worse.
Now he's looking for a way back in order to deal with his political rival and is looking for work and another trade caravan to travel with before getting waylaid by the quest.
Going to focus mainly on Negative Channeling because it is something I've always wanted to do and this archetype trades away all the combat power to become a Skill Monkey, so I might as well!
Stats and FCB stuff still in the air for the most part.
Thanks for taking the time to take a look during recruitment!
@GM Heat: What is your opinion on Variant Multiclassing from PF Unchained? I'm drawn to the idea of a Cleric of Abadar who protects caravans and travellers (which should dovetail well into dragons, hoards of money to be given back and defending a community) and was flirting with the idea of VMC Cavalier for some Order.
If not, no problem but I think I'm fixed on some Cleric of Abadar. He's a deity I've never built around and it feels pretty good here.
Very interested!
Love a good PF1 campaign with no frills.
Are the Unchained Rogue / Barb / Monk / Summoner allowed?
Considering doing something kind of old school, with a Rogue / Cleric mix. I have no idea why but I'm drawn to the way Paizo's NPCs have really weird, disparate stat blocks.
I'm going to submit Davio Cossus, a sword and board Barbarian who made some terrible mistake in the past, and felt like Iomedae had abandoned him because of it. He's heard word of the Council of Thieves Westcrown Firebrand and hopes that it might be the spark that he needs to become a whole person again.
He's going to focus on area control with things like the Knockback Rage Power, Shield Slam If we get that far, and can support a little bit with his Lay on Hands Healer's Hands feat He might still have a little bit of divine power in him after all.
I'm not super keen on making massive blocks of backstory and creating it a bit as I go. Sometimes the characters take me to weird places and I'm here for the ride. I'll probably finish up the stat block and add a bit more to the writing prompt when it isn't so late.
@GM: How open to you are to the Trap Finder Trait from the Mummy's Mask AP? Trying to get Trap Finding on a Barbarian seems to be impossible otherwise sadly.
No campaign traits from other APs.
That being said, if you're worried about traps in this AP, there's no need to worry. There will be alternative solutions to traps other than simply setting them off.
It's actually less about that and more about actually using Trap/Danger Sense in conjunction with it. Everyone always seems to swap it out for DR And use the Human FCB on Superstition instead of it and it feels kind of like one of those weird AD&D things that hung on for years. It's just a weird little ability that drips with flavour.
I just think it's neat but that's no problem. A single Rogue level might suffice anyway.
@GM: How open to you are to the Trap Finder Trait from the Mummy's Mask AP? Trying to get Trap Finding on a Barbarian seems to be impossible otherwise sadly.
With that point-buy I can do something really silly and I'm here for it... I've always wanted to just play some really bulky front-liner Barbarian I usually play weird gishes so how to make it spicy...? Going to read up on Council of Thieves and find a way to do it without it being some stereotypical savage rager thing.
A question on the Parasite Familiar and how you would handle it. If I were to be hit with some kind of mental effect, would you allow the Parasite to cast its Suggestion spell in hopes of overwriting the mental malady? Trying to find ways to make this creepy thing a little more useful.
I'd treat that exactly the same as any other case where two mental control effects meet. If you can't act at all, (i.e. Hold Person), the familiar casting Suggestion wouldn't override that. If you can act and the orders don't conflict you'd attempt to follow both. If you can act and they do conflict there would be an opposed Charisma check to see which took priority.
In all my years I have never seen that come up. Cool!
Just under 24 hours left until recruitment ends! If you're interested but haven't completed a character yet, now is the time.
@Laird_Thorne: Thanks for the submission! I've got a good idea of how the build would work but would like a brief background if you can manage it.
I switched over to a Human (the build is functionally the same). Felt it matched the picture and theme better to have someone "normal" completely warped by magic. And now I feel a little less shackled to Darkvision...
A question on the Parasite Familiar and how you would handle it. If I were to be hit with some kind of mental effect, would you allow the Parasite to cast its Suggestion spell in hopes of overwriting the mental malady? Trying to find ways to make this creepy thing a little more useful.
Also it looked like the link got axed when I adjusted her name a bit. Ussaile Nyoxa.
Ah see, I had just made a muscle wizard with a focus on grappling! But if we've already got a white haired witch, we really don't need two of the same type of applicants!
Best of luck everyone!
A classic Muscle Wizard can still totally apply. Or at the very least someone else. Variety makes things better for everyone.
Shadow Dragon wrote:
I'm in the 'The setting appeals to me but I can't think of a build for the setting' situation. I generally build melee, particularly for a low-level scenario, but a bard would be cool even though I've never built or played one. And since I haven't whatever I build is likely going to suck.
Bard is extremely flexible.
At these low levels you can actually focus on spells or combat and do well in both!
The thing is, you only need to select a HD1 and HD3 feat so there isn't that much choice. Find an archetype you think is interesting and just focus on its gimmick. Bards really do well in almost every situation (though based on the favoured enemy list I would avoid Enchantment based Bards).
I'd be happy to skim through some archetypes for you if you have even a tiny bit of an idea of what you'd like.
Would a Bard or an Investigator with the Questioner archetype be a better face/'investigator'? It's also nice to boost others through Inspire Competence and Courage.
Bard will give you less skill ranks than an Investigator (due to being Charisma over Intelligence), but would have a wider breadth of knowledge skills. They also innately get all the talky skills. Bard has more synergy with the Bard spells list as a handful of spells care about Performance being active. Bard will provide better overall support via Inspire Courage but less damage itself.
Investigator will be Int based which means at this level it will probably do better with Knowledges and have more ranks overall (especially if you add in Inspire). You'll have less talky skills. A thing that people forget is that the Investigator technically cannot use Spell-Completion and Spell-Trigger items; the Questioner may be exempt from that. The Investigator will definitely have more damage built in due to Studied Target and Studied Strike.
I think at this level they will offer very similar things. If you want a tiny bit more customization, the Investigator does get a Talent at 3rd so you can add a little more that way.
Ah see, I had just made a muscle wizard with a focus on grappling! But if we've already got a white haired witch, we really don't need two of the same type of applicants!
Best of luck everyone!
A classic Muscle Wizard can still totally apply. Or at the very least someone else. Variety makes things better for everyone.
Shadow Dragon wrote:
I'm in the 'The setting appeals to me but I can't think of a build for the setting' situation. I generally build melee, particularly for a low-level scenario, but a bard would be cool even though I've never built or played one. And since I haven't whatever I build is likely going to suck.
Bard is extremely flexible.
At these low levels you can actually focus on spells or combat and do well in both!
The thing is, you only need to select a HD1 and HD3 feat so there isn't that much choice. Find an archetype you think is interesting and just focus on its gimmick. Bards really do well in almost every situation (though based on the favoured enemy list I would avoid Enchantment based Bards).
I'd be happy to skim through some archetypes for you if you have even a tiny bit of an idea of what you'd like.
Oh, white haired witches... I tried to make this archetype work, and then found out that Tatterdemalion is really fun if the GM approves.
** spoiler omitted **
Pretty neat use of Equipment Trick.
I've played a Tatter before with a focus on its Net and Bolas proficiency and it was fun! 24 hour hair feels much different than increments of 1 minute, and I think that's the draw overall (and the mystique of just trying to make it "good").
Decided against the Medium and Mesmerist, I've always wanted to play a White-Haired Witch and 4th level is the perfect level before they become... basically unplayable.
Ussaile Nyoxia is a white-haired witch who hunts for her patron, an unknown entity who speaks to her through an alien ioun stone embedded into the back of her neck.
Willing to take any job if her patron requires it, she does not care about getting her hands (or hair) dirty to get the job done. While she is cruel, she is dedicated to her craft and finishing the mission; and has no qualms with working with people as long as her patron has no qualms with it either. Wholly dedicated to the being she only knows as the Black Stained Seed, she is relentless and more than happy to reap the rewards it grants her. For her, service and servitude to something more powerful than you shows a lot about yourself and is a route to enlightenment.
She can be in Nidal for any reason, however she has worked for the Umbral Court before (or least had the appearance of it) and has no issues with Zon-Kuthon (as she finds that her philosophy aligns somewhat with theirs).
Mechanically, she is an Intelligence based class (which seems to be a bit missing here), with a handful of knowledges (planes, arcana, nature, history), as well as Stealth, Perception and Intimidate. I've left her actual Patron slot empty currently, a few spells in her spellbook, her languages (8 or so!) as well as a few hundred gold in case we get selected and need some specific holes filled.
That means it's not the game for a Hellknight! Lol!
I will dream up a different concept.
If you're going for the 'theme' of it you can go with whatever class you like and call yourself a Hellknight Armiger (think knight-in-training) like I did with my Paladin in PFS.
There's also a tree of Hellknight related feats. If you're a Hellknight in training, you can still swear Allegiance and grab stuff like Hellknight Obedience and Hellknight Obsession.
I'm interested.
Haven't seen a nice short PF1E game here in a while.
I'll probably whip up something in a few days.
I generally like leaning toward things with utility and gishes.
I haven't had much of a chance to play Occult classes so I'd probably look into Mesmerist or Medium; with the latter hopefully using spirits as intended instead of just being a dedicated Champion.
@GM: Does the module take place over the course of a single day? Just asking due to the Medium Spirit Channel being a 1 per 24 hour thing.
Bad time of year (or years) right now. Going to be busy the next few days due to New Years and such. I will be back to full posting strength come Saturday.
Awesome thank you! Let me know if there are any issues obviously. I think for the most part the idea is something I will stay with but I may shift around tiny things and skill ranks and such.
I'm unsure what to do about the Warpriest Bonus Languages as well as the Favored Weapon I become proficient with. For now I've left them both off the sheet.
Okay I couldn't sleep last night so I did some writing to get some exhaustion in.
I went ahead without permission and made a character. It uses the following books for major features: Core Rule Book, Advanced Class Guide (Warpriest class, Disenchanter Archetype), and Monster Summoner's Handbook (Dispel Focus and Greater Dispel Focus).
All items are from Core as well. Traits are from wherever, but they are just the usual +1 Class Skill and Trait Bonus ones.
I apologize if it was too forward, but I got excited.
Phon Vo (last name probably going to change, not keen on it).
Phon is a magical bodyguard, warpriest, and amateur scholar who is dedicated to finding this strange pulse that keeps pulling her toward the Dark and understanding it. She's not entirely sold on the over-zealousness of her family to Volcano, but she knows she needs blessings to supply her magical power and her quest (a quest that on the surface looks scholarly, but is really tainted by vengeance for the death of her lover).
Mechanics-wise, she is a reach warpriest with a focus on Abjuration and dispel abilities. I like the support role, and I think having access to abilities like Lesser Restoration, divinations and other Cleric tools are important even in a political game.
Last question for a while; I swear! Item crafting feats, do they reduce starting item costs? No is fine, I'm just planning on taking the Master Craftsman feat :)
Hubaris, that's a pretty cool architype! I've always loved dispel magic, it's just never been particularly viable in most groups I've played in. I'm sure you've seen it, but the feat dispel synergy could potentially be pretty cool!
Yeah, it's always been one of those weird playing styles that doesn't get love. The archetype does get Dispel Synergy and Destructive Dispel in place of Bonus Feats down the line which is nice.
Ok so I absolutely fell in love with an Archetype here: Warpriest Disenchanter. You mentioned that Divine Magic works differently, what are the differences?
I've always wanted to play some type of Abjurer, and this is a great level range (and without full casting) to grab the Cleric spell list and not just feel like a worse Inquisitor.
I'm thinking someone less militant (the word Warpriest always brings a certain image to mind that I kind of want to avoid), a little more dilettante. I suppose I can wait about details until I hear back about how Divine Casters work As well as how Favored Weapons work.
I can see them heading to Hearth because of some lead regarding The Dark and being a specialist in unraveling magic, intrigued at how balance in the world can be completely thrown off by even the slightest bit of magic and spell. Possibly neutrally aligned, but with a more good slant; almost a divine, magically charged bodyguard. Classic reach Cleric but with counterspells and dispels built into the archetype So readied Dispel Checks aren't wasted due to AoO's. Positive energy as well, as repairing seems more in line with what I'm picturing. More knowledge based Probably spend some traits on accessing these, less fighty, but still able to hold their own when push comes to shove.
In terms of what might be needed, really just stuff from Core and the Dispel Focus and Greater Dispel Focus set. Fighting against the Undine Strength Penalty will be hard but I think they fit the best based on what I have read so far Unless I can get an OK on a Flying Talon, Branched Spear or one of those weird exotic weapons.
No archetype but you can keep exchanging spells for them. The idea would be to be nearly spell-less. It's mainly because they're scattered among 8 books or so (with Ultimate Magic having a bunch); so the viability is based on availability.
Either way I'm sure I can think of other stuff as well.
Alias for Elina Noakes. A halfling wizard who considers herself more of a 'magical bodyguard' and a scholar.
A little arrogant but fiercely loyal, she knows full well how deadly magic can be in the world of Nidal. Priding herself on her ability to spot and react to danger, she knows (much like halfling fashion) that others can have a chance to shine if she puts her skills to use.
Despite her family pushing her to take up the trade, she worked at the books, and aims to one day find a way complete her thesis (about how magic completely changes policies and politics on the world scale when dealing with less magical nations)... And figured adventuring would be a good way to fund her research.
Haven't fully finished the spell book or chosen a Bonded Item yet (thinking a Wand such as Acid Arrow to have some combat utility to offset the Defense Focus), but I picture her leaning heavily on Abjuration and Conjuration. How are you going to factor in Bonded Items, Spellbooks and Scribed Scrolls into account?
Sure thing, I have tomorrow off I'll see if anything strikes me of interest. I've always wanted to play something off-Score like a Halfling, Gnome or Dwarf Wizard in a smaller scale game.
That Power roll with that Luck roll. I'm not sure what my character is quite yet but I want to play on that Power score in some way.
Either way this is a recipe for tragedy.
I'll bust open my 7e book, I've owned it for years but haven't had the pleasure of playing anything past 5e yet, I'm assuming its mostly the same with minor differences.
I'm liking the half/fifth as a way to do skill difficulty tiers. Makes it very simple
As not the GM but someone who loves roleplaying games, I think that some minor friction is almost required for a setting like this. If everyone is of the same mind conversations and moral dilemmas end up becoming very terse and 1 dimensional.
I for one would hate to see a Victorian setting without equal parts faith and science, it is a massive theme to the genre. That juxtaposition between faith and science, virtue and vice, man and monsters gives it the meat it really needs.
There is no Improved Unarmed Strike in Elephant anymore but Unarmed Combatant:
Unarmed Combatant (Combat) You are skilled at grappling and fighting while unarmed.
Prerequisite: Dex 13
Benefit: You are considered to be armed even when unarmed - you do not provoke attacks of opportunity when you attack foes while unarmed. Your unarmed strikes now deal 1d6 damage if you are medium sized or 1d4 damage if you are small sized, and you can deal lethal or nonlethal damage, at your choice. You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a grapple combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to grapple a foe. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to grapple you.
Normal: Without this feat, you are considered unarmed when attacking with an unarmed strike, and you can deal only nonlethal damage with such an attack. You provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a grapple combat maneuver.
Much more brawler in a box than the one feat. Also your unarmed damage isn't a pitiful 1d3 with this.
Question about Guns Everywhere if anyone has experience with it.
How deadly is it that basically everyone can hit Touch AC and have 4x critical modifiers? I am assuming that is the intent... Guns are pretty dangerous as I've heard.
I have to say it sounds exhilarating but requires a different thought process in terms of design.
You mention that armor gives equivalent Damage Reduction, does the enchantment from ABP add to that or the armor bonus? Never mind I think you just answered that as I slowly posted on mobile.
It's probably for options. Normally Precise requires PBS but in this case PBS requires Precise. Considering how crucial Precise is and how much PBS feels like extra gravy I think it's intentional.
will there be magical traps aka do we need Trapfinding in the group?
and can you link to the armor rules? I once read them, but I don't remember where they were.
I'm obviously not the GM here but These are the ones that I've seen thrown around. I could be mistaken of course but it could give you an idea at least.
Quick general question with the Feat Tax rules:
Does anyone find it weird that in a document about Feat taxes they added a Feat tax of Weapon Focus to Rapid Reload?
It's not gamebreaking or anything, I just found it interesting.
@Smooshie: Thanks for the list! I did complete my profile this morning to a minimum (playable) extent. Minor details can be worked on if I'm selected. Getting that voice is important.
@GM Oblivion: I'm assuming that Medicine in the background sections refers to Heal correct?
Submitting Doctor Rupert Locke, a somnologist and mesmerist who is haunted by creatures in his dreams after failing to save a patient under such circumstances. With nowhere left to turn, the good doctor has begun his descent into the occult and has found that the world is not nearly as simple as we make it out to be.
Profile obviously isn't done but that's probably the concept I'd like to run with.
I'll have to consider what character I want to bring into this dark and dreary world. It's a good thing I just started watching Penny Dreadful again with the missus.
Thinking a Medium with these rolls with a focus on actually using all the spirits, some sort of ex-sailor because Obra Dinn is on the mind still or even some flim-flamming mesmerist. I don't get a lot of 1P only games nowadays so its a good excuse to do something occultish for me.
I decided to go with Menhir Savant unless something more interesting pulls me away from it (like possibly the Restorer Druid for Spontaneous Cures). I'll be playing up knowledges with Comprehensive Education and supporting with my Wind Blast Domain Ability, spells and one of my favourite feats Combat Advice.
I'll probably just save the 1 Wild Shape for Utility and not build around it for combat, I have plenty of Gishes so I'll move out of my comfort zone.
Going to think of hooks for the GM.
@MrMantis: I'll see if maybe we can get something working together but I feel like it would be hard. Unless you may have wanted to perform some kind of crime at a place I was weather-telling for. That's about all I can think of off the top of my head.