colin spear's page

Organized Play Member. 66 posts (192 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.


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Keep me posted on when the recruitment post goes up. I would love to try this campaign.

I whole heartedly agree. I would love to do some roleplaying in the wheel time world.

So based on your post I suppose that you intended to put a link the players guide in your post. Do you have that available or would we need to buy it?

@elfchampion. I had built her when I was bored one weekend, she is built as an ambusher/harrier that fits the profile of what I read as the atmosphere of the game your building.

"If you hope to say something meaningful it might be helpful if you spoke in a language that we could all understand. In any event I agree with Damien, we should find this tracker and move forward hunting the reasons behind these unusal goblins raids"

dwarvish muttered under his breath "Stupid proud elves."

I love the sound of this it seems awesome. I have half elf wil shadow that I built that I think would be awesome for this kind of adventure.

Here I the 98% completed Garek. Sorry for the mess but I've had a busy day today and am travelling tomorrow so won't be able to do more on it. The mechanics is done, there are just a few points of backstory to finish up that I haven't decided on.


Human Samuri (sword saint) 1
Init +2
AC: touch flat-footed (+ armor, + dex,)
HP: 11 (1d10+1)
Saves: Fort +3 ref +2 Will +0
Defensive abilities: resolve 1/day

Speed: 30 ft
Melee: +5 katana
Ranged: +3 short bow, dagger
Special attacks: challenge 1/day, Iaijutsu strike
STR: 16 DEX: 14 CON: 12 INT: 14 WIS: 11 CHA: 12
BAB +1 CMB +4 CMD 16
FEATS: Weapon focus (heavy blades), deft maneuvers,
SKILLS: knowledge local knowledge geography, diplomacy, survival, perception, bluff, craft (weapons)
Traits: foster child (+2 to one knowledge check (geography), CC), seeker (+1 perception CC)
Languages: common, Elven, +1
SQ: order (ronin)

Gear: 32 gold
short bow
2 daggers
Scale mail
Fighters kit (This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin),


What is the character’s hometown? Sand point
How long has he lived there? 28 years
Does he like it or want to get away or already miss it? Garek has always loved to listen to stories of far away lands and is eager to see some of them for himself.
Has he traveled much? Since he was brought to sandpoint when he was four he has never left.
How old is your character? 32
What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)? Garek is a tall man standing in at 6’3” but is not a large man. He is a strong but it’s a wiry strength rather then a broad muscular structure. His hair is kept in a close cut very close but not quite all the way to a buzz. He carries a large sword that is not the usual make and style of swords but fashioned after the swords of the far east. He wears a small medallion around his wrist with the image of an eagle on one side and a fleur de lie on the other.
Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. antisocial, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)? Minor naivitae and trusting. He has heard a few too many tales of heroes who travel the world and always win.
Are your parents still alive? No they died in a fire when I was ten years old. Bandits had attacked our forge and taken my mother they killed my mother and then locked my father in the forge and burned it down. I was taken in by Koya and raised by here after that. (my father is alive but ran away)
Do you have any siblings?Have any of them died? No.
Is your character married? no
What is your character’s moral code? He believes in an eye for and eye but is also a helpful person and likes to help those around him.
How did your character get started in their chosen class? Garek Vowed to never be helpless in the face of combat again and took up training with the sword.
Does your character have any significant personal items? A small medallion that my mother gave me for my tenth birthday that has an eagle’s head on one side and a fleur de lie on the other.
Has your character ever served in the military? He served with the town watch for several years and learned how to be a soldier from them .
• Story seeker – ever since he came into the care of Koya she has told him stories of faraway places and fantastical monsters that were slain by great hero’s. Now his greatest wish is to be a part of those stories, to go out on grand adventures and see the faraway places that he grew up hearing about.
• Honor bound – growing under the tutelage of Koya he always lived a strict code of conduct. Show proper respect to those deserving. Do not take insults lying down. Be kind to those in need. Do not question the integrity of others unless given proof of dishonesty.
• Hunter – since losing his parents too bandits he has devoted a significant part of his time to putting and end to the practice of banditry. He has never been able to stomach letting a bandit escape when caught in the act.
• Independent – Garek does not take easily to requiring aid from others. He prefers to work things out on his own accomplish tasks by his own skills and talents. He accepts that he cannot do everything himself but he will attempt everything himself before even considering aid.
• humble – Garek knows enough to know that he does not know everything. While he has studied maps and local customs with his Koya knows that there is always more just beyond the edge of the map.
• Inquisitive – the teachings and tales of Koya, while excelent in teaching what she knew, were limited to what she knew. Garek is eager to discover new ideas and new things.
• I want to discover something that no one else has seen or understood before
• I want to help Koya fulfill her dreams of travelling the world
• Known – I massacred the bandits who killed my parents
• Unknown – My father survived the fire the bandits set but ran away.
• Koya – Foster Mother since the age of ten. Confident in the matters of romance and information.
• Sandru – Foster brother/uncle. There is enough of an age gap that he would be doing things above me but he always treated me as a brother in our adventures when we were younger.
• Brentol Snow – A dwarf who came to sandpoint some years ago to help during a time of crisis. He became friends with garek and helped him to learn the weapons skills that he has now. It has always been a goal to one day be able to defeat bBrentol in a dual but that has not happened yet.
• Devon trist – A member of the watch who dislikes me for having had a tryst with a former flame of his. He always tries to make Garek look bad in his duties of being a watchmen to discredit his reputation as an upstanding member of the watch.

• When I finally tracked down the bandit gang that had killed my mother and father I killed them all with out mercy. It was then that I realized that revenge was meaningless. It didn’t help me at all. It didn’t bring them back and it didn’t make living without them any easier.

I'm leaning toward neutral good right now.

It figures that as I start to finish up my build I come to find that one of the feats I was planning to take is one that is being voted out. Ah well, I wasn't planning to do a maneuver build anyway it would just have allowed for a bit more variability.

As I have been working on the ranged cavalier I realized that the build I prefer requires a lot more gm fiat then I first remembered so I'm moving away from that. I'm going to build a sword master samurai instead using the sword saint archetype. Heavy combat focus with frontline melee.

I have been wanting to play a ranged caviler for some time now. I will pull together the stats and back story of the weekend and get back with that. However I am also considering a wanderer monk from the arg but we will see which story I come up with first.

There is a campaign trait that says there are rumors of giants in the area. I'm not actually taking the train but I'm using that story hook to bring him in. He actually was originally built for a giant slayer game but it only lasted on session and I liked the character I had.

I will join the jade regent adventure.

Here I have finally completed the back story for Nug, my barbarian beast master. He is a refugee(ish) from the former Holds of Belkzan where his tribe was slaughtered by an army of dwarves.

Orc barbarian (mad dog) 3
Init +4
AC: touch flat-footed (+ armor, + dex,)
HP: 48 (3d12+12)
Saves: Fort +7 ref +5 Will +2
Defensive abilities: trap sense +1

Speed: 40 ft
Melee: +9 hand axe, bite +9
Ranged: throwing axe +7
Special attacks: power attack,
STR: 22 DEX: 18 CON: 18 INT: 12 WIS: 12 CHA: 15
BAB +3 CMB +9 CMD 23
FEATS: power attack, keen scent,
SKILLS: survival, perception, acrobatics, handle animal, intimidate,
Background skills: knowledge geography, craft weapons
Languages: orcish, common, dwarven,
SQ: animal companion (velociraptor), fast movement, pack tactics,
Traits: tusked (bite attack 1d4)
Gear: hand axes, throwing axes, hide armor.

key notes:

• Nug grew up in a tribe wandering in the ashes of the former lands of belkzan
• he stayed with the tribe until it was slaughtered 4 years ago by a band of dwarf marauders and he was left for dead among the bodies.
• He misses the company of other orcs but has adapted to the company of non-dwarfs (he has a fiery hatred for dwarfs for shattering his former life.)
• He has been traveling the world trying to decide what to do for the last four years. He spent two years on the contenant of Garund where he met his traveling companion, bloodmaw (gnash to outsiders). Since then He has wandered east to casmaron for a year before returning to avistan.
• After his tribe was killed he wanted to get far away from where he had been to evade any other bands of dwarves in the north and travelled to the far continent of Garund. Living primarily in the mwangi expanse to evade any others that might want to kill him for the color of his skin.
• In the expanse he learned to thrive in and survive well in the wilderness. The day to day life in the expanse provided something in his life to move forward in search of. Food.
• 37 years old
• The most notable feature anyone sees when Nug appears is the over-large tusks protruding from his mouth. His eyes gleam a bright yellow from under dark brows in a very dark green face. He has very broad shoulders with heavily muscled arms that feel solid to the touch.
• After several years he has come to accept the persona that people put on him of a savage warrior that cares only for battle and bloodshed. On first impression he appears to be a orc who hates most others and cares only about himself. After several meetings and seeing that others are beginning to accept him as is he shows that he is a more complex person. Understanding the importance of tactics and knowing when to fight and when to talk has helped him survive ever since he returned from Garund.

I have always wanted to try the jade regent adventure path. I would be down for that. Or anything else that gets run really.

I also sent a character for consideration.

I have always wanted o try a coming in a pirates based game so I will work that up in this afternoon. For now his stats are as follows;
4d10 + 7 ⇒ (7, 10, 3, 8) + 7 = 35

Edit: Sorry for the format I have never posted dice here like that, using the internal dice roller.

You have said that the orcs are rare but that they are around. Does that mean that we are less likely to get picked as a orc submission? I am working on a orc mad dog barbarian (the one that gets an animal companion) and wanted to make sure that I am moving in the right direction to put forward this character.

I would love to hear more details. I have never played in a non-magic fantasy setting before but it sounds fascinating to explore.

I would love to give something like this a try. Let me know when you decide on more details.

If your still looking for interst then for sure color me interested.

Here I have finished and present for consideration Tethon the elf woodsman. He grew up in a small village a few days travel north of new Stetvan after his mother drowned in a tragic accident. After hearing about the call for able bodied men and women to serve the crown he decided to answer the call for help in recovering and pacifying the stolen lands.


Age 56 – 6’ tall 140 lbs - Male
Elf ranger 1
Init +4
will +2 fort +3 reflex +6
Hp 10
Speed: 6 sq (20ft carrying full gear)
Melee: throwing axe +2 (1d6+1 x2), dagger +2 (1d4+1 19-20/x2)

Ranged: long bow +5 (1d8 x3), throwing axe +5 (1d6+2 x2), dagger +2 (1d4+1 19-20/x2)
Special attacks: favored enemy (animals +2)

STR: 13 DEX: 18 CON: 10 INT:16 WIS: 14 CHA: 10
BAB +1

FEATS: point blank shot,
SKILLS: climb, acrobatics, survial, stealth, heal, perception, knowledge nature, diplomacy,
Background skills: handle animal, knowledge geography, craft bows
Languages: common, elven, varisian, draconic, sylvan,
Traits: reckless, rostlander,
SQ: elven immunities, keen senses, silent hunter, weapon familiarty, low light vision, track, wild empathy,
Gear: 41 gp 76lbs
2 throwing axes, Longbow, 3 daggers, Rangers kit, Studded leather, Map makers kit
Climbers kit, 50 ft silk rope, Animal feed bird 10 days, Signal whistle, Hawk,
Falconry gauntlet

story and personality traits:

Grew up for 50 years as a single elf child with elf mother on outskirts of human village.
Began to worship Erastil at a young age under his mother’s tutelage.
Learned the ways of the wood from his mother herself an accomplished ranger.
Mother ended up drowning in a tragic accident hwen she fell off a boat on
Fear of swimming after mother drowned.
Adopted by local human village after lost family.

Acts as a hunter and guide in local wilderness.

Slightly naïve never having never strayed more then 20 miles away from my village
Irrational fear of large bodies of water
Best friend is his pet hawk Rethik
is a firm believer in the natural laws and balance of the wilderness
honors Erastil for his guidance during his hunting trips into the outskirts of the Gronzi forest.

Hello I have always heard good things about this one. I have an arcane archer character that I have always wanted to try out. I will search through my files and par him down to level one and post him here soon.

I have always wanted to play an arcane archer but I also have had A kyonin demon hunter theme bouncing for a while. I will look at who I can create a better story for. Question though, would you allow half elves at all, or strictly elves?

I will put a dot into this. I have an idea for a wookie beastmaster warrior that I will pull together over the weekend.

I would like to put forth interest as well. I have been eyeing the samurai order from tian xia that deals with darkness and blindness but haven't been able to fit him into a group since so many groups rely on light in the darkness. I try to put together a submission in a few days.

I'm goin to throw a dot in here. I'm thinking of making a gnoll hunter (not the class, maybe, just the archtype) but don't know yet. I should have something in a day or so.

I will dot this for now, I have a concept for an arcane archer I have been wanting to play so I will try to have that character built within a few days.

I will definitely dot this. I am leaning towards a more mobile gunslinger/bounty hunter, whether or not I actually take either of those classes is still up for debate though.

When should we look for the new recruitment threads?

Are you looking for players as well or specifically for gms?

"I am a warrior training and a rider by desire. I grew up caring for my father's but i learned to move them when I left his house to find my own path. My horse Blaze and I have won many races together and even helped to defend the tribe that I was staying with at the time. Men who had been riding since they were old enough to sit astride a horse were impressed with how the connection blaze and I have." His eyes seem to sparkle as he talks about his horse, remembering the freedom that he feels each time he takes to the saddle. "truly he is the only worthwhile thing my father ever gave me." His darken at the mention of a father but outwardly there is no sign of emotion on his face. He takes and sip of his coffee before continuing. " Truth be told I am a little worried about how he will react when we enter the tombs. He has never been inside a space smaller then this common room."

Upon hearing the invitation and seeing the scribe scuttle off, irzati makes his way over to the indicated table. "Hail. I have heard the is a grand opportunity for glory to be had here in the great crypt. What can you tell me of the crypts in these towns? Are they truely full of the wakened dead, set on defending their former possessions? Abd you dwarf, I suppose you have been crawling around similar dungeons for some time?" He sits down at the table and orders a mug of strong coffee from a passing servant. I'm working on my phone for a bit longer so bear with me for a while

Here at long last I have completed my background and am prepared to put forth a full submission with Irzati the Rider from Qadira.



Init +3
AC: touch flat-footed (+ armor, +3 dex,)
HP: 10
Saves: Fort +2 ref +3 Will +0
Defensive abilities:

Speed: 30
Special attacks: challenge 1/day, glorious challenge,
STR: 14 DEX: 16 CON:12 INT: 14 WIS: 11 CHA: 12
BAB +1 CMB +3 CMD 16
FEATS: mounted combat, weapon focus (scimitar),
SKILLS: ride +7, handle animal +5, sense motive +5, perception +4, intimidate +5, diplomacy +5,
Languages: common, kelish,
SQ: order (order of the flame), mount, desert wind (mount speed +5ft)
Power hungry: You’re addicted to power. You take a –2 penalty on sense motive checks and Will saving throws against charm and compulsion effects if the creature creating the effect promises wealth or power.
Bastard: You were born out of wedlock. You have always been an outsider in society, and in your own family. This perspective has sharpened your insight. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks, and Sense Motive is always a class skill for you.
Seeker: You are always on the lookout for reward and danger. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Perception checks, and Perception is always a class skill for you.
Desert Child: You were born and raised in rocky deserts, and are accustomed to high temperatures. You gain a +4 trait bonus on saving throws made to resist the effects of being in hot conditions and a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against fire effects.

Gear: cavalier’s kit, (13), scimitar (15), Kikko armor (30), studded leather barding (100), signal whistle, beast whistle (ungulate) (5), military saddle, (10), 50 ft silk rope (10) mirror (10) shaving kit, 3 daggers (6) 30 gp


I have never had an easy life. I was born after My noble father, Saleel, had a tryst with a serving girl. Rather then take in the resulting son as a noble, he forced the serving girl to take him and raise me on her own with little to no assistance from him. Rather than raise me to be a manservant as might be expected of the son of a maid, Ramza apprenticed me to the head groom hoping that with a more marketable skill I might be able to find a better position in another household. But as any parent can attest, my curiosity finally got the better of my mother's dodging and roundabout answers as to the identity of my father. When I learned that I was noble born I went to my father and demanded a private audience. I wanted more for my life. I knew that I could do more than simply care for other people's horses. At first, he acted like any noble with a disdain for the lower classes and tried to buy me off with a pittance of gold. I ended up having to threaten to reveal my identity before Saleel would consent to anything more than a one-time payment. I was raised to a man-at-arms and started to train with the guards of my father's house. At the time, I thought this would be exactly what I had wanted. I could train to be a warrior and win honor and glory despite my father’s low opinion of me. I soon learned he folly of my ways. For the guards of my father’s house could hardly be called warriors. They did not believe in their profession, merely treating as a simple way to make some decent coin. If any concerted attack ever came those guards would be quickly overrun. However, that was not what I wanted when I went to my father. I wanted to be able make to name for myself. There was and never would be a chance for glory in guarding the house of a minor noble like Saleel. So after learning the bare bone basics of swordplay from the guards, I left. I gathered up my few belongings, took my favorite horse Blaze, and rode off into the desert. I did not know where I was going or how I would get there but I knew there was nothing left for me in my father’s house. For several weeks, I wandered until I found a tribe of nomads who took me in. I later learned they were called the Bloody Hawk tribe of the Qadiran desert riders. I finally found my true calling during my time among the Bloody hawks. They were the ones who taught me the true art that is horseback riding. In my youth I learned how to care for a horse and the basics of how to ride one, but the best rider in my father’s house would be considered a novice when compared with the riders of the bloody hawks. While I knew how to ride and control a horse I never knew that you could turn something as mundane as horseback riding into an art. They taught me how to urge a few more dregs of speed out of a horse, how to turn on a pin even when running near a gallop and how to ride with the horse rather than just ridding on the horse. Finally I knew what I could do to make my mark. I would use what my father tried to buy me off with, meager swordplay, but more especially what the Bloody Hawks had taught me, superior horsemanship, to become a warrior not dissimilar from the horse lords of old. For a time a stayed with the bloody hawks and continued to practice my horseman ship and learning a different style of swordplay more fitted to fighting from horseback rather then on foot. Then word came into the tribe that a new crypt was finally being opened in the town of Wati in Osirion. Knowing that there would likely not be antoher chance to like this I quickly packed up my things and said goodbye to what had truly been the better of my two families.


To look at Irzati is to see a rather non-descript man. Standing at 5’4” he has dark brown hair and a tanned complexion to match. Unusually he has a distinct lack of facial hair. But it is his eyes that set him apart. His eyes are a vibrant blue however and stand out amongst his other wise dark face. If examined more closely it is clear that these are the eyes of a man who has nothing to lose and everything gain. He is here to make a name for himself and will do everything possible to ensure that receives the glory and fame that he feels he deserves.

As the door opens once again a rather small man steps through the door and demands of the innkeeper, "Innkeeper bring me a mug of coffee. And tell me, have you heard anything new about the opening of this great crypt? All I have heard is that it will be happening soon."

I always love a good star wars rpg. Personally I would prefer saga simply because I don't have the revised cores available to me but if it came down to it I could probably get my family to send my old copies to me.

I have always wanted to play a trapper ranger. I will pull together a full submission soon.

I will dot this to be sure. I have no idea what I will build for it but I will come up with something in the next day or so, hopefully.

Here I have finally completed my submission. Natasha Bedingford is a trusting person over all who is always seeking for another adventure or another wonder to see. She has come to Brevoy upon hearing about the creation of a new kingdom and wants to help make something truly incredible in the stolen lands.

character sheet:

Natasha Bedingford
F Human gunslinger 2
NG medium humanoid (human)
Init +4
AC: 17 touch 14 flat-footed 13 (+ armor, +4 dex,)
HP: 18
Saves: Fort +4 ref +7 Will +2
Defensive abilities: lucky (+1 will),

Speed: 30 ft
Melee:dagger +6 (1d4+4 19-20/x2)
Ranged: pistol +6 (1d8+4 x4)
Special attacks: Deeds (up close and deadly, focused aim)
STR: 10 DEX: 18 CON: 12 INT: 13 WIS: 10 CHA: 14
BAB +2 CMB +6 CMD 16
FEATS: combat marksmanship, deadly aim, gun smithing, rapid reload (pistols)
SKILLS: acrobatics +10(2 ranks), diplomacy +8 (2 ranks), perception +5(2 ranks), bluff +6 (1 rank), intimidate +6 (1rank), sense motive +1 (1 rank), survival +4 (1 rank), knowledge local +7 (2 ranks),
Background skills: craft (guns) 2, knowledge geography 1, sleight of hand 1,
Languages: common, chelaxian,
SQ: Grit 2, deeds (upclose and deadly, quick clear, focused aim),
Traits: Auspicious tattoo (+1 to will/ HOG), friend in every town (+1 to diplomacy (CC), knowledge (local)/ ultimate campaign)
Gear: battered pistol, 3 daggers studded leather armor, gunslingers kit, smoked goggles, 50 ft spidersilk rope, light horse, riding kit, pocketed scarf, monster mask (orc), hanging tent, signal whistle, compass, cards, acid flask 2, 40 gp emerald(?) bracelet, 9 gp


Natasha Bedingford was raised in the bustling city of magnimar and lived the for 21 years. Each day she would go down to the market to see the wonders that each new trader would bring in his wares. Each day was a mystery never knowing exactly what she would find. after several years this of she began to realize that there was a limit to what the merchants and traders could bring into the markets of a large city. She then began to work as hard as she could in her father’s blacksmith shop to save money for atrip to explore the world. It took her 8 years to save what she felt was an acceptable amount to go and explore the world. Finally, on her 22 birthday she set out from magnimar and hasn’t returned to the city since. She has been travelling by herself and with others as the opportunities warrant, but always on a quest to see something new. While she was travelling in the south, after another unfortunate bandit attack, she decided that it was time to learn to defend herself. The closest and best place for her was to the east in Alkenstar where she learned to use and make the guns that city has become famous for. She has traveled to most of the nations of the inner sea and experienced there culture since then. When she heard of the attempts in brevoy to begin an entirely new kingdom she realized “What better way to experience new marvels and wonders, then to help create them yourself?”

@Thunderbeard, Conceivably you could have come with me when I left the sith empire a few years ago and moved to the republic.

Also I just saw that I forgot to put in the class progression in the actual post I made. Here I have corrected that mistake.

character sheet:

Age 31 – 7’ tall – 350lbs - Male
Wookie Soldier 4/jedi 3/force adept 1
Force points: 10
Dark side points: 5
Init +11
DEFENSES Fort 28 ref 26 Will 24
Damage threshold: 28
Hp 93
Speed: 6 sq
ryk blade +14 (2d10+15), or 2 ryk blade +12/+12 2d10 +10
Ranged: +13
Special attacks: Wookie rage, power attack
Force powers: battle strike x2, surge
STR: 20 DEX: 16 CON: 14 INT: 14 WIS: 12 CHA: 8
FEATS: Weapon prof (simple, rifle, pistol, advanced,), armor prof (light, medium), power attack, weapon focus (ryk blade), dual weapon mastery I, force sensitivity (int), martial arts I, force training, dual weapon mastery II, skill training (use the force),
SKILLS: athletics (trained) +14, endurance (trained) +11, initiative +11 (trained), stealth (trained) +17, survival (trained) +10, use the force (trained) +11,
Languages: Common, shyriiwook, sith, huttese
Talents: Melee smash, armored defense, unrelenting assault, damage reduction, force harmony, indomitable will, cortosis gauntlet block, clear mind, equilibrium, block/deflect, empower weapon,
Gear: 2 sith alchemical ryk blades (2400), bowcaster (1500), phryk alloy light dark armor (shadow skin) (+2 against force perception) (17000), voxbox (memory upgrade) (4200), (long range miniture) encrypted commlink (5000), code cylinder (imperal) (500), electrobinoculers (1000), aqua breather (350), stealth field generator (5000) bracer computer (1300), cortosis gauntlet (improved durability) (2500) 4500 credits

Gorshym at first glance is nothing special for a wookie. Rather tall at just over 2 meters tall he is muscularly built with a nice coat of dark brown fur covering him. He carries his weapons, a pair unusually colored ryk blades on his back as would any self-respecting wookie warrior. Its not until you look into his eyes that you notice anything out of the ordinary. In his eyes there is nothing but death. Being raised as a personal assassin to the sith lord Darth Tentik does not give room for much else in a life. Gorshym was taken as a young age from kashykk and raised on Dromund Kaas to serve as both a jedi hunter as well as a sith killer. Trained to fight force users and specially equipped to handle their lightsabers he served for many successful years in this capacity. Gorshym was a powerful servant under Darth tentik and was well rewarded for his work. However as is won’t with the sith, a rival envied the position and power of Darth Tentik and made his move, eliminating Darth Tentik’s forces and slaying the sith lord. Since that day Gorshym has vowed to bring vengeance upon Lord Slithus. Yet Gorshym knew that lord slithus would be prepared for him knowing that he wasn’t there in the massacre of Darth Tentik and his followers. Gorshym decided to leave the empire and seek out an SIS agent by the name of Ribb Tenson who he encountered several times on earlier hunts into republic space. Since that time 4 years ago Gorshym has been serving as an assassin and a defender in an attempt to gain the trust of the SIS. His unique talents in fighting against force users have served the SIS well in defending against the assaults of the sith before the end of the war.

Dotting for interest. I have been looking to play a kingmaker game for some time and am excited for an opportunity. I will be building a gunslinger most likely. Beyond that I can't say but I will build a good story for her tonight when I get off work.

Here I have a rather different concept for this mission. I present Gorshym the wookie warrior. he was trained as an assassin by a sith lord until the lord was slain by a rival. Since then he has worked with the republic in order to gain assistance in his hunt for vengeance against the lord who slew his master.

Age 31 – 7’ tall – 350lbs - Male
Wookie Soldier
Force points: 10
Dark side points: 5
Init +11
DEFENSES Fort 28 ref 26 Will 24
Damage threshold: 28
Hp 93
Speed: 6 sq
ryk blade +14 (2d10+15), or 2 ryk blade +12/+12 2d10 +10
Ranged: +13
Special attacks: Wookie rage, power attack
Force powers: battle strike x2, surge
STR: 20 DEX: 16 CON: 14 INT: 14 WIS: 12 CHA: 8
FEATS: Weapon prof (simple, rifle, pistol, advanced,), armor prof (light, medium), power attack, weapon focus (ryk blade), dual weapon mastery I, force sensitivity (int), martial arts I, force training, dual weapon mastery II, skill training (use the force),
SKILLS: athletics (trained) +14, endurance (trained) +11, initiative +11 (trained), stealth (trained) +17, survival (trained) +10, use the force (trained) +11,
Languages: Common, shyriiwook, sith, huttese
Talents: Melee smash, armored defense, unrelenting assault, damage reduction, force harmony, indomitable will, cortosis gauntlet block, clear mind, equilibrium, block/deflect, empower weapon,
Gear: 2 sith alchemical ryk blades (2400), bowcaster (1500), phryk alloy light dark armor (shadow skin) (+2 against force perception) (17000), voxbox (memory upgrade) (4200), (long range miniture) encrypted commlink (5000), code cylinder (imperal) (500), electrobinoculers (1000), aqua breather (350), stealth field generator (5000) bracer computer (1300), cortosis gauntlet (improved durability) (2500) 4500 credits

the story thus far:

Gorshym at first glance is nothing special for a wookie. Rather tall at just over 2 meters tall he is muscularly built with a nice coat of dark brown fur covering him. He carries his weapons, a pair unusually colored ryk blades on his back as would any self-respecting wookie warrior. Its not until you look into his eyes that you notice anything out of the ordinary. In his eyes there is nothing but death. Being raised as a personal assassin to the sith lord Darth Tentik does not give room for much else in a life. Gorshym was taken as a young age from kashykk and raised on Dromund Kaas to serve as both a jedi hunter as well as a sith killer. Trained to fight force users and specially equipped to handle their lightsabers he served for many successful years in this capacity. Gorshym was a powerful servant under Darth tentik and was well rewarded for his work. However as is won’t with the sith, a rival envied the position and power of Darth Tentik and made his move, eliminating Darth Tentik’s forces and slaying the sith lord. Since that day Gorshym has vowed to bring vengeance upon Lord Slithus. Yet Gorshym knew that lord slithus would be prepared for him knowing that he wasn’t there in the massacre of Darth Tentik and his followers. Gorshym decided to leave the empire and seek out an SIS agent by the name of Ribb Tenson who he encountered several times on earlier hunts into republic space. Since that time 4 years ago Gorshym has been serving as an assassin and a defender in an attempt to gain the trust of the SIS. His unique talents in fighting against force users have served the SIS well in defending against the assaults of the sith before the end of the war.

Who do I know?
Ribb Tenson – SIS handler secret agent. I went to him when I first left the empire and managed to convince him to take me on for a probation period. Since then I have obeyed each order and completed each assignment that he has given me.
Sasha Lown – Imperial intelligence agent who assisted with my hunts under lord Tentik. She was never officially serving under Darth Tentik and thus was not in the compound during the massacre.
Treboko – Wookie warrior that I have met since I left the empire. He has been helping me to understand wookie culture that I never learned

Who knows me?
Lord Slithus – Rival to my former master sith lord Darth Tentik. Well aware of my designs of vengeance and has thwarted 2 separate attempts to claim my vengeance.
What do I do?
I have been brought along as an anti-sith. With my experience in fighting force users I will be able to deal with sith that are guarding our target. my unique blades and gauntlets have always caught the targets by surprise and given me an edge when fighting lightsaber wielders.

I have a gunslinger that I think might fit rather well in this campaign path from my understanding of it. I will build the numbers and traits tomorrow and put it up for consideration.

I am putting a dot in here to mark a place for now. I am building a force sensitive wookie berserker I have tried to play in the past but we didn't get very far. I have the level progression figured out but the gear will take some to do. I hope to have him done tomorrow but at the latest I will have him all done by Wednesday some time.

I will put a dot into this one. I have been trying to get into a game for the laat few weeks and keep getting ousted so here we go again. Dont know yet what but i will build but I will have a character ready by sunday evening.

This does sound like fun. I have been browsing for a little while I think I will produce a sorcerer/magus Suli with the intent to become a genie binder in the long term. I wont have time today to build a full character until later tonight, But I think I can the a Skelton done tonight before bed.

I will definitely dot this. I will have to give some to thought to what I want to play but I should have a submission ready by then end of the day.

Here is the full piece for my submission.

Trinton longeye Halfling Cavalier of the paw.

Trinton Longeye
Halfling Caviler (luring cavilier) 1
NG small humanoid (Halfling)
Init +5
AC: 18 touch 14 flat-footed 16 (+5 armor, +3 dex, +1 size)
HP: 10
Saves: Fort +3 ref +4 Will +1; +2 against fear
Defensive abilities: fearless, Halfling luck
Speed: 20 ft
Melee: +2 longsword (1d6+1 19-20 x2)
Ranged: +4 halfling sling staff ( 1d6+1 x3)
Special attacks: challenge 1/day
STR: 12 DEX: 16 CON: 10 INT: 12 WIS: 10 CHA: 14
BAB +1 CMB +2 CMD 15
FEATS: point blank shot, coordinated shot,
SKILLS: ride, handle animal, survival, diplomacy, perception,
Background skills: lore (nature), lore (brevoy geography)
Languages: common, halfling, elvish,
Traits: pioneer (+1 (lore nature)), seeker +1 perception cc, reactionary (+2 init)
SQ: out rider, weapon familiarity, keen senses, Mount (wolf), tactician, order (order of the paw)
Gear: Halfling sling staff, longsword, 3 daggers, scale mail, cavilier’s kit, studded leather barding,


Trinton hails from a small village of halflings in the north reaches of Brevoy. For several generations the village of brush has been defended from any surrounding dangers by a group of halflings mounted on hounds specially trained to defend the village alongside those halflings they carried with them. Trinton had always admired the other halflings who defended his home and dreamed of one day joining them in the defense of the village. At long last his growing day came and he began to train with the Halfling riders. However try as he might he couldn’t bond with any of the dogs in the village pack. He’d play with them and give them treats but none of them would allow him to ride them. One day he had gone out into the woods, depressed and disappointed that his dream of joining the order of the paw had been dashed. As he was brooding a young wolf came upon him. For no apparent reason it lay down next to him and has never left his side since. Delighted and confused about this occurrence he rode his new friend dubbed “Terror tooth” back to the village and began training under the order’s teachers. Unfortunately bandits have moved into the region and have been raiding the village. Due to the size of the horses the brigands use there has been little that the Halfling outriders could do against the riders. Trinton has been sent out to the wilds to seek help for brush village and if none is to be had then to find a new location that the villagers to move to and leave the bandits far behind.

I have an idea for a Halfling ranged cavalier that I have been toying with for a few days now. I will have the submission pulled together by tonight.

@Jereru, were you planning on aiming for the weapons expert role? Cause if not then I am looking at building a "mandolorian" bounty hunter with a jet pack focus, I don't have access to my books until January unfortunately so I can't really put together a submission until then.

I would love to play through a star wars play by post game if this gets off the ground. Not sure what i would do yet but would do some research into characters later.