One class campaign.


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I am toying with the idea of running a game with 5 players from level 1 to 20, Hoeven all 5 players will be of the same class.

The question is, which classes and archtypes work the best.

I can easily see a group of 5 clerics working as a group.

Same with 5 oracles, druids, bards, and vigilantes.

I am leaning toward alchemists, but am open to ideas for other classes.

Stats are 18, 16, 14, 14, 12, 10.
Alignments do not exist so neither do their requirements.
Any non oddball race 16 points or under works.
3rd party is fine within reason, ex. Most archtypes are fine unless they are built around using assault rifles or something.

Any ideas on class and archtype combinations?


You can have someone be more of a physical fighter with Metal or Fitness, someone be a true healer with Life, someone druid-ish with Lunar or Nature, skill monkey with Lore.

True, the divine classes are well rounded that way.

A group of 5 inquisitors would be interesting and a nightmare for the npcs.

If I go alchemists I am thinking.

Ragebred feral mutagen vivisectionist
A mr Hyde type
A mad bomber type
A chirugeon
And a grenadier

The only issue with alchemists is lacking of good ability to take a hit.

Summoner could work, or Spiritualist.

Mediums can be virtually different Classes depending on which Spirit they're Channeling on a given day - might be your best option.

Scarab Sages

Investigators should be good. mesmerists and bards would work well also.

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Team paladin with divine hunter, hospitaller, divine defender, Iroran paladin, warrior of the holy light, sword of faith, and holy guide. (Yes that's more archetypes than you have players, but some of those can stack.) You can be the Holy Rollers.

An all wizard party could be interesting. Be a bit challenging at early levels, but could be pretty insane later on.

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5 arcanists, go big or go home. Play a Summoning Occultist, Condition Removal / Support White Mage, Buffer/Melee Brown Fur Transmuter, Melee Blade Adept, and Blaster Eldritch Font or Elemental Master. Watch them crawl through the early levels and wombo combo every encounter later.

Are you making the characters? It sounded like it above. If so, you might want more than 5 to pick from in case everyone hates Mr Hyde or whatever. Add in one of the alchemists which gets a pet like construct rider, and maybe a toxitician and a metamorph.

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Vigilante is probably the most diverse one-class party, covering arcane, divine, front-liner, and sneaky with archetypes/options.

Medium makes for an interesting group (if the GM doesn't mind removing location requirements for seance, or allows setting up elements to make a location suitable), since the entire team can customize to fit the situation. Having at least one Storyteller gives everyone a boost.

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5 master summoners

with leadership

each with a master summoner cohort

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PK the Dragon wrote:

5 master summoners

with leadership

each with a master summoner cohort

One Bard cohort so that everyone has to remember to add numbers to everything.

I like the way you think.

In theory, druid is my usual favorite for this, but with 5 players, this may cause the playing field to become too crowded in combat. For that reason, I'd also not go with any pet-type class, like summoners or hunters.

Oracle is probably the most adaptable class that won't cause field flooding issues.

I nominate Occultist.

Thread for you.

+1 to the idea that you should make more pregens than the number of players you expect to have. Honestly I think you should let the players build their own characters of whatever class you decide (or you all decide together, as a group, since you're all playing the game) As a player I can't stand pregens, but love the idea of a single class party.

I did once run a short campaign for a party of monks... it was rather amusing, even if I did have to pick-and-choose what kinds of opposition they faced.

And when one of them rolled a 20 on tripping a flying wyvern, I let them trip the flying wyvern.

The Exchange

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Rouge or ninja could be interesting, a stealth based organized crime/ninja clan campaign with heists, assassinations, kidnappings etc.

A city based campaign for Vigilantes could be interesting. Personally, I would play up the pulp angle to the hilt, but I am in love with that genre.

Party of fighters with gangup and outflank and more. Maybe a fist&shield brawler with archon style, a twf butterfly crit-fisher, dragoon butterfly finisher, a dwarven foehammer cleaver, lore warden whipping maneuverer..

Party full of hunters, same idea but overwhelming numbers and pack tactics..

Un-rogue all, same idea, skills to do total stealth runs..

Band of bards, all the performances all the skills all the time..

Kineticists of every element, just to play with all the interweaved composites..

All samurai or gunslingers, only for parties of 7..

QuidEst wrote:
Vigilante is probably the most diverse one-class party, covering arcane, divine, front-liner, and sneaky with archetypes/options.

This is my thought as well, the only downside to the vigilante, and it's a minor one in most situation, is the lack of full casting.

I'd love to do an all rogue party, though with each party member using a different archetype.

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Nohwear wrote:
A city based campaign for Vigilantes could be interesting. Personally, I would play up the pulp angle to the hilt, but I am in love with that genre.

I'm actually working on designing a campaign like this. I'm planning on using absalom, and have each vigilante be from a different district and have a sort of watchmen meets justice league scenario.


Fighting? Sorcerer into Dragon Disciple, focus on transmutation and defensive spells.

Healing? Celestial Bloodline Razimiran Priest. Samsaran to pick up spells off other lists as needed.

Sneaking/Trap Finding? Seeker archetype.

Magic in general? Arcane Bloodline.

Any group of 3/4 BAB 6th level spell casting classes would probably do just fine.

Bard, Magus, Inquisitor, Warpriest, Investigator, Alchemist. Pick one and roll with it.

I mean it's really no question, Vigilante is by far the best for this type of scenario, pretty sure it was designed for exactly this. It almost feels like cheating because while it's supposed to be the same class, it only has a few things in common but it will feel like entirely different classes depending on what options you take.

That said, take a look at all the Rogue archetypes. There one that gets arcane spells, one that is a wand master which could be the healer. A lot of options in there.

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Shaman! Sort of shocked no one has suggested it yet.

Super flexible and capable of lots of different approaches. Like Oracles, they can be tweaked to go melee, healer or caster, plus they have good options to be a buffer, debuffer, and even have options to pull key spells from the cleric list (human FCB) and/or to add arcane spells (via Arcane Enlightenment hex).

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Specialized Wizards. Starting as kids.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'd love to see an all kineticist party, with each character being based off a different element.

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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I'd love to see an all kineticist party, with each character being based off a different element.

Can their powers combine to make one super being?

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Claxon wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I'd love to see an all kineticist party, with each character being based off a different element.
Can their powers combine to make one super being?

Not unless Paizo has released a Heart element that I'm unaware of.

Claxon wrote:

Any group of 3/4 BAB 6th level spell casting classes would probably do just fine.

Bard, Magus, Inquisitor, Warpriest, Investigator, Alchemist. Pick one and roll with it.

The one that would have the most trouble would likely be Mesmerist.

I was going to suggest having a coven of witches but even with a full party of witches the Coven hex is still useless as using it requires a hag which makes the hex one of the worst imo. I hate that they wasted space in APG with it.

Summoner is the only answer.


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Rogue Party was a thing, and it was filled with some really funny stuff. Because rogue isn't a beatstick, combat-all-day class and everyone is equally terrible/great. There's lots of flavorful archtypes and people tend to enjoy roleplaying rogues often enough.

UnArcaneElection wrote:

Thread for you.

UAE, your powers of Paizo/Google-Fu never fail to impress.

I'm going to go with the "popular vote" and say Vigilantes here are not only obvious, but awesome.

Other than that, I generally agree that a party composed entirely of 6-th level casters would work extremely well, though the original suggestion of Cleric would be another fun option.

Simply put, there are probably more classes where this *does* work than classes where it doesn't.

5 vigilantes :) they could all play the same class while all being different

Decimus Drake wrote:
I was going to suggest having a coven of witches but even with a full party of witches the Coven hex is still useless as using it requires a hag which makes the hex one of the worst imo. I hate that they wasted space in APG with it.

The Coven Hex isn't totally useless if you can't form an actual Coven with it (you can still Aid Another to another Witch that has it, boosting their caster level slightly), but my agreements on the Coven Hex(*) for the most part (the above use of it is mildly good if you have a party of 4 Witches, but not sure if it is worth spending a Hex on unless you have a considerably larger party). Still, the Witches don't have to have the Coven Hex to make a competent party, provided that they can survive the low levels. They can use different debuffing Hexes to weaken single enemies REALLY FAST (instead of having to do them one after another) or weaken several enemies simultaneously (gets better with Split Hex), and can use beneficial Hexes on each other effectively a number of times equal to the size of the party (each time, pick a different party member to use the Hex on, including yourself one of those times).

(*)And yes, I know a magic item exists to work around this, but it sounds pretty unsavory itself even though it doesn't have anything like an official [Evil] descriptor on it; besides, it's REALLY expensive.

Still, might be better to combine the best of both this idea and the 6/6 caster idea: A party of Hexcrafter Magi.

5 kenetisits would also be neat

Sovereign Court

Inquisitors, multiple good combat builds and they have a well rounded spell list that can deal with a lot.

Vigilante, because you can be one class and also be fighter rogue mage cleric.

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Inquisitors and vigilantes work well in groups, especially if archetypes are allowed. But you can´t tell me that a band of bards doing odd jobs and saving the world under the cover of a tour would be anything short of awesome. Bonus points if they are called something like "Jo-Sayi and the Felinids."

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Almonihah wrote:
Claxon wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I'd love to see an all kineticist party, with each character being based off a different element.
Can their powers combine to make one super being?
Not unless Paizo has released a Heart element that I'm unaware of.

I was more thinking along the lines that long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked...

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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Almonihah wrote:
Claxon wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I'd love to see an all kineticist party, with each character being based off a different element.
Can their powers combine to make one super being?
Not unless Paizo has released a Heart element that I'm unaware of.
I was more thinking along the lines that long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked...

And one of them is a Samsaran whose previous incarnations have all been kineticists?

Saldiven wrote:
An all wizard party could be interesting. Be a bit challenging at early levels, but could be pretty insane later on.

To be more accurate... it'd be a bit Fatal at early levels.... unless the DM is pulling a lot of punches, Wizards simply don't frontline or heal very well, especially at the early levels.

Decimus Drake wrote:
I was going to suggest having a coven of witches but even with a full party of witches the Coven hex is still useless as using it requires a hag which makes the hex one of the worst imo. I hate that they wasted space in APG with it.

Despite the fact that it's called the "APG", it's a very useful thing for actually RUNNING an NPC coven which would probably include a hag.

US GM's need love too.

Almonihah wrote:
Claxon wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I'd love to see an all kineticist party, with each character being based off a different element.
Can their powers combine to make one super being?
Not unless Paizo has released a Heart element that I'm unaware of.

But think of the options here instead, you could use blood or negative energy in lieu of heart and make something so much greater(worse!)

"By your powers combined, I am Major Entropy!"

... see, he outranks a captain.

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Almonihah wrote:
Not unless Paizo has released a Heart element that I'm unaware of.

Blood Kineticist is sorta like Heart right? :P

Oh, and you can call him Captain Platelets.

The Exchange

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I like the band world tour with a bunch of bards!

Thanks to the archetypes there is so much fun!

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