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Organized Play Member. 43 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.
So i'll be partaking in a campaign with some online friends in the near future, i've seen a fair amount of advice offered as to how to GM for new Players, but i was wondering if there was any wisdom that could be offered in terms of playing alongside them?
for those who wish to know, the party consists of:
A Lashunta inspired blade/investigator
A Halfling barbarian
A Human warpriest of Milani
A Samsaran witch (using the medium and winter witch archetypes)
A Human cleric of Callistria
And a Human fighter.
thank you for your time
alright, that makes sense
i appreciate your assistance
weapon page
the page states i can make a ranged trip attempt, but it's a bit vague.
do i still deal the weapon damage to my target?
do i use my dexterity instead of my strength for my CMB?
do i take a -2 penalty on my trip attempt as per ranged trip?
thank you for your time
well, you could gestalt synthesist summoner and ranger, and make celebrimbor your eidolon?(or vice versa, given that most of tallions magic comes from the wraith)
Alderic wrote: I think you forgot to tell us what level you'll be starting at. all characters are 7th (except for my cohort, who is 5th)
context: starting a campaign with a few friends on the 24th, and the DM (my brother) has a really interesting home-brew setting, he calls it "the weird" and describes it as "the strangest and most diverse continent in the known world, you could walk 2.5 miles and go from a Glacier to a Desert, this is a place where madness is commonplace, and occam's razor does not apply" essentially its like wonderland meets a wild magic zone.
1 psion (min maxed ai; 46 int, 3 cha)
1 gunslinger (heavily homebrewed equipment, b&!*##$ crazy)
1 wizard [me] (universalist, professor at a magic university)
1 investigator[my cohort] (roguish face)
1 barbarian (short tempered nice guy)
1 TBA, probably a divine caster.
any advice for not getting killed?

Haladir wrote: Okay... this one took a LOT of setup on the GM's part.
This was the biggest RPG mind-fark I've ever experienced. It was simultaneously terrifying and amazing.
It also requires a bit of background to understand...
The game was Amber Diceless Role-Playing, set in the GM's interpretation of the Amber multiverse (based on Roger Zelazny's Chronicles of Amber novel series.
** spoiler omitted **
My character was an Amberite named Aleister. He was raised on Shadow Earth by adopted parents, and did not know of his heritage. After he was found and brought back to Amber, he came into his birthright, and then stepped out to explore Shadow. Since he had been raised in late-20th-centry Earth, and since he'd been a science fiction fan, he sought out a Shadow where the United Federation of Planets actually existed, and he joined Starfeet Academy, becoming captain Aleister Sheffield of the USS Essex. This was all in the character's background story.
Over the course of the adventure, Aleister did return to the Star Trek universe for a few things... primarily high-tech healing, but also to access a starship's computing power.
Eventually, the PCs obtained an extremely powerful artifact that granted its weilder the ability to manipulate the fundamental laws of reality. [ADRPG game mechanics**: It allowed anyone with Pattern to use the abilities of Advanced Pattern]. To make a long story short, Aleister ended up using it...
i aspire to be this kind of gm, that's hilarous!
wow, i was looking for these exact tables in this thread
thank you!
mad scientist archetype
so the mad genius ability states that the effect of the extract is determined randomly, is there a table of the extract results it produces? (yes, i know there's the class spell list, but i want something i can roll on and consult quickly)
i've got a serious case of GMs block, hit me!
Giamo Casanunda wrote: Party is about to jump into a "Boss Fight".
The Dwarven cleric, wanting to try out the new spell IronBeard he just discovered, gets the druid to let him cast it on her AC - a Large T-Rex. The Druid player was using a plastic toy T-Rex for her AC, sort of like the toy from Toy Story.
i read "AC" as "armor class" instead of "animal companion the first time, i just imagined a character sheet with an ironbeard :P
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title says it all. the one that comes to mind for me was from a game my brother ran a short while ago, the party was being hired by a wealthy aristocrat to uproot a cult, and we sat at what the gm described as a "absurdly long table" and the aristocrat kept trying to slide things across it dramatically, but they never reached the other side so he'd have to get up and just hand it to us. eventually he called his scribe in "make a note Sampson, fire my interior decorator"
so what gags have you used or been witness to?
A great deal of creatures in pathfinder bear similarities to existing animals, so you can use existing plurals for those, this yields us:
A cackle of gnolls,
A Glaring of catfolk
A swine of wearboars
A swarm of wererats
A colony of ratfolk
in this thread i asked for advice on an illusion/enchantment sorcerer, maybe you can make use of some advice given there

i may have a solution for circumventing the racial penalty to charisma, but it will require you to consult your DM
D20pfsrd wrote: Note [3PP] indicates a source other than Paizo. Consult your GM before choosing.
Aged [3PP]
Source Oracle’s Curse, copyright 2014 by RJ Grady, published by Tripod Machine.
You became an oracle late in life, or perhaps you aged and grew wise at an unnatural rate.
You are a venerable member of your race. However, your physical abilities are affected as though you were old, rather than venerable.
At 5th level, your physical abilities are affected as though you were middle-aged, rather than old.
At 10th level, you are immune to magical and non-magical disease.
At 15th level, you will never die of old age and you are immune to death effects.
not only will the boost to your charisma (not to mention other mental stats) help overcome the racial penalty, the curse fits really well thematically with the time mystery.
even if your dm doesn't let you take it, you could still probably start as an old or venerable member of your race anyways.
I'll start:
we attempted to infiltrate a encampment of bandits lead by what turned out to be a whereboar (which our ranger made short work of, favoured enemy ftw) but we weren't given much time to celebrate our victory before we heard the alarm being sounded, we knew we were gonna have one hell of a fight to deal with, when i saw that there was a ring of fire resistence 20 on the body of one of the bandits,
"guys, i have an idea"
so i give the fighter/barbarian the ring, have him and the cleric make a rough barricade, which fed the archway enterance into the dining hall into a 15-foot cone, the fire bloodline sorcerer caught on to what i was doing. 10 rounds later reinforcements start showing up, the sorcerer casts empowered burning hands, perfectly in line with the barricade, and the fighter great cleaves the survivors.
the table commended my quick thinking, and that got me wondering what other strategies have been used.
so, my dwarf item crafter wizard owns a magic item shop, its managed by an apprentice when he's off adventuring,
but i would like to be able to return (preferably with my party) during downtime.
are there any magic items and/or other methods of being able to periodically return to a location?
or will i have to buy scrolls of teleport in bulk?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the improved critical feat specifically cite fighter levels as a prerequisite? Does the war priest have something that supersedes it?
Also, regarding your question about 3.5 content, I'm not using the actual 3.5 race stat block. As you can see on the link above, I'm using a conversion.
And last but not least, my players are not by any means munchkins, my dad is a 1e veteran trying to get back into the rpg scene and the closest my brother has ever made to a cheese build was a bard who used slapstick comedy as his bardic performance (he hit the monster over the head) so allowing select 3.5 and 3pp content won't be gamebreaking in any sense of the word
so im GMing a campaign, and my brother has decided he wants to play a thri kreen (here.)
he has two different builds and wants a pro/con analysis from a fresh perspective.
first build: wild shape druid +2 wis & animal companion sound good
second build: crit fighter who twfs with kukris (we're using path of war, so he can take deadly agility)
thanks for your time :)
this looks like fun,
this fighter/cleric wields a short sword that can be magically reshaped from a small object to a weapon (or vice versa) as a move action. his cleric levels grant him the water and war domains.
his sword is also cursed to fail him when he needs it the most.
i see, thanks for the help. i threw a half dragon at my party in the last session, the barbarian commented that it was doing a lot of damage for a CR 5 :P.
d20pfsrd, half dragon template: "Type: Creature type changes to dragon"
d20pfsrd, universal monster rules: "Some creatures treat one or more of their attacks differently, such as Dragons, which always receive 1-1/2 times their Strength bonus on damage rolls with their bite attack."
does the latter apply to the former? for example: if i have a half dragon human fighter with 18 strength, does its bite attack deal 1d6+4 or 1d6+6?
so I've decided i'm going to take leadership for a rogue i play in a home game and using it to establish a thieves guild. the feat is rather vague in terms of what classes your followers can take levels in.
so, to ask directly: do my followers have to only have levels in npc classes? or can they take any class levels? (citing your sources is appreciated)
gold dragons are always lawful good, so perhaps a test of valour and benevolence?
building on sangerines capture the flag style challenge, you could have a battlefield of traps and hazzards that the party has to navigate through in order to capture the opposing horde
i'm bored, so i want to hear some funny/cool/interesting character concepts (either ones you've played or ones you're working on)
i'm currently thinking about rolling an order of vengeance cavalier who will challenge someone to a duel at the drop of a hat
peasant:*knocks over cavaliers drink*
other party members:*sigh* here we go again
cavalier: "you have insulted my honor!" *slaps with glove* "i challenge you to a duel!"

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an amulet of mighty fists:
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/amule t-of-mighty-fists
can allow you to do elemental damage with unarmed strikes, for 16000 gp you can get a +1 flaming amulet of mighty fists, for 36000 gp you can get a +1 flaming burst amulet, (you can forgo the enhancement bonus, but i would not recommend it.)
Bleeding attack:
might be a good choice for your second level feat, if you use brawlers flurry against 4 different targets, (let's assume you hit 2 of them) then thats 1d4 damage per round to each of them, and the more you hit, the more you have bleeding.
i can say from personal experience that bleed damage is an absolute B%!$! to deal with, i nearly lost a PFS character to bleed damage from a swarm of animated books.
"For the love of all that is holy, heal me! i don't want it to say 'death by papercuts' on my tombstone!"
-markus dewitt
if you have a decent amount of funds, a wand of dispel magic can work wonders.
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Shopkeeper: *full attacks with two weapon fighting*
buy one, get one free!
Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote:
P.S. If you cut and pasted that from a file, I believe you want to change "multiple creatures fail" in the last sentence to "multiple creatures succeed".
how did i miss that
ways to get dex to damage other than dervish dance:
slashing grace:
fencing grace:
deadly agility: (3rd party)

disclaimer: i am here for advice on my character build in my home campaign, not to discuss whether or not my homebrew bloodline is balanced, if you want to do so; please create a separate thread. i also ask that you credit me as the creator of this bloodline
Beguiller bloodline
Your ancestor was a notorious con artist that tricked a powerful being into granting magical powers to them and their direct descendants. you have inherited their knack for deception and spellcasting as a result.
class skill: stealth
bonus spells: magic aura(3rd) minor image(5th) suggestion(7th) confusion(9th) persistant image(11th) programmed image(13th) project image (15th) power word stun(17th) overwhelming presence(19th)
bonus feats: still spell, silent spell, spell focus, improved initiative, skill focus(stealth), arcane armor training, light armor proficiency, heigten spell.
bloodline arcana: beguillers knack (Su)
increase the dc of any illusion or enchantment spell you cast by 1, if the target is denied their dexterity bonus to armor class, increase it by 4 instead.
bloodline powers:
1st: instill doubt (su)
as a standard action you can force 1 target within 30ft to make a will save (DC 10+1/2 sorcerer level+charisma modifier) or be shaken for 1 round plus 1 additional round per caster level . you may use this power a number of times per day equal to 2 plus your charisma modifier
3rd: takes one to know one (ex)
you gain a +3 competence bonus on saving throws against spells of the illusion or enchantment schools.
9th: misderection (ex)
you gain improved feint as a bonus feat, even if you do not meet the prerequisites. you can make bluff checks to feint at a range of 20ft.
15th: deceptive ease (su)
when you apply a metamagic feat to a spell of the illusion or enchantment schools you reduce the spell level increase by 2 (minimum 0)
20th: try again (su)
When any creature succeeds a saving throw against one of your spells of the illusion or enchantment schools, you can force it to reroll the save with a -4 penalty, should the creature fail this new saving through, it takes the full affect of the spell. you can use this bloodline power a number of times per day equal to 2 plus half your charisma modifier. if multiple creatures fail their saving throw against the same spell; you must spend one daily usage of this bloodline power per creature you wish to use it on.
edit: spelling
I've discussed this character at liberty with my gm, so i should be good in terms of illusions,
Also, I'm not going to be able to post my bloodline until later today (i don't have the .txt file with me right now)
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Rouge or ninja could be interesting, a stealth based organized crime/ninja clan campaign with heists, assassinations, kidnappings etc.
Thanks for the suggestions everyone! In terms of concealing my spellcasting, my gm has ruled that i can make a skill check (i think it's bluff? Slight of hand? Spellcraft?) To do so, so cunning caster won't be necessary. Keep these ideas coming!
(Once again if Anyone wants to see the stats for my bloodline, just ask)
Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote: Oh, but try not to cast spells with somatic components.
The funny thing is, i can reduce the metamagic costs of illusion/enchanment spells by 2, so if i take still spell, i can actually do this!
i may be a little late to the party, but you could take the lunge feat:
it does require +6 bab, but it could be useful, especially since you can attack both adjacent and faraway foes with your 1d8+str short-spear
as opposed to your 1d4(i think?)+1/2str sheild
if you take this feat and select dodging panache (daring do is garbage, and the feat says you can't select opportune parry) then that could help significantly in terms of defense.
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i'm playing a sorcerer with a homebrew bloodline based on the beguiller class from 3.5e, in combat i intend to use illusion/enchantment spells for battlefield control, and out of combat i intend to use them for con artistry and general shenanigans :3
i have my sheet ready and i like what i have for 1st level, but i need ideas for down the road (campaign runs from 1st to around 10th-13th), in terms of feats, items, anything that can make me better at my in/out-of combat roles listed above
if you want me to provide the spells/powers for the homebrew bloodline i can do so upon request.
thanks for the help :)
Ghost sound and silent image can help you land sneak attacks if you get creative
Spider climb can let you get the drop on people (literally)
Grab a few scrolls of true strike for landing those important hits
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a few questions
1. will there be energy weapons (Ranged? melee? both?)
2. what level of ship customization can we expect?
3. is there an upcoming play-test for starfinder?
4. how many (if any) new classes will there be
-thank you for your time
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Nevermind, figured it out
idk if anyone replied with this (too many responses to sift through) but you could always roll up a dmpc, id reccomend rogue, you have UMD, disable and diplomacy as class skills, and you can get away with 16-18 cha and not be dragging your party back. ik 6 can be hard to manage, but its not that bad once you get used to it.
if your having trouble writing a new character into the plot, just have the rogue show up looking for work.
on the contrary you could find a 6th member and encourage them to play a character who fills the role.
hi, first post ever. it says on this page:
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/soulknife#TOC-Blade-Skil ls
"Beginning at 2nd level and every even soulknife level thereafter, a soulknife may choose one of a number of abilities to add to her repertoire. Some blade skills have prerequisites that must be met before they can be chosen. All blade skills may only be chosen once and require the soulknife to be using her mind blade unless otherwise stated in the skill's description."
i understand that part, but the lowest level prerequisite given on the above table is 5th level, so why does the soulknife get this at 2nd level? do they mean something else by required level? please no responses about how i'm better off with another class or whatever, i just want to know what the deal is with these level prereqs. thanks in advance.